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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Atramar

  1. My opinion on this did not change: does not belong in this game.


    What is next: 10 seconds 100% immunity on everything while being able to use your own skills (cough* cap *cough)? We gonna love that!


    How could this idea even go trough? Seriously, do they play their own WarZones? Name and Shame!

    Damn, BW Team, you scary!





    in other words 'I don't understand how this skill works, but whaaa whaaa, I'm not gonna change my mind, whaa'.

    only 'opness' of Phase Walk is

    'if I placed that big beacon which tells all enemies that I might teleport there and that I'm probably very close, I can teleport there again if I get knocked back, which in Huttball I still won't use, since I preffer enemy not to know I;m on their line so jugg will friend leap to me, or some one else will pass'


    10 sec immunity, you mean new sorc/sage bubble? the one which is channeled?

  2. left+right mouse keys at same time = mowing forward.

    there aren't many abilities in SWTOR that could be used with makros, only examples I can get right out of my head are cover+snipe for MM sniper (ss slinger), rakata medpack (+25% hp)+hp buff+self heal for jugg/guardian (or PT/vanguard), or stim+adrenal (not usable in warzones any more?)+some power abiliti+on use relic combo, but for that , you need mouse with special software (I use logiteh, so I have 2 extra buttons under index finger and 3 buttons under thumb).

  3. @Caeliux:

    You are either ignorant (I don't know what's stupid), blind (I don't see stupid), not doing to much pvp (I don't mind stupid), running premades all the time (atleast half of your team is not stupid), or being extreemly lucky for team members where every one is atleast trying to win (there is no stupid).


    I so envy you.

  4. A question about the PvP 2 set bonus for hybrid: I understand it makes orbital strike tick longer, but does it actually also increase damage accordingly?


    Mind you I'm playing a gunslinger, so I'm not sure if it behaves the same (but it should)....


    I had the feeling the pvp set bonus just increases the duration of orbital strike (or xs freighter, in slinger terms) so you can defend a node longer but that it does not actually increase the overall damage as it just spreads the same amount of damage to a longer duration.


    Or am I completely off here?


    no set bonus - orbital strike does 2k dmg (6k total) non crit each 3 sec 3 times over 9 sec

    2 item set bonus - orbital strike does 2k dmg (8k total) non crit each 3 sec 4 times over 12 sec

  5. Quite the opposite, he doesn't want the statistical disadvantage of having players below the curve on his side. You see a 16k recruit player go burn them down quickly now the fight is in your sides favor numerically as he is back at spawn.


    Well, recruit is 14k about

    I always say, augument your pvp gear. 10 auguments = 1200 more HP and 180 extra power or main stat... sounds like not much, but it can make a difference, plus it shows that you are didicated to improve.

    PS. if you are below 17k not stealth, don't go guard a node. you may think that you are not much gain for team on front lines, but in fact, you are very fast to die by dps stealther.

    and if you get the ball, pass it, you will die faster then I type 'pass the ball dammit please'.

  6. Weird, never got qq from some one for being just recruit, you get WH fast enouth, try augumenting some of pieces you have now, this will always help.

    It's how you play, not in what you play. (unless we talk about L 41 pve gear :p )

  7. You got a point. At the same time, do compasses even work in space? Gravitational pull could be from anywhere.


    you ment magnetic field.


    as long as devs would put anything on our mini map, it would be used. either N/S/W/E, or anything else (but puting 'up/down/left/right' on mini map would be just a bit stupid, but still better then nothing). That could end debate. (not I said COULD not WOULD)

  8. If BW would provide 'N/S/W/E' on minimap/map for those direction challenged, it would all be simple.

    it's harder to misspell 'snow' with 'grass' while WEAST is common mistake.

  9. And CW I never understood because the path back to middle from the left takes you past the enemy spawn area; whereas if you had taken the right node, you scrape back by where your own team is coming from.


    left is quicker, and when you go mid, you see enemies going your left so can hoop from mid to support.

  10. I call just like you.


    Funny is on our server it's excatly the same, everyone just takes the pylon on the left. It was like this since the release of hypergates

    I have no idea where it came from :confused:


    Personally I think that hypergates thing comes from Civil War.

  11. It's apart of the game you subscribed too, same game I play.


    Should you care? Yes


    Should you stick it out and play the game? Yes


    Should you leave the game being butthurt about those things? No




    Dealing with stupid is not part of a game I subscruibed too. You may like playing with stupid, it's a choice.

    Should I care? if they don't care to play objectives, why should I care about them either?

    One being butthurt is you. Probably from staying on all those idiot games. I hit 'quit' and before my loading screen ports me back to fleet, I already forgot all characters names that wasted my time, hoping next team won't be missing common sense.

  12. "Incoming other door"


    Good luck finding out which is "other" door.


    *looks left, looks right, he sees one enemy.* I think guy spoke about the doors other then those I'm on now.

  13. this game would be 1000 times better with ops voice chat..so you could organize a fake attack or a ninja cap to split your enemy at least for a couple of spawn..too often you see the teams changing objective completely..and you always se a cople of toons still going to the old objectivve and die for nothing


    this is doable with ops type chat if people would type... you don't need voice chat for it. so you could say:

    this game would be 1000 better if people would learn how to type and read.

