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Everything posted by Satpolpp

  1. Would be nice, but somehow OPs suggestions would make things a little bit....awkward?
  2. I would rather they do it Infamous-style, as in light side has access to light side skills and ditto for dark side. And when npc's cower when u have achieved Dark V or something, that would be really cool.
  3. I got it quite frequently within an hour, but usually it reverts back to normal lat within 5 secs, altho on very rare occasions I actually got DCed, but then again Im playing from Asia so that probably explains why
  4. Do you mean PAID services or haircuts? I dont mind paid services for race changing really. I just realized fat green twileks dont make good inquisitors
  5. Why does no 1 in this thread mentions how different the delay is in the last few days? Not quite WoW quality yet but a lot better at least on my side.
  6. Haha his first sentence was only confirming what we knew was coming anyways, without actually mentioning specific dates. But thx for the heads up, anyways
  7. I can understand the hard bind bit. What i dont understand is WHY the hell do they have to put it right on top of probably the 3rd most used button after movement buttons and space bar
  8. Global search, not just any search. Atm, it is relatively easy to buy/sell crafting materials but to buy specific equipments especially those with numbers on its name is a real mess /sign
  9. You know, technically speaking, Bioware = EA. The original studio owners have gotten richer by a few hundred million dollars and I doubt they have any grudges against people who have made them rich.
  10. I like the guild where I am in. Its very lively with random chats and activities. Game is fine, but definitely could be a lot better. I am not too sure 6 months down the line tho.
  11. I think you should let us know why Flynn is awesome to you. It looks like another yellow-page name for me.
  12. If you live in Japan, Katrina is a 2 If you live in Florida, Katrina is a 8 If you live in New Orleans, Katrina is 10 If you live in other Asian countries, Katrina is 0 Are you already wearing a flame retardant suit, sir?
  13. This would be nice. The descriptions of advanced classes are at best vague. Yes I know what the class will be able to do, but I wont have any idea how it feels until I've tried it meself. But only allow one time change and thats it
  14. If you cant even define constructive....well I'll be damned.....
  15. Mods, since I know you're gonna be shutting this one down, can I ask you ONE simple favor? Ban thread starters like this for 72 hrs minimum for 1st offense, and permaban for 2nd offense. Help yourself clean this forum up.
  16. lol complain about everything and anything. Its actually a very popular place believe it or not. 1-2 complains in the general chat =/= the whole player base of swtor
  17. If they were ever to do a rollback, the slicing bull**** at launch would be the one to do it. This is such an unneccessary whining.
  18. Generally, the whiners are the most active forum posters. Why bother posting something that will be derided as too carebeary?
  19. On random planets in Swiftsure server, empire side, we have a daily (sometimes hourly) sessions on WoW vs SwTOR and daily sessions of USA vs Australia. COME JOIN US ON THIS VIBRANT COMMUNITY!
  20. I think the OP is concerned about the near permastuns................
  21. I'm always the advocate of a three party struggle instead of a two party struggle. I think it is an impossible to task to hit the sweet spot of balancing 2 factions. Whereas with 3, the 2 weakest ones will usually converge to kill the strongest one.
  22. I love how this guy threaten, and try its best to try influence others to support his cause. I think I'm gonna start a similar thread soon demanding George Lucas' head for the bad remakes of ep4-6, otherwise I will unsub and it will remain so.
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