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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Atramar

  1. Well, you know, Dark Council member? more or less strongest top 12 of sith?

    what you have... swiss army knife (I don't count rifles since bolts are being deflected like we were playing baseball lol).


    ones you kill while questing are just turf and drop outs, while those you need to outsmart are elite killing machines whose fart would set you on fire.


    I actually liked that, instead of bounty hunter with his pistol dropping on sith ships and temples killing from left to right like no ones business...


    edit:If I remember right, somewere in chap 3 you kill Jedi Master who killed Sith Lord, no cunning actions, just plain stabbing knife in green sticks back.

  2. Actually the OP is speaking about "bots". Like the Walker or Ranger for Lineage 2.

    It is not only for rotations. You can program many other actions. Like hiting the CC breaker the exact moment the resolve bar is full. Or any other action which requires fast reflexes and of course the computer will be always faster than human.


    I have seen few cases (everyone who played Lineage could detect them immediately) but it was long time ago.

    After a banhammer announced by Bioware I have not seen Neo's reflexes anymore.


    Why would one want to hit cc breaker on auto?

    Unless we'r getting capped and I'm on hard stun, I will keep it for later.

    Only usefull thing on it would be auto bubble for whole team (for sorc), auto clense (if smart), and auto execute (maybe undying rage when about to 10% hp and maybe some healing stacks on main tank/tanks/selected players/self)

    most skills if set on auto would kill energy managment in SWTOR.

  3. Next step to make things equal, will be removing skills.

    Every AC will have 2 buttons to attack (1 basic attack, one special attack on 6 second cooldown - ofcourse you can makro it if you are rich and filthy), so those who can manage more keybinds and procs will not be in favor.

  4. not that there arent other 50 topics about it...


    'select only those you want' would make pvp alot harder as premades could min-max squad for certain WZ instead of being prepared for all.

    I would support 'deselect ONLY one' - as premades are still have to be prepared almost for all, and many people dislike only one WZ (some don't like HB, others CW, me - I hate Voidstar), but not a biggie, it makes it fun.

  5. And yes I am using everything at my disposal, even when the guides suggest TO use the EMP and such. It's just too difficult. I don't get it, I've tried EVERYTHING. I want to enjoy this, I love space combat stuff, but this is just absurd!


    Some like it hard and long.

    Soft, short and easy are still there.

    There is a reason why they are called 'Heroics'.

    It's not like you missing anything out by not doing it, and it's matter of practice. In past minefield was considered 'hard', and one could fail it fro time to time. Now it's a walk in a park.


    Nothing worth having comes easy.

  6. Really?

    What if your team does not have any vanguards who can alternate between tank and dd?

    What if your team consists of 2 Sentinels and 2 Snipers who can only go DD?


    This feature needs to be disabled for Rated Warzones.


    Then you could switch team members.


    no one forces you to use marauders only.

    other teams 8 members have 2 sets of gear and practiced playing two roles, so their preparation time is about tripled to yours, and they are better - they deserve the win.

  7. it's personal.


    try practicing rotation with keybinds on fleet dummy or ship dummy. also try putting them in pattern so if you have 3 abilities which will be used one after another, put them in order (ie. 5->6->7), abilities which are situational close to movment (q,e,r,f), things with long cool down under **** (really bioware? 'capital letter button' censored?) or alt combination, etc.


    there are no 'one and only' guides to keybindings, do what ever is practical to you on keys easy reachable (my gf can only go to number 4, hardly 5 without looking on keyboard, while I don't have problems using 7 and 8).

  8. A horrible looking PC, say a body type 3 human scarred up to look like Frankenstein's monster, fits the male Bounty Hunter voice the best.


    Bio should have hired the voice-actor who did Mandalore in KotOR for BH. That voice was golden.


    Maybe it depends on people, or first impression of character.

    Many people say how Sith Inquisitor female voice is super sexy, while mine looks like my grandma (skinny face with color that looks like 70 yo person who spent to much time in hospital bed and smoke WAAY to many cigarettes) and I have same impression of this voice (subtle, proud, almost sayng 'i'm here longer, I know better, listen to me or f-off').


    But yes, Canderous Ordo's voice from Kotor would be awesome.


    That's why most of my chars are female, voices mostly fit. Slap pretty face with reasonable hair, and viola, Perfect Match, while my male characters require atleast 3 remakes.

  9. The Bounty Hunter's voice made me abandon that toon while still on Hutta. Absolutely hate it. I cringe everytime a BH is in a flashpoint with me.Thank the stars for the spacebar.


    Dunno, maybe you made wrong char for it.


    body type 2 flat and square face silver short hair human with no beard fits that sound.

  10. You should come on POT5.


    Open PvP event without reward is common here. Few exemple:




    Damn, that looks fun.


    reminds me of pvp next to NMP few months ago... started with one person flagged for fun, then he died, other 2 of his friends jumped, and chain effect...

    and they say there is no pvp on pve serwers ;-)

  11. I have not healed in Warzones for a while but, is it still possible to damage yourself (from abilities or jumping in the fire on hutball) then keep healing yourself, just for stat padding and unlocking medals?


    I have no plan to do this, but people were abusing that crap out of that in the early days.


    yes, Sorc/Sage can drain their health and then heal up, mercs/comando/operative/scoundrels are limited to remove their gear, put it back and heal.


    also you can do it on fire pit, falling damage is to small to even count.

    it will count torwards healing medal.

