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Everything posted by djcetra

  1. My main is a min/maxed assassin and I crit people for 10-12k hits one after another, I can 3 shot people especially in regs. Last, anyone who told you sin/shad is not good in ranked is completely retarded. Sin/Shadow is hands down one of the best PVP classes in the game and when you run into a highly skilled one you will be swiftied/globaled in 5s or less at times.
  2. djcetra

    Ranked PVP Quiters

    Yea it sucks but don't hold your breath my friend, devs don't listen much here, if they did we'd have x-server queues and it'd be #1 priority as it benefits both pve and pvp period.
  3. I pretty much keep my sub live for solo ranked only as well as almost everyone I know still playing this game. Removing solo ranked will not improve 4s, people will just stop playing ranked. The population pool has dwindled far too much at this point. There's only a handful of very good teams that queue 4s and they want more people forced into 4s so that they can farm and that's it pure plain and simple. I'd love to have 2s and 3s introduced, the more the better but it won't happen. There's only one thing that can fix what's happened with this game and help improve it's state tremendously and that's cross-server queues, anyone who denies that including bioware/ea employees is a complete fool. Even those who don't like Wildstar or have any interst would benefit and have more fun jumping ship here to play over there for PvP for the plain and simple fact that the population there will be booming. As is there's already cross-server queues and average BG pop time is under a minute in BETA. I'm barely hanging on here as it is because lightsaber > all and pew pew is fun but remove solo ranked and i'm out. No xserver queues within 6 months and I'll probably be out anyway regardless after my experience on WS, the devs listen there.
  4. Removing PvP would certainly kill an already dead game in this case, SWTOR PvP is one of the best aspects of the game with flaws and all.
  5. Interested in watching you stream either solo ranked or 4s ranked.
  6. Makes sense, I'm going to take your advice and switch it up, I have the willpower augs in cargo as well as mainstat relic. TY, appreciate it very much.
  7. Thanks for the replies, it sounds as if a lot of it has to do with how low of a crit % you're willing to go with and/or two different ways to get nearly the same results. I'm using 5 crit enhancements, 4 with surge and 1 with Accuracy to hit 75%surge/105%acc. The rest I do all Power/Surge including Augs with the Crit Proc Relic sitting at 22.65% Crit base before proc. (Still need 2 more pieces of Brutalizer). I rarely Maul unless I have 2 stacks of induction and duplicity proc'd, I'm not a scoreboard fiend lusting for top DPS but I do hit 700k+ whatever dps in wz on the regular. If I have a good healer or two I can hit 1.5 million in full Deception in a Voidstar with the right conditions. I am however obviously more concerned with Arenas which is why I was so curious, I wanted to make sure I wasn't making any big mistakes. I feel comfortable running this, if anyone feels I'm screwing myself over plz explain why. Otherwise your input is greatly appreciated, thank you!
  8. Why Willpower augs if you're already at 23% crit and power is suppose to give you better overall damage? Why wouldn't you just stack power augs as well givin that Deception/Sin doesn't have a %main stat tree talent? Not to doubt you, I'm curious as to why someone would aug with willpower when it yields less dmg?. Set me straight! I'm talking about PvP btw, no PvE.
  9. It's not even worth the effort anymore, everytime someone posts about x-server they stoop so low to even delete the entire thread. Just forget about it, sometime later this year when they start losing their jobs they'll look back and realize they should have prioritized server merge/x-server queueing but just didn't care enough about their work. If I were Bioware I wouldn't even ask the community what they want anymore nor would I even continue planning for new maps, gamemodes etc. if you're not going to do x-server queues just pack your bags now. Quite honestly as someone who's worked in the game industry for almost 10 years in the past, I'd start working on my resume knowing this game won't survive much past 2014 with the current 'roadmaps'. Another MMO down, time to move on AGAIN.
  10. Sorry Bioware, Eric, Alex and the rest of you who ask for input and/or work on the PvP team. As much as I would like more warzones, warzone modes etc. and especially open world PvP.. This game is at the point where the only suggestion I can give to keep me and a lot of people subbed is to prioritize Cross-Server queues. There's simply not enough people in queue for normal or ranked warzones anymore and soon I fear it will be as hard to queue for PvP as it is to find someone open world to kill. There's a lot that could still happen with this game but time is really running out. Capture the Flag modes.. Guild ships invading guild ships or even a mixture of the ground pvp game with GSF which would be amazing.. But by the time any new modes or maps come out it will be too late.. There's not enough people pvping now and it keeps getting worse so it's pointless to put more maps in if you're not going to do cross-server because nobody will get to play them. All any of us want is Cross-Server queue, it's a huge answer to a huge problem in this game and should be extended to PvE pugs too so everyone wins. I know it's not on your roadmap but it should be, I hate to say it and I don't want to leave but soon I'll be driving down another highway that isn't full of so many road-blocks.... Cross-Server queues guys, seriously as much as you're tired of hearing it stop and THINK, please. This or merge the servers until they're full, all pvp servers and pve servers to mega servers to the population is booming, this will also help world pvp and pve people too. MMOs will low population just doesn't work out. SAVE YOUR GAME
  11. TLDR Version. OP wants to raid all day and then be able to participate in PVP/OWPVP with PVE Raid gear only slightly below the best PVP gear available that the rest of us have to earn. Simply put, your long post isn't going to happen and is a very bad idea. In my opinion you rolling into any wz or owpvp zone with that gear should cause you to get completely destroyed by anyone in full PVP gear. In fact you shouldn't get ANY bolster at all. You play PVE, you Raid computer bosses tied to scripts and that's all your gear should be good for. When I go into any PVE area, raid, whatever in my PVP gear I can't keep up with people in full Raid gear and you know what? Good, I shouldn't be able to unless I spend time grinding out the raid/pve sets. I don't want a bolster, I don't want hand outs. If the game is too hard for you and you think you're entitled to a handicap in pvp (bolster/pve gear being viable) you should just quit playing mmo's all together. Just because you're probably used to free handouts/welfare/whatever IRL doesn't mean you're entitled in video games too. EARN IT.
  12. They've completley f'd this game up and continue to do so. All of their changes always come from within and they never listen to the community.
  13. Really stupid change, I lost all faith in this company. So sad.
  14. djcetra

