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Posts posted by AscendingSky

  1. A big issue is the bugs that plague PTs/VGs


    Harpoon seems to have a bug that won't let it fire unless you're in combat


    And most importantly, their leap has a bug where it can fire (going on cool down) but doesn't actually leap.



    It's a large issue when I can't reliably leap or pull. Pull is tied to a stun, leap is tied to an interrupt and my mobility.


    Yeah, I'm seeing the same problems. A lot of Vanguard/PT tank procs don't seem to work right, for PvE and PvP both.

  2. The problem is Tank Augments and Relics give power as the secondary start, while DPS Relics and Augments don't, so even if you swap out for B-Mods your HP is going to be running lower than equivalently geared DPS.


    While no tank wants to be a Health sponge, having lower HP also makes us more prone to death by RNG when you fail to mitigate two hard hits in short succession.


    Yeah, the fact tank augments give Power and DPS/heals augments give Endurance has never made any damn sense to me. I hoped they'd fix that someday, but nope, EAWare is too busy reskinning gear to sell on the Cartel Market I guess.

  3. To the OPs question it is simple. A lot of people, who were very active on these forums, said they were unsubbing over the GC system and they have (mine runs out this week on Feb. 14).


    Our entire guild, for example, has decided it is time to move on and ESO has become our new home. People were fed up with two simple things - the glaring lack of new content compared to other MMOs (especially for one doing supposedly so well financially) and the utter arrogance of the developers in putting in a game system that simply frustrates the player base and refusing to do anything about it (and we are referring to the deplorably bad RNG on the Command Crates, not just the CxP).


    Honestly, it shouldn't be surprising and this should have been expected. People said they were leaving and have left and, I have a feeling, the forums are going to continue to get even quieter over then next couple of months.


    Heck, as of Dec 18 even TORstatus has decided it is no longer worth the effort and has decided to cease operations. SWTORData picked it up but you can see the massive population decline that has happened since Dec. Look how many servers have flat-lined and even the populated ones have dropped more than 40 points in traffic.


    Pretty much exactly that. Fewer subscribers means fewer people who are able to post on these forums, which equals less activity. And it's only going to get worse unless something changes soon.

  4. For my own part, in the past I have had some very helpful and friendly responses from the CS people when I've sent in tickets. The past year though? Just automated responses that do nothing to help me (and often are not at all related to what I was asking about), or responses that are very poorly written, full of spelling and grammatical errors, basically telling me "Nothing I can do, too bad for you" regardless of the issue.


    When I've called in, I've NEVER received a useful response; I don't think they let their phone reps do much, and nothing involving anything in-game.

  5. Your ignorance is outstanding. It happened that way and was the valid and by customer support confirmed practice last year from around April to at least September. I don't know if it was changed since then but that's what it was.


    You really ought to apologize to Bendu. They were right.

  6. From very own experience your statement is sadly bull crap. 😊


    If you don't believe me you can easily ask the support to confirm my statement above,again, if it wasn't changed since mid of 2016.


    I have personally witnessed guild leadership change hands the day after someone's sub was halted. They're right. Unless you're the only person in the guild or no one else in the guild is a subscriber, the guild leader has to be a subscriber. If the GM unsubscribes, it'll switch to a sub when they log in. It will transfer to someone in the next highest ranked bracket in the guild, like an officer.


    Guild leadership will also pass to someone else in the guild if a GM has not logged in within 30 days, even if they are subscribed.

  7. Okay patch notes state you fixed one bug



    But I'm not dying and when I try to talk to Vette after the droids the story will not progress. The conversation icon appears above my head screen goes black and then the background repeats and me and Vette have vanished and the cut scene does not continue. This has been REPORTED TWICE! And I've mentioned it here before. It's getting old that I can't progress! Fix this please! Also so it's known, I've reset the chapter that does nothing, left and reentered and that does nothing, dismissed Vette and resummoned here and that does nothing! FIX THIS!


    EAWare claims they fix a lot of things. Many times that's not actually the case. Proof: They stated they fixed the Zakuulan Information Terminal of the bug where the rotating screens freeze in place. It still happens all the time. And that's just one example of them lying and ignoring reports to the contrary. Instead they waste their limited budget and development ability to add huge opaque circles around people on the minimap that block out other players/enemies/quest markers/etc., and fail to respond to all threads calling them out on this mess.


    They just don't care anymore.

