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Posts posted by Zharik

  1. All I've heard you guys say is that it's better than Civil War. Even if it is better than Civil War, it's still worse than Novare.


    I've yet to see an argument that it is not.


    To be honest all I have heard from you is that you like it better. Basically the same thing.


    I've offered that with the players' skill/gear imbalanced as it is, the "must control 2 of 3 to score" will create MORE disparity in the final score, not less... This will make 1000-0 matches MORE common, not less.


    You have stated that passing the "point of no return" is a terrible way to lose OR win. That's nonsense, like saying football teams don't dump gatorade on the coach's head with 44 seconds left on the clock and you're up by 12 points with the ball... (take a knee QB = sit on one satellite team, cause they've EARNED it at that point) That's part of earning a win! Managing the clock is part of any game. I'm sorry that you get bored or whatever with this set up, but it is FAIR FROM THE START, which is the only thing that matters.


    Oh and for the record, you appear to be the only person here that has posted this being a problem. I am sure that there are others that feel as you do, but with all the people responding to you, maybe you are in the minority?

  2. I know there's Sensor beacon but do Scouts have anything like a tracking beacon? Something they can fire to call out and track a high priority target like a Bomber, Gunship or Ace?


    I'd rather see this than be able to ID an enemy by NAME... (Why can we see enemy names?)

  3. Reactor is minor, but what he described is the shield component.


    Ex shield: Distortion, directional, quick charge.


    Ex reactor: +30% health, +whatever who cares recharge, etc.


    I said on another thread once to get rid of thrusters and give strikes armor (and 5% better base speed/turning). This way they can get a +10% boost to speed OR turning (from the tier 3 engines) and get the benefit from armor.

  4. That's assuming a perfect dead center shot with no tracking penalty. In practice that's going to be almost impossible to do regularly so you'll have less than 75% accuracy normally.




    Components which strikers can't even equip so the buffs to accuracy they provide is moot. Nor should relying on allies enter into the equation because if strikers can't adequately counter evasion in a 1 v 1 then that in itself means it's too powerful. Allies should be like crew providing supplemental buffs not the primary (or only) means of creating a counter build to something.


    2 things...

    1. Ideal conditions... look it up

    2. If you look at the person I was responding to it was to help explain his "over 50% hit rate vs scouts"

  5. Scouts top out at 41% passive evasion, it is not currently possible under any circumstances to exceed 41% evasion. I sometimes wonder if accuracy doesn't work quite like the ground game since I have shot at a ton of scouts, and when I have my crosshairs lined up I am hitting quite a bit better than 50%.


    For the record 2.6 is bringing bombers and evasion means nothing to bombers. It is also bringing two new AoE control weapons, both of which are unaffected by evasion.


    Most guns have an accuracy OVER 100% under ideal conditions. 116% - 41% = 75%


    There are also boosts to your accuracy with certain components, such as targeting telemetry (and they ALSO reduce the target's evasion.) And there are sensor probes that -10% target's evasion...

  6. Well this won't be easy to formulate without it coming off as nothing but a rant, but Burst-Laser Cannons. Does anyone else find their damage and power level off the charts?


    Capturing, they're flawless for the scouts. You can easily evade good enough to get into range to shoot down the turrets in 1-2 shoots each while still dodging around the satelite.


    Someone gets too close, you just turn and can shoot anyone except a gunship immediatly out of the sky with 1-2 hits.


    And up and coming death match, where dogfighting in groups without a satelite to capture. They will continue to wreck.


    I see decent pilot score up over 20 kills in a match due to burst laser. I don't know a way to balance it, or how to properly adjust the stats on the weapon, but surely a discussion towards that end can be had here?


    Yes they eat turrets quickly, but fully mastered rapid-fire lasers and rocket pods do too. (come to think of it, taking out turrets is one skill that *all* pilots needs to master early, I wish there was a practice area for something like that...)


    Beyond 500m they are pretty under powered, so I don't see the issue... you get within 500m you get a cookie. (and BLC one shot nothing that's 100% full... 2 shot, yes)


    Dog fighting will separate the pilots from the boys, though team death-match with separate the teams from the boys more so.


    20 kills a match is more the product of weak competition than from overpowered BLC. (gunships get that kind of kill ranking too)

  7. Same setup, three points to capture. The difference? In Novare, points only tick down for the enemy team if you hold two of the points. The only point of no return in Novare is the point where it takes longer to cap than there is time left; until the last few seconds there is *always* the opportunity for a comeback.


