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Everything posted by Rizael

  1. They put a 6s timer on the railshot proc thingy, so that won't be an issue anymore...
  2. First off, Important Concealment War Hero PCS. and secondly I don't know if they announced it anywhere but there were changes to the battlemaster gear. BM Enforcer Bracers + Belt: +17 Expertise Gloves, Helm, Pants: +50 Expertise Ear + Implant: +32 Expertise Boots: -10 Cunning -11 Endurance +50 Expertise Chest: -10 Cunning -11 Endurance +50 Expertise +26 Crit Knife: -14 Cunning -17 Endurance +32 Expertise +51 Accuracy (why add accuracy this is new stuff and accuracy does not help operatives) Gun: -4 Cunning -55 Endurance +50 Expertise +51 Accuracy (again why!?) +33 Critical Overall: -38 Cunning -94 Endurance +380 Expertise +102 Accuracy +59 Critical BM Field Medic Bracers + Belt: +17 Expertise Gloves, Helm, Boots: +50 Expertise Ear + Implant: +32 Expertise Knife: -21 Cunning -10 Endurance +32 Expertise +51 Alacrity Pants: -13 Cunning -8 Endurance +50 Expertise +26 Crit Gun: -9 Cunning -34 Endurance +49 Expertise +12 Critical +51 Alacrity Overall: -43 Cunning -52 Endurance +380 Expertise +102 Alacrity +38 Critical After looking through the new armor and the changes they made to the old BM I was thinking, "they can finally make changes to make the Enhancements fit properly into the gear and rid Operative gear of accuracy" But apparently the problem was we were still not accurate enough! *sigh* I am even more convinced now that they don't have a competent tester for OP/Scoundrel.
  3. Culling is 2%/4% and they force you to take it by adding the stim energy to it. An ability that requires a now 7 point investment in one tree should not be this weak, start over and try again bioware. Stim boost should be moved back to Metic kept blades and not this garbage of an ability. Inclement Conditioning now is a 2 pt talent, but they didn't increase the amount of HP per level they just removed the last group. That makes it a 4% HP bonus instead of a 6% HP bonus (which already was not worth it for a measly 700 HP) Waylay increases Backstab damage by 4% which is another slap in the face. Spec based abilities (Lacerate) should be powerful, like the smash from a rage jug, you have made this one into a Lolipop slap that costs the equivalent(in talents) of a rage jugs smash but no where near the same results.
  4. Flourescent orange outfit to aid us in our covert missions on Nar Shadaa, I congratulate the dev team in showing us that War Hero gear completely violates the ideology of a stealth fighter all together. Not only did the keep the hated Samurai helm that never went with the armor set, Now they have used colors that don't make sense... The armor set even looks less detailed and intricate than the Battlemaster gear, completely screwing over my classes Concealment spec into oblivion is one thing but messing with our gear too? YOU CROSSED THE LINE! Agent/Sniper War Hero armor
  5. Cloaking screen allows for damage to not bring you out of stealth for about 1 GCD so if he attacks right away after it will NOT matter. Moreover this stunlock you are speaking of does not exist as if an Operative uses hidden strike and follow it with debilitate (after the 1.5s stun) that is 5.5 seconds of "stunlock" however this also yields full resolve. The longest stunlock that can be achieved by an Operative is HS-skill-HS-Skill-Debil-skill-skill which is 7 seconds which can only occur once every 2 minutes. The cleanse ability which you have mentioned is their evasion which removes all negative removable effects (1 min CD, cannot remove stuns/mez, 100% dodge ranged/melee). As far as fighting 1v1 versus an operative you should have your work cut out for you. You are an AOE spec fighting a stealthed single target DPS class which if they use their slow you have almost no hope of beating them as your rotation is HIGHLY TRANSPARENT. As for advice in 1v1 I would say just pop the debilitate (4s stun) and keep the operative slowed, other than that you are an AOE DPS class trying to take on a Stealth single target DPS of course its going to be an issue.
  6. When he runs up to an enemy that sounds like he does not have a pistol equiped, if he does he stays at range I remember an issue like this for the droid before you give him a gun and the early stages of using Dr. Lokin. Also I seem to recall stoping using Lokin as an operative due to a bug in the earlier days that may still be around. When entering or exiting stealth Dr. Lokin would drop his stance, which may account for why you think he is a horrible healer (if you are on operative). Third thing I thought of is... IA's are not a tank class in any way, perception (that we take more damage) could make it appear as if he is a worse healer, but in reality we just have no defense.