  8. It's definitely a balancing act. Best way I've found to deal with it on my own tank is to either use the mods/enhancements you get as drops or crafted ones that have the lowest Defense ratings. Since you get Defense on ALL tank mods now and ALL tank enhancements now, you're rarely going to be lacking that and usually will be over the optimal level. Those mods/enhancements have more Endurance and better Shield/Absorb, so that helps with the health issue.
  9. Is that the main reason why the market seems like it hyper-inflated from 2-3 years ago?! I came back over a month ago and the market looks absolutely disgusting. Credits seem to have devalued so much.


    That's probably not all of it--because inflation is inevitably going to happen in an economic system where there is no upper limit on how many monetary units can be created--but it's a good part of it. EAWare let TWO different money-making exploits (that I am aware of) go on for several months, and while they did eventually put the hammer down on some people, they didn't get them all (and they hit a lot of people who weren't involved/they couldn't prove were involved that they subsequently unbanned and restored). Obviously at least a significant chunk of those credits generated by the exploit are still in the game economy, given how prices on just about everything have soared dramatically since 4.0 dropped.


    Add in the farming bots on multiple planets gathering mats and slicing boxes by moving through and beneath the game geometry that EAWare never removes despite numerous reports, all the credit sellers charging a pittance for millions who EAWare don't get rid of for months (if ever), and a lack of ongoing credit sinks in the economy, and you have people able to list items on the GTN for 200-300 million credits and actually get buyers for them.

  10. But why is it our responsibility to consolidate servers? Isnt that the job of the development crew to do? Or is it the 90CC each toon they are after?


    That, and if we transfer on our own, they don't have to figure out how to get servers to merge and transfer things like guilds and whatnot. If they force people to move to another server, and people end up losing guilds, strongholds, etc. in the process, they'd face even MORE backlash and bad press beyond what they've already received for the trainwreck that is GC. Letting people voluntarily transfer on their own puts the responsibility for the losses on the player, not EAWare, so they get to dodge that bullet by being manipulative.

  11. Should work like this:


    1. Extra drop chance is 100/number of sub bosses. 4 sub-bosses = 25% chance per boss.


    2. If a boss doesn't drop, all subsequent sub bosses get +extra drop chance (25% in this case).


    So with the worst luck, you get guaranteed drops on the last two bosses of the operation instead of one. With the best luck, you get drops on all of them. What do you guys think?


    It shouldn't be up to luck at all. It shouldn't be gear roulette. Just drop one token off every operations boss like we used to have. Simple, straightforward, and completely functional.

  12. They want to keep the drops low because they still think an Asian-style free-to-play MMO grind with microtransactions out the rear end to give you more spins at the gear roulette game will keep people subscribed when we have such a dearth of content. We had to raise a huge fuss and a bunch of people had to cancel their subscriptions for us to even get any ops drops AT ALL; 5.0 gave us nothing. 5.1 is marginally better, but only marginally, because they've just given us two different grinds to do that link into eachother. So it's like saying a ton of elephant dung falling on you is at least better than 1.25 tons instead.
  13. What's really frustrating about this, is that many of the quests are still there, they have just been subject to the same "streamlining" as other content. You get them from a terminal now I believe. (This is NOT the same as the heroic terminal.) Before, you were given a series of quests to choose from, and you didn't have to do every one on the list. Now, the quests are chosen for you...and BW for some inexplicable reason now makes you do all the longest, most tedious quests, and has completely removed the shorter, more fun quests. I actually tried to do the new version of this after 4.0 came out. It took me 3 hours. And to top it all off, I got no conquest credit for doing so, even though it was listed as an objective. No help from CS when opening a ticket either. This has still not been fixed that I know of.


    BW's version of Makeb "streamlining" = remove all short/medium quests, remove all choice. Require only the longest, most tedious quests. You know, the ones everyone used to avoid like the plague.


    To be fair, Makeb overall was full of long, tedious quests back in the day. That included the expansion storyline quests. Even the shorter quests you could pick for the Mass Exodus weekly weren't all that short compared to other quests in the game.


    As for why they got rid of it? I don't know. A lot of the people I knew at that time didn't ever bother finishing the weekly after doing it once for the story, just because it was multistaged and the quests were so dull and grindy and Makeb was packed with trash mobs (which have been thinned out since then). Also, there were a bunch of secondary achievements associated with the old weekly, that you could only accomplish if you did the quests in a certain order and did certain bonus objectives in them, AND you couldn't accomplish that certain order without running the weekly multiple times because you had to do the same quests in different orders at different times to get other achievements... there's a reason Dulfy had a guide just for that weekly! You had to complete all the secondary achievements to get that special decoration too, after they removed the old weekly quest chains from the game.