  14. those 6 jugg tanks + 2 operative healers will get cc'd and then out run by stealthers, while jugg smash monkeys will be dealth with by snipers, healers are guarded by tank so operatives will get stunned/taunted. There are no invincable combinations.


    I assume you are talking about premade of 6 juggs and 2 operative healers in RWZ, since getting 8 people who gather 2 sets and are capable of doing 2 jobs is next to impossible (aside from having 2 premades queing at same time, but that team would kill most pugg just by running 8 mercenaries), if that setup would be op for RWZ, we would be seeing more of them, yet, you see far more marauders then Juggs.

  15. You could say the same about the other WZ. But yes, another different type of WZ would be nice. I'd like to see one straight deathmatch-type WZ as well.


    some new maps for HB would be nice, maybe some other layout for VS, but as for pure death match, we have one, Ancient Hyper gates.

    unless 2 pylons is to much of an objective ;-)


    also, isn't CW and Novare 'hold the point/domination' kinda map?

  16. People will do what they did before:



    Send in one person to see what the wz was, and then everyone else could respec based on what that first entering player scouted that warzone to be.


    Actually, never thought of that.

    Also, respec by skill mentor, then que will always work.


    But OP problem is - for example:

    people are on attacking side in Voidstar, they spec full dps, and when it's defense time, they go full tank/healer.

  17. Sometimes it's good to go for 3rd node as you will split enemy.

    but, it only works if you are stealth, quick and strong, so you can actually kill and cap or ninja cap.

    If you get killed, you gain nothing and you are 1 defender less for time of try, also if you can solo 1 person quickly and cap, you are not defending, so defense is weaker, but then you are 3 cap and they probably need to send 2 to get it back.


    it's risky, can give you extra edge, solo medal, and faster win, but can also can cost you a win as you may not succeed, and loose one that you would be guarding/helping defend.


    in short, it's situational, and you mostly shouldn't, unless you know you should (yeah, judgment call).


    but if you go, warn your team 'hey I go ninja, try hold out for me for a minute'

  18. 1.wrong forum

    2.don't put spoiler in title (I know, it's old, but stil).

    3.make sure to equip up to date you and companion (not quest items, crafted items, like from cybertech, hitls, depends on crew skill, if there is something you can't craft, you can buy it for planet comms).

    4.interrupts, knockbacks, stunns, avoid aoe.

    5. improve your dps rotation (2 buttons is not enouth).

    6. if you are still failing, try bring a friend, but you should really try to do it your self, as it's basic learning process of the class.

  19. It's a matter of balance: If ALL classes were able to specc to different roles, it would be fair. Since some classe have no tanking or healing trees at all, it puts those at a disadvantage and makes the classes who can respecc depending on group composition or map tactically (!) overpowered.


    So for fairness reasons you would have to either give all classes at least one healer or tanking tree or you'd obviously have to go with the suggestion made here...


    For that sole reason, 'pure dps classes' defend that they are not over powered while being 10-20% above every one else in doing damage.

  20. Yes, please, dumb down the game. Give us less options, forbid from adapting. Remove pylons from Hypergates, to much objectives! Remove all abilities, just 2 buttons for moving (forward/backpeddle) and 1 (ok, max 2 buttons) for attack.


    'don't penalize pure dps classes' - don't make me laugh...

  21. But when you leave you cost other people the match, so its ok right?


    It's ok to have a opinion and leave the mess you was in correct?




    when 6 people don't play objectives, don't call incs, 2 assassins get ninja'd, 4 people don't grab the ball, break mezzes, ignore healers, smash monkey doesn't stop cap cause he is 'doing dps', me quitting this 'mess' doesn't cost a win, that game would be lost no matter what you do (yes, it still can be won if I go heroic and super ninja pylon 10 sec before explosion, get super lucky with doors on voidstar, but why should I jump hoops and bridges if others clearly don't care?). I could be 3 man in one, and would not change result of this game.


    In school we had to deal with stupid, in Uni we had to deal with stupid (but to a lesser degree), at work you have to deal with stupid... we don't have to deal with stupid in game.


    Hard game is hard game, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, it's life, but why stay and try to win while others don't?


    ofcourse there is type of players who will leave cause we capped east 2 seconds later then other team, or we didn't grab ball first, but usually that player is replaced with some one better, so it's not a loss.

  22. I promise, what NO ONE, NEVER leave pure DEATHMATCH warzone, without any objectives except kills, SOLO QUEUE ONLY.

    NEVER LEAVE. Cuz its pure fun and enjoy and zero stress.


    But BW looks so stupid dont make such simple warzone just for fun and relax...


    So, major problem in matchmaking system, wz with objectives, premages/pugs common queue.


    Don't promise something you can't keep.


    I will leave Deathmatch warzone. Going for the kills is for smash monkey mentality player who is to dumb to play objectives, and in fact, gave my assassin/operative many easy wins by not watching doors on voidstar.

    Doing DM WZ will put tanks and some healers permanently off Warzones.

    Please, be a smash monkey somewhere else.

    ps. We already have almost pure deathmatch warzone, it's called Hyper Gates, any people fail to do it any way.

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