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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Sabbathius

  1. this is how it usually goes for me:


    He opens > I trinket

    Blind him > he trinkets

    Stun him for 4 sec

    I knockback + dot + root

    he vanishes

    I run around till dot ticks


    What's topping him from popping Evasion before he vanishes? With Avoidance Training, Evasion removes all DoTs. He can then re-open from stealth, only this time your trinket is down, and his 4 sec stun is still up. Hidden Strike 3 sec stun, Defibrillate 4 sec stun. Think you can live through that?

  2. 6- If youre full Scrapper your healing sucks and its not worth casting any heal, even in combat


    Not entirely true. As Concealment spec, Revitalizers talent restores 2% HP every 3 seconds while Stim Boost is running. And in combat, Stim Boost is always running. That's pretty beastly healing. At level 30 on my Operative, Revitalizers healing = 2x Kolto Probe healing. That's right, 250 a tick in both cases.


    So, healing sucks if not healing spec? Not exactly. Not saying it's OP, but it's not exactly weak either considering it is virtually passive.

  3. Point 1: Ops get a 15% move speed talent that counteracts the 15% reduction of stealth. Combine that with sprint (since you arent going to hit them til they are on top of you) and you make a moot point.


    I don't believe so.


    The talent increasing 15% movement works only out of combat. It does not stack with Sprint, which works only out of combat. It does not stack with mount. You can test it if you want, but from my observations that's how it works.


    In other words, the only way you'll ever catch someone in stealth is if they're in combat (moving at 100%) and you're not (moving at 100% + 35% Sprint out of combat - 15% for being in stealth). If you're IN stealth and they're OUT of stealth AND out of combat, you will never ever catch them.


    Bottom line, with that talent and in stealth you still move slower than someone without talent and out of stealth. Travel time issue still applies.


    Point 2: Taking down a healer in 3 seconds > taking down the life of 4 people with a healer trying to heal through it.




    You are assuming all people involved at 100%. But suppose there's a crowd of 5 people, including the healer. And they range from 100% HP to 10% HP. An AoE might take 1 out of the equation completely. And try to remember, a player at 1% HP still does 100% DPS/HPS. What's more, said AoE can take out 2-3 people out of the equation, as most healers are only really able to heal one target at a time (Operative gets a HoT, but it's rather weak).


    Consider this simple math. A healer is capable of healing 2k damage every second. You did 30k damage in a second with your AoE to 5 people (Jug doing an AoE hitting 5 people for 6k each, see screenshot on this forum). That means the healer needs 15 seceonds JUST to repair the damage you did, in 1 second. Am AoE creates a health deficit that a healer cannot hope to recover from. While single target, it may be feasible, if you can only do that kind of damage every 3 seconds.

  4. Healers are expected to do damage in pvp. With healing reduced, damage is needed to make up for the loss. When you damage someone ... they die faster. When they are dead ... they don't do damage to you. Pretty simply concept.


    See, I don't mind the idea of healing and doing DPS. I really don't. Except other classes are way better equipped for it.


    As an Operative, the bulk of your damage still comes from melee attacks. Means you have to be in the thick of it to be any good. And being in the thick of it AND being a healer? That's like having two bulls eyes painted on you - one on the front and one on the lower back.


    There are indeed some great healers out there but when the game ends I always look to see which did the most damage on top of healing ... those are the good healers.


    Not always. Don't quote me on this one, but I believe the Sorcerer's bubble, for example, counts as a heal. I slap that on people as I run by, and get great healing on top of already great DPS, and I'm DPS spec. At least that's what I think is happening.


    Many times I have seen two players with similar heal totals yet one did many times the damage of the other as well. Which player is better?


    Just lucky. Some matches I top 300k healing quite easily, when the enemy team is too retarded to focus fire me down. I just stand there and freecast on whoever needs it. Meanwhile another guy next to me tries to do the same, and gets dropped like a sack of potatoes on his first heal. Just luck.


    Class also matters. Sorcerer heals are practically invisible, Operative heals are low visibility and Merc heals are high visibility. Your survival scales accordingly. Shooting people (heat-free heal on a Merc) is like painting a giant arrow to yourself saying "HERE I AM! Come kill me!"


