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Posts posted by PavSalco

  1. Really? You seriously expect them to make pieces from completely different armor sets not clip? I'm sorry, not everything is designed to go together.

    I just wanted to point out that Guardian's Belt might have an issue with all the chestguards which have a lower robe part at back (e.g., Sogan Sur, Exposed Extrovert, Dramatic Extrovert) and it shouldn't have happened because it is supposed to be working with the robes in general as the set it comes from has the lower back robe.


    I like mixing different set pieces to make unique outfits myself, don't get me wrong, but I will find something that works. If there's clipping or anything of the sort, I just move on and find a different piece rather than expect them to fix something that isn't broken. They're from different sets, sorry!

    So if I buy Revan's Mask for millions and it would be clipping through a hood of my favourite chest, even though the preview had showed it would not, I have no rights to complain? I have no use of bound item that was supposed to work.

  2. You mean, as opposed to.... Riding Rancors around?

    What's wrong with riding rancors? It was already present in SW lore and it is not strictly associated with a concrete time period.

    I know that Cartel Market requires to make concessions to satisfy people's needs but I personally believe that what is future is future and should not be present in the past.

  3. Echoing the rocket boost suggestion. Fully unlocked, they're great for long "no mounts allowed" corridors and new alts that don't have speeders. I especially enjoy that you can use them while stealthed

    The rocket boost which I use for months is not even fully upgraded but it really quickens leveling up. I wouldn't have made a single alt to level 10 without it. It is like air to me.

  4. [*]Mannequins to decorate your armor? – You can display companions wearing them.

    Is there going to be another panel to dress a 'decorative companion' or they are only going to have the armor which they're equipped with in the character panel?


    If so, then how can I dress e.g. Quinn with my heavy armor? It appears that they didn't think about mannequins and when they saw the question about them they said the first thing that came into their mind. :confused:

  5. Another item that I recently purchased which has the clipping issue. The previous was Ajunta Pall's Mask but it was fixed in the last patch, so I hope this one will be fixed soon as well. Don't disappoint me :jawa_frown:


    Guardian's Belt is clipping through my Agile Reconnaissance’s Chest (I'm using a male body type 2). I don't know if this issue occurs with other similar chestguards.


    In the preview it looks fine:


    But in the reality it gets bugged:


  6. I thought a housing system wasn't my cup of tea until yesterday. Although I don't have a comparison to other housing systems as SWTOR is my second MMORPG ever played, but what I have seen so far gives me high hopes. Nonetheless, I'm disappointed that our companions don't move around the house and we can't place our other characters. My Sith Warrior would love to meet his adopted daughter :jawa_mad:


    I also expected to see mannequins on which I could put my old armor on. This raises the question: can we put multiple copies of our companions in the house? Like three Quinns that could function as mannequins that each of them can wear a different type of armor? At least that would provide some usefulness for having companions there.


    Keep up the good work and keep improving this expansion :sy_blaster:

  7. I'm interested in getting the GSI Gauntlets, but the problem is that they require Champion status. I think it wouldn't be wise to give up on doing more profitable dailies or pvp in exchange for the GSI missions to only get the gloves.


    I wonder if there are similar gauntlets in the game that I can acquire on the Empire side? I've recently found the Black Hole trooper set that uses them,


    But is there a way to get them on the Empire side other than through GSI missions?

  8. Before SWTOR I haven't played any other MMO. I'm a semi-casual player who does not join HM of 55s operations because I find SM properly balanced and I didn't need any bolster to enjoy the story mode. It's not a big deal to do repeatedly Emerging Conflicts V, dailies on Makeb and Section X, then HM FPs and finally some OPS. It's a natural progress that makes you a better player en route.
  9. In today's livestream they confirmed that they have freedom in writing the plot, so the story group does not constraint them. :rak_01:


    My opinion: It doesn't matter whether the game is canon or not. It is good to known that they are not restricted by anything. It's still fun to play and I'm looking forward to the new story arcs.

  10. He's referring to the Old Republic, yes, but that does not mean he is referring to TOR and KOTOR. He mentioned nothing specific.


    It's ridiculous to assume that Lucas was thinking about the precise period of 25000 BBY to 1000 BBY when he wrote the script. Ben Kenobi in the movie was referring to the old republic that we see in the prequels.


    It doesn't make SWTOR or KOTOR canon in the same way as the appearence of Darth Bane in TCW doesn't make Karpyshyn's books canon. It only establishes the Bane character itself and the existence of Republic.

  11. Darth Plagueis is the only Dark Lord of the Sith that was mentioned in the movies, so it would be rational to assume that they make him the antagonist of the new trilogy in order to relate to the prequels as well. The fact that he was killed by Sidious doesn't change much. Palpatine also died but it didn't stop him from returning as a clone ;)
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