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Posts posted by AscendingSky

  1. I'm not interested in any male romances, personally, but I heartily support the introduction of ongoing romances with Force-using male NPCs. A while back, I posted a thread about the introduction of a romanceable male Force-using Cartel Market companion. I keep holding out hope for it, as those characters who'd like to romance a male Jedi/Sith/whatever-else-as-long-as-he's-got-the-Force should be able to enjoy that story.


    Normally I'm pretty 'meh' about the idea of buying companions off the Cartel Market, but I think your way would be the one way I'd like to see it done. Why? Because I'd like some actual story to do with a new companion. It would be especially good if they added approval/disapproval responses and companion side comments to various conversation options in the class stories/other content like the original companions have, but I don't know if EAWare has the resources or would even be willing to go to that much effort at this point for a CM item.

  2. Is it wrong of me, to not necessarily want a padawan or apprentice, but...someone who is my equal or better? :D:eek:


    It's not wrong at all! It's just, out of the Force using companions you receive in the class stories, most of them are female and love interests for male Master/Darth PCs to sheathe their lightsabers into. I find it odd (and potentially revealing as to EAWare writers' fetishes). XD

  3. Of course not...but we already have lovely men that don't use the force, like Quinn, Vector, Andronikos, Doc, Torian, Corso...and I guess...Aric and What'sHisFace who chills with the Consular. My god, trooper needs a decent comp....where's Balkar when you need him? Sorry Aric, not into furries. :o:p


    I was so incredibly sad that I couldn't romance or even just have a one night stand with Balkar when I played my female Trooper. Male troopers get Jaxo, after all!

  4. Yeah, I've always felt felt it was kind of weird that all the obtainable Padawans/Apprentices in the class stories (with the exception of Xalek, which you get way too late in the game to be romanceable even if you wanted to) were all female, and all love interests for male Force using PCs. Isn't that like a huge conflict of interest (for either gender)?
  5. My money is on this. I've been saying it from the very start.


    Watch them praise how amazing and loved this new system is. There will be no changes. Do NOT get your hopes up people, because they will just be crushed.


    Yep, it'll be just like that 'open letter' we got from Ben that was 95% patting themselves on the back and asserting everything was awesome and perfect, and 5% "Okay, maybe we'll consider giving you some of the stuff you actually want... someday... possibly... after we think about it... perhaps."

  6. No point letting them know, they'll ignore what we say.


    I predict the stream will start with a comment along the lines of "We are really happy with 5.0, it is clear everyone loves it, metrics show logins are up".


    And from that they'll go on to pat themselves on the back for a job well done.


    And not one major issue will be addressed, or even acknowledged.


    All The Best


    I would put real money on this being the case.

  7. Tell me please, why people care about romance in this game? Paying and wanting romance with Arcann, Vailyn, Senya... companions instead of new activities in game like OPSes etc.?


    Why do some people like ketchup with their French fries, while others like mayonnaise with them? It's a matter of taste. Newsflash: people play games for different reasons, and enjoy different aspects of games.

  8. The only thing that would even make the heroics worth doing (at this point) is that they can be done daily again. I don't mind a credit nerf if this was permanant.


    If I want to farm heroics for that windfall of 20 CXP per, then I should be able to do that. I thought the entire point of Galactic Command was "Play how you want to play!"


    God. As I've been saying, I personally don't care about Galactic Command (in fact, I've disabled the CXP bar visual). I care that it screwed over players who need top tier gear for PvPing and Ops. It's the SHEER INCOMPETENCE that's pissing me off more than anything else.


    Apparently the point was instead "Play how you want to play... so we know what to nerf hardest in order to get you to spend more money on the Cartel Market for our nifty new CXP boosters!"

  9. An official response!




    Not a damn thing about the concerns of the community, just their concern that we might be getting too much experience from repeatable heroics.


    So basically, EAWare's official stance on the issues with the Galactic Conquest system is that they're going to stick their fingers in their ears, close their eyes, and go "La la la metrics la la la internal models" until the servers shut down. Nice.