    As for hots, my kolto droids still make a big difference overall.


    It's not THAT big. I don't remember exact numbers, but it's between 500-800 a tick in Warzones. Most people have 12-15k HP. And it takes two GCDs to stack the HoTs. It does make a difference, but not nearly enough.


    EDIT: Just checked for you. At my level, the HoT heals for 650 over 18 seconds. In other words, 6 ticks of 251 healing, happens every 3 seconds.


    Now consider the talent in Concealment, which heals for 4% HP every 3 seconds when you use Stim Boost. My current HP is 6.2k, which means 248 healing, every 3 seconds. See? Your two proble HoTs add up to practically the same healing as you could get PASSIVELY with a Concealment spec, just for popping Stim, which you do anyway to keep your energy up.


    Point is, HoTs don't heal for all that much. It's all in your head.


    At the very least they keep me alive MUCH longer. The difference is mind blowing actually.


    If you can buy yourself some breathing room and kite/LOS to regen while the other guy is still taking damage from your shots/sting, sure. But that pretty much implies the other guy already screwed up pretty bad.



    Another huge benefit is to ensure your gear is very good. To compete against higher levels you need to be in all up to par blue enhanced gear or your bolster does little. At 38 I have gone toe to toe against some 50's and lived. You want power, power, power along with our crit.


    Yeah, and I've beaten level 50s of my exact class (in Huttball) when I was 11. So what? They were horrible players.


    My play style is hybrid. Some matches my damage is way higher than my heals. Other matches my heal is much higher.


    Well, I'm not a hybrid. I'm a pure healer. ALL my points are into healing. If all I do is healing, I should be getting the exact same medals as the guys who spec into DPS and ALL they do is DPS. But that's just not the case, and I feel it's broken and needs fixing.

  5. Their animations are quicker/better. But I don't think they ACTUALLY can beat the GCD, it just looks visually that way. On an Operative, the damage happens when you press the button, not when the animation completes or when you hear the impact sound. Very often I am still doing an animation for the knife stab that killed a target that's already falling to the ground.
  6. if you haven't seen a scoundrel/op top the boards.. consider yourself lucky as your server is likely filled with pve carebears that like myself rolled lore characters that are pvp pathetic.


    I'm very tempted to say "No, you!" Aww, heck, I'll just go ahead and say it. No, you!


    Realize that as an Operative you HAVE to climb to the top of the damage chart by being A) in melee range and B) doing single target damage and C) having almost zero AoE. This is HARD.


    I can get your screenshots of Juggernauts doing 30k+ damage IN ONE ATTACK, just because it's an AoE. All he needs to do is leap into the thick of it and press one button. Ka-Boom!


    Sure, an Operative can pop out and drop one guy in 5 seconds. Guess what? A BH spamming AoE has done 3-4x that much damage just because the attacks he used were AoEs, and he did them from range without having to travel to and from target in stealth.


    Another fun fact - Operative needs to travel to target in stealth. You move slower in stealth. More travel time. Less damage. Meanwhile a Sorcerer is standing up high on the platform and dropping Death Fieldss and chain lightnings out on people. Heck, take Affliction, it's an instant DoT, no cooldown, does about 3k-4k damage over 18 seconds? Just put one on every enemy in a 30 meter radius, and watch that damage counter go.


    One thing I will grant you - an Operative can put the damage into a focal point where it matters. He can jump and kill a ball carrier, for example. Or a single guard at a turret. But those AoE-capable classes can create a health deficit that no healer can hope to recover from.

  7. Pretty much, yeah.


    First, in PvP healing is reduced by approximately 30%. Compared to PvE.


    Second, HoTs are weak to begin with, even fully talented. They're something to give an extra few seconds' grace if your target runs out of range or line of sight. But it's not like a WoW druid where you can put 3 HoTs on a guy and walk away for 15 seconds knowing full well there's no way in holy hell he'll die to anything less than 3 peoples' focus fire.