  7. Its too much for concealment, it would simply allow for too many moves to be chained (specifically lacerate) which would in turn make the 20 seconds almost sustainable with knife moves alone which would put us in the "nerf" category. No, this is a bad idea
  8. Anyone else ever wonder why an Operative sleep dark grants full resolve, where the Assassin's Mind Trap only gives 3/4? Sidenote: Giving a set bonus of -10s to a 30s CD stun ability is a little too powerful, when you consider what you give to other classes.
  9. The reason I don't think better gear should be implemented for higher ranks is it creates a cushion for people who attain the rank first. With ANY gear advantage it always influences a fight regardless of how minor the advantage is. I would rather PvP be based on a player skill, build, and point allocation of available stats.
  10. Well I do know that the expertise adrenal used to be the only one to break stealth on use, no idea if they patched a fix for that yet... *shrug* As for the duel thing, it is easier to spot a player on your side in stealth, so usually people will run up and target you while you go into stealth for a duel, there is only one way to get away and that is to blow your advanced stealth move immediately, which makes no sense...
  11. I found the work around! Reset the quest, kill the voss guys and take the evil points instead. saves you time and effort and its just one silver and 5 normals that die instantly...
  12. Its actually more than that, concealed attacks give +16% to Bstab and Hidden Strike already, so with the two piece you are looking at a 66% crit rate to backstab. Just to expand on what Kaijan said, Power may be better in PvE where it is your overall damage that you are taking into account. However the factors that affect PvP (as in moving targets, heals, significantly lower health pools, etc) means that spike damage is MUCH more important. so just for recap, the idea is to increase the chance to do substantially more damage in a short period, rather than have a slight increase over a long period.
  13. Rizael

    Battlemaster Titles

    Even if you are not "exploiting" or "kill trading" Ilum, what you went through compared to the ilum changes are nothing compared to what it was before patch to make the gain easier. I remember when it was just warzones you got it from, back when being a battlemaster actually meant you put forth some sort of effort. Now you see people running around in centurion armor with one piece of champion sporting battlemaster tags, its sickening.
  14. Its wierd how you read something like this and its pretty much identical to what your setup is currently. I have always been telling people 30% unbuffed crit was the magical *sniffles* cleanup note: Waste: Battlemaster Enforcer's Belt* ^ Waist
  15. You know I say all these arguments for Rakata gear. I should not have to join raids to get Rakata gear, that is simply rediculous, I should be able to do a single person instance and get the same calibur of gear. Just because this is a multiplayer game doesn't mean you should punish players who choose to play alone! Not to mention I cannot get Columi gear without at least a 4 person group. THIS IS A LARGER TRAVESTY AND MUST BE ADDRESSED FIRST /sarcasm off Now lets think this entire thing through, people who play ranked are playing ranked for the competition. These people are not gearing themselves up to "pubstomp" unranked games, they are gearing up to boost their ranked status. One thing that has always annoyed me in games is that PvE players (yes that's you complainers) always raise a storm about how they are unable to get PvP gear which they will rarely ever use, and the reason they get it is to aquire the skin, or the title, or the mount, etc. No matter what you give as a reward someone will cry foul, so just slap a "Only usable in ranked matches" on there and let these whiners rage about not being able to wear it around the fleets.
  16. Think of the timeline, the republic loyalists have not rebelled against anything making it impossible for them to be "rebels". You cannot name someone for something that happens in the future.
  17. Objective pts for huttball are only given for killing a ball carrier or intercepting a pass. Carrying the ball gives you no points. So basically if you stomp the opponents and they do not touch the ball you get no points, or if they ground the ball before death.
  18. The entire reason I want it "non interactible" is so I can still read what my team is saying such as "pass up top" or "need help west objective", the purpose is kindof defeated when I have to remove it entirely. Oh right, adding the difference in Sin's sap and Operative sap in resolve gained... a sin's sap does not give full resolve whereas ours does... why is this so!?
