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Posts posted by exphryl

  1. Congrats! We were very happy when we got our "The Unyielding Title" also. (our first attempt a few weeks ago ended humiliatingly miserably while the second attempt we finished with about 50 minutes to spare)


    Overall the instance was pretty easy, Bonethrasher is the only part we ever have an issue with (and mainly when his graphic gets buggier than normal on swipes). At least it keeps things interesting.


    The rest of the bosses are zzzzz. (Although I'm sure with all the healing changes we'll have to change a few things up a bit with patch and since apparently NM will drop Blackhole stuff, still reason to go there.)

  2. What are the issues you are having? Didn't really see that. What mode you in? Some clarification would be great.


    We run 2 Clickers, a Sniper and random other class available.


    Use just Left and Right flames, skipping middle in any mode (not worth the potential enrage time and keeping his buffs up really).


    In Normal/Hard Mode we entirely Single Tank it, the 10 stacks for our healers are easily healable as long as DPS keep Stun Droids under control (and people move out when they get target for the explosion). Also makes the fight go a LOT quicker


    In Nightmare we Two Tank it since the damage is a bit higher and just to be safe.


    They are not screwing biochem, just simply balancing. In the current state of the game going biochem is the only viable option endgame, that is why they are phasing out (NOT REMOVING) the reusables.


    My issue is, on top of everything else, they already stated they want to move away from resusuable items in professions.


    It's really the last thing us BioChems have so it's just hit after hit after hit and when they make this change we'll have well, nothing...

  4. Since when does damage done = skill/good player in this game?


    That mentality is running rampant in this thread and clouding what it truly means to be a skilled and effective PvPer in WZ; in any PvP situation.



    Cause cleary the AOE Damage which is moderately healable is more important than the player that does nothing but locks down a healer the entire match.

  5. People need to learn to read the dev tracker:






    We've changed the way rewards are given in Warzones (rewards are now based on participation - if you idle, you get nothing), and this has resulted in you seeing some odd values on PTS.


    The current credit and XP numbers you are seeing are temporary. In a future patch to PTS, you will provide the necessary data for the system to allocate proper rewards.


    Sorry for the confusion here, but it's the nature of the test server to sometimes receive incomplete systems. If we intended the current behavior to be final, you would have seen a patch note explaining this change.


    TL;DR: Don't worry too much. You're looking at temporary data. Credit and XP rewards for Warzones, while changed to take participation into account, are not significantly changed from the numbers you've seen before. We expect some changes (as you are more likely to lose games early in your career, so we want to compensate for that), but nothing is finalized yet.

  6. ive played nearly every spec possible..this is what i get from it


    full pyro ive gotten 380k damage at my best 6 medals

    full ap ive gotten 200k damage at my best 6 medals

    parakeet ive gotten 300k at nt best 9 medals

    iron fist ive gottne 280k at my best 9 medals


    this comes with a nearly full cent with some champ


    as u can see iron fist is just about as good as parakeet but its more substained dps then burst..u can keep all healers shut down as long as u dont overheat and u are a beast in one v one fights because u can drag them out and most of the time come out on top


    I'm a bit confused by this. Do you not have taunts hotkeyed when you Pyro?


    If you keep those on coooldown and AOE Taunt in packs you should be able to at *least* get up to the 10K Protection medal each warzone.

  7. Anything other than full pyro is crap in the current iteration of the game IMO. Played all the major builds. Pyro's burst trumps any utility/survivability. I don't have to survive when I can burst everything down. Besides, most times when you die in pvp it's due to being focused. Extra mitigation won't help you when the other team decides its your time to go. On pyro, I can take two of em with me. On IF or CP? None usually. I cough when another spec of ptech attempts to do anything to my pyro... Survivability is only good if you are a dedicated tank guarding a healer IMO. Otherwise 7/6/28 or some variation ftw.


    Can tell if serious or.......

  8. They'll realize that Anni wasn't buffed, Carnage/Rage was. If they're Anni, 95% will have no clue what they're doing, and a clueless Marauder is the easiest class to kill. If they're Carnage, once I stun/Camo through Gore they will be absolute sitting ducks. If they're Rage, it's the easiest thing in the world to avoid a Smash and hit back.


    Marauders have a complicated rotation compared to PT Powertechs or Sorcerers (I.E. Reactionary piano playing), and a lot of PvP-ers that I witness cannot handle it.


    LoL on "rotation".


    Not sure why Maras like to fall back on that all the time....

  9. What do you prefer for Ironfist spec?? My current crit is about 25% and I cannot decide if the surge rating on the BM system would help my damage more than the crit rating on the Champion. Thoughts?


