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Posts posted by PavSalco

  1. I ve reported it and I also pointed out the cheat, but bioware for 5th week in the raw, doesnt care, they always add the same objectives (its all about OPS, the 2 OPS objectives and 1 repeatable).

    This feature actually helps small guilds. My guild conquered the planet and we have 12 people online in the evenings during the workweek and 20 at the weekends. It is also not repeatable infinitely because at some point you run out of geared alts.


    Huge guilds get enormous points because of the crafting. Just check the other threads. Get a few huge crafters and you're a winner because there is no limit how many war supplies you can craft.


    let the best players win, not the zergs.

    If you haven't noticed it yet, the conquests are about GRIND in every aspect, not skill. A small guild can win the conquest but you guys need to be ready to craft a lot or have lots of alts. If you meet a huge guild that hasn't got crafters, you will win eventually.

  2. You might be looking at the collection's image - it will remain the same as the first step item you preview, but you'll notice all the items that can be previewed are actually the new ones, after you click on the desired upcoming item.

    I actually previewed the parts that are already in the game, and clicking the upcoming items did not replace them. It only worked when I clicked the old armor to inspect, but not previewed any part of it, only then it is replaced by the new ones.. That was a simple solution ;)

  3. I expect:






    Stronghold decoration


    It might be nice to have a crew skills statue in fairness

    Revan statue would be cool too.

    I don't want to see another pet or mount. We have them enough and they would be recolored to Cartel Market a month later. Trainers/decorations would be at least unique.

  4. The truth is that it's my fault that the announcement of 3.0 is delayed :( Tait passed my suggestion of AOE Force Choke to the team and they were so much fond of that idea that they decided to implement it. Thus, they had to reorganize their concept of jugg/knight for 3.0. It's definitely what happened :rak_01:


    If anyone is curious what I dream about:



    "Sorry about the mess" :csw_blaster:

  5. I got the solution:


    Rather than a new ability or something, we make it a talent. E.g. this one


    Stasis Field/Mass Force Choke (near the top of the tank tree)


    Force Stasis/Force Choke now deals its damage to an additional 4 enemies around the initial target. If the target is strong, standard or weak, it is also stunned for the duration.


    A new talent that expands on Force Choke in the tank tree rather than a complete new skill? It's so simple that I feel embarrassed that it didn't cross my mind. Your sir win a cookie. I added your suggestion to the main post as it's clearly well balanced and thought-out.

  6. No thanks.


    A whole expansion to introduce a duplicate skill that is AoE rather than single target...

    We need something completely different.


    No one said they would add just one skill to each tree with the introduction of 60 lvl :rak_01:


    If there's going to be new abilities added with expansion, let's just say 1 ability like last time. Then why would you want an ability that we already have, except this time it's an AoE?

    It's different. Of course it's based on the same concept, but the outcome is quite distinct.


    This doesn't happen very often, I'd rather not have it wasted on something so lazy.

    Yeah, hence another lightsaber attack but from a different angle would be so much unique and diverse from others.


    You say it like some other parts of this game are not actually reskinned, recolored and reused elements :D


    Whatever they come up with, it is going to be based on 5 main skills that Jugg has - melee, push, scream, choke, shield. Why? Because they don't want to give us lightning as it's inquisitor's iconic attack and they don't plan to forego that class distinction.


    That would be like giving Marauder a new ability where you throw your 2 lightsabers in front of you. This time naming it something different, making it single target and increase the damage.

    That does not mimic our AOE force choke. This one is more congruent:

    " You throw your 1 lightsaber at the target, then jump to it while catching that lightsaber in midair and pierce the target with both lightsabers dealing X damage". It's the reused concept of Saber Throw and Force Charge, but the outcome is quite distinct and impressive,don't you think? That's the point. :D



    Empowered Choke


    Cooldown 1.5 Minutes (Can be Talented in Tank tree to reduce CD to 1 Minute)


    Maybe it could only be available in the tank tree, then as you said, it would serve the role of additional group/threat control.


    Chokes 1 Target for X Damage over 3 Seconds giving 1 Rage per Damage Tick, Also Chokes up to 4 additional targets stunning them and dealing 50% the damage of the original target. Additional Targets do not grant Rage per tick.


    I think this one is overpowered. :) I would give up the damage to other targets or even remove it completely. I would also limit stunning to weak/standard enemies in order to prevent stunfest in pvp.


    1. Chokes 1 target for X damage over 3 seconds giving 1 Rage per damage tick, Also chokes up to 4 additional weak and standard targets stunning them while Empowered Choke is channeled. Additional targets do not grant Rage per tick and do not take damage.


    2. Chokes 1 target over 3 seconds giving 1 Rage per second, Also chokes up to 4 additional weak and standard targets and stunning them while Empowered Choke is channeled. Additional targets do not grant Rage per second.

  7. I think the solution is simple. At the moment the basic points we get from crafting is 500. If Bioware decreases that number to 200, then it will be on a par with PVE and PVP objectives.


    But it could hurt other crafters that don't have such huge amount of materials. A guild like yours could be a marginal case, so it might be better to let you conquer all the planets, because then you won't see the point in participating in those events anymore. :D

  8. Here are a few examples how this skill could work that I came up with:


    Group Force Choke (nonPVP)

    Channeled: 3 secs

    Cooldown: 1min

    Chokes the target and up to 4 weak and standard enemies within 5 meters, stunning it while GFC is channeled. Deals X damage every second. Cannot be activated inside of PVP areas.


    Group Force Choke (PVP friendly - 1 player target)

    Channeled: 3 secs

    Cooldown: 1min

    Chokes the target and up to 4 weak and standard enemies within 5 meters, stunning it while GFC is channeled. Deals X damage every second.


    Group Force Choke (no damage to other targets)

    Channeled: 3 secs

    Cooldown: 1min

    Chokes the target, stunning it while GFC is channeled. Deals X damage every second to that target. Also chokes and stun weak and standard enemies within 5 meters.


    Group Force Choke (more like interrupt)

    Channeled: 3 secs

    Cooldown: 1min

    Choke all enemies within 5 meters stunning them while GFC is channeled. Damage ends the effect prematurely.


    I haven't figured out a proper name yet :p

  9. Mass Force Choke (a talent in the tank tree):

    Force Stasis/Force Choke now deals its damage to an additional 4 enemies around the initial target. If the target is strong, standard or weak, it is also stunned for the duration. Shares a cooldown with Threatening Scream.

    - TACeMossie's concept.


    Makes it so you don't need a new ability, the extra CC works for most PvE Operations encounters where you would need the extra threat/control, it doesn't have to be channeled because Stasis Mastery/Jugg version that the name escapes me, and its restricted to tanks.


    Although it's still not officially confirmed we know that the level cap is going to be raised and along with it we are going to see new skills. That's unavoidable. I've been having an idea about a certain skill for Juggernaut since the moment I finished the False Emperor - channeled AOE Force Choke or mass stun Force Choke (similar to Intimidating Roar but channeled).


    So far I considered it as daydreaming, but at this moment I think that Bioware could actually consider it. In the last stream I asked Tait to pass that idea on and he said he would. I know that doesn't mean anything. He might have forgot about it or just said he would pass the suggestion but never intended to do so, but it would be nice to see this skill making its way into 3.0 :rak_04:





    What's your thoughts about it and what new skills you would like to see personally?

  10. There are videos that show Treek heals faster than any other healer companion and you can use tank gear with her in healing stance and switch between them depending on the area you are at


    Indeed, Treek is proved to be slightly better than default healing companions and far superior than default tanks.

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