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Everything posted by Phenyr

  1. ''All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth'' F. Nietzsche
  2. Did you pay his/her wages? Maybe had enough of 'volunteer' work. You are lucky it didnt call the union. I bet strike coming soon.
  3. Not that classy. But I admire OP for that. A classy exit is a big rant with a huge list of demands and threats and some apocalyptic future to the world in a very sophisticated language. To OP fair enough cant play something that wont fit your needs. Good luck in your journey and who knows maybe you will be back.
  4. Only 4 targets there. The shield generators. If you want to take out the main deck of that destroyer then best not too. Like some players make it clear the missile and torpedos dont get along eachother too well. Do not panic of what the UI show to you. All get 4 torpedos but it show 3 cos one is already lock on loaded.
  5. To where? Another game that will not meet the requirements of 'the rest of us' and then move again? And again? And again? I suppose is best to quote '' Its not the destination that matter its the journey'' and for the 'the rest of us' is indeed one of a kind journey. The game it is boring I give you that but I kinda got tired of this journey. If i will resub? Most likely yes
  6. I have a bad feeling about this. Seen this many time with many other names....Deja-vu The game might be pretty good but like many previous attempts in the WoW-era no one seemed to breake the mold. While the game gets some rather interesting inovations the mostly praised one is so called 'dynamic events'. Behing those is just an algorithm that randomly on a time scale will just create an event but in the end those events are limited to a certain number, dont get me wrong but the game itself can not create events they are preset by the programers. I wonder if a dynamic even happen in a village the aftermath will just disaper right after that event end it or it will persist in time I mean that village will stay in ruin for some time and with each passing week I can see a progress in rebuilding, cos if the aftermath will be diminish only to the event itself than thats not big deal is like them events from Rift which some times they geting quite annoying.
  7. Every mmorpg does that. You can group up with other players yes but it will alway be a second group that might need to kill same mob to finish a quest etc. Its the respawn time that each npc has it.
  8. The days when a mmorpg with 100k active subs was a success is long gone, dead. Today the mass of casual player 'feed' the mmorpg's. Do not expect that 10-20% of the player base in a mmorpg take it as 'hardcore' make the game survive, believing that is fooly, but the 80% of the casuals do. The days when camping hours and hours and killing legions of mobs to get that X item are gone also. Casual players log in play 1-2 hours, they dont enjoy camping hours, days for something, the progress has to be 'facile' as possible. This is how the market looks atm and it will no go back in the early days of mmorpg. Hardcore players is a breed that will disappear slowly but certain, and yet they are need it in a mmorpg community. As for ToR if will survive? For those that had enough with fantasy worlds,lore rehashed all over again it will be a refuge from all of that. People will play the game.
  9. WoW is a great game like it or not. Been on the top for so many years with some more or less competition it say something about it. It has many good qualities and who ever denies that is blind to see it. Yes its old, yes its not what was suppose to be back from Vanilla but like any good game it has its flaws. For me the journey in WoW has end it thats for sure. I reach my destination and I dont like the idea of panda and pokemon but thats just about taste. I bet there are many out there to disagree with me. There are some thing from WoW I wished to see in ToR, bit more world exploring bit of a more freedom of wondering around. I hate been stuck in a open world by mountain walls after a while its get the 'box' feeling. Though on the other hand I do not understand why some players still cling on WoW experience of game play it was fun while it lasted now look forward new things. OP. In case you wont walk this path too far Good Luck in your Journey.
  10. They are tricky I give you that. I repeated that mission till I find the right time to fire them torpedos. Miss fire one and bbang repeat the damn thing all over again.
  11. I dont gain nothing if the game dies or survive. So i kinda dont care. Tera sadly does not got Lightsabers no trolls on the forums. A day on ToR's forums is like a walk in the park with Trolls
  12. Its a matter of choice to put it simple. You can play this game for a certain amount of cash for a month or you can choose not to play this game for the same amount of cash. I will like a game that will pay me for playing it. Sadly no developer dares to release such beauty. Ohh well hope never dies...
  13. And for those that dont believe in such things but yet in Unicorns what those shall ask? I dont not belive in any God that human mind invented.
  14. Neah you do it wrong.... Say like 'I hate this game and they should +-0/*$%£"&*^%* their patch'. Now if you want your thread to get more views this is how you do it. On topic. No matter what they bring even Elvis and Michael with Whitney is goning to be rant on forums.
  15. Pretty much the colour will be irrelevant when most likely crystals with multistats will be implemented. Having a unique colour on your lightsaber might make some players that they are 'special'. Who knows maybe legendary crystals will make those players 'special' For me is green which I like. I dont care is if rainbow crystal is just I dont like it
  16. it is mate on forums http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=360356
  17. Philosophical speaking? It's our nature.
  18. Ye open the 'Drama' forum where each one of us make a rant now and then just to get the steam from the daily stress accumulated in time run off to a much more lower level. These days you get way much faster cancer from stress than smoking.
  19. Most wise. I think this is how most of the community in gaming is like 'You are with us or against us' and labeling players over that does not help at all. I like them post...''I play mmorpgs since Jesus Christ walk the earth blah blah blah and my opnion is that this game '+/-' .....'' And after they put the name of them games and what rank etc like war medals... and who ever dares to challenge thier belief or point of view is bash down with some ideas that not even Nietzsche could come up with. What type of customers this game is addressing for sure those that enjoy a bit of a more story than the old fashion grinding and not really has to be 'biodrone'.
  20. Get a Redbull and chill the...........out. What your house burned down cos the game?
  21. Ye is game breaking, as over 9000 small insignificant other bugs. You know people like to make from mosquito...stallion. I bet there are many post of doom and gloom already out there. Anyways this was off topic.
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