  19. I figured it would be nice to write-down my wishlist of changes (some Op specific some not) and I figured I could get other Op's and what they would like fixed about our class or the game in general. Fix Wishlist for OP Shieldprobe Animation not disappearing when the effect is over, this is most notable when you die in in a warzone and the shield probe crosses the map to rejoin you in your spawn point. This is also noticeable with Kolto Probe click off its effects and the robots stay... 58 Enhancement mods are completely useless for concealment, or anyone who wants something other than accuracy or Alacrity, would like more options for customization. Debilitate cancelling itself when an enemy walks through me... I'm thinking this is because the animation is too slow *shrug* adding the difference in Sin's "Mind Trap" and Operative "sleep dart" in resolve gained... a sin's sap does not give full resolve whereas ours does... why is this so!? Not specifically for the Op however I despise how buffs are target based, I don't care to buff people out of party so if you would change them to be a self targetted radiation buff, similar to recuperative nanotech I'd be happy! Mountup Bug didn't want to make another section just for this guy... Sprint why must you be re-enabled each time you die... Sin stances don't need to be Fix Wishlist for UI Control U must be rebindable... seriously I play with my movement mid keyboard and this is right in the center of my hotkeys. Also if you could allow a disable for the \ key always bringing up the Bug report, I am sure more people would love it. Different Icons for Different Gathering professions on the minimap would help out a bunch, I have a slicer, that also does scavenging and finding the correct nodes is always a hassle. Ability to open multiple profile pages, mostly just asking to see mine, versus someone elses instead of closing and reopening over and over again. For warzone queues, please add a checkbox to enable or disable joining of in progress warzones. This of course would ruin warzones that have people leaving but would stop hooking people into a losing warzone that did not cause the problem in the first place and would make the "quitters" wait longer for a queue. Along with that after leaving a warzone disable the ability to queue for them until the "quit" warzone finishes. But the idea here would be to punish people from game hopping until they can be carried. Could maybe implement a "non-leavers" idea like Dota games so you can play in an environment where people don't leave, and that would punish the leavers sufficiently by increasing their queue times greatly. Companion Gathering Quest Popups Should NEVER happen in a warzone, I BEG Bioware to have an option for gathering quests to instead be instantly sent to pending until the warzone is over or I click on them myself. The Textbox in the top corner, Allow me to make it unclickable... and if this exists someone show me where it exists Companion Toolbar should not overwrite the ability to use the bar it is overlaying. the hotbar should still exist, if it is meant to work the other way, then I beseech you to make the keys mirror that of what they overlay and then there would be no confusion. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Anything else that just "bothers" you guys when you play? post em up!
  20. If you actually look at all the enhancement slots for the rakata-battlemaster it looks like whoever made them didn't think much about them at all. every "melee" piece has accuracy, every "heal" piece has alacrity... I like the previous poster have been taking out the accuracy ones and replacing them with the 56 pwr/srg (can run instances to get them from Columi gloves and helm for both Bounty Hunter and Imperial Agent Armor)
  21. I'm actually fine with the way it turned out. It actually took away a little of the damage which of course makes me sad, however with the change to the HS Knockdown we can actually contribute to a group fight without people screaming about "OMG WHY I WAS GOING TO PULL/Knockback/stun(less resolve stun)" Its made us have alot more synergy in a group which is completely fine by me. I have opted to also take the root now so I can be in more of a single target control utility for my team as well as providing burst DPS. *side-note: Operatives using explosive probe + snipe can crit for 5-6k combined... kind-of ridiculous. I know its not as useful as a knockbacks/pulls/leaps, but at least its "something" we can do when we get knocked off a railing.
  22. I believe he's talking about how most operatives have about 50% chance to crit hidden strike and backstab.
  23. It does work.. Operative: Overload Shot Rifle Shot Snipe Assassin: Voltaic Slash Thrash Lacerate (reg atk) *might be more but Volt + Thrash are mainline sin abilities that will cause them to keep spamming them till 2 land. just a few things to look for, also it doesn't remove "all negative removable effects" as the sorc spec'd into root comes off w/ my assassins root breaker (tank spec) but evasion doesn't do it, odd.
  24. Wait you want something that was nerfed because it was too powerful on better geared stronger opponents to affect better geared and stronger people more than the pre-nerf healkit did? I think you missed the part where it was too strong XD
  25. On behalf of Bioware I apologize that you were forced to play more pvp warzones than you had to. I know it really is horrible when you are forced to do extra PvP to attain your PvP gear. I know that once you get all of your gear you can stand proudly in front of the GTN and show it to all your friends. I have submitted a ticket on your behalf to make this warzones much easier so you and your PvE friends can enjoy the nice skins that the PvP armor provides. Sidenote: You must be incredibly new to mmo's or only started playing them a few years after release. Its pretty common knowledge to most avid MMO gamers that the first year of ANY mmo is like paying to be included in a beta. Not even WoW was launched smoothly, they had such excellent server stability on release *cough*
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