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Posts posted by exphryl

  1. Same Question as in the title: Is Tactics viable for PvE Endgame or does it lack single target damage?


    I guess Mortar + Pulse Cannon hit hard, Ion Pulse harder than for Assault.

    But what about the rest?


    Is the overall damage high enough to gain a slot in raids or should I stick with my full assault build?


    Viable, yes. Is it Assault damage, No.


    The catch is though if you, or should I say most Pyro PTs/Assault VGs I run in to, are bad at managing your resource a Tactics build will yield higher DPS as it is MUCH more forgiving on that resource where you don't have to pay attention to procs and a bunch of other things all the time. That is where a tactics build Shines.


    So figure out where your skillset is in that department on Assault.


    I've done all nightmare content was both your Tactics and Assault (on my PT that is) and was fine with both, well, I felt anyways considering there were no meters. Nothing enraged so I guess that's a good sign huh? :)

  2. Exphryl, whats your power and aim at if you don't mind? Nice thread btw.


    At the time of that video, without any buffs/stims/


    Aim: 1580ish

    Power: +400ish


    I've been playing with a different mod set-up (to get a bit more suvivability and while burst is very fun, more to PvP than 10 secs every 2 minutes) lately so don't have exact numbers so these are from memory.

  3. On a side note to this, is it now better to switch to combat tech gear?


    The crit on RS set bonus will obviously diminish in value due to the lower amount of procs so a bit of extra duration on carbonize might be worth the sacrifice?


    Or with the change for marauders/sents to be more weapon dmg based does the supercommando gear become a bit more viable for an Iron fist/ healer babysitter type build?


    I still feel eliminator will be a better overall PvP Set bonus.


    As a fun note, the few times I want longer carbonize I pick up 2 piece combat medic also for longer energy shield :)

  4. It's a solid talent for damage, and the animation is the sexiest thing that BHs have, imo.


    Agreed, best looking ability out there.


    When I first got to 50 many moons ago I could've sworn it was an AOE attack, a bit disappointed when I found out it wasn't since the animation is so huge. Heh.

  5. Just untie our resource management from Rail Shot procs already, or just make PPA lower the cd to 6 seconds only while using CGC.


    *or* they could add that not only does it vent 8 heat but for the next 6 secs (ICD is effect) Heat regen is increased. So once we have to wait for RNG we aren't really in a bad position.

  6. Honestly, this is a very bad match-up. Probably one of the most mismatched ones in the game right now.


    As long as grapple is available even if a Merc jumps me and gets a few shots in the chance of me losing is about .01%. Without grapple it's dependent on me having *any* cooldown or potion available which normally I do at some point.




    There isn't much of a strat you can do other then hopefully get lucky crits and enough hits on him/her before they get to you. Arsenal(gunnery) are poorly designed in this manner since you have to stop to cast your main ability.

  7. Yeah. AP looks like it's slowly shaping up to be worthwhile.


    Granted in PvP the few times I spec'd AP it wasn't difficult to get off, but having the snares overall make the class a lot more manageable.


    Hmph. Might have to respec to AP now to just get more of a feel of the spec as a just in case.


    Did they do anything to immolate as a whole? All in all I feel the talent is sub par and just is mediocre damage used to help get Procs on other abilities =/

  8. I think operative changes should be tied to the DPS Trees only. Problem is they are making adjustments that effect all specs which can make balance a bit hard.


    I don't see problem with saying top tier talent also does X effect from an ability to try to keep Operatives in a good position.


    Healing wise, in PvP, i feel they are already the best healers, patch makes them better. (Which seems a little off compared to Sorc/Merc nerfs).


    However Damage Wise I feel they will always under perform due to just their current class design. Sure they can "pick" their targets, but this requires a 1v1 scenario and the target having their break free ability on cooldown and NOT be a a class with a lot of hp. This also requires good Crit RNG also.


    It's a bad design for a PvP Damage Class.


    While I dislike comparisons to much for X > Y. He/SHe makes a good point on Assassins vs Operatives. Why the disparity in the two main stealth classes?

  9. Anyone else feels the same?


    I don't see an issue with it really.


    Rather have a cosmetic view of somebody that is rated fairly well than have a person that is clearly a level above due to gear in PvP. Keeps things more "Skill" (which i use loosely) based for PvP.

  10. Agreed with this statement.


    I'm honestly appalled by the fact that the Pyrotech community is treating the act of fishing for the proc as some sort of damage-free burden. The fact is they still do great damage with Rocket Punch and the spamming of Flame Burst, these aren't protected by a tank's defensive abilities either.


    It's as if the community is screaming, "Oh my god, my target is dying but nevermind that, they're not dying within 6 seconds so my spec is dead. Oh, there my target is finally dead, how dare they live longer than 10 seconds."


    These guys are worst than the crowd of Operative/Scoundrel players back pre-nerf with their self entitlement.


    I have no idea why you have a thing against Pyros since you post negative comments in every single Pyro thread. Starting to sound like a serious L2P issue on your part.


    The issue with the change as a whole is NOT the damage as people who are to idiotic to realize that are seeing it, it's the fact HEAT management becomes much more difficult and for the most part unmanageable in the new system.


    The loss of damage is merely a byproduct of that.

  11. 60% + 45% proccing attacks is pretty damned good odds if you ask me.


    I'm willing to bet that PT's will proc within 3 of these attacks just about everytime, and if it takes more it will be so rare it might happen 1-2 times in a full WZ.


    so wait 6 secs, then wait another 4.5 secs.


    Which by that standard means you'll railshot every 10.5 Secs.


    While Damage, in my opinion, isn't going to take a HUGE hit. The heat management as stated is what's going to cause everything else to fall apart now in a non-burst scneeario...

  12. Ok we are the class nerfed the most in this patch or any patch so far... Why is there so little uproar? When operative got nerfed ("tweak" is a better word as they could now stun-lock) forums were filled with QQ. Now PT dps are getting the real nerf hammer, and it seems not many seem to gives a damn :(


    We are the least played AC in the game (as a whole if you add Vanguards and Powertech together. Just a little less than the Operatives/Scoundrels)


    Less people to complain about a change.

  13. The modified DTB-27 Bolt Pistol is now displayed as a Custom (orange) weapon. The properties of the item remain unchanged


    Poor Blizz :(


    He was so thoughtful to give us a Legendary and then they change it. I'll probably find him at the local cantina drinking away his depression.


    (Note: This obviously is a sarcastic post)

  14. That would be the scoundrel, who's getting hit way harder than your class in 1.2


    Bounty hunters/Sorcs are one of the most played advanced classes in the game.




    Obviously off topic. But an easier to read image was create from that here:




    Which as a whole, PT/VG is less played then Scoundrel/Operative :) Only by a mere fraction but still

  15. There is no such thing as 5k Rail Shots and 5+K Td's . To do that u need to have full BM set with adrenals and trinket . This is an exception.


    Didnt see anything about Quell costing no heat must have overlooked. Quell is not that important anyway .


    AP lacks bonus damage for RS, but u will get Flameburst bonus damage its another ability we use all the time.


    All in all AP will not rival Pyro u right about that, but playing Pyro after they spit on a Rail shot proc , nah i go AP or level my sniper/jugg.


    I get the feeling any amount of education on a Pyro will not sink through your head at all...


    An interrupt not important? I don't even.....

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