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Everything posted by Vaipyr

  1. Vaipyr

    Healers are OP

    IA healer. Not OP in the slightest. If I'm healing teammates I can be burst down in seconds. If I'm healing myself I run out of resources. If I try to damage anyone they laugh. SOME healers may seem OP but there's a healer class out there that is pretty damned iffy 90% of the time. The one with the blaster rifle (or pistol if Repub)
  2. Your "free speech" has only proven that there are far too many narcissistic ******es in the world. *And before you think otherwise I'm all for free speech. As long as the threat of physical repercussions are there. Too many people become douchebags when they're unafraid of getting slapped in the mouth.*
  3. ^ Agreed. People acting like elitist douchebags because they feel safe to do so on the internet has gotten way out of hand.
  4. Huttball is just about which team has the premade with the most sorcs/sages and a few vanguards/guardians to run the ball and drag people into hazards. Every other class/AC is pretty unneeded/unwanted/sub-par. Hell the current meta seems to be stack the guild with nothing but sorcs and BH's because they do everything and do it better in every area.
  5. Games are not work. I am not getting paid to WORK on this game. Your argument is retarded. Also carrots on sticks are only there to cover up bad gameplay. If a game is fun then people will play it regardless of having carrots on sticks placed in front of them or not. On the topic though there should be a short time investment for the gear sure, but mostly in the hope that people will learn to play their class more than anything else. I have faith that bioware will add more pvp content that is fun (I would love to see them do something with their space combat. Just take it off the rails and it's damn near ready to go). Game is still young, patience is a virtue.
  6. That makes no sense and would only make the Operative AC even more useless and subpar.
  7. Ops/Smugs. Hmmm, I suppose it really doesn't matter what spec either. Healers are sub-par in every way (compared to sorcs/mercs). Dper's are lolworthy nowadays. Tend to just ignore them out of pity. Other than them probably juggs/guardians.
  8. The community makes me a sad panda. Any bets on what the next nerf it thread will be? Medpacks maybe? Oh wait, LoS! Damn non empty and flat maps. They're so OP.
  9. Sorcs/Sages are the most stupid OP broken class in the game currently. Every part of your rant is rendered invalid.
  10. Everything you do reflects upon you as a person. The whole "It's a video game and so nothing I do reflects who I REALLY am" excuse is pretty naive.
  11. Vaipyr

    Stealth in Pvp

    What?! OPs are damn near useless now after the continual nerf train that rode their back like a bloated tick. Ok, then every sorc/sage needs to stop playing until BW gets around to nerfing them into mortality with every other class in the game.
  12. Same. I pray for this every night before bed. Please god please.
  13. ^ This. Be thankful you're playing the current OP class (sage/sorc). You could always be a SB/OP healer.
  14. ^ This. A thousand times this. Ever get that 1 in a million game where there's no sorcs/sages facerolling around with their stupid OP'ness slagging up the game? That rare game where the game almost feels extremely balanced, fun and frantic? Yeah... Wish they happened more often but nope, queue popped again and wouldn't you know it 70% sorc/sage spammers and the rest some mish mash of everything else.
  15. So.... because it fuels your elitism and ego? Good to know.
  16. That would be OP and NOONE (healer or otherwise) should be able to "hold up when 3-4 ppl are simultaneously hitting them at the same time w/ focus fire." Seriously, that would be grossly OP and asinine.
  17. No. Classes change, abilities are added, meta-game shifts, gear plays a huge role in these types of MMO's. That statement of yours is facepalm worthy at best. Also ^ This. *Personal note: Drop the brotard ego and attitude. It has no place in the world.* Epic win dude. Bravo. Ops are fun, but just looking at them purely from a paper standpoint now they are lacking, and that's before taking into account all the in-game variables that make their life tougher. Success through immense effort and will above what others put out does not equal balanced.
  18. ... You're so full of crap that this has to be an obvious troll.
  19. No... Just no. Our main weapon is our SMG. The knife is for specialty attacks, like our grenades. Repeat after me: Ops are not Rogues. Ops are not Rogues. Ops are not Rogues. (and hopefully they never will be) Got it out of your system yet? Hope so.
  20. Because only endgame PvP and Raiding matters. What, are you talking about *snicker* questing? Really?
  21. Hey! Screw you buddy. I rolled an OP SPECIFICALLY to play a RANGED AGENT class with stealth and some off-heals. I had no interest in playing a melee rogue with his snick snick backstab lolstunlock playstyle. Running in for a shank before moving back to range and kiting is fine, but dammit if I wanted to play a rogue I'd be a marauder or go play wow. Just sayin' In other words, the idea of Ranged Dot's n' heals is what appealed to me in the OP class. Otherwise I wouldn't have been interested in the least (besides getting sucked in to the story once I actually started one)
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