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Posts posted by PavSalco

  1. It's still utterly insane to have ships that can kill others in just a second when most ships take easily ten times as long. Charging a railgun or locking on a missile that does around 1000 damage takes twice as long as just flat out killing someone does for those ships. It's simply broken.

    Scouts need to be in 5000 radius to do that while gunships can kill them in two shots from 15k. Do you see the difference? It's all balanced.


    If you can't destroy a scout solo, then ask someone to help you. A pair of bomber and gunship is deadly to scouts.

  2. That's the weakness story players have, because 99,99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 % of all SWTOR players are NOT story players. They are just not interested in any story of any kind.


    I won't do these FPs in the next weeks or months. They're dead for me now until I've forgotten THIS screwed "beginning".

    Many people are interested in the story, but they just don't go full nerd about it. ;)

    You could quit the group and none of this would have happened.

  3. "Everything is canon. However any new movies, books or other content that contradicts previous content will automatically overwrite previous content. Subsequent content that is dependent on now non-canon work will be updated or removed as needed."

    Hmm, I wonder why the official site starwars.com doesn't include brief information on TOR era. It doesn't even mention Ruusan Reformation. According to this site, the Republic is over a thousand years old. Geez, I wonder why. Hmm. Maybe because TOR era is not a part of the official storyline aka canon at this moment?

  4. Like I said in my thread about this, I know heroscript fairly well, it would take me an afternoon to bang this out. An intern that does not know why you use a case in a select statement would take three days to write and unit test.


    This is the most cheap and simple way to give us what we need.

    They don't have 30 minutes to make a forum icon for their new shiny expansion and you expect them to have a whole afternoon to support their abandoned project? ;)


    People can learn GSF in the hard way like I did. After 5 matches getting owned I wanted to never play it again and cried about gunships being overpowered, but around 10th match I begun shooting down people, so I stayed. ;)


    Besides, the training grounds won't replace the lack of brain. I see people firing lasers from 12k/15k distance. The training grounds won't teach them to read what abilities do.

  5. I fear laggers, e.g. Bereth'or from the Progenitor, that are hard to kill because of their teleporting skills, yet they shoot down my team like they wouldn't be affected by their own lags,


    I've already seen that happening in one of the f2p FPS games where people caused lag on purpose. :rolleyes:

  6. The difference is both WS and TESO came out recently, while SW:ToR has had much more time to update the game and gain traction.

    When SWTOR came out it had a great number of players. I wasn't around here when the game was released but I saw a video presenting about 15 US servers. So I wouldn't say that it's not fair to compare new MMO games with SWTOR as the first months after the relase can attract the highest number of players.

  7. They could make it so that every time you self-destruct back-to-back, you double your re-entry time.




    S-D(self destruct) twice: 2mins

    S-D 3 times: 4mins

    S-D 4 times: 8mins


    And so on and so forth.


    Has to be in a row though, you know, for the people that legitly self-destruct.

    That's a great suggestion. However I would get rid of the first tier as you normally tend to self-destruct twice or 3 times during a match. If you self-destruct more than 4 times than you suck anyway, so not having you in battle doesn't change anything :rak_04:

  8. Since they aren't going to make 8 different stories based on your class but only 2 (one for each side of the conflict) it is much less work for them, so potentially they could spend some time on making the 3rd faction instead. At least that effort would be much more rewarding in the long term as it wouldn't end along with the last quest of the expansion like Makeb did, but it would influence the story in another upcoming events.


    However I highly doubt they would put so much effort into making the 3rd faction but I would love to see it of course.On the other hand, who would leave their current guilds in order to join a new faction? It needs to be rather a story based faction and nothing else (like working for Revan to sabotage the Empire/Republic). Then Revan would only appear in the solo story while new raids would contain other enemies.

  9. Yeah, usually its the one with the more creds or real $ to be able to place more unique stuff I would also like to see more prefab items available later too, that will also increase trader revenue and also provide more unique items as well for cheaper than the real $ ones most of the time

    I've suggested in my thread to recolor the items the prefab vendors already have. I still think it's a good idea.


    I know how you could update prefab vendors without you spending much time on it. Do what you usually do with mounts - recolor. Recolor those decorations that the vendors already sell. That's not much to ask, right? Pretty please.


    In this case recoloring items would be much more appreciated by us. It would add a great deal of color theme variations to our rooms. We are extremely limited by lights, so far we get either blue or yellow/orange. Rugs have the exact same issue.


    I see an orange Networked Lamp in Constable’s Pack but that is not the place where I thought we would get recolors from prefab vendors.


    At the moment what we need the most is green and red variations of all the lights, e.g. Underworld Light Node as there are many decorations that are green/red color based.

  10. therefore until they say "SWTOR is not canon at all" taking from what I have done research on this, and talking to the people I have talked to, it most likely is in fact canon.

    But they exactly said that! I've posted the quotation from LA cantina tour and other people posted it as well. You can keep believing what you want, but you simply deny facts. Swtor is not a part of Disney timeline as long as they change their mind if they would ever do that.


    The discussion has ended. Bye.

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