    So my best guess is either that a bunch of people complained about how complicated and annoying the quest chain was (which is possible but I wouldn't know, I didn't read the forums back then), or EAWare looked at their mythical 'metrics', decided not enough people were bothering to run the weekly, and took it out and 'streamlined' the quests to make it allegedly 'simpler' or something.

  14. as far as i remember, the current top end crafting mats aren't added to the jawas for several months. like 6-8



    seeing as it's only been 2 or so. this is sorta just petulant whining.


    plenty of things to do with jawa junk. and lots of ways to get crafting mats.


    if you absolutely abhor having jawa junk laying around. just sell it on the gtn.


    Apparently you don't play the game and don't realize Jawa Junk is legacy bound. :D Now if you mean the mats you can buy, sure, you can sell those.

  15. But don't you find RNG EXCITING!!!!??? Ben Irving thinks RNG is EXCITING!!!!! He thinks we all enjoy experiencing THE THRILL OF THE HUNT!!!!! from our current gear roulette with a pay-to-win (or really, pay-to-spin-the-wheel) system of CXP boosters you can buy with real money. Surely having even worse odds on the gear roulette would make it even MORE EXCITING!!!!! because there's even more RNG!



  16. Ebon Hawk right now is the second most populated NA server according to swtorstatics website. I moved 2 toons there recently to check out its ranked PVP and I found out there is none. I stood in queue 1 hour around 8pm EST while I ran some heroics.


    I asked around the server to get a feel for what people are saying and your story is exactly the same as most of the people I talked to. They said the queue pops are getting longer and the guilds that most of them are in are becoming ghost town due to the release of 5.0.


    I am sure once people start leaving that its a snowball effect causing more and more people to start transferring to Harbinger. Its a slippery slope once that trend takes hold of a server.


    Why did they build this game without cross server queues? I don't understand how you build a game on a queue based grouping system and don't have it server to server capable. Why?


    To be fair, I've never queued for ranked PvP (I don't think I'm good enough to be anything but a liability to a team), just regs. I would imagine ranked PvP would indeed pop a lot less. I see people in the PvP and Allies channels begging for more people to queue for ranked all the time.


    I also personally know of at least three raid focused guilds who transferred wholesale to Harbinger, guilds full of people I used to raid with on teams and backfills. They did it because it's the most populated server, and with the decline of Ebon Hawk it was getting very difficult to find PvEers competent enough to run HM and NiM raids like they wanted.


    I have been playing this game for five years straight. I have the Founder title. My subscription has never stopped--I got the ugly decoration statue and everything. I started on the Lord Adraas server, which was then merged into Ebon Hawk in the 1.0 days. I think I can say with a great deal of credibility, with all that experience behind me, that this is by far the lowest and least active population I have ever seen on Ebon Hawk--the longest queue times, the most dead guilds, the largest amount of my former friends and guildmates I met through the game that have stopped playing entirely.


    4.0 did cause a surge of activity for a few months, but then petered out quickly around December. That's when the guild I was GM of at the time died completely. 5.0's surge was much smaller, only lasted for about a week (so people could complete the 9 short new chapters), and then it immediately went into a tailspin. Most of the people I know who have left since 5.0 dropped have cited a lack of new group content worth doing (PvP and PvE both), and the trainwreck that is Galactic Command.


    This is the damage that Ben Irving has wrought. I hope he's ashamed of himself for it, both for how terribly wrong he was, and in his sheer hubris in not admitting he was wrong and reverting back to the prior system that actually worked and no one asked to change.

  17. This mount was removed from game with 1.2.0 from SWTOR.




    Now You can get it from Tier III pack.

    So sorry for all owners this Legendary Mount :cool:


    That's how You using old mounts or reskins in future :(


    Of course they're reusing it. EAWare seems to be allergic to spending time, money, and effort to do anything new. That's why they keep recycling 2-5 year old content, and why they keep altering outfits slightly and re-listing them in new cartel packs. Whether this is due to EA not providing sufficient funding to develop anything new, or due to Ben Irving dumping all his available funds into making the game more EXCITING!!!! with the RNG Disintegration Crates instead, I don't know.

