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Posts posted by AscendingSky

  1. Why would there be any difference? 230 gear is 230 gear, regardless of color. The prototype 230 gear is better than my artifact 228 gear, of course, as well. No surprise.


    Now if that blue 230 is "Versatile Hilt 50", and the purple 230 is ALSO "Versatile Hilt 50", then yes that's a problem. What are the names of the hilts?


    230 is the item rating, and the stats for all at that rating should be the same. That's how it works. The mods only look different because one is a "Lethal Mod 50A" and one is a "Lethal Mod 4x"


    ...what game have you been playing these past 5 years? Purple mods of the same rating as blue mods of the same type have ALWAYS had higher stats. Purple 230 mods should have higher stats than blue 230 mods of the same type. Have you literally never paid attention to your gear?

  2. You've still yet to name this "gang" that you keep claiming things about.


    There isn't one. He's trying to claim some kind of evil conspiracy behind the unhappiness to justify ignoring it. Rather than recognizing it as legitimate complaints and grievances that could threaten the very existence of this game.


    I mean, he and all these other white knights insisting no one is going to unsub en masse... do they forget we've gone from 100 servers to a handful? And that some of those servers are pretty much ghost towns? The vast majority of people who ever played have ALREADY unsubbed en masse because they were unhappy with the game and didn't think it was worth the money anymore. The game does not need another wave of shrinkage. One more might pull the plug on everything for good, despite all those mindless white knights singing the game's praises and insisting no one is leaving.

  3. People have been trying to strong arm their way around for years, each time claiming their leaving. They never do, just check the post history of the gang. Hint: It's nothing but rants and tangents. Honestly, this community would be better off if some of the toxic "subs" were to actually follow through and cancel their accounts but I'm not holding my breath.


    Yes, the game would be SO much better if all those people who dared to have a different opinion from you and the other obsessive white knights left the game, and then the servers all got shut down because the population dropped below profitability levels for EAWare. That would just be AWESOME! /sarcasm

  4. Which is no solution at all for PVE. Consider 1 Heroic 2 from DK - Personal challenge.

    Pre-nerf I would get 100 CXP from this, (8 golds + 20 for completion) or maybe 127, depending on the state of the DvL contest. Nowhere near the amount for a warzone.

    Post-nerf, I get 20 CXP for completion (or maybe 23, given favourable DvL. Even with a CXP boost @ 200 CC, I would get 25 or 28 CXP.

    It's just not worth either the time or the CC. PVP and GSF are the only ways to get CPX in reasonable amounts.


    Yep... and in both PvP and GSF, you can literally AFK through most of the match and still get amply rewarded for not doing a damn thing. Hell, in GSF, people queue up, hope for deathmatches, and then repeatedly run their ships into rocks or walls over and over just to make the match end quicker so they can get their CXP and move on sooner! It's ridiculous.


    But PvE content? No, you have to work for those rewards, little of it is endlessly repeatable all day long without limit like both PvP and GSF are, and what content is repeatable (flashpoints and those execrable zero effort Uprising things) can take HOURS of waiting in the queue for it to pop, only to waste your time with a group that doesn't know what they're doing, wiping repeatedly, then having to quit and start all over again in the queue when the other players bail! And forget getting a pop at all on the several ghost town servers that exist.

  5. smh....


    Just to pick one of these classic lines up:




    This also holds true vice versa, people. Just because YOU are unhappy, hateful, quitting, unsubbing, maybe even farting into the Devs' faces in your dreams because of 5.0... it doesn't mean everyone else is.


    I think there's room to accomodate for both of the warring factions on here, since most people are prone to a more or less strong confirmation bias and look for peer groups in which their opinions are being amplified. There's dead servers in this game, I see that, and they will most likely not be revived - but there's also still some servers with a decent, good player population. On my Server, average population has slightly increased since 5.0, and even in the largest guild I'm in, I've not been hearing any complaints about player numbers. The struggle with RNG is real, and many guys from my guild hope for a fix to that as well as for a less grindy CXP progression (partly un-nerfing golds, for example...) But I have met no one so far in-game who has rage-quit over 5.0, or sort of the like.


    Stay calm and game on! (wherever you find what you're looking for ;))


    So you like the changes? That's nice for you. However, if the majority of players do not like the changes, and a good portion of those players stop putting money into the game, then the game you claim to love so much will die. Period. End of discussion. It won't matter how much you like it or how much RNGesus loves you when it comes to opening crates. The lights will be turned off and it will all be over. You can keep saying how much you like it until the day the servers shut down and it won't change a damn thing if too many other people hate it and leave.


    Try thinking about more than your own opinion and your own benefit for once. The fact EAWare has scheduled an emergency live stream during their usual holiday vacation month means something is rotten in the state of Denmark, and my money is on a wave of subscription cancellations scaring them as the cause.

  6. I don't think that two instances is an indicator of good health one week after a major update. I would have expected a lot more.


