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Everything posted by Phenyr

  1. Question the cause not the effect. Why one 'hate' to group? There are many reasons to that question each of different personal experience as each players sets its own goals.
  2. It might or not. But I dont understand why players beg to f2p model.
  3. I dont think thats the solution to this equazion. If any new mmorpg will go f2p then this genre will never evolve to the next level. This 'architecture' over mmorpg is geting really burned out A strong competiton on the market will only benefit us, the player base. I'll like to see 4-5 mmorpgs on the market 'battling' to gain more players each one coming with its most original ideas and improvements over the game play and experience A fair example look at video cards market between ATi and NVidia or Intel or AMD is not like you have to 'stuck' with X product cos there is nothing better then that.
  4. This. I went for WoW just cos I liked the story line back from Warcraft and liked to 'experience' all that at first hand with my avatar around the world, and there were many places to stop and wonder, it had the 'soul' I came to ToR cos of Kotor sadly the 'experience' wasnt too much of it. Some players say and complain about different technical issues of the game but sometimes no matter how big is the technical improvement is the game needs that things you call it 'soul'
  5. There are many things I want to see and some are close to your point of view but major one for is bigger worlds and a bit more things from Kotor franchise. So far the game ends pretty fast there is no 'skiping and come back laters' in this game and quest are few. Planets should have more quests than 20...
  6. That Unicorn was guarding that gate was too much of a challenge it was lvl1 and yet was keep bashing our hero to the ground that was lvl40.... This game is a walk in the park.
  7. Same here. One, we know eachother back 20 years ago...the other friend is my sister and her partner. If you invite some 'friends' met on other games that maybe never seen them once..oh well can understand the reason of the OP.
  8. even naked? and clicking? kinky
  9. This is a huge minus for me also. ANd of course no so strong connections with franchise Kotor beside bits and pieces. Hopes these parts of the game got better in time. My sub is still active and goes beyond april anyways
  10. In Games shop at Startford were 2 versions of this CE box. One at 50 pounds and one at 140 or so and of course just the simple game at bout 30 pounds or so. The difference between those I do not know it but 140 pounds for a game...no sorry it's a mmo I wont go that far.
  11. Been build to solo or not the game has nothing to do with be anti-social or be social. Those excuses are for those that do believe in such things which are very untrue. To get a buff, get resurected, get healed in a didficult moment or helped by some random player and not saying 'Thank you' has nothing to do with how the game was build has more to do with ''7 years from home'' which sadly the number of those that lack that is growing in geometric progression these days at least in teh virtual world. Been social is how you as individual behave in a community, been one from virtual world or real world. It's a simple choice of been a 'homosapiens' or been a 'Neanderthal'
  12. So you wont invite your friends unless BW give you a goodie?
  13. Err? Can give you credits for that but did you know that mathematiclly speaking it's a formulae that proves the God do exist and also can be another one that can prove that Unicorns do exist also? How can you know that there are 8 toons per account?
  14. Ye. Like the old roman emperors use to do. When romans where unhappy they put it for a 'party' at Colosseum and a full weekend of drinks (free?) and the rest of repertoire that comes with it. After everyone or at least majority was happy for a certain time till next 'party' needs to come
  15. So you whine about lack of reward for you trying to promote the game within your group of friends. It's your choice to promote the game or not. If you feel like it's not worth it then dont and ignore this if you think is worth it then do it. Dont act like a mercenary....
  16. Best troll fest thread I ever read so far for me since december. About 2 or 3 groups of peeps from different fronts troll each other ....
  17. I suppose they could come up with some new speeders with Transwarp or Quantum slipstream that will make traveling instant or close to that instance. Or they can make something like in NFS, upgrade your speeder get it new coat of paint with futuristic looks some Nos boost new gear box transmision etc etc you get the picture... They are okay so far is not like is a lot to drive around anways
  18. Pretty much this. I was expecting something closer to Kotor franchise and beside Revan in a few bits and pieces there is nothing more. I remember the days in WoW Vanilla exploring the places where the story from WarCraft 3 and previous ones took place, Felwood where Illidan mets Arthas, Lordaeron the capital city bring to ruins by Archimonde, like you said Alterac and all the palces where the Burning legion did rampage in their second attempt to conquer Azeroth. Even if is 300 years laters from the events of Kotor both 1&2 on a galactic scale time-line is a drop in the ocean, planets that been burned down by the mandalorians, remnants of the both wars that took place there is nothing out there. Is like such events never took place. I would love to see Dxun, what ever its left from Malacor V, Telos or any other places from both games. The only place that had the 'WoW' effect for me, by WoW not the game, was Taris since it was part of the Kotor 1 story. Even if most of the WoW story/lore is just a big wall of text is way much better in WoW because you just find it with in the game. In ToR there isnt so much to wonder, pity because there was so much to put in.
  19. Pretty much this. Freelancer was one of a kind. I still play on Winamp the OST from Freelancer while doing the space combat missions in ToR xD
  20. Best of luck in your journey where ever you heading.
  21. People won't and never will. Is as simple as that. The journey is irrelevant now, only thing that matter is the destination. That's the order of things today.
  22. Instead of posting here you should seek medical advice in the matter even professional one. Yes the UI is a bit annoying but to get further than that .... it's another story.
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