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Everything posted by djcetra

  1. If you're losing to Hatred sins while they spam lacerate a billion times just trying to spread dots just uninstall, they're not a good spec anymore.
  2. Hatred sins are trash now and are undeserving of being considered a top class anymore, I'd rather have a good Deception sin on my team rather then watching some pleb spam lacerate 3 t imes trying to spread dots.
  3. This is a horrible idea and on top of it all healers who tunnel the raid frames are still beginners, advanced healing doesn't even begin until one is able to observe and play watching the environment just as much if not more than they're staring at health bars, your positioning is critical and so is knowing exactly where people are both friend and foe including their classes anywhere within range of you. This is why you see healers running into walls spamming stuff, they're too busy playing the heal bar mini-game. Level up. I don't encourage bioware tinkering with their broken bolster system anymore, just remove it period, at least at 60. Taunts against healing may not be a bad idea, healing in general isn't in as bad of shape as a few think IMO. I think operatives are in a decent place, mercs need a minor boost but the biggest issue are sorcs. Healing sorcs are out of control and need to be tone down a tad and "Off-healing" other then 1 simple emergency cooldown should be removed from DPS specs or at least restricted to use on yourself to some extent. One of the more major issues to me is finally working down a tank/healer only to have some random madness/lightening sorc start spamming heals so that they don't die and all of their cooldowns reset. As is, a sniper/gunslinger duo can make a joke out of any healer/tank combo in Voip focus firing, nobody is getting healed when players are dying in 2s or less.
  4. Grats on ripping off the guild name from a good pvp guild that used to play on pot5, both hates you and loves you lol. Be original pl0x, you guys are fakes.
  5. It's a nerf period and a good one, Hatred and it's power is one of the worst ideas cooked up in a long time. You're playing a sorc in disguise. Forcing it to lacerate causes the player to engage in melee range instead of playing like a sorc casting dots all day, for this spec that's bad news. Hatred should have never been buffed to where it's at, another example of people not focused on taking classes in the proper direction. For a class called "Assassin" you might want to focus on bringing Deception up to par and as the best viable spec considering it's the only spec that actually plays like an "assassin". Just another example of the wrong people making decisions.
  6. Stop with the hate already, getting rebalancing is not considered getting PvP content. Personally I think it's great that they're putting a lot of effort into the story but I'd like to see some serious effort PvP side as well. EA/Bioware is making huge profits with this game right now and there's really no excuse to pump some of that mony back into the PvP community as it wouldn't cost much and in the end benefits all players of the game. Lets see an expansion that includes a new pack of maps (around 5, a couple arena and a couple warzone), some new rewards that you can only get from PvP'ing and a couple of other things. It isn't much to ask. People who complain to much or troll with worthless replies don't help, it's old already. Some light trolling will always be funny but being constructive is better for everyone.
  7. Right on with the Cisco! My experience reflects what you've said here in regards to ping and at this point I'd sacrifice some latency to have 1 megaserver as well. Most of my toons are still on POT5 but they'll be getting moved starting tomorrow, I remember when POT5 PvP was strong. I think trolls in general are trash (at least the ones who try to make a career out of it lol, some light trolling is ok) and people who still find entertainment in acting like a degenerate need to get over it, unfortunately they'll always exist on every game and every server.
  8. I really hate to keep going back and forth about this but you're dead wrong my friend and seeing as to the fact I hold a CCIE in R&S and CCNP R&S Security I'm positive I know what I'm talking about. That said, it doesn't take a Cisco expert to know the difference in latency. I have characters on both East and West Coast servers right now and after logging in to check, here are my results on Business Class 10MB U/D internet. POT5 20-35ms EbonHawk 25-35ms Shadowlands 25-35ms Bastion 80ms idle on fleet, ping spikes up to 130ms during Wz Anyone who understands latency and has played FPS understands the difference, though MMOs are more forgiving then something like Battlefield or CoD (Neither games I play anymore) the difference is still real. I don't want to spark up some lame argument over this but if you're playing with 120ms ping vs me at 25ms you're putting yourself at a disadvantage from the get-go.
