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Posts posted by exphryl

  1. 4. Not controlling the middle. If the other team is always getting to the ball first when it resets, you know your team is not controlling the middle like they should. A well timed stun or knockback is all it takes for you team to get control of the ball when it resets. One or two team mates can accomplish this. To even have a chance at winning, you have to be able to control the middle.


    That example is not "controlling the middle". It's "Other team controls middle and run in and Ninja grab the ball"

  2. I wanted to take a moment to revisit the AP/Pyro Build. While the build has been mentioned or brought up well in to the Beta months ago, it seems to be rarely every talked about about here nowadays other than the bit Oozo mentions in his videos. (Which if you read this feel free to input your suggestion since you obviously have been using these builds longer). This is a relatively long post as I want to cover as much as possible.


    Now let me just say I'm a Pyro guy at heart. . Nothing is more satisifying then knowing the guy on the other end of the computer you just killed has a "What the ****" look on his face. However, I also like to try different builds to better be able to discuss (or argue against) them.


    The AP/Pyro build has always intrigued be but for some reason I never gave it a thought to actually try. I was to stuck on the high damage of Pyro to really give it a legitimate go ahead.


    So for the last week I've been playing with these two builds


    Pre 1.2 Builds:

    1/22/18: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#3010zZrsMrobckZfhMbdh.1

    0/23/18: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301ZrsMrobckzZfhMbdh.1


    1.2 Build Theory:

    0/24/17: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301ZrsMrobfkZfhMbdb.1 (I'll explain my reasoning for this a bit later)

    Negative Points to these builds:

    First, let me get the negative out of the way. This build, will not ever in a million years give the burst Pyro does. If you go up against a Pyro that is good, you'll lose. They can just outdamage anything you can do.


    For people like myself who are 99% of the time Pyro it will be a bit of a culture shock and a bit clumsy to play to be honest. The first few warzones I tried out while good, were mediocre at best on all counts.

    Why I thoroughly enjoy this build:


    Heat Management:


    With Pyro, you can have really good heat management with PPA procs (or very bad). The Free Rocket Punch though goes a VERY long way when coupled with PPA to have amazing resource management. Especially since it's the best ability to Proc a PPA. While you'll still overheat in a very fast paced intense PvP Battle, it'll take a lot more to get to that point.



    Remember how I said you do not take this build for top damage? Yeah. You take it because it's versatile in any situation.


    - Lower Interupt, Stun, Grapple Cooldown. Obvious. Lots of "Tank" builds have these, nothing special. What's special is you can output high DPS with that.

    - Charged Gauntlets for Rail Shot Crit: Not a definiate, but when coupled with a PPA Proc the guaranteed Crit comes in very handy. I'll be honest I'm bad still at using RB and really rely on rocket punch to activate this. This changes drastically with 1.2 though.

    - Flame Barrage, grants you your free rocket punch for heat management as stated above.


    - Hydraulic Overrides. I'll admit, when I really relied on full AP I didn't see what was so fancy about this talent. No knockdowns or knockbacks or root, big whoop. Felt it was mainly a ball carrier skill. However, in the AP/Pyro builds it is AMAZING since it is basically coupled with the mobility and snares Pyro offers.


    There are some times for fun I'll use this ability and literally run circles around the opponent at 10M. It's pretty funny to watch. As an added benefit, this is GREAT stealther protection, if you can pop it before they Vanish you'll "block" their second hidden strike in their max burst rotations.


    Also, unlike Jet Charge, I find more uses in general movement in every warzone than what i did with that ability.



    So this is the part you are probably wondering about a bit. What type of damage can you do with your abilities? I'll stick to crit ranges without using cooldowns. Comparing to Pyro (Since that is where most PvP Occurs). Using what I see off of Heavy Armor targets (while 90% ARP for RS, it still is "higher" mitigation then a light armored target)


    Rail Shot - 1.4-1.7k Non Crit / 2.6K - 3.2K Crit

    CGC Dot: 250-320 Non Crit / 550 - 600 Crit

    Flame Burst: 700-900 Non Crit / 1.4k - 1.6k Crit

    Death From Above: 700-800 Non Crit / 1.5k - 1.8K Crit


    Those go up a lot when I use Fuel / Power Adrenal / Power Relic. I've managed a 5K Medal just once with this build and gear setup I'm using now so it's still possible, albeit very very rare. Do not go in to a warzone expecting that.