  10. By your pathetic logic, every boost in CM is a scam. It's optional and no one is forcing you to buy these. You can do just fine without it. Stop acting like a special snowflake.


    What's next? You gonna tell me that deco's are ascam because ppl made billions of it.


    Decorations don't give people better gear with higher stats and set bonuses. Nor do XP boosts, Valor boosts, or any other booster item you can get from CM packs.


    CXP boosters are a way to buy more Command crates faster, which gives you better gear with higher stats and set bonuses. You are literally comparing apples to oranges here. Paying real world money to get an advantage over other players in game--as opposed to decorative fluff like pretty clothes for your toon or rare mounts--is a pay to win system. What makes this pay to win system a scam is 1) the RNG nature of the crates, and 2) the fact they keep nerfing CXP gains for normal play in order to try to coerce people into buying CXP boosts.

  11. Any heads up as to what we can expect in 5.0.1?


    As an aside where is our "Community Manager"........I have never seen a community in more need of managing than this one right now and he seems to have disappeared.


    When can we expect some "official" response from our concerns/gripes/************ around 5.0 and GC in particular?


    Most likely he's on vacation... all of EAWare has traditionally up and walked out on us for a month and a half break this time of year.


    Tait... addressing repeatable heroic missions is pretty much near the bottom of the list of issues that actually need addressing in this game right now. Tell your bosses that this sort of willful blindness and deafness to the complaints and concerns of your customers is going to ruin this game's profits for them; as more and more people leave the game, there's fewer left to milk for CM purchases.

  12. 'Slightly longer'? Do you even hear yourself? Most of the dailies and heroics in this game take longer to complete than the Uprisings do! They do not even come close to as long as the shortest flashpoints around, to say nothing of operations. You're delusional.


    Not to mention the Uprisings themselves are a joke. More waves upon waves of mooks as we've come to expect from KotFE onwards, followed by a boss with mechanics recycled from already existing content! These things feel like almost zero effort was put into them, and they take about as much effort to complete.

  13. So you are sick of the new group content already, This is one of the reasons Bioware are hesitant to creating new operations since operations would take even more time and money. Uprisings are only about 1 week old. Yes granted operations are slightly longer but how long really until some players would get sick of it.


    'Slightly longer'? Do you even hear yourself? Most of the dailies and heroics in this game take longer to complete than the Uprisings do! They do not even come close to as long as the shortest flashpoints around, to say nothing of operations. You're delusional.

  14. Actually Ben, I don't want to hear from you, I just want you to go and make space for someone who knows what they're doing, who can drag this game back from the precipice you've driven it to!


    Here here. His comments from interviews and in their own livestreams prove he has no idea how this game worked in the past and how it doesn't work now, how this game's players feel and what they actually care about (hint: it's not receiving the same random orange sniper rifle shell from RNG loot boxes three times in a row), or how you design MMOs to be fair and reasonable to pay for in general. He's incompetent and should be removed from his position and replaced with someone better.

  15. Yes but what if I don't like raiding or I am in a more social guild than a hardcore raid progression guild? So, what I just accept that I will never get better gear because I can't do a Mythic+20 dungeon? That's one problem WoW still has... even with the Personal loot, I am forced to do raiding if I want to get better gear. There is no other option.


    The Star Wars way I can raid when I can, but I can also stick to heroics or just regular dungeons and get the same gear. How is that not better than forcing me to do Operations (raids) if I want the better gear?


    Completing harder content should give better rewards. That's only fair. You do more, you get more.


    Getting your CXP by AFKing in a bunch of warzones and having the exact same chance of getting a set bonus piece as someone who cleared an entire HM operation is the opposite of fair.