  9. Lol, it does sound funny but unfortunately for this game it makes the most sense if you like to pvp.
  10. This isn't realistic and it's a lot more then 5ms, you lose 50-80ms from going cross-country and it's not a matter of 'not being able to handle it', it's a matter of networking and latency that no person who cares about their performance needs or wants to deal with.
  11. It's absolutely NOT worth transferring to Harb if you're on the East Coast and living with a 80-120ms ping. Ping is just too valuable, I went back to my original West Coast server (Bastion) while I'm on the East Coast temporarily and it was just plain annoying with that ping. I transferred to EbonHawk even as a die hard pvper, there's pretty much no reason at all to roll on a PvP server anymore on this game, face it you're going to stand on fleet and queue all day. I chose Ebon over Shadowlands because in the Star Wars world it seems PvE and Roleplayers seem to have the best numbers and given Bioware is going to focus on story a lot there's more then likely going to be more people on this server. I may put 1 toon on Shadowlands just for variety but being on Ebon as a RP server is nowere as bad as I assumed it would be, great ping for me decent warzone pop rate. I'd highly recommend rolling on whatever server on your side of the country will have the highest population regardless of server type if you really want to get the most out of PvP, the OWPVP dream is dead here guys.
  12. It's looking like I'm going to try Ebon Hawk and if I'm not happy there I'll try Shadowlands as a last ditch effort before I give up on this game for PvP. I understand there's decent West Coast servers, I'm currently back on Bastion because I'm from California but I'm on the East Coast for the next year and I do not enjoy 80-120ms pings when I'm PvPing, it throws me off, I want my 20-35ms ping. Thanks for the suggestions, hope Ebon/Shadow has enough PvP to keep me going. Don't want to give up as I love Star Wars and PvP and there's not really other good MMOs out right now (IMO) so this is kinda a last ditch effort for me to keep playing unless they make changes. Good luck to everyone and I'll be seeing some of you on Ebon soon or possibly Shadowlands later.
  13. You may be right however it's not a very good idea and most certainly not better then cross-server or a mega-server.
  14. Ugh more leveling, that sucks I'm so tired of it.
  15. Trying to figure out which one would be the better choice, Shadowlands or EbonHawk.
  16. Heya, I haven't played in a while, just wondering which eastern server has the most active PvP community? I don't care who thinks who is "better" or whatever, what I'm looking for is the server with the most people actively playing so the queue times aren't long and there's more of a variety of people to match up against. These days it doesn't matter if a server is a "PVP" or "RP" server in my mind because there's no such thing as world pvp anymore for years in this game, strictly concerned for queuing. Thx!
  17. One of the best ability animations in the game, stop crying.
  18. They're not OP, they're the worst spec for assassins in WZ unless you think spamming for top dmg on scoreboards wins games.
  19. Then need either 1 mega server in central us or two, 1 east and 1 west coast. Everyone has left for Wildstar except those who refuse and are diehard star wars. EA killed swtor, it's been a long slow death.. We heard rumors it would die with this or that game came out until a good one finally did come out. I still come back once or twice a week for a couple PvP matches, I'd be sad to see the whole game go down in the next year but there's no enough people left for for then a couple servers anymore. They had the answers, cross-server.. But they didn't take it serious and gave the resources to other projects like housing etc. that is a complete waste. I like this game but I feel for the most part, it's over for swtor.
  20. They're viable but they're nothing for anyone to be celebrating about, prior they weren't viable at all.
  21. At this point I would suggest 2 servers only, one West and one East coast. No RP/PVP/PVE labelings anymore and make 1 or two areas only available to OWPVP, the rest forget it because nobody bothers with OWPVP anymore other then Tatt and maybe Oricon. Leave it that way and call it a day, there's not enough people left for a handful of servers anymore.
  22. You have no idea the sense accomplishment I now have knowing I can influence you with my magical powers. Who will be next to admit defeat? And I still know how to SWTOR better then you white knight jedi heroes defending the last line of defense. Come to POT5 and lets talk about how the Wildstar White Knight is better then you at your own game.
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