    Shutting Down Healers:


    One thing I hear a lot when people mention the Quell cooldown being lower is it's easier to shut down a healer and keep him occupied while his team slowly dies. The benefit to this build, is you can do that AND kill them yourself


    Don't just look at lower damage numbers, you still have great burst with this build. A lot of current healers will get REALLY thrown off if lets say you are on a Huttball ramp. Open up your attack then pop Hydralic override Right Away. I'd wager 99% of the Sorcs/Mercs out there will use their knockback instinctively when you start attacking him this way. To their surprise you are still beating their face in while keeping their heals locked down.


    While it wasn't hard to kill Healers as a Pyro build, the knockbacks were a big issue at times without any effective way to counter them. This Helps. I play on a server that it seems like even if you Mark a healer, I still am the only one that ends up attacking them. (I'm pretty sure those Marks are more a deterrent to pugs then they are a help). And since I humor myself with mainly Solo Queuing I like being able to keep a Healer in check.


    General 1v1 Situations with this spec:


    Powertech/Vanguard: Easy. Unless they are Pyro then they become Hard/Impossible.


    Marauders: Medium. The key to beating a marauder is keeping your range. However, they can snare just as good as you can. Having some immunity, even if it's for 8 secs goes a long way to getting some damage in to them before they can get back to you. Leaving them to play catch up on the damage race.


    Sorcs (Any Spec): Easy. I honestly am starting to feel Sorcs are one of the most underpowered classes in PvP.


    Snipers: Medium. I hate a great sniper. Luckily there is probably 1% of the Sniper/Gunslinger population that can play their class to optimum potential. Line Of Sight tricks out of the way when they use their cooldowns, Override again comes in to play as they love to knockback/root you when you get on them. You can stay in their face and keep DPS Pressure. However, if they use all their cooldowns, get away. Fast. You'll lose that battle most of the time.


    Assassins (Tank): Hard. Not much change here, they are still current kings of 1v1 battles. You do have a bit more chance of survival being able to negate their spike with H.O. As well as using it to build some range to beat in to them (Which most likely they'll promptly sprint towards you. But hey, a few seconds of extra damage is extra damage). Save stuns for their force lightning healing. I know it's tempting to use it earlier but without having a knockback it's the ONLY way you'll break it.


    Assassin: (DPS): Medium. They can do a lot of burst. That's about it though. You have more then enough tools if you survive all their openings to take them out


    Operatives: Easy - Medium: Healers are a bit of a pain. nothing new. concealment is generally a free kill for you unless they have every cooldown/relic available and if you do not have your break free ability available.


    Juggernauts (Easy): Use HO when they charge you to break their root and even when they force choke you the duration will be over before HO Expires so you can easily avoid their smash. After that just /point and /laugh at the fact their one useful ability failed and kill them accordingly.


    Mercenaries: Easy. Doesn't matter which, they are all easy. Healers can be a slight pain if you dont have stuns when they use their Energy Shield since you can't interrupt. So you may just have to wait that out before destroying them. DPS Mercs are still free kills.


    Gearing Options


    Armor Sets:


    I've been trying a plethora of different gear options and really can't decide on what I like best. I've found a use for each of these.


    4 PC PvE Combat Tech: Obvious benefit being 8% Rail Shot Damage and increase Main Stat/Endurance over PvP Pieces. Nothing is ever bad about higher Rail Shot damage. Really benefits from Charged Gauntlet Procs.


    4 PC PvP Eliminators: Pretty self explanatory. Higher Crit Chance on RS. Helps for those times you are not getting charge gauntlet Crits


    2 PC PvP Combat Tech / 2 PC PvP Combat Medic: You are probably wondering why I threw this in here. Did i forget to mention how well this build can "tank"? :) With so many dots for rail shot and being able to still burn the target for PPA running Ion with this build great in times. Either way, whether you run CGC or Ion the purpose of these sets are to get longer Carbonize, Shorter CC Break, as well as longer energy shield to withstand a bit more damage. I usually actually PvP in this set up as it helps my survivability a lot, when I want to run Ion i'll use an Endurance stim with it.