    It's an objectively better system.


    So must control more than 50% to score? Hrmmm that might discourage more and more new players than getting some points for controlling 1 of 3 points. Honestly when the Preferred started playing I was encouraging the experienced guys to seriously take it easy on them. Cause 1000-5 stompings did nothing to encourage them to try again...

  8. Thank you for reformatting my "ramblings". I don't mind as you did a fair job of it. As far as the imbalance it is not in the ships, equipment, or crew it is in the team stacking that has resulted in 90% or so stomping by pubs. That is why most imps don't do GSF anymore. That is what will kill GSF. That is why que times are long.

    That doesn't explain why the pubs stomped the imps in early December... (I honestly thought that was an anomaly initially)

    They could...


    (1) Separate teams into skill brackets forcing an even match.

    How would they go about this? Skill meaning Requisition earned per match average? Total requisition earned is not a fair comparison, as some people are more persistent than others.

    (2) Give much more requisition to which ever team is the under dog and less to the over dog I guess you would call it based on level of challenge so that the drastically newer imp players would catch up quickly and balance things.

    And how would they determine who is the underdog/favorite for a match? Gear only? I believe that player skill makes up more than 50% of a ship's effectiveness. Think of it this way, if I (who have played in over 600 matches) were flying a completely basic (not upgraded) ship faced off against a rookie who has not played once (but was given a totally mastered ship), who would win? (me) so skill trumps gear... now if skill is reasonably close, gear can be a difference maker. So who is the underdog? Win/loss ratio? Across legacy? I just don't see a fair way to manage this.

    (3) They could remove same faction "war game" matches so that some of those players that switched from the empire to the republic so they could win would have to come back or wait in the same long que's that they caused the imps by switching sides in mass.

    Sometimes that is the only time pub pilots get to fly, is when it is against their own kind. (I've probably been in 100 Pub vs Pub matches and like 3 Imp vs Imp)

    (4) (insert your better idea here) as you seem the type that always has one and honestly the more the merrier because some one will hit the nail on the head and name a perfect fix and the dev's will implement it immediately. I am pretty sure it won't be me.


    If they are not going to fix the problem it would be nice to at least address the symptom which is afking out in long que's.


    Cross server queuing... that's what I'd like to see... Bigger player base to match up more geared vs more geared and less geared vs less geared.

  9. It's terrible design. It was terrible design when Civil War was first introduced, and people complained about it then. It's still terrible design now, but apparently people accept terrible design nowadays.


    Seriously, someone explain to me why a system like Novare's wouldn't be objectively better than the current one. I'd really, really like to hear that explanation.


    I don't ground PvP (I think that is TOO much about gear and too little about player ability) so I am not sure what you mean by Novare's system...


    But being that almost everything is equal what is wrong with the current system (from a fair start/you decide your own fate win or lose, standpoint)?


    Honestly the Imps have a legit complaint about Spaceyards... C is defintely farther than for the pubs, and both A and C have obstructions in the way where the Pubs get a straight shot. Other than that the maps are fair... unimaginative, but fair.

  10. With all due respect my burst lasers with bypass and weapon overcharge will 2 shot your ship with "insane shield regen". A fully upgraded flash fire is better than a pike in every way shape and form. The ONLY way a striker will have the upper hand on a tier 2 scout is if they are able to sit at range and lob Prots at them without them knowing where it's coming from, but even then with fully upgraded retros, that's usually a non-issue.


    With all due respect... regen is only an issue if you survive the initial burst, obviously. Could we not assume that part has happened if we're talking about shield regen?


    Oh yeah and get off your flashfire/sting high horse or feed the complainers that they need nerfed... This is a post about how to balance Strike Fighters, to which Pikes belong.

  11. Ion weapons have a built in weakness- in fact, none of them are good enough except for the railgun, which is largely unfair because of the small tap effect. The weakness is that they are poor against hulls- laughably so- and as such I don't really think that a counter for them would be that needed.



    That being said- the idea isn't bad at all. I think "discharge all remaining shields" needs to have a proportionate effect (discharging 1% shield shouldn't do much of anything, discharging 100% shield should do more), and the bleedthrough is too steep of a cost- anything that buys you is going to be too powerful. But I think if someone really super wants resistance to ion weapons at some cost, it should be available to at least some ships.


