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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by AscendingSky

  1. I won't enjoy or not enjoy anyone's absences. I'm not trying to be dismissive. I'm just rationalizing. They made it so that you can do whatever you want and gear up. How does that make the game a chore? Fwiw if you found pvp, ops, etc etc to be a chore then why stay? I'm not a continuous subscriber but I'm a founder. I stay and go as the mood suits me. They have said they're thinking up a system to help balance out bad rng luck. They are closely monitoring it and have said they've discussed boosting set bonus piece chances or providin tokens to exchange to complete the set for those who have 250 boots, 6 head gear, etc thry need more than a week to check that out.


    Do you do ops solely to gear? Are ops a chore to get gear and now it's a not worthwhile chore? I found grinding heroics for crystals to be a chore. And yes grinding them for cxp to be a bigger chore. I will likely do something else. But if all those things story, uprisings, flashpoints, ops, pvp are a chore then definitely quit. Thsee things may change some buy they aren't going to change entirely.


    I have explained this to you at least three times now, and at least a dozen times on the forums as a whole. I'm tired of repeating myself. If you refuse to actually hear what I'm saying (or read what I'm typing), then there's no point in talking anymore.

  2. The kicker is, with this system, you could open 300 boxes and never get set gear. You could open 300 boxes and get nothing but greens and jawa junk. Or, even worse, you could get the same set piece 300 times in a row.


    At least with the old system, if you raided with a set group of people, you were pretty much guaranteed to upgrade your gear.


    I've been trying to get this same point through people's heads over and over, but they don't seem to want to listen.

  3. And if you find the game a chore, then quit. I've done so many times.


    That's what me and others are doing. We're going to let our subscriptions lapse. Enjoy our absence, because once enough of us leave, then the game is over, no matter how much you personally like it.


    Telling people "If you don't like it then just leave!" is not a constructive solution, or a way to make the game better. It's just dismissive.

  4. Pfft. They've already started on the next story xpac. They've said as much.


    They say a lot of things. And they break a lot of promises. Also, if EA decides to pull the plug at any point? It won't matter what they've been working on or how finished it is. It'll all be over.

  5. Have you done veteran mode? Um that right there requires some effort so stop right there. I'm pretty sure you get squat if you AFK during PVP. You need to medal to get anything. Ranked pvp is for premade groups. no one wants solo pvpers joining the queue. If you can't handle the fact that other people may get what you get but through other means then leave. Simple as that. Stop worrying about what someone else has and how they acquired it (unless it was via an exploit) and just focus on yourself. You'll be happier in all aspects of life. It's like a construction worker or a nurse who spends 12 hrs on their feet working their butts off compared to an Executive who sits at a desk for 7-8 hrs, making 5 million more than they do. Is it fair that the Executive makes more money for sitting on his butt all day while nurses, teachers, and other workers don't even get proper lunch or toilet breaks and some make less than 50k? Meh, this is the world we live in. Focus on yourself, and not on others.


    You never learn. You're right back to white knighting, after admitting you were wrong a few days ago and saying you weren't going to be nasty anymore. :D


    Also? Yes, real life is often unfair and often unfun. However, comma, people play games to get away from real life for a while, for escapism. So games should be fair, and games should be fun. Otherwise, what's the point of playing a game? We could just do our tax returns or wash the dishes instead, or any other chore.


    Because that's what a game without fairness or fun is. A CHORE.

  6. I don't know. Multiplayer content is coming next. No story content. Jan-March. However they have yet to say "ops". I guess we will find out new info in Jan.


    Note: they said they HOPED they MIGHT have something to say about new group content in January. Maybe. They'll think about it.


    They're just stringing us along. They told us last January they 'hoped' they 'might' have something to say about new ops. And nothing. We've seen this before, and we're not fooled this time.

  7. Apples and oranges. Work pays the bills and food. This is a GAME. We play not to pay bills. People play the lottery and slot machines for the chance of getting something.


    But RNG is EXCITING!!!! Surely Ben wants RNG in every aspect of his daily life so it can always be EXCITING!!!!



  8. They didn't say anything about boosting ops. They said about FP and Uprising. Uprising, with how fast they are, might get close to WZ for the CXP vs Time. For the FPs, unless it's a really fast one with a good group, it won't be as rewarding for the time spent and there is an obligation of result.


    For PvP, you just need to do your big hit or big heal 1 time and you get the rewards at the end.