    Modding and Enhancements:


    To each their own on this. The original purpose to me doing this build is I waned more survivability and utility while keeping a fair amount of damage available. As a result I changed out all my enhancements for 40End/38 End Variants with power and surge secondary stats on those.


    Every one of my gear pieces has these enhancements. This obviously will change as I have to figure out which enhancements i saved go back in what BM pieces for the chagne out =/ But for now I'm sitting rougly around 18.5k+ HP buffed (19K with Columi set).


    The secondary benefit to High HP is if you pop your medpack then use your Kolto Heals you'll get more back per tick. The Vent Heat heal is going away but for now if you want to get a bit more extra healing the (0/23/18) is the one you want to use.


    Theory Crafting 1.2


    So I posted a 0/24/17 build earlier and said I would revisit that. Now, let me say I am NOT on the PTS so this is merely food for thought.


    While situational, it will be easy to keep the 5 stacked flamethrower proc baked for you to use whenever you want with this build. There are times an AOE snare CAN be useful. (i.e atttacking voidstar, you can snare most of the enemy team in the tunnels to give your team time to advance if they are clustered on mainly one side).


    Yes, the PPA Proc rate is a silly change and not maxing it out is sillier. But I figure 2 points would be what roughly 3 points now is so you'll still get ample procs for it not to be terrible.


    But, that could all change once 1.2 actually hits so I'll keep this purely as a theory.


    Full Match Videos:


    Some full match videos of the spec in work. These were when I first started trying it so I obviously know I needed improvement. (Didn't manage some of the AP Procs well enough when I had to choose between one or the other for maximum effect)




    TLDR Version:


    Fun build, very versatile, great utility, great damage, not full pyro damage.

  3. bleh well good to hear its not me time to go respec again lol



    would like to see some buff for that spec cuz it looks like it can be fun but right now i guess it is a garbage tree and needs some help


    mybe some day bw will help it out instead of nerfing us and buffing classes that dont need buffs


    Oh for sure. As Anti-Full AP Build Argumentative as I am, I actually like the playstyle a lot. In PvE it's perfectly adequate, but since I PvP all but 3 hours a week of game time it doesn't really benefit me. :(

  4. ok been looking at new specs to to play maybe an alternative to pyro in pvp. is ap garbage for pvp or am not going for the right stats, wrong rotation or what i dont know


    i currently have 8 pieces of battle master gear


    682 expertise

    93.45% acc

    22.3% crit

    76.36% surge



    i dont do **** at all in pvp it feels like, unlike pyro where i wreck peoples day.


    It isn't a case of "feels like". Full AP builds just currently under perform Pyro builds. Nothing you are doing wrong, it's just a half assed talent tree right now.

  5. you act as if AP has 0 damage, its got as much if note more then AP unless AP gets its RNG luck burst.



    You seem to think the luck burst makes it better, it makes its a lucky burst. Real PvPs rather have RELAIYBLE damage over RNG burst damage.


    Good point. I much prefer having a reliable shot at never downing a healer myself.


    Shame on that burst being able to get the job done. Shame on it. Unreliable Pyro and it's faults!

  6. no people are sayign AP is bad because you have to be in melee, thats what "lacking ranged" means.


    maybe you should read before proving are inept you are


    People say Full AP is bad because it doesn't provide enough in a PvP environment to warrant it over Pyro or Pyro/AP Hybrids.


    Again, what does AP bring to the table which you so vehemently argue for it's greatness?

  7. To be honest, I never really understood this build. No matter how many times I try it it seems like it really doesn't bring much to the table.


    Survivability isn't increased that much, and damage is mediocre at best. (Sure you can get 3K Rocket Punches but the rest of the damage will just tickle an opponent)


    With little tools to fully assist you in a PvP Environment. The only thing it feels like this build has over DPS type builds is an effective guard.


