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Posts posted by PavSalco

  1. Sure it is, by people who play the game every day and for hours and hours at a time...


    The OP was making the point that the bulk of the players don't do that...


    It's their problem that they can't spend 1h each day to do either dailies or ops. A small or large guild - it doesn't matter as long as you don't play the game you won't get a guildship. I personally don't make much money out of SWTOR. It is usually 1 million a month but that's enough to support my guild.


    Assuming a small guild has about 10 players that play regularly, it can afford a guildship after 4 months. Not so bad really.


    I hate this way of thinking that people want to have everything in easy way and then the same annoying people complain that they have nothing to do in the game. Hypocrites.

  2. "Good" is dictated only by size to you huh? SWTOR is a casual game. Your attitude suggests you're fine locking casual players out of guild ships.


    Casuals come, casuals go.

    Every game should reward the dedicated players in the content that cannot be easily unlocked, so their effort is somehow meaningful. Giving them pets or titles is just too small gesture for their constant support.

    No, I'm not a veteran but I understand it.

  3. Yes it is. Death of the smaller guilds.

    Define small. My guild has about 25 people and we could afford the guild ship. It should be clear since the first announcement that for guild ships the target is dedicated guilds, not some random folks that have been playing the game for about three or four months.


    Btw, Tatooine stronghold is amazing. Much better than other three together. I know that the strongholds on the home planets are going to be cheap so it is okay that they are not so appealing. However, now I'm little disappointed that Nar Shaddaa looks average in comparison to Tatooine.

  4. but all things considered lets look at expanding the Gree Event to something more indepth and involved. I believe that there should be more content for the Gree Event whenever it has been held. Aside from the World Bosses, why not throw in a couple more to make it more interesting with extra fight mechanics to make it more challenging and perhaps Nightmare version of Xeno 8 and 16man versions (with NPCs fighting alongside with you there no?), with the dynamics of the final fight of TFB platforms and Xeno transforming into different modes just like Titan 6 does, just for fun. With that being said look into the idea of mixing things up around for the next Gree Event and have something else different, be proactive Bioware and keep us entertained.

    I love that idea. This could help new players as well as keep other people entertained.


    I also believe that the Gree event should occur either:

    4 times a year, each for 1 week


    3 times a year, in spring 2 weeks, in summer 1 week, in winter 2 weeks again

  5. I'd be happy to, but I haven't seen anyone looking for an ungeared, inexperienced tank who doesn't know the fights. :o

    When I was an inexperienced tank I decided to respec to dps for ops purpose. People don't mind having a person in tank gear which takes the role of dps in SM16. You could try that.

  6. also, it doesn't make too much sense if you slaughter all of the dread masters in the op but continue to do dailies on oricon and section X that have to do with 'stopping the dread masters'.

    What? :eek:

    If I beat Vaas and his boss in FarCry 3 it means I should not fight the pirates in their camps on the island because it doesn't make sense?

    You take this game too seriously.

    I know RP players who can truly enjoy the game and don't complain about its MMO aspects :rolleyes: They even embrace it.

    If I was a RP player I would explain it that after defeating Dread Masters the planet Oricon is still occupied by the remnants of their forces and you attempt to purge it completely. :rolleyes:

  7. Hi:


    Because certain items can only be acquired at the Gree vendor such as off-hand legendary items, it is particulaly harsh that the opportunity to gain reputation and the currency is limited to one week a year;

    This is a second Gree Event in 2014, so it's not just one week a year.

    this is really tough upon new players who has to begin at zero.

    Everyone starts at some point and everyone needs to put some effort to get the rewards from the event.


    It occurs to me that the OPS Terror From Beyond, is in fact a Gree Operation, which can be done in a weekly basis and year around. So why not have the last boss drop Gree items upon defeat to all players at the same rate as it is done with Xeno in the Gree Ops?

    It will help new players but bore others. One week would be enough for a player who has been playing swtor for months to get a couple of the rewards = no point in participating in another Gree event as all the items bought by Helix components are easily farmed.


    The event needs to cause an effect "Wow, it's rare. I cannot miss it and I need to prepare my alts". Otherwise, it turns out boring after the third edition you participate in just like the BBA.

  8. i am really glad bioware has given information regarding some actual story content, because ops and FP do not count as story, they're just really long heroic missions.

    Some do count as the story.

    DF and DP are important to the storyline as it's the place where you kill the Dread Masters and it finishes the story on Oricon.