    Exactly. In a WZ, if most of your team quits partway through, you still get credit for the match. In a FP, if half your team quits partway through, congratulations, you're screwed. You can either sit through the queue for a replacement (something that can take a VERY long time if you're needing a tank or healer), or quit the FP to start all over again, wasting all that time!


    I'm tired of people claiming they 'deserve' BiS participation trophies for doing the easiest damn content in the game just as much (if not more, with the really special snowflakes) as the people who actually put a ton of effort into tackling the hardest content.

  9. Pot, meet Kettle. You're basically saying you "deserve" gear you haven't earned. That sounds exactly like what an entitled snowflake would say.


    This, this, this, so much this. Why do people demand BiS gear for completing low level heroics or story chapters? If that's all the content they do, why on Earth do they even NEED BiS gear? As far as I can tell, it's just to say that they have it, so it's e-peen points and nothing more.


    The only people who can argue they 'need' BiS gear are 1) people trying to tackle the hardest endgame PvE content since it's tuned based on the assumption people will have the gear, and 2) ranked PvPers, because every little edge counts a lot. That's it, no one else 'needs' it.


    If you don't want to run HM/NiM ops, fine. If you don't want to run ranked PvP, fine. But don't throw a tantrum and insist you 'deserve' a BiS participation trophy just for logging in and AFKing out of a GSF/regular PvP match rather than doing something that actually requires effort.

  10. That's the thing, when one activity begins to interfere with another that is when it becomes a problem. You ditched class so you could keep going in a game. I stayed up until 3am on a day when I had to work the next day all for 1 more turn, one more level, 1 more crate.

    The addiction is the problem, the game is the source and the mindset of, just one more is fed by the developers and we are all ok with it, we are all fine with feeding this addiction, this harmless vice.

    To what end?

    Where do we draw the line at companies exploiting human weakness?

    Where is the line between ethical and unethical exploitation?


    Your posts about your experience with gambling addiction I find very brave and insightful. I wish more people would listen to you. They would rather argue about re-defining 'gambling' than addressing the fact RNG crates (both the ones you pay for and the ones you get through playing) hits that same compulsion, pushes the same button for people inclined to gambling addictions in the first place.

  11. RNG is many things, but gambling isn't one of them. There's no risk involved, and once you dig deep enough, you will realize there's no reward either. Otherwise, our entire life is gambling...


    Which does sound about right, ok :rak_09:


    Aha, but now you can buy boosters to get your RNG boxes faster! Which only last 3 hours and cost real money. So all the people inclined towards gambling addictions will just spend their money on CXP boost after CXP boost to try to speed up their next chance to spin the Wheel of Mostly Garbage.

  12. I actually just don't get why developers have such a hard on for loot crates and rng boxes now. They are in almost every game now and some do them good other do them terrible. I don't mind rng boxes like overwatch, but when the main point of the game revolves around them like they do in tor and wow now It just becomes distasteful.


    Because it's a way of throttling content that doesn't take the developers any effort. Make all worthwhile gear come from RNG boxes with a tiny drop rate, and it's going to be a long time before a significant portion of the player base gets geared out, months if not years.

  13. So after watching last night producers livestream i started to wonder about this what they said there - apparently Bioware like randomness when you play game and get rewards.


    Well its soon Christmas time and everyone likes christmas presents because you dont know generally what you will get :)


    So i thought why not make Ben and other Bioware staff salary starting from next year each month as random surprise?


    I mean you work for one month and invest your time and energy into making this game, then when its time to get your reward as salary it will be random payment. I think EA would like this too because odds are on their side that they will have pay less each month. Some will get bit more with added bonus like a named Mug or fancy toy just to cheer you up to try again next month.

    Those who invest a bit more energy into work can have special bonus to get salary few days sooner than written in contract.


    I think its quite EXCITING to work like this dont you think?

    Its like christmas every month!


    Oh, oh, I have something to add!


    Every time they buy a meal from the company commissary, the next three hours will count as 25% more work when that maybe-paycheck arrives!

  14. Uhm ... yeah it was. In fact, it was MORE single player focused back then.


    You see if you had stuck around a bit longer in the early days you might have explored something other than your Powertech and realized that way back when we had access to EIGHT individual stories. Some better than others, but eight nonetheless.


    Now, we have ONE story that honestly just doesn't fit non-force users.


