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Everything posted by Satpolpp

  1. The whole point of MMO is to make new ones
  2. I have to agree that there are way too many skills doing the same thing that makes almost no difference at all. Fail design really. Great games shouldnt require more than 10 regular skills and a couple other situational skills. Probably the devs think we are aliens with 20 fingers or something
  3. A string of bad decisions made by a studio with a good name who managed to tarnish their own once sterling reputation. Despite this, statistics demand that there will always people who will always complain even if BW make a photorealistic game that can only run on IBM supercomputers. And of course, statistics will also demand that there will always be people who will defend the game if the graphics is of pacman quality. Bioware, and indeed any other business, builds products that will fit a certain market segment. Even behemoths like Apple and Microsoft will always have opponents no matter how successful they become. If you feel like you dont belong in the market segment BW is targeting, then stop complaining and leave these forums to its intended use : sharing of general knowledge about the game.
  4. Either you wanna play the game despite all its flaws, or you dont. There's a myriad of other forms of video entertainment out there.
  5. Best thing about MMOs are, you dont need millions and millions of players to make the game feel alive. I'd rather have 500,000 active real players rather than 5 million whiners.
  6. I think the appropriate response is : finally..... Here's a very useful feedback, communicate more in your forums!
  7. Ser, Good point you make there. But in games where there are only 2 factions, and those 2 factions cant communicate with each other (for good reasons), there tends to be an imbalance, which leads to 1 side dominating, and of course by rule of scale, the dominating side will keep growing (people always want to be on the winning side), resulting in longer queue for everything, hence the cross server things. A bit of catch 22 isnt it for the less hardcore players?
  8. Thank you for reminding me of this. Without realizing, this is probably why I got hooked up to MMO gaming and ditch consoles for good. Reminds me of my Lineage II days way back then with cross-faction high drama was the fuel for everyday totally random PvP
  9. I loathe myself for using WoW as an example, but just this once In that game where arguably most pro-LFD tools are hoping to get, my server (barthilas) still have that sense of people knowing each other : a few guys sometimes offering to make premade world pvp, some guys leading pugs for the latest raid every saturday afternoon, some guys, and its almost always the same people doing it. For me, that is good enough example of 'community' That is why I am puzzled why so many people are afraid of losing this so-called 'community' with tools that make life easier, but that isnt my argument here. My argument is what people perceive as 'community', and hopefully by understanding their definitions then we can understand where their argument came from.
  10. I think this bit can be fixed if they fix Ilum, no?
  11. Posters afraid of 'community being lost' , 'less need for community if there is LFD tool' . etc etc. So just out of curiosity, what is YOUR definition of community? I read some posts here thinking that some people doesnt even understand the meaning of the word in MMOs For me, 2 criterias : It's when I can still see people doing quests around me, people randomly /dancing in the middle of pvp daily quest giver, the rep/imp fleet still vastly populated i.e. what is physically visible. And when the general chat is alive, be it another Aus Vs USA topic (on swiftsure, daily!) or another WoW Vs Swtor topic (on swiftsure, hourly!) or the general confession of playing swtor while drunk (from orange juice, perhaps?) but for me it provides a comic relief seeing how nerdrages and trolls combine themselves in a mixture of entertainment at its purest form : comedy for the ones watching on the sidelines, like me
  12. I like how the OP puts 9.7 or a 8.2 or 6.1 I really would like to know how a 9.7 and 9.6 is different from each other and how the 'reviewer' bases/judges those numbers. Sometimes people are just lol
  13. Shockingly enough, some people will defend that it is fine and u just need to be un-lazy to go about it.
  14. While this is a good idea, I dont think it is a good idea to bother them about trivial things like this when there are lots more urgent issues that needs attention
  15. Probably give it a more freedom kind of feel, after all the game is made around choices so why dont include it in space combat? I am content with the way it is now but it does get a little bit boring after doing each 10 times or so. But kudos to whoever designs the stages, it really make space seems like...well....space. I think this bit they nailed it spot on.
  16. I dont recall any AH system in any game that doesnt allow you to do a general search of item name. Swtor AH system is probably the most *** moment I had so far in terms of interface.
  17. If you find an area tricky, what I will do is just port back to fleet, play a couple of pvp battles, complete all the daily space combats and run a few instances. By the time ur probably up 2-3 lvls already and when u went back to that same area it is a lot easier
  18. Thread has turn from a decent argument into a troll arena, and since the devs must've acknowledged it by now, I guess the thread has served its purpose
  19. A side topic on this particular thread : Why the f*** does people say 'I work with a major corporation blablabla' and 'I have XXX experience with a major software blablabla'. WHO CARES REALLY? I can say that I have worked 25 years developing a nuclear reactor programme and therefore....? We are all hiding behind a computer screen anyways, so why dont you state who do you work for? Exxon? Apple? Google? IBM? Oracle? NASA? Boeing? Facebook? WHat? WHAT? I just find it annoying that people claim they have this and that in rl and then immediately followed by : 'Therefore I should know what I'm talking about, unlike you, you unqualified internet poster!'
  20. Its always the same everywhere.....everyone wants to be the bad guys more than they wanna be good guys...its just a fact of life........
  21. You know......the mobs here really have low aggro range, just need to be not lazy and turn around a bit here and there
  22. There is a 500+ thread on the exact same topic. If you want to be a thread celebrity you have to come up with something else more original
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