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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by exphryl

  1. No, I made a post a bit ago between Merc and PT Set Bonuses.


    Ours, as PT, are terrible I feel. 4PC is decent, but 2PCs need work.


    What's the point of lower explosive fuel cooldown if you use it coupled with a relic all the time negating the 15 sec decrease?


    Why if I want a Rail Shot Crit Increase (which heavily benefits a PT), do I get a 2PC that does nothing?


    etc etc.

  2. I do feel this would be a decent change (Basically saying the the text of the old Kolto talent actually works how it was originally written)


    In general, AP has the least amount of defensive useful abilities out of any of the melee.


    No vanish, no good cool-downs, no "blind". It is sort of just there. Devs seem to forget how useless "heavy" Armor is in PvP and can't give something top tier in AP to help it last longer. (Something say inaccessible to Pyro or Tank for balance reasons).


    Damage Increases are nice, but lasting longer in a practical setting would make it a better spec.

  3. I enjoy watching Solo Queue streams myself.


    Usually entails having the person having to actually do work than.


    (That and it's always funny seeing somebody do great in a Pre-Made, but terrible on their own)

  4. Its just lie with the people convinced that AP is a worthless spec, i was doing some PvP today and not once was my pulse cannon ever interrupted nor did it ever hit less then 3 people at the same time for 2k-3.5k ticks per person and it is FAR easier to see pulse cannon then that limp thing bounty hunters call flame thrower.



    Oh geez, you again parading about AP.


    What I got from this blurb is that I should roll on your server because you have more the enough bads available to never get interrupted. Especially if 3 people are around.


    Man, I could probably do 1v5+ as Pyro there.

  5. You can mess around and PvP naked. I think that would be more fun than this build :p


    Tempting. Hmmmm...


    Guess MH/OH Only would be way to go huh?


    Will be my project this weekend :)

  6. You weren't clear in your post here, just making sure you realize DFA is getting the radius nerf as well.


    Oh I know.


    But right now DFA > MV and hasn't been fixed since release.


    My post was it was a bit humorous they "fix" an ability that was pointed out not working like it's mirror class over and over, only to couple it with a nerf as well (Even though both classes get that stupid radius nerf. Good thing it's not on a minute cooldown...oh wait...)

  7. I was thinking about the thread starter's idea this morning and found an existing discussion about it so im reviving this thread coz i think it does really makes sense for PTs. Im also in favor of the switch with the same reasons given by the TS.


    This would keep the "Grapple in to fire" issue people having to a minimum since it should remove a bunch of PTs from that pool.


    Not to mention give pyro it's much needed mobility.

  8. I don't really see how the changes to the shield tree make it less interesting/necessary to go Ironfist in PvP...


    Heat Blast is still on a 15 sec cooldown, and thus does not provide sufficient DPS compensation. And the tier before it, while looking better for PvE tanking, is still useless in PvP d/t the nature of absorption vs player abilities.


    Ironfist is a hybrid. It lets you take a bit more damage, limit damage to your fellow players, but at the end of the day tries to pick up damage dealing abilities. Full ST still can't do that.


    IF is not a Hybrid.


    It's a tank spec with points in AP for Quell Cooldown.


    You will not survive longer with an IF Build. And you trade Heat Blast for a lackluster Retractable Blade....

  9. I could suggest your gears too weak if your health pool is getting "eaten" by a gunslinger while you have energy shield up. Check out the PTS debacle to see what happens to Gunslingers/Snipers when an enemy has high armor.


    My rotation is fine.


    You are the one here asking for help against a class you should be able to actually kill and instead getting defensive when people are giving suggestions for you.


    When in the end, it comes down to you being bad at your class. It's that simple. Any advice given will fall on deaf ears to you.


    You are also probably one of those Snipers/Gunslingers that stay in Cover in the same spot expecting to win battles instead of using simple tactics like moving and resetting up.

  10. Even if I get into hunker down and pop my CD's, you can pop energy shield and easily go toe-to-toe with me. Once hunker down expires, all bets are off and you can start chaining your stuns/pulls to just destroy us.


    Perhaps your rotation is a bit off? Even with energy shield a Sniper should eat through a PTs health pool very quickly if things click correctly.

  11. So since the patch notes seem to be killing the Parakeet spec, how will it affect the Iron Fist build for pvp? I havent looked to much into yet. And has anyone played around with new pvp tanking builds for the new patch?


    With the changes to Shield Tree, and heat blast being off GCD, I can't see much reason to spec IF....


    But that's my opinion.

  12. You must have better ones on your server.

    So there is hope. :)


    Heh. If there is on class that has such a spectrum on how people play it , it is that class. I'd wager there are about 50 terrible snipers compared to 1 great sniper on my server. But that one sniper can really control the warzone.




    Not to mention they can burst really just as well as we can.


    But like I said, finding a well played sniper is few and far between so as of now it isn't really a big issue. On the plus side they still get destroyed by LOS so I guess it's a fair trade off.

  13. uuummmm you do realize you can pull out all the modifactions on the item and switch them around just like you did pre 1.2 with bm to champ enhancements. Except this time they changed the stats so you can get crit and surge or power and surge, so they actually made it better.


    Sorry, my gear is still loaded with accuracy since I'm a Non-Force user and we are bastard childs of Bioware,


    It also would have made too much sense to have a vendor that just lets you purchase BM Gear with a BM Piece Trade in rather then go through trying to figure out if a person kept all the mods/enhancements an then hopefully have it switched over.

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