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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Atramar

  1. I tend to stay up in mid. closer to mine or enemy line? depends. if we are winning, I'm more to enemy side for faster pass, assuming alteast 4 people have brain in my team, 1 person should be with me, he will go down for ball, pass to me, so I can pass forward.

    if we'r losing/close game, I'm closer to my goal, for defense in case I won't make it to the ball.


    if I see we will score in a moment, and none of my team mates around, go down next to where ball spawns, entreh, wait for ball with my fonger on aoe mezz.


    what we do? we gun down/root carriers, pin healers, and pass. targets would probably be enemy carrier>healers>smash monkies>sages/sorcerers (not cause they grant nice hits, but they can pull enemy carrier)


    I treat my sniper as recreation pvp activity (I do main as assassin/operative) so I bet I will get corrected by more expierenced snipers (hopefully, I like to learn new things),

  2. Why are there two different sets of rules in Voidstar depending if you are playing level 50 PvP or under 50 PvP?


    Level 50 PvP

    If the first attacking team blows the first set of doors but not the second set of doors, the second attacking team just needs to extend the bridge to win.


    Under 50 PvP

    If the first attacking team blows the first set of doors but not the second set of doors, the second attacking team must blow the second set of doors to win.


    Why are the winning rules different depending on what level you are playing?


    I'm pretty sure you got that wrong.


    if attacking team gets bridge at 4th minute but not second doors, there are two posibilities for second round.


    a. second team gets bridge in less then 4 minutes (for example 3rd minute) - auto win

    b. second team gets bridge in over 4 minutes (for example 5th minute) - not auto win, they need to get second door.


    and I'm sure it is same for both 50 and pre 50 pvp

  3. Can you explain these 2 changes? I think i missed them when i read the patch notes.


    probe cost has been reduced to 9 energy, cloud got buffed extra 3 seconds (so extra 50% healing) and both got +9% heal bonus.


    in addition, alacrity buffs CGC so you can probe whole team quicker (and actually will have energy to do it now)

  4. Since I play a Scoundrel healer... I have to respectfully disagree.. Our AOE Heal is pitiful compared to a sage/sorcs. Our HoT is resource management hell to put up on everyone. We are great single target healers, with the ability to keep anyone under 30% hp up indefinately with EM refunding UH, but sages and sorcs are better TEAM healers. As a tank or DPS, if it's a 2v2 or 2v3 or 2v4 fight, I want that scoundrel healer with me. But when it's 6v6 on a node you have to cap or defend, I want that sage, always. Their ability to keep a group of people up is incomparable.


    I have operative healer, with that super HoT, I am reffering to changes in 2.0.

    also with free heal that regens energy, I think operative/scoundrel healing resource managment is super easy (well, you can't spam heal stupid, but can heal for ethernity.

    with 2.0 fixing our open heal burst, quality of life goes up.

  5. I don't know. They don't exactly move the Hutt ball. I have a sniper which is my "main" in the academic sense I guess. Area denial? Check. Advancing to take and objective and moving forward? Ehh..


    well, they can't be jumped to or pulled while waiting for fire to go down and smart 2 will leave carrier before pit, other player go thro, gets pass with no risking of getting stunned on fire with ball on you, and 5-6 snipers/slingers can make a pass chain who cannot be broken. (not to mention we'r getting 18 meter roll in 2.0)

  6. It's happened to me before. After the bomb was disarmed, everyone on the team was scratching their heads. We were on it, and I mean on it. But for some, cheating doesn't exist (they're the ones doing the cheating and don't want any focus on it). To them, if you claim someone cheated then you must be a horrible player.


    I truly wish Bioware would adopt a zero-tolerance policy toward this crap. If people want to cheat, hack and simply violate every aspect of the agreement in their single-player FPS then they're only hurting themselves. Here, they're hurting everyone.


    reason fr it, is most 'hack' reports are 'jugg jumped to empty space, haxorzzz' or 'we were hitting that sentinel for 2 damage and he healed him self, immortality haxxxooorrr' or, 'PT jumped to friendly/enemy, only warriors can jump, haaxxorrrr' :(case 1 , jugg jumped to friendly stealth, case 2 undying rage + healer, case 3:pulled by sorc/PT tank can jump to enemy)... so yes, most of the time, player crying about cheaters are either not paying attention and making excuses for being capped, or not knowing classes.


    ps, posting videos of cheats from december 2011 is not proof.

  7. sage > scoundrel > guardian > commando


    scoundrel > sage > sentinel > shadow >guardian > commando


    fixed for you



    no, joking, Commandos/mercsa are good single target healers, operatvies/scoundrels are good Heal over Time healers (and they have stealth!), while sorcs have lots of force and can heal stupid.

  8. I see sorcs got boost to hps and survival too, so I guess it's fine, if not, it may be balanced.


    But yeah, buffs on quality of live (2TA after stealth, probe lol energy, cloud heal twice as main heal, that usless skill I never used now being superb aswell) made me undust my operative healer and cap him with comms till 2.0 comes...


    can't bloody wait.

  9. If they don't do something about the deserters, I'll be leaving eventually.


    There is nothing more frustrating or stupid in this game than the deserters, IMHO.


