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Everything posted by Phenyr

  1. No im not. but if you keep using that stick you might end up again on a dead server xD
  2. I still dont understand why not even now there are no GM within the game. Each time i have a issue some droid pops up the same old dull reply. This needs to improve a bit
  3. Damn you're right about this. I only played once both side but the though that i have to go thru all the same side quests all over again puts my will to level another alt off. First journey was nice but reading same ol' dull book all over again? Neah
  4. I have nor the time or desire to indulge you.
  5. Gl with that. Honest now GW2 seviour of what? Of the mmorpg genre? Come on flower take a grip of reality here and dont get yourself drunk into such hopes.
  6. Well after the job they done you were expecting geting Nobel prize for ..... of course they got sacked.
  7. Well if he was so good then why the hell game looks so bad? The fish gets rotten from head not from tail or something like that. never heard of this guy before I dont feel happy nor sad for him. As for the game cant see something even worse then this. Looks like they change something there was another guy that ''left'' some with combat or so i still remember that 'ability delay thread' btw. I hope the 'boat' wont sink that fast though.
  8. And you open a THREAD just to let everybody know about your choice. I think you make yourself too important than you really are, to us of course. Dont transfer at all but if you miss us or some of us you know where to find us.
  9. Different day same....stinky poo. If it goes F2P if wont go, if tomorrow BW decide to close the servers for good what will happend? Players will jump off the clif, infront of a train or after some unkown bridge? The meaning of life will just sudden end? Why so much useless blah blah blah? F*** it just play the god damn game
  10. Thats why forums are for. We came here open a thread with some more or less relevant thing to say. It has been debate, post, repost the only thing that counts the game lost even before its launch cos of the state it was. They tryed to grab the old SWG players, some KOTOR fans some bored WoW players, and in all this mesh-up it turn the way it did and every one came here with different expectations. When their expectation were ruined, smashed you name it started with losing subs. Game even got hyped, we know thats marked strategy and all that hype back fired and now it hurts the game. I still refuse to believe that this game worth 300mil USD thats just hype, loads of it. Look around the forums, every one is pulling this game in all possible directions. The game was just to straight forward with no vision. Dont get me wrong BW are good at their games but here it was like 'blind leading the blind' thingy. So in the end is just too much
  11. Well mate they shouldnt release it in that stage in the first place. You see the devs didnt give ToR a chance at first hand, why should players paying for do so? To give or not to give? Now that is the question
  12. Dont hype what you can not see. This is a fashion with every mmorpg in post WoW era. I still do think that BW should've stick to thier more or less epic single campaign games but busniess its just business
  13. Ye, we might need special sun glasses to play this game after 1.4 that shiny it will get
  14. This is what LFG tool brings with. It should have though a certain lvl required for gear or so but thats not the case here, and it might take some time.
  15. I think your kids might need those money you are willing to pay for some in-game items darling, just a thought... Be adviced that F2P games tend to be more expensive in the end then P2P ones.
  16. I think they just hate the game... but mostly they hate you.
  17. Ive read what that dev said about it. He's working at the wrong project doing the wrong job.
  18. This is about the game not the account. The software itself has nothing to do anything with any avatar, progress what ever the previous owner did before selling the software. The law itself has a good point, I bought something that makes it mine. Buy a brand new car but cant sell it because it still belongs to the manufacturer that pretty much does not make any sense.
  19. If all of this just few tokens and some giggling stuff....All Mighty helps us the end is near.
  20. I always wonder myself one thing, why do players feel the need to say this? I believe every one is entitled of their own opinion no more no less so as far as i see it there is no need to show off the 'War medals' nor the titles. About the post. Some valid points and yes I keep stressing why a company like this can do such a poor job. But in the end even the mighty can fall
  21. I bet 2 stardestroyers s/he plays WoW
  22. thats mostly a brief history of all mmorpg in a post WOW era. Pretty sad isnt it?
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