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Everything posted by Vaipyr

  1. So.... you post a completely lackluster scoreboard screenshot as proof? Yeah, great argument. Try not looking bad on the scoreboard if you're going to post it. It's embarassing.
  2. God. Arguments like these make jesus weep for humanity. RPG's have nothing to do with gear grinding and ESPECIALLY dungeons and dragons (which I have been playing with my friends and co-workers since the original chainmail manuscript). In many people's D&D campaigns people don't see "uber gear rewards!" for a long time, if at all.
  3. You'll get used to it OP. Sorcs/Sages are the favorite child of the game, with the highest player population (best indicator of eazymode capabilities) and dev interaction. If you kill them reliably your class will get decimated by the nerf bomb and if you bring up all the stupid crap about sorc's/sages then they flood the forum en-mass like ants (again being the highest population class and all). In other words, it's futile.
  4. This phrase does not belong in MMO's ( or any video game for that matter ) in even a half-assed serious manner.
  5. Must sig this His choice of music is brilliant as well.
  6. That's not a reason. Unless you're a nazi or something. In fact, thinking on it, this idea/statement is really disturbing.
  7. Referring to oneself as "top tier skill caliber" over and over again is a clear sign that: They are infected with severe narcissism They are clearly not "top tier skill caliber pro 1337saucecheezwiz" in the slightest A title and custom appearance on armor (not stats) is all the reward a real pvper should need for their achievements in ranked matches. Show's that they are part of the best, but gives no inflated stat advantage vs other people (which is the antithesis of competitive)
  8. You do know that this is what EVERY MMO does right? In fact this is what almost every progression based game does period. At least one's that update. Guess what. You know that top-end raid gear that people work their asses off to get? Yeah, soon as they release an expansion (or a couple new ops) then that gear decreases in value down to poo and they have to start all over again. In fact with a new expansion most people will outgear them just by quest greens. People will go get the new PvP WH sets. They'll feel uber. Bam, new update, new gear, old gear is decreased in value and easier for the new kids to get compared to the old ones. If this bothers you then MMO's (gear driven ones at least) probably aren't for you.
  9. LoL. I would like to vote to make this an official word. Also: @ OP I doubt it. The guilds here suck, and getting enough people together to even form a premade is proving impossible
  10. Would much rather have it so that anyone who AFK's or quits loses a level and a piece of their pvp gear.
  11. Gamer law #19475739-2b: Anyone who says they are "pro" in-game, over voip or on non PGL websites and forums is most assuredly the opposite of "pro".
  12. This. If anything PvP should take away your social points.
  13. Lies. Get a real gaming computer. My god. This game doesn't even require an even halfway up-to-date rig to run at 80+fps consistantly during full on combat. FFS. Upgrade your crap. Stop trying to go to the races in a pinto and then complaining that you aren't running as well as the real race-cars on the track. Quad core 3.7ghz dual nvid 570 1g's (sli) 16 gigs ram 200+ fps max settings during combat. Get a real gaming rig for cryin out loud.
  14. This would only show the class imbalance in an even brighter light. The only way for this gametype to work is for every class to be balanced for 1v1 vs every other class combination. Good luck with that.
  15. I always use east/west in relation to the minimap. Everyone should know how to read a compass. So far it works beautifully once I've been on the same team as some of the other people queuing for a map or two.
  16. Quite possibly one of the most narcissistic, delusional and inane rants to have ever soiled this or any other gaming forum. Bravo sir. The feeling of froth-mouthed rage and delirium behind the textual ravings that the author spewed forth is chilling. Even more so is the compelling feeling that you truly believe this rant while uttering "meaningful PvP, earned, effort and GEAR" all within the same post. Truly impressive.
  17. Vaipyr

    Final blow to pvp.

    ... I hate to say it because it sounds like some douchey troll comment but honestly the problem is just you. Especially given your class. There's nothing else to it, everything you described in your post can only be attributed to flat out being bad.
  18. Because it's not like the other massive MMO giant that has arena said it was the worst thing they ever did. owait
  19. And this is bad.... why? Oh, because you won't have some gear disparity to crutch on and may actually have to put in effort when you PvP? Yeah.
  20. No. The complete opposite actually. Players that "want freaking gear" for PvP are NOT PvP'ers. They are part of this diseased mass of nu-gamer that has infected and helped destroy PvP in gaming on a grand scale. Real PvP'ers hate gear disparities because ****s with the playing field. Real PvP'ers want pure skill vs pure skill. As far as PvE'ers and gear hell I would love for an MMO to challenge the industry standard and get rid of the "gear check" system and implement a real-time "skill-check" system. With PvE content that is dynamic and challenging enough for players coordination, reaction time, strategy building and adaptability that the whole carrot on a stick disease can be left behind. Until then the PvE we can live with. The infection spreading to PvP is too much.
  21. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Get a real job you part-time slacker. Full time averages out to a minimum of 8 hours a day and most people work 10-12+ regularly. WHILE raising kids, WHILE taking night courses and WHILE attempting to have a social life with friends IRL when time permits between running a household. You don't even half half a leg to stand on in that lame defense you tossed up. Oh you mean like you ilum exploiters and win-traders and so on and so forth. Please. No respectable pvper likes gear disparities. Only wannabe MMO players stroking their gear laden epeens and deluding themselves with dreams of "skill"
  22. Perhaps more people just wanted to be imperials? Hmmm? Even in the movies the Imps were cooler. Far more stylish, had better dialog and an air of ******ery. Vader is the all-time greatest galactic pimp in fiction. Maul was *********** amazing (better in his written canon), boba fett; ******, crimson guard look amazing, etc. Good guys suck. They're boring. They're disney. They're uninteresting. Hell this is why there were servers with horde disparities as well, the cool factor. Being monsters is far cooler than being fairies, midgets, lawn gnomes, and boring humans. In WAR you had CHAOS or more goody goody elves, midgets, etc etc. If you're going to write a "good-guy" story of course it's not going to be as good. This isn't bioware's fault, it's just literary law. Villains always have better dialog and style. Because they have freedom. *And I'm on the repub side nowadays. Only way the story and character is tolerable is to go full darkside because it's just way more fun to be a hardnosed ******e than some disney dumb goody goody.*
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