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Posts posted by PavSalco

  1. This is only a high level announcement. They haven't said anything about crafting, comms, etc., and definitely nothing on Decorations, which that request qualifies for.

    No idea what you tried to convey here. It's not related to the point of the thread.

    The small statue of Revan is in the next CM pack, so it's confirmed.

    A high level announcement is the most significant in terms of rewards for subs. They have never added any additional rewards after posting their announcements. This is all subs are going to get.


    That said, I doubt they'll ever give us quest terminals for GSH. It would pretty much kill reasons for most people to go to fleet.

    People are on the fleet because:

    - fleet chat

    - trainers

    - vendors


    The terminals are the least important. I usually grab quests and leave the fleet asap anyway when all I want to do is do dailies.

    Besides, PVP terminals are already in WZs, so why they can't be in Strongholds for GSF players that don't need to be on the fleet to LFG a group? That's why I agree that PVE terminals could stay restricted to the fleet as you need the fleet chat to form a group.

  2. MY HYPE IS REBORN! Like a phoenix from its ashes. After the decision from the last week I lost all hype, but this trailer returns it doubled!


    It is awesome. A bit CGI here and there. Of course not as cool looking as the old CGI trailers, but for the budget they could put into a trailer, this really delivers! I felt shivers up and down my spine.


    Now I need to read the details...

  3. They exist, but they are not strictly restricted to neutral characters.

    1. Adaptive gear.

    2. Matrix Cube that you can use until you get the endgame relics.

  4. drops the value on everything that was bought and saved, and really just stinks of an easy money grab(New content?

    This complain stinks of an easy credit grab.


    Naaah, we'll just keep re-re-releasing the same old garbage and keep Revan's gear at a ridiculous drop rate so they'll be "forced" to buy it).

    Because you tell me it's better to be "forced" to buy the mask from you for a ridiculous price? Somehow I prefer Bioware :rolleyes:



    I totally agree.

    I would like to have unique items that nobody can ever obtain again, and that's mainly directed to new players joining the game. There's just something about walking around in a piece of gear with people looking at you and asking where you got that piece...I like the little things like that in game. There's nothing wrong with standing out or being unique in a video game, and showing your achievements.

    So how about you getting some real achievements that you can really boast of. I agree that's cool to have an expensive rare item that you can buy for $, but the true value lies in the items that come from your in-game achievements or from being a longterm subscriber.


    Eg. Wings of the Architect, Dread Enhanced Rancor, the rewards from PVP Seasons,


    Hell, even Jawa Party makes me more jealous than someone with Revan's mask.

  5. Sounds like something that has been around a while, so I'll make sure to poke it.

    Indeed, quite a while. May 2013: http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/1301676-Complimentary-Weekly-Pass


    "This unlock has already been applied to your character". I imagine this never gets reported as a) subsribers don't need to use it so it's always gray for them and b) F2P/Preferred can't post on the forums to report this issue.

    That is why I think preferred players should have access to the forum. They are customers that pay/paid for service that is provided by Bioware. Back in the day when I was a preferred I wanted to report this bug but I couldn't and after becoming a subscriber I was no longer interested in Space Missions, so forgot to point out the issue on the official forum. D'oh.

  6. Hooray! My prayers have been answered. The last time I was on Eric and Tait's stream I was grumbling that recently we have been getting too manly streams and it's time to "feminize" it. ;) Eric and Tait are fun to watch, but variation is needed to bring balance to the force.


    Edit: Sadly I won't watch it live as 6PM CDT is 1AM for Eastern Europe. :sul_mad:

  7. SWTOR would be even more popular if it had a team that actually works to fix bugs which force people to cease playing the game, e.g. an infinite loading screen after getting disconnection.


    As someone else said, they slap our faces with this kind of approach to their own game. They know they can ignore some issues as we are going to play SWTOR anyway because it's good nonetheless and it's SW game :confused:

  8. I thought I saw a post somewhere (different topic) stating it would be patch 2.10.2...

    It was about Slot Machines ;)


    or they haven't fixed this yet.

    People who say that it's fixed are not delusional, believe me. Since I've posted a proof no one can't say that. It's ridiculous :p


    Digging through tor decorating to look up whatever comment on there someone was referring to... and following a link to reddit apparently... [location -> general -> chapter 3] huh? ... And there they are. Well that was counter-intuitive, but it's something.

    The place is pretty much intuitive as you should be rewarded those for completing a story, not for grinding to 55 lvl ;) On the other hand, the way you unlock them is terrible, it cannot be denied.

  9. Yes, I did, you didn't say anything about how it was fixed, only that you found out it was. So don't criticize Bioware for lack of information. :)


    You have to go into your legacy achieve to unlock it.

    I did. :mad:

    If I didn't I would have explained it to you politely under your post instead of reminding you to reread my original message.

    Logic sir.

  10. Thank you for fixing this.

    Pity that I found it out on tor-fashion.com. Without accidentally reading one of the comments there I wouldn't have known about this fix. We, players, would appreciate if you inform us about such fixes in your patch notes.




    To people that don't know it yet:

    Go to your Legacy - > Location - > General - > Chapter 3 - > right click the decorations

  11. You're correct about lack of visits but a lot of that is thx to uselesness of Public Listings current formula/system. Most people don't bother anymore after they saw 100k+ prestige houses filled with nothing but chairs.

    Players don't want to waste their time on the loading screens. It's annoying that every time I want to visit another stronghold I can't do that from the current stronghold I'm in, but I need to go back to the fleet. That's the main reason why I don't visit other homes. Finding that the house I joined is filled with the same decorations is just the last nail in the coffin.


    I think Bioware could come up with a warning system instead of a rating one. A rating system could be harmful for some people but a warning system would allow people to mark a particular stronghold to be a "filler" house, so others would see on the public list which houses are normal and which are fillers. This information could appear after getting about 10 votes, as a group of players might not like each other and they would mark their strongholds to be fillers while it wouldn't be true. ;)

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