    Also, back in them there olden days there was zero necessity in grouping. All group content was just as voluntary as it is today.


    So yeah. To recap, you don't know what you are talking about because you weren't here very long post launch. Effectively, you are a tourist.


    Pretty much this. 8 entire SINGLE PLAYER stories to go through at launch sounds like a pretty single player focused MMO to me! And remember, there wasn't even a Group Finder at launch! There was only one operation! And it only worked like half the time! But there were 8 class stories!


    Sounds like a lot more focus on the single player experience and story content than we have now to me...



  15. Bioware is monitoring feedback and has determined that chat is a major source of frustration in game with showing junk found in RNG crates and chat has now been disabled.


    While whispering other players is not an exploit, we are now going to restrict you to 2 whispers per day. We did not intend for players to be able to whisper people all day if they want to.

  16. So this game is single player only now, is it? You're really reaching lately and it's kinda sad.


    You're again not keeping up with the conversation, kid. All the features you want are single player RPG ones. Why not go play one of those instead of insisting an MMO turn into a single player RPG instead? How about acknowledging your opinion is just that, your opinion, not fact, and just because you like something doesn't mean it's good for the game, hmm?


    Shoo, sad little boy. I will waste no more time on you! :D

  17. No, I think you fail to see that this is a product, not a work of art created for art's sake. It is intended to make profit by being worth the subscription fee to customers who play it. Nevertheless, Bioware has shown in previous games that they are prone to let the ego and "vision" of a few single people take over a game project, and when that vision fails to please the customers, turn around and blame the customers for not appreciating their genius. The very same thing is happening here, again. Excusing bad design with artistic vision is a rather pathetic cop-out.


    *cough* Mass Effect 3 ending *coughcoughunconvincingcough*

  18. I think it is funny that Bruticis took a 4+ year break from the game because it was so star spangled awesome. He returns like he is the game's champion and thinks anyone around here actually cares what his (johnny come lately) opinion of the game is.


    He's been away from the game that long? No wonder he's so ignorant on how the actual game works or how players actually feel! Thanks, that makes his silly antics make more sense now! And, like you said, make them easy peasy to disregard as the foolishness they are. :D

  19. Try to keep up, will you? The discussion was if people returned to play the new expansion not if the game has lost subs over the previous 5 years it's be running. The developers said there would be an influx of players for the newest expansion and there has. Honestly if you can't follow the conversation, don't try to engage me, it's boring.


    They've pointed you at the pages which show server populations have not rebounded, kid. There's no big influx of players like you're claiming. Those are the facts. You're trying to avoid that point by flapping your arms around and shifting the goalposts. Seems like you're the one having trouble keeping up with the conversation. :D

  20. If the Galactic Command system was a total failure & Bioware lost a huge amount of subs you can bet that the situation would be addressed VERY quickly.


    VERY, VERY quickly.


    Maybe even reversed or majorly modified.


    The fact they haven't reversed it or redesigned or even TOLD us that they are reversing or redesigning it (so far) should tell you something.


    Nah. They always try to pacify and wait out consumer rage. It's happened with every other major issue. Unless it comes to 'nuke from orbit' nerfs, they're very sluggish in responding. They were slow to respond to criticisms about 1.0, for example, which lead to the TORtanic effect of tons of lost subs. They're certain this system will work because their own internal metrics say so. They're plugging their ears again, just like they've done a bunch of other times.


    Eventually they will take major action, but by then it will be far too late.

  21. I like the part where you were babbling something or other about double standards and people making things up to support their argument only to wrap up with a blurb about how "the masses did not return". Obviously you have hard, factual data in hand right now that you can link and prove what you say is true right?


    Over a hundred servers in 1.0 versus a handful now, only half of which are active while the rest are ghost towns. What other evidence do they need that the masses that started playing this game did not return, kid?

  22. Uh please find me an MMO where you are able to continue doing the same raids right after a level cap bump and new gear, good luck finding it as every single MMO that does a level cap bump has new gear requirements and you've got to grind for it again. On average folks in my guild have been gearing at a faster rate then expected as far as set pieces go. The fear of RNG screwing you, is not the fact of RNG doing so. Let me go find some safe spaces for you lot


    Ad hominem attack ahoy! Yes, because your experience represents the experiences of all the many people who have posted on here (including me) who have got nothing but garbage in their crates.


    Shoo, go away, illiterate white knight. At least the other white knights know how to spell and punctuate correctly.

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