    Other way around. Frustrating stupid idiots are reason we sometimes desert.


    that guy not calling incs, those 4 around ball in pit but NO ONE take it, enemy comes, grabs, and passes forward, that guy who was capping but stopped to hit enemy who I mezzed so our guy (one who stoped) could finish capping, people in L40 pve greens in 50 WZ, that assassin who runs with no stealth nor sprint... that 2 guys who got ninja'd by one stealther...

    did I mention not calling incs?

    I don't mind losing, but I mind stupid, and I don't want to get banned for rage swearing, nor I have patience to silently deal with it... so yeah, I'll hit 'quit'.

  10. 5 pvp's in a row that the reps (republic players) just kill my team every second. Is there a way to be nice? :hope_01::hope_01::rak_02: now I know there's a easy way to solve this Get Good Gear but man the reps will just kill us before times up




    Could be just unlucky.

    Sometimes you win, sometimes you loose, can depend on time of a day, if you have only 20 people queing and 8 of them are very good premades, then you are bound to:

    1. make your own good premade to oppose them

    2. loose with pugs

    3. win with pugs

  11. I would say Lord of The Drinks, their premades are steamrolling pugs like no ones business so they must be good in RWZ, while Wookies loose to pugs more and more often, even if they use granades.

    Atleast from IMP solo que pvper perspective.

  12. The above poster clearly hasn't read the change to Shield.


    shield is not part of accuracy formula, and there was nothing in patch notes about defense chance change.

    in example, force lightining now can be shielded, but not 'blocked' (unless something changed).

  13. My understanding is crits trump everything. I.e. you can't dodge a critical hit.


    you can't shield crit, you can dodge it.


    first roll is accuracy vs dodge, then if not missed roll crit, then if not crit it's shield roll.

  14. nah -elemental dmg by vanguard/pt + guaranteed crit on rail shot/high impact bolt will still be impossible to be mitigated by tanks - thanks to the defense mechaniks ...


    well, railshot can still be dodged, but same goes for ticks of cull white damage.

  15. Well a bit of Accuracy for Madness helps since DoT's can be resisted as can Death Field


    Death field, yes, DoT's - don't think so.


    I didn't see anything about defense working against force/tech, just shield working on weapon/energy/force/tech damage (not internal and elemental)


    edit:ofcourse, I forgot about internal/elemental resitance (since it's so bloody rare)

  16. since bubble stun is gone, your team would drop sorc for another op healer (as they got quality of life buff) - but with their 10 sec immortality bubble who knows.

    Snipers got mobility buffs (and damage)... imo so many changes, it may spread AC around ranked a little. less '2 pyro, 2 smashers, 1 sin, 1 jugg tank, 1 operativ healer and 1 bubble sorc - or else you die'


    you will still need 1 Sin to guard, 1 jugg to guard main healer, and mara for speed buff, but rest will be more arguable (I think, hard to test since so many 800k hp rats @ss on PTS)

  17. I didn't start this topic out of a situational rage mood. I also play a marauder (carnage) and although he gets killed quite often, he kills quite often himself.



    I think we found the problem.

    Op has a sorc with one button bound (lightning strike) and marauder alt who kills him self in Warzones.

    this might be marauder I talked in my previus post. :rolleyes:

  18. Woow, OP must run around in pve L40 greens on L 50 WZ and spam force lightning thinking 'hey why I can't kill people with one finger'...

    Like one marauder few days ago, he got 2 comments on 'mate, get some pvp gear after this match' , he did 30k dmg (he wasn't defending) and right before match ended he said 'haters gonna hate' and he left..



  19. Every spec that does not utilize the 31 point talent is a hybrid. What's a 27/7/7 for Marauders/Sentinels? I can't really imagine Focus without Force Exhaustion or Combat without Blade Rush (lol) so I guess it's some weird freak of Watchman without Merciless Slash? What'd be the point of doing that?


    The 18/23 Guardian build is definitely a hybrid tank, its damage sucks even in DPS gear, the reason it goes so far up the Vigilance tree is because 1) Overhead Slash is better than Guardian Slash, 2) Commanding Awe is an awesome PvP survivability talent. But Bioware killed that hybrid by tying Unremitting to Shien and by actually fixing the Defense tree.


    27/7/7 was an experiment of mine but never got into it since I got bored of marauder gameplay and effectivness is not subject of conversation, but gave me a lot of fun on pvp as it was good for melting people,specially smashers.


    they did indeed fix tanking tree for pve, not sure about pvp.

  20. Bioware DONT WANT hybrids. Cos hybrids are a pain in the arse about balancing a game with 8 classes with 3 talent trees each in terms of PvP.


    I get that.


    what you call a hybrid? 50-50?

    18/23/0 jugg in tank form is a hybrid tank or hybrid dps?


    is doing 27/7/7 marauder means it's a hybrid?

    will sin 32/x/x (in 2.0) be a hybrid?

    is 0/27/14 a hybrid now?

    I'm not really crying over hybrids, will miss them, but not a biggie.

    in 3.0 we will have 2 premade builds which we can switch between, dps one and tanking/healing one (or one dps for snipers/marauders), so it will all be equal, predictable, and balanced.

  21. But that was whole fun of assassin... so many options.7 official builds with personal one less here one more here... room for discussion... no 'one and only viable build'


    now, from first look, you have 2 ways you can tank in warzones, one deception and one madness build, and that's pretty much it.


    atleast my sin will go back to tanking tree, missed it a bit.

    with sniper as my main dps and operative as my healer.


    alteast they didn't took away our stealth :rolleyes:

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