    Maybe there is some big picture here I'm missing. I've pretty much sworn off shield or shield hybrids for a PT right now with the current state of talents and the game =/

  8. I am sure there are some posts out there for this, but I was wondering what the best gear would be for PT Pyro? Would it be combat medic, eliminator, or combo of both? I am running mostly eliminator at this time. Any suggestions?


    Out of the PvP Sets you are correct with running mostly eliminator.

  9. the bad players will scream that pyro is better because you can RNG burst someone down with LUCKY procs, AP is good solid consistant SUSTAINED damage.



    both sped are good you just got to find what playstyle you like



    as far as tanking you need to be a tank to tank in this game, you cannot half spec it and be effective past the mid 20s.


    I'm starting to feel you are terrible at playing Pyro since you put it down non-stop Hizoka (Or Assault actually since I think you are republic). That or you aren't properly gearing for it properly and getting poor results.


    Pyro does not require "lucky" procs to burst somebody down. Pyro has "sustained" damage in both a PvE or a PvP environment if you are not "bad player" and manage your heat properly.


    AP is an easier spec to play as you do not have to worry about resource management as much. Pyro you can easily overheat and lose a good portion of DPS if you aren't playing it right.

  10. Since people are bad and STILL complaining about this although this quote has been posted MULTIPLE TIMES. I'll repost. I'm sure this will be ignored in a page or two like the other people that have posted and will have to repost again.




    We've changed the way rewards are given in Warzones (rewards are now based on participation - if you idle, you get nothing), and this has resulted in you seeing some odd values on PTS.


    The current credit and XP numbers you are seeing are temporary. In a future patch to PTS, you will provide the necessary data for the system to allocate proper rewards.


    Sorry for the confusion here, but it's the nature of the test server to sometimes receive incomplete systems. If we intended the current behavior to be final, you would have seen a patch note explaining this change.


    TL;DR: Don't worry too much. You're looking at temporary data. Credit and XP rewards for Warzones, while changed to take participation into account, are not significantly changed from the numbers you've seen before. We expect some changes (as you are more likely to lose games early in your career, so we want to compensate for that), but nothing is finalized yet.




  11. I wish we were that OP.


    I'd f'n love having almost always guaranteed crits.


    Oh, 3+ of you guarding a point? Nope.com


    It's be like Oprah.


    "You get a 5k, You get a 5k!, EVERYBODY GETS A 5k!" All the time. As i slowly /dance over the bodies.

  12. We made this change, because the moon and stars aligned when a player made swiss cheese out of a sorc and then took out another player at the same time. These two people cried and we really want that $30 a month, because our game is failing. There is no guarantee that you will leave, I am sure that the majority of you were dumb enough to purchase a six month sub, so we have three months to make this a better game for you.


    Well played sir. Good laugh. :D


    So innacurate. So PT pyro burst, only burst in game that deals SAME burst no matter of armor of target (elemental dmg + 90% ARP on rail shot), is B+? Then for the love of God, who has grade A burst in this game? As is well known Pt pyro (and assault vanguard) have highest burst in game.


    If you troll me with infil shadow or deception sin, I will not even bother replying.


    I didn't realize Pyro was all elemental, all that Kinetic damage must be an improper tooltips.

    I didn't realize after 90% armor pen everybody had the exact same Armor rating.

    I didn't realize that 90% armor pen attack couldn't be shielded, easily deflected, etc.

    I realize you are an infil shadow or deception sin.

  13. So, the question is, how do we get this thread or my thread on the PT forum seen by Georg? =)


    All threads are apparently "Seen" By Devs


    They seem to be avoiding any thread that has "balance" adjustments to a class though even if there is reasonable call for them to say something to quell some of the unrest players are having.


    While people will say "BW doesn't have to explain why they nerf!", it'd be nice when it's such a drastic change to say "We made this change, BECAUSE of this." or "We made this change due to upcoming changes not in 1.2 for balance" though.

  14. This is a fake video.


    Repubs owning Ilum?


    Clearly staged




    PS: Operatives are one of the worst PvP Classes out there (Unless they are healers, then they are amazing). Their DPS trees need serious returning to make them useful.

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