  12. Some people take it to a extreme, then there is some like me that lives with sports and other competitive things in life like golf, baseball, and skydiving.


    I gotta ask, is competetive skydiving competition on who hits ground faster and harder?

    Is wearing a helmet cheating?

    bet you'r the best.


    (yes, I know it's to land on red dot)

  13. and you think that area pvp would end any different from 'pvp' event? people will take lines to owe a castle, or gank ops groups 24 vs 4...


    there already is equal pvp ground, warzones. it's open for all, numbers are equal (I mean you can't bring 24 players to gank 4), and there are rewards.

  14. I love keybinds, (I still use WSAD to move since sometimes I need my right hand, sue me), but 1-7, qerty\zxcvfgh and shift 1-5 qerf, is more then enouth (note, I have 5 extra buttons on my mouse I can use - logiteh g500).


    it's good to have pattern, like many above me already stated.

    ALL my chars have C as stun breaker and V as pass huttball

    most have shift+4 as stun and shift+5 as aoe mezz, finisher on shift+2, KB on R, single mezz T etc.

  15. It's only counted if they are actually damaged. Most healers do this to let the group know that they are healers, or to just warm themselves up. I think traps count towards your skills but not your damage. (Don't quote me on this)


    healing correct. only actual heal counts (so if players has 17/20k hp and gets healed for 7k, only 3k counts (same for damage)


    actually not sure, I don't think traps/void counts torward kills, never got medal for pulling and stunning/kb. maybe offensive medal if it was ball carrier.

  16. Never vote for smash monkeys, juggs/sins/PTs with no protection (is hitting taunt really that hard?), and never ever for healer who sits offnode by reducing his health to heal and farm medals (not becose I'm jealous, but it's a risk of very fast nod lost if stealther comes while guys is 30%HP).


    Usualy going for healers or for node guarder if he calls good incs.

    or for person who did something stupid and apologised without being called out.

    Like guy who mixed his buttons and could not interrupt cap, or used force stealth instead of run/pass while having ball, AND said 'I am sorry, I screwed up, my fault'

  17. I have one single question about phase walking....Can I throw the ball to my future teleport location and catch a pass to myself? If yes, highest objective time lol. I doubt you'd be able to teleport w/ ball.


    you can't pass to your self and you cannot tele with ball

  18. @Boyana:

    Yeah, I can be an arse, I apologize, never the less, I think (for the moment) that 18 meters into cover roll on my sniper will be far more useful then 'back teleport' on my assassin. atleast that's my impression from PTS

    idea of teleport indeed is op, but I disagree with all hate it's getting.

  19. Next time when you want to answer and quote me to look all smart and all bad-scary-boy, learn to read post and understand abilities.

    My Majestic Creature has an Assassin. To explain it to you, my assassin has a Phase Walk! Say what? Mhm, I do!

    To even explain it more, because I think it is a must, that might be the reason I think it is OP, because I am smart and know how to abuse an OP ability, unlike you. Whooop!


    And, no. My Majestic Persona also has a Sorcerer! What you gonna do now? Quote me more! Do so, but you are getting served by your own lack of knowledge, since Sorcerer's Barrier is channeled and they cannot use other abilities while doing so. Uhhh, do you feel that? It is called 'you being owned'.


    Now, conclusion is you do not know how to think and read, nor do you know how warzones work because the person you quoted, aka I, Boyanah, said:



    Try harder next time when you quote me. You might, one day, get 'there'. Whaaaaaa, whaaaaa, in your 'i-want-to-be-scary-on-pvp-forumz-and-seem-agoodpvper' face, whaaa!




    Then bless me with your mighty wisdom, how phase walk will be op with every class getting one new 'goodddiee' skill. It's not magic teleport which you will use any time you want to teleport anywere you want, it's leaves yellow beacon telling every one 'hey, stealther is here', and needs to be used in advance.

    It has great potential in good hands, but it's not all mighty god skill. (specially since when you place beacon and not use it in next 120 sec, it still goes for 45 sec cool down, not just 'refresh').


    edit: sorry about 10 sec immortality, I read that one wrong. missed 'what's next'

  20. ^ this.

    My time, my fun. No fun play together with baddies, who


    1. Dont grind 4500 ranked and 2750 regular wz when leveling 10-49

    2. Dont augument their gear


    - and as final he dont care about team, so i dont care about him.


    Ah yes, I'm always # 1 or 2 in dps charts... very very very rarely #3 :D


    Heh, I hate lowbie WZ... to the bone... even thinking about grinding max comms in lowbies.... :o

    on 50s it's much, much faster and pvp is better.


    I would agree with augumenting gear though... it does make a lot of difference.


    I take trying hard half wh half recruit player over augumented WH/EWH who doesnt do objectives, tries solo 2 defenders in Hypergates, doesnt pass, wonders off from guarding, any day and night.


    It's actions not gear which makes person 'baddie'


    number 1 in dps charts... yeah, I have a guildie like that. He ignores objectives, blindly follows players, doesnt focus dps... only good thing about him (pvp team wise, generaly he is good bloke) is that he always goes for healers (not always good, as I saw him not interrupting cap just to follow that healer).

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