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Posts posted by PavSalco

  1. It required you to pay attention.

    I think that is what most of us would like to see in every flashpoint. We understand that tactical flashpoints are supposed to be easy. It does not necessarily have to be hard but it should require a player to pay attention to what is going on the screen. Any mechanic is good as circles, debuff, long cast that needs to be interrupted, kiting to a marked place, anything! Don't make bosses that basically have no mechanics. It's awful gaming experience.

  2. I don't mind its difficulty as it's a tactical flashpoint after all, but I don't accept the fact that the final boss, the final encounter of the Forged Alliances has no mechanics whatsoever. That's a huge disappointment. I was positively surprised by the Manaan Flashpoint and it made me believe that tactical flashpoints can be entertaining for noncasuals as well. I was looking forward to Rakata Prime but it didn't deliver. It's beautiful but in terms of gameplay it lacks quality.


    The 1st boss has some basic mechanics - ok.

    The 2nd boss summons a large group of mobs - ok and fun (at least for me).

    The 3rd boss that you expect to be the most interesting has nothing, just close your eyes and smash buttons :(

  3. Galactic Beastmaster:

    Three trophy heads of the most iconic creatures from SW: Rancor, Wampa, Tauntaun/Acklay



    Explorer of the Galaxy:

    Two large star trophies, one with the Empire and the other with Republic symbol inside



    Planet Location 100%:

    A globe that resembles the completed planet with a base in the size of cafe table


    I am Death Incarnate:

    A blood pool

  4. Taking the example of the armor wishlist thread:



    In this thread everyone can share their thoughts about decorations associated with achievements they would like to see to be added in the game. The only requirement is to suggest achievements that take a lot of effort or time.

    If you have an idea or picture how a particular decoration should look like, feel free to post it.



    Datacron Master - done

    Operation Bosses - done

    Class Story - done

    PVP map kills - done

    Galactic Beastmaster

    Galactic Loremaster

    Explorer of the Galaxy

    Planet Location 100%

    I am Death Incarnate

    Fleet Admiral

    Data Mining

    For the Empire

    For the Republic

    I Mean It! No More Bormu


    As long as I have a sub I will try to keep updating this list with your suggestions.

  5. To get tables you need to collect all of this:



    To get single datacron decorations you need to do some of these heroics:



    Nothing else to elaborate.


    So if you have all the empire datacrons (the stat giving ones) you get the darkside table and when you have all of the datacrons collected on republic side you get the lightside table.


    I highly doubt what you say because when my character was on PTS it had one side done and no tables were given to him. Later I made Datacron Master on the live servers one day before the official patch came in and copied my character again to PTS server and only then I received the tables.


    Besides. in the legacy panel the rewards are set to be given for the Datacron Master title.

  6. My gripe is not about that, it's about the fact that it's near to impossible for a casual, solo pve player to reach the personal conquest score if you happen to dislike the game elements I mentioned (GSF, PvP and groups in general).

    The conquest system is a guild content. It's not meant for solo pve player that avoids having any contact with people.


    But if you label something as Personal Conquest, then I would have expected it to be possible for a single player to be able to reach that target,

    Personal =/= solo

    Check its meaning.

    Before the 2.9c patch reaching the conquest target was incredibly easy.


    as I highly doubt that the majority of players can spend enough playtime to reach that target. I know I can't at least... I simply do not have that much time and mats to reach it.

    Well, if you can't spare about 6 hours a week for the conquest points, then this is another proof that particular content is not suited for you. Move on.


    Not all the content is meant for everyone. I barely play PVP, so you won't see me complaining about PVP gear or arenas being not more accessible for PVE/GSF players like me.

    Solo players get their 8 class stories + Makeb. Guild had nothing except the HM and NiM versions of group content. Conquest is actually the first "guild" content added to the game since I've been playing.

  7. So tell me where that information was then,


    Livestreams/PTS forum.


    One thing is that you could ask on general chat about the ship hook before the purchase. You bought a pig in a poke at your own request.


    Another is that Bioware should really provide such information in other forms that is more accessible to players who don't follow all news.

  8. Good luck to all participants!


    Since I'm not going to post any other characters, here is all I have submitted for the contest:


    Pav'ika - Jedi Knight Wannabe



    Sanbei - Wild Golden Trooper



    Aquaman - RP "sorry I thought it's DC Online" Killer


  9. Indeed! But imagine what we could have got if the game had a better engine. No limits imposed o Strongholds, no performance issues, open PVE space combat, faster mounts, podrace...and so on. The original dev team should be forbidden to touch any game ever and leave the game industry.
  10. That would be pathetic.

    I mean I was rather surprised to see the number of "achievement rewards" that i received after GS has been released. I mostly got FP and OPs bosses.

    Also known as "those lame stickers that sometimes you don't see clearly what's going on in the picture". Those are very cheap.


    This is how the trophies should look like:



    But it's better to tweak cartel decorations instead of free stuff.

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