  18. Fair enough, they're not totally useless. However, there is absolutely no reason as far as I can see for there not being level 10 crafting mats on the Jawa vendors. Every other expansion, EAWare has updated those vendors with the new materials when new vendors came out (even back when they jumped from level 8 to level 9 mats during 4.X). It seems to just be a case of incompetent oversight or laziness. I wouldn't think just adding new items to an existing vendor would be that hard--especially since they've done it every expansion since the vendors existed, so someone there has to know how.
  19. The names on the Guardian/Juggernaut gear and the Sentinel/Marauder gear are both wrong, but the set bonuses are correct. The gear will say it is part of the Vindicator (Guardian) set, but if you look down at the piece listing and the set bonus it will say Weaponmaster (Sentinel) and list the Weaponmaster bonuses, and vice versa. This is happening on not just gear from the vendors, but gear from Command crates; I was pretty confused about it when I had it happen on my Sentinel.


    Basically, EAWare kriffed up, again, because they are incompetent with zero quality control. These are the same people who can't spell or use grammatically correct sentences in their patch notes, have tons of misspellings and extra spellings in item names, and 'accidentally' left patch notes off the last few patches.

  20. For my part, I play on Ebon Hawk. I don't play every day, but I will play on both weekdays and weekends. Pops for operations are nonexistent (though a lot of that is because most people organize groups of 8 in Allies chat and queue together, to be fair). Flashpoints can take an hour or more to get a pop--not just for my filthy peasant DPS, but for my healer and tank characters as well. Outside of prime time, that turns into 2-3 hours. Tactical pops faster than HM, obviously, which means you're usually in a group of 4 DPS.


    I don't queue for PvP every day. When I do, the pops are between 5-10 minutes during prime time, and maybe once or twice an hour outside of prime time. This goes up when PvP gets the CXP bonus, and back down again the next day. The only thing that seems to be popping more is GSF, since people are jumping into that both because of a daily CXP bonus as well as frustration from the nerfed bolster in PvP meaning people already not in 242 gear just get pasted and pad the kill counts of tier 3 premades. That used to be hard to get a pop for even during prime time, now I can usually get a 2-3 pops in an hour during prime time, and then one every hour or two outside of prime time.


    The guild I was in when 4.0 hit was very active that October, but was dead by December/January as people completed the new content and quit. I moved my toons into a couple other guilds. All of them have seen shrinking numbers since 5.0 hit--even my RP guild, because even those players want something new to do sometimes and they're not getting it from TOR, and they have zero interest in grinding for hours and hours every day to try to get gear.

  21. I got a 242 Legendary Gold Relic on a DPS character today at 210 rank; my first Gold.


    It increases Alacrity.


    On Use.


    I got that relic like three damn times on my Scoundrel, and twice on my Sentinel. Still don't have the ones I actually need for my Sentinel or any other toon beyond my Scoundrel. I think the non-BiS slot relics have a much higher drop rates than the relics people actually USE. I'm guessing because Ben Irving thinks making useful items far less common than useless ones is even MORE EXCITING!!!!!

  22. He meant "now" in the context of being fully geared and max level, and therein lies the problem.


    OP, the outcry is due to the fact that many raiders and PvP'ers could compete at the highest level before they raised the gear cap with 5.0. You needed the top level of gear to do the highest level Operations, Nightmare (NiM), and to be fuly effective in PvP.


    Now, in order to do content they were enjoying before, they had to work to get new top level gear. No one would have a problem with that, except they made getting top level gear a total crap-shoot with the random gearing system that is Galactic Command. Short version: you have to be lucky to be able to do the same content you were able to do before.


    Exactly this. And the cherry on top is that they set up a gear treadmill to be able to work on the exact same content we've had to run for three straight expansions now! Competent developers of MMOs worth a damn don't just keep levelling up content from 2, 3, 4, 5 years ago and make people go through the months of gearing all over again just to reach the exact same place they were before the expansion. THEY ADD NEW END GAME CONTENT TO WORK ON PROGRESSING THROUGH.

  23. Playing through Makeb again after a year and half + and I remember there being a bonus series after the main story. You talk to Jace Malcom and he gives you a set of quests or whatever. I couldn't remember exactly how to start it, so i searched it and there's supposed to be a droid on the station you talk to.


    The droid is nowhere to be found now.


    Did they completely cut this content? There's a terminal with the weekly on it, but I mean ***? Why would they cut out the story content that leads into this? It explains WHY you're still able to traverse the planet!


    Someone please tell me it's just in another place.


    They removed that weekly before 4.0 dropped. Everyone was warned about it ahead of time, and everyone who had completed the weekly and all the achievements under it got a special decoration when they removed the quest chain.


    Edit: Here's a link to the Dulfy article that has links to the different posts made on the forums about the removal of the Mass Exodus weekly: http://dulfy.net/2015/08/26/swtor-makeb-weekly-achievements-being-removed-in-4-0/

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