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Everything posted by djcetra

  1. You sir have me considering leaving The Bastion for this server. My guild and I have attempted to organize events like this several times with some success but this is awesome. We live for World PVP and Warzones, if this is something you plan on doing consistently for a very long time then it sounds like I'm on the wrong server right now. Thanks for the video, breathing life in SWTOR!
  2. My main is a full min/maxed Deception Assassin, I eat Mauraders for lunch so I have no reason to complain about them rolling their faces across the keyboard lolsmashing while they're force slowed to death. What I am tired of though is 1/2 the warzone holding their eyes blinded by lolzsTunz. Nothing wrong with Sorcs having the stun bubs, you guys need it to help survivability because I can beat you down too but the rest of your team doesn't need stun bubbles.
  3. Stun bubbles are retarded, there's far too much CC going on in this game with people throwing grenades etc. in WZ's on top of class abilities. A sorc with a good tank and stun bubble itself is a pain to take down, add stun bubbles to everyone on the team and you spend more time standing around then you do actually playing, it's game breaking and extremely frustrating to the point I'll leave a wz and re-queue so I can actually play.
  4. This is a stupid idea. Simply another qq thread with someone begging to have limits placed and more attributes so that others who have much more drive to find ways to get advantages over others. That's how life works, not everyone is equal and you need to live with that or join the big boys and stack some power too.
  5. Another qq thread, solution = get better yourself, play with good friends and carry the team like others do in those situations.
  6. djcetra

    Warzone quitters.

    It sucks but that's life deal with it, I'd rather the devs focus their time on important things.
  7. ^ One of the best posts so far in 210 pages, but hey some people like to be tricked and ripped off then argue its validity.
  8. I feel really bad for the people defending Bioware. You can call people names all you want, you can claim PVP isn't important in this game but in the end... You're about to start logging in finding yourself ALONE and you're going to watch this game fail and go F2P by next year. Quit fooling yourself into believing because it's EA, Bioware and Star Wars that it can't be sunk, this game IS sinkable just like the Titanic was and WILL go down. Keep defending it but you can't stop the inevitable and some of us have seen games like this fail before and know where this is going from experience, just accept it..
  9. I hate to say it, I've defended this game a lot and had high hopes for it but it's time to move on... No rage /quit necessary but failure is failure.. I guess it's on to D3 for me, the whole MMO template has been worn out for years anyway, WOW did a good job of burning every aspect of it for many people already. I've cancelled, I'll log in after patch day just to try the new warzone but you won't find me grinding gear at a 3:1 ratio anymore and there's not enough people anymore to enjoy pve content even though I don't enjoy it much... I've seen this happen with other MMO's, plenty of people are in denile because they don't want to accept the game is failing since they enjoy it and want it to work out but swtor is going down... Just like the other MMO's that just couldn't get it together.. Being someone who has worked for a couple gaming companies myself, I put most of the blame on EA/Marketing for putting pressure on forcing a game out so they can fill their pockets, being impatient.. This is common in the game industry, putting devs in choke holds and forcing games out that just aren't ready... SWTOR is one of the biggest MMO let downs.. For those of you who keep playing, I hope you still have someone to play with. Tera, GW2.. Yea both of those games look like washed up crap as well, it's just a safer bet to stay away from MMOs / sub to play, all together now days. L8...
  10. Huttball is the worst idea ever, push pull rinse repeat.. I refuse to queue and play this poor excuse for a PVP idea ever. Are they going to have rated huttball LMFAO? What a joke, make more REAL warzone's please and get rid of this clownshoe idea. I can be fair and say that I understand some people DO enjoy it (Primarily people who roll the favored classes) but if I don't like it I should have a CHOICE to queue for a specific warzone and not EVER have to play it again. I shouldn't have to queue dodge, wake up BIOWARE.
  11. If you don't like getting killed ANYWHERE in the game, whether it's during an NPC convo or in a wide open PVP zone there is only one solution... ROLL NON-PVP Don't think for one second you "want the option to pvp but only when you're the one ganking or feel like it". Look, when you picked your server you had a choice now deal with it. You rolled PVP and now you're complaining about getting ganked, you sir are the problem. That's like getting pissed off for swimming in a shark infested lagoon instead of the hotel resort swimming pool. "Oh but I wanted the option to swim in the ocean.." Right, and doing so you take a risk of getting owned by the wildlife.
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