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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Atramar

  1. Yeah, but in that situation, you still need to take into account that there will be less damage to heal if you can CC people, so I still think the 23/1/17 spec would be better. Deviating just slightly from the normal DPS spec and getting dark ward with only 1 point in shroud of darkness would then even allow you to switch role with just a quick gear change without having to respec, so you could ninja a node with DPS gear and then quickly change over to tank gear for guarding it.


    Ofcourse, it depends on players. I have healer in my guild who always asks me to go DPS stance so I will kill people around him instead of guarding him with ability. don't get me wrong, I do love 23/1/17 as it's a 'safe option' for most pugs, but if it's good for everything, it's not best for any (or something like that)-with exception for ninja, it's freacking awesome for ninja

  2. Sometimes it's a good thing. last night I joined huttball, it was 0:2, 9 min left, 6 minutes later we won 6:2 with 3 solo scores by yours trully, 2 assissts with guy who joined wz 15 seconds after me, and 1 score I don't know how since I died..


    if we had quitter debuff, these 2 bads who we replaced would still be in that game.

  3. Well, for pure tank job like ball carrying or node guarding, 22/17/2 is far best IMHO

    for being an extra hp for healer 31/0/10 is better (as you want to be next to him (10 m range attacks) and heal your self as much as possible so healer heals team - 3 stacks + lightning/dirt breath)...


    but that's just me.

  4. also 'don't use aoe next to mezzed opponent, you stupid'

    which I find funny, since when on my bubble stun sage, all enemies got hard stun, lizzard doesnt attack, but when I mezz one, grean head muppet uses his aoe...

    (yes, I do unclick aoe when going heroics 2+ alone, but usualy for the first pack I forget :p )

  5. Could it be just out of time? or you were force pushed or pulled but animations dind't kick in? after 6th score sound should start, and then stun in 3 secs. Never seen this sort of bug (I mean way you described it, I did had miss animations who said I was in a different place I really was)
  6. Trust me, if defense and shield worked on all attack and damage types, we would all be rolling tanks. It's fine the way it is. If anything, it leaves the door open for Bioware to tweak class balance by changing a particular attack or damage type. Example: you could buff a merc by changing a white attack to a yellow attack.




    tank in tank gear can 1vs1 some classes and in worst case stand 30 seconds against 2 stealthers who pop out suddenly, which should be more then enouth time for 2 team members to come and help (so 2 stealtehrs pop, I type '2 east', and if from that point, no one comes in 40 seconds, then it's a fail team who doesn't deserve to win).


    if tanks will get buffed, we all be rolling tanks

  7. Regular PVPers are busy camping and ganking on Ilum, so warzones have a higher percentage of casuals, stab farmers and just plain weird people.


    probably This^



    not every time you see same guild, it's a premade. more then once I've been in one WZ with 2-4 guildies and all of us que solo, ofcourse we still win most of those games, but just becose we trust each other to do right thing

    premades are sneaky and take different guild tags.

    Best way to spot a premade is to look how organized and fast they are.. if they are all at the same gear rating/ lvl.. If your op against a group and they all have elite warhero, odds are they are a premade..pugs are unbalanced gear wis

    so in short 'if we lose, it's a premade and they have voice chat + 25% dmg dealth cheat bonus and don't forget haxorz'

    cool story

  8. Actually, you're the one that has it wrong. I've been pressing 1 for a year now, getting LS points, him transforming and subsequently getting killed along with some mobs that pop up after the cutscene.


    You're welcome to run Kaon again if you don't believe me.


    you are, but he will change if person who choose dark side won convo roll.

    if you select light side and win convo, you will kill him.



    pressing '1' will leave him to suffer and give dark side points.

    also, you you take 100 DS and 150 LS, at end you will get 50 LS points




    actualy, googled republic side Kaon video, you are correct too.

    weird republic ways are... weird.

  9. If you ignore someone, how will you see their call?




    they won't.. they will **** about no one calling incs...


    but smart people don't need calling incs. mostly you can tell (and luckly, since 34% people are not bloody calling incs until they die...)