    I'm on Ebon Hawk... two instances of Imperial fleet is actually a bit light. The most I've seen on Vaiken regularly in the past year is 3 instances, which it will hit during prime time on the weekends. So basically they're saying the expansion did absolutely zero to help the Ebon Hawk server population. Which is absolutely true. I haven't noticed any larger amount of players on Republic side either.

  7. And I am impressed how you carefully explained what was faulty or "plain wrong" with the OP, and the valuable addition your comment provided to this discussion. Oh, wait....


    Mindless white knights have no need for facts or logic! Merely repeating the same lies, assumptions, and ad hominem attacks over and over will work just as well, right?

  8. Yea, and if the boost is 25% (like most of them) then that is 0 boost to Gold NPC 1 CXP ... cause rounded 1 x 1.25 = 1. Hmmm


    And for the last two Heroics I ran, I got 0 CXP for all three Champions :(.


    Play how you want to play! Then pay us to make how you want to play actually matter--oh wait, except it doesn't, we're scamming you!


    Seriously, EAWare. This is a disgustingly blatant example of creating a problem where none existed before (as the 4.0 gear system worked JUST FINE), making the problem worse by nerfing gains, and then trying to coerce us into purchasing a 200 cartel coin 3 hour boost partial solution for the problem YOU CREATED IN THE FIRST PLACE.

  9. Whatever. I don't see anything useful. You must be blind cause most people don't even use the forums.


    He's offered evidence. Where's your evidence that people love the game and no one is unsubscribing?


    Oh wait, you don't have any, you're just white knighting and talking out of your rear? Understood. :D

  10. :sy_darkside: Make a reward system that dont give a f..k about raiders and end game and players with a real life.


    :sy_darkside: Make a forum and dont give a f..k about what the subscriber players think.


    :sy_darkside: Launch a new patch with new bugs and never repairs to the old ones.


    :sy_darkside: Make an annoying Pop UP about DvsL


    :sy_darkside: Make a new patch and cero flashpoints, operations, pvp warzones, starfighters, or any type of new game.


    :sy_darkside: The same history for all classes. Do not care if you are a force user or not


    :sy_darkside: Make nothing about credits sellers and spamers.


    :sy_darkside: The same events every weeks.


    :sy_darkside: Decrease the staff and the budget.


    Ooh, ooh, I've got some other ones!


    * Start selling items in the cash shop that make your game pay to win!


    * Have your bonehead developer give interviews on gaming sites after launch making it clear he doesn't know what he's doing and is deliberately ignoring player feedback.


    * Retroactively gate items players have earned over the years behind high Valor restrictions.


    * Spend months promoting an in-game event that appeals to achievement hunters, then remove all of their earned achievements at the end of the event.


    * Immediately nerf into the ground every method your players find to try to make the tedious RNG grind even a little less tedious.


    * Remove in-game tokens people could use to buy gear/decorations/companion gifts/crafting mats/etc., pay them a tiny amount of credits in exchange, then jack up the prices on all the items previously bought with those in-game tokens to make them far more expensive than the conversion rate would dictate.


    * Make every RNG box bought from the cash shop cost more and give less rewards with every new shipment.

  11. I know it's been said plenty on the forums already over the years, but female characters really got shortchanged when it came to romances and flings. I wish I could remember where I saw it, but someone broke down for each class and gender the amount of available romances and flirts ranging from the class stories all the way through at least SoR and we got the shortchanged.


    While I'm open to more male romanceables, Force using or not, I really would love to see a proper Pureblood love interest rather than 'here's a kiss, that's something ain't it?'. Praven would be a good option, not to mention I really want to see what his hair's like underneath the technobabushka hat.


    This is very true. Male toons get more potentially romanceable companions and more opportunities to pick up NPCs in the class stories than female toons do. And don't get me started on how sleeping with Doc gives the female Knight Dark Side points, but sleeping with Kira doesn't give the male Knight Dark Side points. That's kinda messed up.

  12. Quote for truth. They didn't plan on having any sort of Live Stream until January when they, "May possibly, hopefully tell you guys something about maybe involving Group Content 'Soon™'. Here's some ugly armor you can get if you remain subbed! Hope you like buttcapes!" The fact that they're doing one on such a short notice (around the time they go on holiday break no less) means all is not well in Bioware Austin Land.


    Yep. It's a sure sign they're scrambling to perform damage control. Sadly, their version of damage control always seems to be "talk about how awesome our new content is and hope that old propaganda standby about repeating a lie enough times to make people think it's the truth works out for us, then tossing in a few empty vaguely worded not-promises that great new things are coming soon, we swear!".


    I assure you, EAWare bean counters... that act is not going to work this time. I'm holding off on unsubbing myself untill tomorrow, to give you a chance to fix things. Marketing blurbs instead of addressing problems and fixing them will make me push that button to remove my billing information for good.

  13. In fact, the way it is now, should be for F2P where they have passes that they can buy. Subs should have a 25% or 50% boost automatically applied with a 10% higher chance of dropping the good stuff at every level.