  16. Dude... *knocks you right off your little pony* ...are you seriously that daft? If you truly wish to crusade for EA/Bioware and play the part of the little white knight, then you might wish to understand that the longevity of the game itself is teetering upon a precipice that ALL players are voicing their concerns and cancelling their subscriptions over. Embrace this notion, for the very few white knights that are left are no longer waving the EA banner for they themselves are able to see the consequences of EA's decisions if left unchecked. You might do yourself a favor, and lord knows the rest of us, if you start evaluating the circumstances a little more carefully and understand that the basis of this problem could culminate in you no longer having a Star Wars game to crusade for.....


    Dude, he's a troll who admits he doesn't even play the game and just subs to troll the forums. Don't bother getting angry at him, that's what he wants!

  17. This is absolutely a slap in the face. This is absolutely pay to win. CXP boosters do not compare to XP boosters. You can get XP boosters FOR FREE just by doing in-game quests. I didn't have to buy a single one to use on my lastest alt.


    CXP means you can pay money to get more gear faster, to get to higher tiers of gear faster. That is the definition of pay to win. You might not be buying the gear directly, but you're buying the boxes the gear comes in!

  18. Excellent news, I'll test them out this weekend. It's not a huge boost but 25% isn't too shabby.


    1 CXP times 0.25 still rounds down to 1 CXP. With the elite CXP nerf, these new CXP boosters are a rip off, if not an outright fraud.


    TOR has officially gone pay to win. You can literally pay real world money to get set bonus gear faster, to get to higher tiers of gear faster. I am absolutely disgusted and fed up at this point. I didn't think EAWare could sink any lower in my esteem, but now it has.

  19. No they don't. In fact, if you read this interview from Friday, they believe that the uproar is all unfounded because their "internal models" told them everyone would love it.




    Read it and cry about the complete disconnect from your paying customer base.


    So this confirms the developers are completely delusional, and are actively ignoring player feedback because they can't accept the fact they may have made a mistake. Got it.

  20. This is the main problem as I see it. They've broken the reward cycle in the game entirely. Instead of improving upon the tried and true reward delivery (Kill Boss/Do Activity = Get reward from loot table/token vendor) they've decided to try something entirely new.


    I think it is just an overall negative psychological experience for players. Even if the system works in theory, which I'm sure it does over a long enough timeline, the question devs I think should always ask is, "Is it fun? Does it FEEL good?" Given the responses I've seen to this system in-game, here, on Reddit, and going off of my own initial concerns about the system back when it was revealed I'm not so sure those questions were ever asked.


    I mean, just something about the FEELING of killing a boss in an MMO an NOT getting loot off of the corpse should have been heavily discussed. Maybe it was. I think at the very least the system needs some major tweaking.


    You're exactly right. Every team of MMO developers has to figure out how to balance amount of effort versus amount of reward to keep players willing to stay on that treadmill. If you make it too easy, people will get bored sooner and quit. If you make it too hard, people will get frustrated sooner and quit. I imagine this can be quite a difficult challenge at times. I've seen multiple games misstep one direction or the other over the years.


    The problem with the Galactic Command system isn't that it's too easy or it's too hard... it's that it's completely random in its outcome. Putting in a bunch of effort to clear a HM or NiM operation only to be rewarded with absolutely nothing for your time if RNGesus doesn't love you is extremely demoralizing. Opening crate after crate after crate after grinding for hours only to receive nothing makes you wonder why you even bothered putting in the time. You have to keep providing regular positive reinforcement for your players to make them want to keep playing. As it stands, the RNG loot system will only appeal to people who are primed for gambling addiction. Anyone who's aware of the Gambler's Fallacy or just hates having their time wasted will give up and move on to a more consistently rewarding game.

  21. Good idea but what do you want from Eric? He is a small fish in the pool,its the sharks way above him that decide on such a stuff.


    Yeah, that's something that bothers me on here sometimes... people saying nasty things about the EAWare employees who transmit the information given from on high here to us plebs on the forums. There's nothing Eric or Tait can do about the situation; they're just the messengers. They may hate the 5.0 situation as much as we do, but it's not like they could say so openly without risking losing their jobs. They don't deserve any personal flak for this.

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