    Also some bad news, you WILL get screwed on medals, and thus receive far fewer commendations (which you use to buy stuff). As a healer, you get 1 medal for 2.5k heal, 1 medal for 75k healing done...and that's it, I think. Now compare that to DPS, where they get 1 for a kill, 1 for solo kill, 1 for 10 kills, 1 for 20 kills, 1 for 75k damage done, 1 for hit for 2.5k damage, etc. And if you are a tank, add one for absorbing 2.5k damage, 10k damage without dying, etc.


    In other words, picture this:


    A friendly is fighting 2 people, and getting his butt kicked. You ride up on the white horse and start spamming heals on him. The people he's fighting are blind, deaf and dumb, and so he kills them both. What happens?


    Well, he gets credit for 2 kills (towards his 10 or 20 kills medal), YOU do not! That's right, unless you damaged them, you get diddly squat.


    He also might get credit for solo kills, Not sure, but again if he's the only one doing the damage, I believe it counts as solo kill).


    If during the fight he landed a hit for 2.5k or more, and you landed a heal for 2.5k or more, you each get a medal. And you each got some points towards your 75k damage/healing done.


    Bottom line? He gets 3-4 medals. You get 2. At the end of the match, he'll likely have 5-7 medals, you'll likely have 4. He'll get 70+ commendations, you'll get ~50. And NONE of this would be possible for him without your help!


    That's what you have to look forward to as a healer in warfronts. Enjoy! :rolleyes:

  8. Never do I hear "you got a woman on you"


    Good thing, too. I'm afraid I would laugh hysterically every time I heard that.


    But then again, I'm ticklish that way. I giggled every time I saw a "Wild Forest Buck" in WoW, just because a B in that game looks so much like an F.

  9. Really? Too MANY abilities?


    I guess it's true what they say, some people will never be pleased.


    Some of the stuff is just stupid, it should be passive/automatic.


    Like the basic no-cost shot. There's no such thing as autoattack in SWTOR, but would it be so horrible if there was? It would immediately clear one keybind.


    There's an ability that when activated increases your stealth rating, I forget the name. Why have it? Why not just passively increase stealth rating permanently, or for X seconds after stealthing? I literally never see people use it outside of raids when setting up CC. This would free another keybind.


    Do we REALLY need two darts? The DoT one and the sleep/stealth one? Why not combine them? A sleep dart that when it breaks applies a DoT, and when used out of stealth doesn't apply the sleep effect? Frees a keybind.


    Or take cover ability. Why do you need a keybind for it, when it could happen AUTOMATICALLY when you activate an ability that requires it? Press snipe, your char rolls into cover and fires.


    Oh, I know, I know...it's about SKILL! :rolleyes: Riiiight. Takes absolutely mad skills to press 1 and then 2, instead of just 1. I stand in awe.


    Overall the abilities in SWTOR are not GRACEFULLY done. They're clunky.

  10. Can anyone actually get it on video? Operative does Hidden Strike, knocking you down. You spam trinket and nothing happens?


    Because what I'm concerned about is this - maybe trinket DOES break the knockdown, but the ANIMATION isn't showing it properly.


    This actually happens with Operative's knife attacks (Shiv, Backstab, etc.), you hit the button and damage happens and only THEN the animation plays. Long after the damage is done.


    Try doing this - duel an Operative, and you be a Sorcerer, for example, with talented Whirlwind (makes it instant cast). Have him knock you down, hit trinket, and hit Whirlwind. See if that works. DO IT ON VIDEO.


    It'll settle the whole debate once and for all.

  11. No ability gives full resolve. Stuns give ~400.


    Umm, I'm reasonably sure quite a few do. Sorcerer Whirlwind, for example, or Merc's Concussive Missile. Once you do it, you can't do jack to them for a while. Bar goes from zero to full instantly. They trinket it, and you're SOL. From what I hear, so does Jarring Strike.

  12. All that needs to happen is knockbacks/punts need to affect resolve as well. Because sometimes you get tossed around worse than the huttball.


    One match I was at the top of the ramps, ready for a pass. Then three or four punts later I ended up two levels lower and standing in a pool of acid. Just blap, blam, splat.