    Scripts in PVP?

    Agreed and a lot of "good" pvpers usually use a good macro or 2.
  15. djcetra

    Scripts in PVP?

    If you lose to a script in swtor pvp you're bad. /thread
  16. Nice post, could you be so kind to link your hybrid build please? Thanks
  17. Change the title of the thread to why you fail at arena and it makes some sense. Tired of threads about why this and that is failing, just leave the game so the rest of our ears can stop bleeding. Thanks.
  18. I'm sorry but this Dark Maul spec is garbage, nothing full deception can't already do -minus bs stance dancing. What a load. 35k dmg in under 10 seconds and 11k+ crits already happen on my decep sin and i don't have to clown dance around, I also have a somewhat sustainable dps rotation as well. Bad sins everywhere.
  19. Truth but people who are that stupid are also too dumb to read the forums as well.
  20. You're bad, if there was no gear progression this game would be finished. People should be rewarded by putting time in with gear and rewarded further by winning in both normal wz and ranked. Even games such as COD allow you to unlock better weapons and gear these days. If you want a dumb down experience where gear makes no difference and there's nothing to work toward or earn, break out your NES and play a more simple game where you can't upgrade anything. People cry no matter what, remove gear progression and whiners will cry "cheat" and other junk when they lose instead. Should we just bolster everyone who does PvE so they can do NM mode 16man ops upon hitting 55 too? Lets just remove everything that raises the bar, allows people to be more unique and gives motivation for everyone to play more and work toward something. Everyone can just wear the same set of armor with the same set of stats and the game can just die weeks later from everyone being bored. No gear progression in mmos = death of game, and the 20 people left on the server (which would obviously include you and a couple others) can queue against each other until the servers go down. "Real PVPers" expect to be rewarded and to have gear progression, a "good game" has these features.
  21. Nope, L2P and stop QQ. Wanna cry about WZ? Take out Hypercraps.
  22. I'm sorry but anyone who thinks clicking is as efficient as keybinding shouldn't be taken seriously, EVER. Argue all you want, you're still handicapping yourself BIG TIME and will get destroyed. 1.5 sec CD? No, and.. There are plenty of ability's that are on seperate CD, you're not going to click them as fast as a keybinder would. You're not just at a dis-advantage, you're at a HUGE one.. One you'll NEVER be able to comprehend if you're a clicker period. Keep gimping yourself, arguing on the forums will never make up for it. l8
  23. I tranferred to pot5 a month or so ago, the server doesn't deserve the pvp reputation it has and some guilds on the bastion smoke pot5 guilds. *shrug* pot5 has SOME good competition but there's even more morons on this server then the bastion by far.
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