    See, that system, I could get behind. Where subscribers automatically got the CXP boost and a better chance at gear because they were already paying money into the system, and people who were not paying into the system already would have to purchase boosters to temporarily get the same boost as subscribers.


    That is a system that rewards subscribers and encourages F2P/Preferred players to subscribe, rather than one that gives us the RNG grind of F2P Asian MMOs and makes us pay a monthly fee for the privilege of rolling a die over and over only to get absolute garbage 95% of the time.

  14. Ditto. When people first mentioned an Arcann romance I... frowned, big time. I just couldn't see it and didn't like a single thing about him. All I wanted was to run him through with my blades but I played through KOTET on my LS Jedi who chose a path of redemption for him and damnit, I warned up to the guy. Then that e-mail came and it definitely gave me pause. Sigh. Stupid writers. :p


    I know, right? For all that I'm angry and upset at the decisions the EAWare head honchos and developers have been making lately, I have to give credit where credit is due: there were at least two NPCs in the new chapters who I hated going in that I ended up being okay with if not outright liking by the end. They get a round of applause from me on that front at least. Arcann was one of those NPCs.

  15. I can't remember where I watched a clip, but I swear I saw one where there's a confrontation between Pierce and Quinn if the Warrior's been with both and one of the options was something like deciding not to choose between either of them and Quinn just accepts it as Sith prerogative while Pierce is a bit gloaty over it.


    I don't think I imagined it, but as my head's full of working on the last papers of the semester for class, I wouldn't quite rule it out.


    That could be true... I only played through the Warrior story once, I may have just not triggered that scene. I'll see if I can find it on YouTube.


    To be fair, picking Pierce in that scenario is kind of a dead end, because you can't actually romance him, just fade to black with him once.

  16. Funny fact though, if the female agent declines spending the night with her Voss husband, "Vector Greatly Approves."


    True, he does like that choice more! But even back in the day, you didn't lose any influence from him if you did consummate the marriage. And he tells you before the wedding he's not worried about losing you, that's why he teases you about the demands of the job.

  17. ....am I seeing two instances of the Fleet, Dromund Kaas or you name the planet on The Ebon Hawk.


    It seems like everyone is playing the game while a very small albeit extremely vocal minority is 'unsubbing" because they can't be equipped BIS FIVE DAYS after the release of an expansion. Watch them whine and threaten yet again in two months when the next group content is released....:rolleyes:


    I am telling you, the players nowadays...


    I personally am enjoying the crates, already got one set piece after 12 crates, not too bad when prior to 5.0, I would have never gotten such armor, because I don't have the time to invest in guild raiding.


    This update is great for us casuals, the story is really good, way better than KOFTE and I even surprised myself pvping!


    Great job guys, thanks for the update!


    You do realize people can still log into this game after unsubscribing, right? That people can be F2P or Preferred? That people can unsub today, and still have paid time left (since all sub time is paid for in advance) to go in game and do things subscribers have access to before their sub runs out?


    No? You don't? You're just a white knight who has no need for facts or logic? Got it. :)


    Trust me, casuals will not have it better off in the long run. Not when all the people willing to carry them through ops and show them the ropes of strategy and class rotations are gone.

  18. You would be surprised nowadays.


    Lots of women would rather be a part of an Alpha's harem than settle with a Beta. A buddy of mine has quite a few girls in rotation, including two friends who live with each other.


    This leaves many guys without a hope of getting a girl. Which means many of them will put up with anything to keep one. One guy I worked with in the oil patch was dating a really hot woman. She was with him because he took care of her and was away all the time. So she was always seeing people while he was away. He finally quit the patch and got a job back home. A few months later they decided to be in an open relationship. Which means she can see whoever she wants.


    I suspected you were part of the MRA, pick-up artist community! Your use of 'Alpha' and 'Beta' proves it. That would explain your issues with women.

  19. It really depends on the love interest. For example, at one point in the Agent story, a female Agent can marry a Voss in order to secure access to some data they need to continue the class story. Vector is absolutely and totally cool with this, and even teases you about the demands of the job. You can even sleep with your new 'husband' and Vector still doesn't disapprove in the slightest. This makes sense for him, because he has a background as an Imperial diplomat and understands that the goal you're striving for is more important than you maintaining a completely monogamous relationship with him.


    On the other hand, Corso will get upset every single time the female Smuggler so much as flirts with a male NPC. As someone else says, he doesn't end the relationship over it, but he'll speak up every time and try to prevent it from happening.


    On the other, other hand, as a female Warrior you can have a one-night stand with Pierce even if you've romanced Quinn, because Pierce thinks Quinn is a loser. XD


    So in the end, yes, you can do it, but your companions may or may not get angry at you over it.

  20. Now why didn't I see this thread before? You even mentioned Arcann in your first post. I like people who mention Arcann.:rak_03:

    This is a great way to start the morning!




    Y'know, I'm not an Arcann fangirl myself, but I still support an Arcann romance. EAWare even seems to be hinting at that with the in-game email Arcann sends you after you finish the new chapters!

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