    I couldn't appreciate the story cause other 3 people in my group wanted to race as fast to the finish as they could.

    People usualy do not know which person does not skip, so ignore what they type in the chat and enjoy the dialogue?

    If they know that you do not skip, inform them that it's your first run?

    i don't see a problem here.

  9. The vast majority of the community doesnt come anywhere near the forums, and some of us couldnt give a **** about housing in general never mind all the silly esoteric demands you and a few other housing zealots keep making.

    You're such a wonderful person. I will hug you and let your anger go away :tran_angel:

    I've changed it to "the Strongholds community" which is true as lots of people ask for the proper armor stands in the CM suggestions for the Strongholds.

  10. you unlock an armor via collections, and part of the collections stuff gives you a armor stand decoration of the set. it's something that can be slowly phased in with new sets

    That's an interesting suggestion, but if I understand correctly then you're restricted to use only the sets which you fully unlocked in the collections. You wouldn't be able to customise them as what it does is spawning a pre-made armor stand that cannot be edited.

  11. Welcome to the Internet. Now just move on. It happens. You cannot do anything about it. Luckily it's a rare behaviour to kick someone before looting the boss. I've been playing for months and I've encountered such a behaviour not more than two or three times.
  12. I mean, why bother having a species with a head that obviously doesn't fit into standard head gear if you're just going to cover it up?


    For RP purpose I presume. Sometimes they don't want to be a Twi'lek, so they hide lekku under the headgear.


    However, people are aware of the clipping issue when it comes to choosing a Twi'lek species. The same case would be with Nautolan or Togruta - people would willingly accept the clipping issues as they do it with a Twi'lek race, so I don't know why Bioware is so stubborn.

  13. A vast majority of the Strongholds community agrees on the point that our current companions are not mannequins as each character is limited to two or three companions that when equipped they actually show all the armor they wear. The rest of companions have no use for this purpose. Another point is that they usually have their own personalised armor and people don't necessarily want to equip them with a set that doesn't fit their role/profession just in order to use them as a decoration while you need them at the same time for questing. Eg., Mako with Malak's set or Elara Dorne with Revan's set.


    I have a suggestion for the mannequins if their absence is caused by having no engine possibility to implement them as objects with an interactive gear panel. At least I presume it's the reason why Bioware didn't introduce armor stands when it's one of the coolest elements of housing.


    They could be added as companions without any abilities on a new tab in the companion panel. This way we could use Character Panel for gearing them up and put them on hooks like we do with regular companions. Each could be unlocked by either credits or CC :)


    They wouldn't be available to summon in a regular way. We don't want to see people accompanied by walking mannequins, right? It would be required to visit your Stronghold and use Character Panel there which would work just like it works currently on the ship (it allows to view equipment of all companions).


    Although they would be still seen as holograms when we relog to another character, we would get a wide variety of armor stands that can be equipped with any kind of armor. This would be fine by me.


    What's your thoughts guys? Do you think Bioware didn't think about mannequins before or it's "technically challenging"?

  14. Idk why people crying for a new class or story??? As i know that game is a mmo and not KotOR game cause to play with friends and so is more fun than playing alone.

    You wanted to say: playing over and over again the same operations for months until no friends are left in the game.


    Being more serious: because people are interested in the story and this is why people began to play SWTOR at all? Because SWTOR is/was advertised for being a story-oriented game?


    This is the only MMO I play and the only one that kept me more than for a month. It also encouraged me to create more characters than the usual main and one alt because of the class story.

  15. I hope it's not a tactical flashpoint for 55. The idea of tactical FPs is ok for leveling up, but at 55 they're awful. They are so easy that it insults me by implying that I'm mentally defective.


    I would love to see Manaan as a whole planet and Manaan underwater stronghold at some point.

  16. Then it's not a BoE item anymore once bound to your character, is it? :D

    It's not, but it used to be. People began to differentiate the bound items that were BoP from those that were BoE. They hoped that the legacy storage could do that too in order to allow their bound armor sets to be transfered to alts while keep forcing people to play the endgame content with alts to gather implants, earpieces and relics. But that was only a dream ;)

  17. Ortolan's musicians (like the ones in the cantina on Tatooine) and the cantina band in general.

    I want to see some interact-able decorations

    I would like to see any kind of interactive decorations.


    Mannequins for armor display

    Millions of voices cried out in hope...and I hope they won't be suddenly silenced.


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