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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by exphryl

  1. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301hRGMdRrRMZMsr0oZb.1




    This is probably going to make me sound silly, but shields only effect melee/ranged physical attacks(white damage), correct?


    Yes. While it doesn't work on a lot of attacks, it does make fighting some classes a lot easier.


    As far as the build.

    Prototype Cylinders and Supercharged Ion Gas Cylinder are wasted talent points. In theory they are great, but since Ion does no where near the tooltip amount (either tooltip or ability is bugged). You'll get about 35 damage or more per Ion hit with that (go PTs!)


    Shield Vents is your only Vent Heating in your build, well accessible that is, and even though Shields are finnicky in PvP you should still vent a lot due to this ability.


    Agooz has a 31 Point Shield build he uses in PvP which, for the life of me I can't remember what thread it was in, but it would be a better fit for what you are trying to do. I'll have to locate it if he doesn't read this thread before that.

  2. Our pistols, for a Powertech, they're basically stat sticks, right? I mean my main attacks are rocket punch, flame burst, and rail shot, neither require my weapon, so basically I could be using a level 20 barrel so long as it had expertise and crit on it, and I'd notice very little difference, ya? I mean the only time I use my pistol is if i am over heated or am closing from range.


    Or do those abilities still work off of the pistol as if i were firing it to use them?


    Your pistols effect anything with "Weapon damage". Such as Rail Shot, Unload, Rapid Shots.


    So keep your barrels maxed...

  3. Trooper getting leap and pull= deep tank spec. Marauder dps getting charge+ lots of heavy burst and bleeds, then 99% dmg redux topped off with a vanish?


    Seems like too many eggs in 1 basket imo.


    If you are dying to a tank spec'd vanguard, you are playing terribly.

  4. Do you mean the Defense stat? Or also the Shield stat as well? PTs have very low Defense but high Shield. Juggs have Defense on par with Assassins and iirc higher shield without Dark Ward up but less with Dark Ward up. Which is why Assassins make the poorest tank for groups of enemies when it comes to mitigation.


    Because having high shield stat works wonders in PvP amirite?

  5. Looks like I was messing around with tactics spec at that time and my dps gear was pretty bad (full centurion). All the protection I did is indeed from aoe taunts.


    Ha. Hi :)


    Yeah this was an old thread so your gear isn't near what it is now. (Think you were 22k? HP or so in the warzones this morning). Also, now that you quoted that, I have no idea why I said you were a Guardian >_< I feel retarded. Thanks for making me realize that. :(


    Good to see other DT players around these parts.


    As an added note, I'm going full AP (Tactics) for a few days now to do something different. So hopefully some of your republic friends stay alive longer :)

  6. I am looking to see if there is an answer to what is wrong with Ion Cell and Ion Cylinder Damage (Tanking "stance") for Powertechs and Vanguards.


    Currently it does significantly lower damage then what the tooltip states. (Tooltip modified by Aim/Power etc).


    Video link:


    If you don't feel like watching, the comparison I did based upon Energy Damage that it does with a Relic that does Energy Damage. Since a lot of people throw out the "Well energy is mitigated by Armor" whenever this is brought up)


    Energy Surge Device (Relic): (224 - Energy Damage Tooltip Before Mitigation)

    - 168 Damage a Hit, 294 Damage a Crit

    Ion Gas Cylinder (609 - Energy Damage Tooltip Before Mitigation)

    - 152 Damage a Hit, 267 Damage a Crit


    This holds true for the Vanguard Counterpart.


    There have been a good portion of posts in BOTH Forums without *any* answer and we've been dealing with this since release.


    I have not seen any Patch notes to thread regarding a change with 1.2 (If there is please point me to it). So,


    A) Is the Tooltip wrong and it's supposed to be pathetic damage (Which goes against the % Increase talents entirely. 10% of 170 is hardly worth spending multiple points to achieve)


    B) Is it not doing proper damage or taking a "base" damage (not modified by Aim/Power) in to account.

  7. So it's okay to have a misleading tooltip? Lol. Simple fix: Reword the tooltip.


    PTs/VGs Ion Cell/Cylinder has a similar problem. Although our Tooltip changes with Power/Aim like it should it does like 17% of the damage that is listed =/


    No word on BW yet on if it's an ability issue or tooltip issue.


    Glad to know we aren't the only class with that problem :)

  8. I am very interested in this patch post nerf, the problem is I am expected to tank in pvp by my guild, and not seeing how I'll be able to do that with this spec, I have a feeling I'd like it better than my current CP spec in pve though.


    Just fiddling with Torhead. If you wanted something similar this is all I was able to come up with. Never tried it as I was just going over the talent calc.


    (15/24/2) http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301GRrbzZrsbrobfkZb.1


    Weaker RPs obviously then a full tank build, but potentially better heat management. And you obviously trade Jet Charge for HO (Where while I love Jet Charge, I find little use for it outside of Huttball).


    You do manage some the improved flamethrower with patch, and some tanking talents (as well as no-gcd oil slick now) so it could work in some aspect? Dunno would have to try it to really see.


    Tanking in PvP is always a bit of a touchy subject =/

  9. It roughly increases my expertise by 80.4



    So what you guys are saying is that 80.4 expertise is > 565 AP?



    that can't be right can it?


    If you are at 10% Damage Increase, the adrenal bumps you to 25% Damage Increase (Look at your PvP Tab)



    Video I made a bit ago (Basically to show adrenals don't stack with warzone buff) but you can see how the Expertise gain effects the PvP Stats on your char sheet and it is a flat 15% Increase in Damage/Healing/Reduction

  10. The Expertise Adrenal has more practical usages.




    Just test this yourself, whatever your main ability is use your Power Adrenal. If it's > than a 15% Increase and you want to increase just your damage without worrying about staying alive do that.

  11. So I understand if I have the same type of mod in a piece of armor I'm fine. However, as I'm piecing together my bank I am a bit lost and wondering if somebody could help.


    I have two enhancements: Advanced Acute and Advanced Finesse


    The issue is they BOTH have

    +24 Endurance

    +51 Accuracy

    +37 Crit Rating


    My issue is, I have no idea what went to what gear since names of the enhancements aren't shown on mouse over when I go to the vendor.


    It this going to mess me over if i choose wrong? =(

  12. This. I'm glad there's a few PTs on these forums that don't have some sort of mental disability.


    Debatable :)


    I think the issue is people play a spec on a server that may have undergeared or terrible opponent and believe a spec is fine and blind themselves to the glaring issues that it actually has.

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