  13. The majority of scoundrel damage comes from running up close to a meat grinder in paper thin armor. If we didnt have get away abilities, we would never survive.


    Not EXACTLY true.


    Armor-wise Operatives are medium. That's not paper-thin. It's the same stuff Marauders wear, and they don't even have stealth. Plus defensive abilities, such as Evasion, Shield Probe, etc., can extend our longevity. Talented Stim Boost also heals for like 4% HP every 3 seconds? That's decent.


    Sure when we get focused with no defensive CDs, we melt fast. But so does anything else.


    The ability that allows them to stealth in combat has a long cooldown, and the stealth can still be broken.


    It's long-ish, but not long. 3 mis untalented, 2 mins talented. Same as the CC-breaker.


    And OP, to answer your question, there's a lot of things that break stealth. If he vanishes right on top of you, and you have something like an AoE knockback or griound-targeted ability, use it, it'll knock him right back out. Any DoT will break him out as well. Though smart ones will use Evasion to remove the DoT before vanishing, thanks to Avoidance Training (lvl 24).

  14. I mostly complain about poor matchmaking. One team having nobody ABOVE level 25, and the other team having nobody BELOW 35 matches should NOT happen. I don't care if it's premade or what. It's just not fair to EITHER team - the lowbies get stomped and stop queuing, and the high levels get no joy or challenge (unless they're raving psychos who like to beat up 4-year-olds).
  15. They are so full of distortions, misinformation, and anecdotle garbage that they are really only good for lulz when you're at work on your iPhone.


    I don't think it matters if they read it or not. What DOES matter is whether they have the BRAINS and CRITICAL THINKING capacity.


    If they're not blind, deaf and dumb, they can actually get some interesting points from all the whine and cheese. But if they do their balancing based on a gut-feeling knee-jerk like Blizzard does, we're screwed whether they read this stuff or not.

  16. I'd say Medic to 36, then Concealment.


    You can do Lethality, then Medic, then Concealment, but that's just wasting money on respecs. I'm playing Medic in low-30s right now and it's quite nice. Maybe a tad slower killing, but with less downtime and almost zero risk.

  17. Don't think you can hide it. And you SHOULD use cover when it makes sense.


    Suppose you get knocked off the bridge, and a ball carrier is passing on the shelf above. You can just pew pew your autoshot at him, shoot a dart at him or throw a grenade. Or you can roll into cover and do a Snipe->Explosive Probe combo that will take a very nice chunk of his health instantly and hopefully panic the healers.

  18. A lot of conjecture and opinions being thrown around for EIGHT PAGES, and not a single fact.


    Let me ask you folks some real, hard questions:


    1. Does Jarring Strike (knockdown attached to the Hidden Strike via talent) fill the resolve bar completely?


    Some people claim it doesn't, some claim it does. If it fills your resolve bar completely, there's no such thing as "two stuns" or "stunlock" or anything of the sort. You would be immune. Can anyone actually TEST this?


    2. Can it be trinketed?


    Again, some claim it can't be, others claim it can. If it can be trinketed, what are you complaining about? You take one hit, you trinket the CC, and if the answer to the previous question is true, you are also immune to any other CC the Operative can toss at you. But he's not immune to yours. And now his element of surprise is gone.


    3. If Jarring Strike/Hidden Strike is nerfed, what do you see the Operative's role as?


    Because without burst, they become inoperative. Their sustained damage is nowhere near good enough, and they have virtually zero AoE (grenade AoE is really weak, and Orbital Strike is very slow - 8 sec channel). No burst would make them combat ineffective.

  19. Loss Rewards should be zero as rewarding loss encourages AFKing to gear.


    Rewards should be PERFORMANCE based, regardless of whether you win or lose. And doing objectives should affect the reward much, much, MUCH more than kills/damage.


    There should be no reward AT ALL for winning OR losing. NONE. If your performance is crap, your reward should be crap. Currently there's way too many people leeching off the team or downright AFKing.


    But simply giving 0 for a loss means nobody will queue, it won't be a viable way to level OR gear if your win/loss is 50/50 on average. As it is, leveling through questing is already faster.

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