    Short-term, get 4 PC Combat Tech, as it benefits more specs.


    Long-Term, think about getting 2 PC Combat-Medic as well for longer energy shield duration. Coupled with 2 PC Combat tech for better carbonize.


    3 seconds are actually quite helpful in some more hectic situations. (And since you aren't locked out of gear switches when you die in PvP you can change out as the situation see fit.)

  10. I've been getting used to the 0/23/18 (1/22/18 Variant) Build in PvP last few days.


    I think this is my new favorite build >_< While PPA still impacts it, it's a lot less as it's more of a versatile dps build rather then a face melting dps build.


    I still can't rationalize going 31 AP even with the "changes" to Flamethrower, talking PvP only at that is.

  11. you have not fought good marauders.


    Actually I have. I'm sorry you are struggling with them.


    They are, in the current form of Specs Pre-1.2, not as hard to counter as people make them out to be. It's a timing thing on your abilities rather then going all out face to face and expecting a good result. Minus their "immunity shield", they are fairly easy to deal with.


    Save your CC Break for Force Choke (as that will increase their smash damage greatly if they get a full duration), keep them snared as much as possible. It's a bit costly for them to keep YOU snared so if that's what they are doing they won't be putting out much dps.


    When they pop immunity use your first stun, they'll CC break, use your second. By the time it's over their immunity is loss.


    If you want to get fancy if you see them pop Cloak Of Pain snare them and run away so it's duration expires, do nothing else after that first snare. (This is best taken care of after their leap since it'll be on cooldown, which they'll usually Leap > Force Choke, CC Break then run away). They'll lose 20% reduction to damage and their damage shield as a result for 30 seconds or so. It's a bit difficult to do so if you have terrain handy use it. (If I recall, it's 8 sec duration if they do not get attacked. I may be off a few numbers though)


    To many times I see people try to go toe to toe with them, that's when they become difficult. It requires a bit more thought compared to the other classes to beat. Their bleed crits heal them but it's not nearly enough to really save them unless you mess up terribly.

  12. I have a fully geared assault vanguard. There is no counter to a fully geared skilled marauder when he has all of his cooldowns. Marauders and sentinels win every server dueling contest.


    Maras are not much of an issue in my opinion (does require some patience on when to use both stuns during their immunity which I see a lot of people fail at), Tankasins (well played ones) are much more difficult.

  13. That is intentional. You should have to worry about your resources. Again, having to manage resources raises the skill cap of the class and is a good thing. Incendiary Missle is a bit too expensive now, it should be brought closer to Retractable Blade cost. But Pyro should not go back to not caring about heat, that makes the spec easy.


    Operatives has passive energy regen ability (easier to manage then heat, although it costs 1 TA which is easy to get)

    Mara have an ability on a short cooldown to give them half their rage....


    etc etc.


    Heat / Ammo users gets screwed in the whole resource game (although energy is close)

  14. . What are you talking about Tactics doesn't have to pay attention to procs? Tactics has MORE procs to pay attention to than Assault.


    That statement was in regards to resource management, where Ionic Accelerator procs are the only form of resource management that spec has. Unlike tactics which gets free abilities (which you just have to use when Stockstrike is off cooldown) and passive ammo generation.

  15. Actually Tripton is only on a 1 minute timer. Many people have confirmed that the champs arent dropping oranges like they used to. I did eventually get Inquisitor bracers off of Tripton but it took awhile. He's the easiest to farm since he has a short respawn timer, however you still have to relog after 3 kills to reset his table or you won't get any more drops.


    I am only getting Bracers off of Tripton.


    Probably at *least* 4-5 of each type. minus Bounty Hunter, since obviously that's the only reason I'm out here farming anyways. Very trollsy of you RNG Gods.....

  16. Thanks for the positive feedback, glad you guys liked the video.


    Sorry if the music selection was not to everyone's taste; if you are able to view the "Blocked" in the US version the music is slightly different.


    Sorry but not sure how to make a video available on mobile devices. Just getting into making videos and am not there yet.


    Have a great day.


    When you edit a video for instance, go to Info and Settings. Under Syndication see if "Yes, make this video blah blah mobile devices" is available.

  17. So they are doing something to fix an obvious flaw in burst damage, which when you factor in adrenals and relics was giving LARGE crits back to back. Lets hope this is actually enough.


    Burst damage won't change much.....


    Heat management becomes an issue though in a sustained battle. (Having a more adverse effect on PvE than it does on PvP)

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