  10. There are some weird allocations of light/dark points in that flashpoint. For example, when that guard captain guy gets infected you get light side points for letting him live, suffer a transformation and then killing him. On the other side, you get dark side points for putting him out of his misery.


    you got it wrong. you get light for killing him as ending his suffering, and dark for letting him transfer just to kill him as a sport/fun

  11. DPS = selfish

    HEALERS = Selfless


    Vote for the healers they keeping your **** DPS *** alive


    and this thread of yours is all about selfless.


    hay, I'm attention Wh... vote for meeeeee!!!111oneoneone



    to the subject, votes are random usually.. I pvp as 2 dps/tanks (respec depending of need, 2 sets of gear), sniper and a healer, sometimes I get 7 medals as dps, sometimes I do fast cap run on voidstar (granted by my team who served as distraction) and get 0, and sometimes as a ball carrier with 3 solo scores I get 1 vote...

    sometiems after double ninja on voidstar on my assassin, I get 0 votes even if I heard 'good job ninja' in ops chat from 4 people...


    again, MVP are random, situational, and not realy any reward, more like 'recognized' and if you werent, well, you don't get mvp.

    people might vote less for sorc/sage healers as many of them guard nodes and reducing their health to put up numbers on healing. Bad Karma.

  12. leveling just in WZ is possible, but staying in right mind after 5 WZ in a row in lowbies isn't... usually if I do more then 3 in a row I want to put my fist thro my monitor. But yeah, if it's an alt, gathering rested exp while doing 1-2 WZ a day is a valid way to progress.
  13. Only problem with that, is it would be over tuned with healing companions. so Tanks would suck even more.


    I understand reasoning behind it, but end result would hurt healers and tanks and leave warzones just for burst dps classes and their companions.


    I still lol'ed about 'companion guarding node and typing incs in /ops chat', but again, recently equipped my jugg and assassin with tank gears, and can stand alive to interrupt a minimum 30 secs if 2 stealthers pop out on me, which should be more then enouth for atleast one team member to come.

    note 30 sec said is minimum, depends on who attacks, and on which char I'm on, and other circumstances, usually I stand at least 45 sec.

  14. Every class quest is doable even if you are 2 levels below, all you need is to interrupt, keep gear atleast up to date greens, and attack with more then 2 abilities.

    If you are still failing over and over (granted, that fight is not bugged like Jadus of imp agent used to be - however it was still doable on par level but actually difficult due to that bug), it's your fault, and you need to review rotations and energy managment.


    LOS is your friend.



  15. doing dps in tank stance either for assassins or juggs (hybrids) is fine, for me, I always have 2 sets, if I'm to guard a node or carry a ball, I swap to tank stuff (for guarding I leave 4 piece dps armour for set bonus and some crit+surge, for ball carrying I go full tank since my job is to carry the ball of doom)


    as for 'tanks being usless in pvp', other then Lethality snipers and smash monkies (pyro PT's main hitter is still rail shot), you are the shield and spare hp for healer (guard), you are that guy who interrupt caps, or spams cap so enemy team HAVE to attack you and let dps do their job.


    Ofcourse if you have 3 tanks and 3 healers, to win a WZ you need other team to be stupid and out tactic them instead of out DPS , and since 80% population is dumb, they preffer to out dps then outsmart.



    BUT, as said, before L 50, it doesnt really matter. try going full tank stats (with endu>tank stats if possible) just for self heal + the fact that many people don't haveaccuracy in lowbie WZ, if yuo get def chance to 22%, and their chance to hit is 83%, you should parry 1/3 of attacks.

  16. So I tired to not insult anyone today and it was going good, then I join a Novarre Coast and 3 times someone guarding WEST abandoned his post and didnt tell anyone. I mean seriously who does this. Then In a Civil war 2 people go to cap snow and I guess they both forgot to actually cap it. We were 6 vs 7 at mid and got burned down they cap mid and we still didnt have snow. the 2 guys were standing their like they were guarding it.

    So I failed my mission of not insulting anyone.


    Oh boy, I get that alot...

    guarding node on my sniper, being told off by some 2 peeps (I assume friends, as they were guilded in same guild) who just came to node and decided to guard...

    so a sniper started running to find a new sweet spot to get some medals, only to find out that we were capped and these 2 went afk...

    I had to rage quit after they called me noob for not seeing that coming...

  17. can't give that answer, I'm a loner leveler, so only planets, heroics 2 and space missions. you will prodobly find planets boring while doing 3 people, with exception of heroics 4,

    but you are correct, flash points should be easy with 3 people who know what they are doing and dps companion (but he will die alot he he)

  18. Wow talk about the old rule of red is dead!

    thats just stupid i think killing your old guild members


    they could just train and some one else could have false impression.

    'you 4 go Ilum and in 5 minutes we go and hunt you down, and then kill you, then we hide and you hunt. hide and seek star wars style'

  19. Hard counter for sents and pt would be assassins,operatives and snipers, not sorcs.


    as any advice I could give, would be apply dots, death field, and los. (and use bubble every time possible - I scrach my head why sorcs don't do that in pve and pvp... I know it's not much, but always something)


    edit: plus, you should not 1 vs 1 to much any way, unless deathmatching in huttball or not calling incs while defending a node.

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