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Everything posted by Phenyr

  1. I think is just more then that. It will be easy to sort it out if only was that but yes is a big factor of loosing subs among many other things.
  2. To the next Messiah of mmorpg's. Thats the trend these days After so many Messiah that came and then gone....I wonder why you asking this.
  3. People like you hype the games that they are not even in beta....look what you did with Swtor. How do you know that X mmorpg that has just been announced about 1 week ago looks amazing? You had some kinda of a great revelation?
  4. Your lack of patience, burn out and huge boredom gain during so many hours spend on the 'galaxy far far away'' has clouded your judgement, make the first toon leveling normal but make 2nd, 3rd, 4th,.......1000th easy like in a blink of an eye.... Sorry but your logic is flawed try better reason next time. And yes i hate leveling alts..i find it a rather very unpleasent process and to diminish that always play different faction. But you have a point....the leveling here is very limited there arent too many choices and since the game looks like is alt-base-building, respect for those that level 8 toons to 50....i know i wont do it
  5. Depends what ''Success'' means for some peeps around here. The way it looks i have a deja-vu aka Titanic here, greatest ship of all times and end up the way it did. Best thing to do is hoping the game will turn out into something more than just a ''generic'' SW game
  6. Thats most worrying thing, must admit it. and like previous post said sad indeed
  7. Well ToR forums are the most entertaining forums i ever read on any other game so far.
  8. you add all you want as long the game itself has no flavour, nor charisma you name it will most likely end up like all the mmo that try to take a piece of cake from WoW's table This game ToR...its very generic thats what makes it so dull....you know that feeling its just not there
  9. making a rant thread over something they know and working on it with a patch been for 2moro wont make that cube(being Borg if u wish) reappear. Chill out, stay put and wait for resque
  10. Pretty much reverse of the coin. If some 1 keep the game in high regards its....how u call it, Biodrone? and of course if some 1 leaves the game and give some reasons its a Blizzard employee. Diablo 3 its not an mmorpg but for some peeps might do the trick that ToR fail to do for them. As for OP....good luck in your journey.
  11. Tea time yes? Or more than just a quik tea time?
  12. I hope they wont trash TES IP thru the world of MMORPG....
  13. I though that X game was made to kill WoW.....
  14. I try to reason why people open these type of threads? If EA is bought by X,Y or Z company what has to do with our game at hand? Is going to get worse? Better? Closed? Flourish or reborn from its own ashes like Phoenix? I pretty much dont care who,when,how some bigger company buys EA.....
  15. Why so serious? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxKJgOZXEho&feature=fvst
  16. Who's forcing who? I dont feel been forced to play this game or any other mmorpg with fee out there, do you?
  17. Seen that even mighty Blizzard sacked some folks around now and then. that does not mean that WoW is dying isnt it? The world economy is not fully recovered and i think most of the big corporation sack and rehire personel depending on their projects etc etc. Is like is the company i work for sacks few employee mean is dying and have to rush to find new job? Neah it takes more than that. If the world economy was in a pre-recession state and EA was 'cuting' off jobs then yes that might be worrying news. But thats just my opinion.
  18. No flower its useless post. Go play F2P games if you dont liek this one there are plenty on the market
  19. Life-sized stardestroyer any time after this. I wanted 'shiped' with a full operational ray cannon...ohh wait thats a Death Star. Just 'ship' it with a fully operational hyperdrive engine should do it
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