    Ion guns on a Strike Fighter are very useful, because you carry a 2nd weapon for damaging the hull. I use the rapid-fire lasers and cluster missiles. It takes a while to get used to the timing for switching weapons, but it works, and works well.

  12. That's three examples, out of how many games? A hundred? Two hundred? Five hundred? More?


    The quoted part should stand out to you as wrong, though. There are no rated GSF queues, and there is currently no matchmaking. Odds are any matchmaking system Bioware comes up with won't be perfect. Therefore, skill/gear discrepancy is a HUGE deal.


    GSF will also be opening up to F2P players very soon, and that means even more players that aren't geared and don't know what they're doing. Capping all 3 is not easy even when everyone knows what they're doing, let alone holding them for any period of time. Capping all 3 when you're behind, possibly *very* behind, and holding them for the rest of the game without losing even one? That's just not going to happen; I'd imagine one out of every hundred games ends that way, if that, and it'll just get worse when a flood of F2Ps enters the fray.


    But here's the thing. They could have used the Novare Coast system, and it would've been a lot better. Can you disagree with that? I doubt it. They had this system in the game already for Novare Coast, and they could have easily used it again with minimal tweaking to the maps. Hell they could have made one map Civil War and one map Novare, but they chose not to. It's ridiculous that we have two maps with the same objectively-worse-than-Novare system.


    (actually that's only 2 examples)


    Allowing yourselves to get to that point means you deserve to lose 99.5% of those matches. It is kind of like allowing the other (football) team to score 6 touchdowns in the 1st half. Yes technically you can score 6 in the second half, but are you likely to?


    That's my point, though is to be open to changing your strategy mid game if you are digging a hole on the scoreboard. Also, there are some times that your team is simply outmatched by the other team. When that happens, I try to lure some of the better pilots out away from the action to give my teammates a chance to cap some sats.

  13. I mean, the queues can be like SO LONG. So SUPER LONG.


    Then you have that super quick window, and that's not counting if anyone else had to wait and the whole thing shuts down before your timer is even gone.


    So I'm joking about getting a text, but not entirely. It's a very long time to wait with a very small window.


    I'd be happy if I heard the "queue pop" noise play when alt + tabbed out to check the forums, etc while I wait. I hear everything ELSE that happens, but not that...

  14. It would have been extremely stupid and pointless to create this thread if it had not happened.


    I'm not saying that you are happy with the current rate of earning requisition, just that your initial statement that he earned 600 (while under daily double) during a match where you clearly were very active - is likely a gross exaggeration.


    Lastly, I offer that there are indeed stupid and pointless people (AKA trolls) that do things which make no sense to the rest of us. Not saying that the you are a troll... but you could be.


    *edited after seeing that this was the OP that replied, to change pronoun usage*

  15. Yeah? Can you count them on more than one hand? I doubt it.


    What you're describing is an *extremely* rare occurrence. Particularly with PuGs, the vast majority of games have a point of no return closer to the start of the match than the end. It's worse than Civil War in that regard.



    We were down 800 (something) to 995 when we turned BOTH of their sats neutral, it ... was ... EPIC!


    Once the ^ happened I was watching for it to happen again...




    So I guess my thing is to never give up and never "settle" for 2/3 sats. Always press the enemy and at a minimum try to disrupt what they are trying to do. (this assumes close skill/gear between the players)

  16. All of this matters very little however if GSF dies a ugly death in the near future because the dev's did not step in and even the odds between the empire and the republic. 90% or better of the imp population has given up on GSF and no longer play it at all. Just my 2 cents.


    What exactly should the developers do to "handicap the pubs"??? All matches start out with the score:

    Pubs = 0

    Imps = 500


    The ground PvP game is pretty dominated by the Imps. Space is dominated by the Pubs. It is the way it is. If you queue at the same time every day (after work/school/whatever) and you face the same great (or crappy) players match after match... It is the way it is.

  17. Yeah? Can you count them on more than one hand? I doubt it.


    What you're describing is an *extremely* rare occurrence. Particularly with PuGs, the vast majority of games have a point of no return closer to the start of the match than the end. It's worse than Civil War in that regard.


    Well historically speaking it is rare, kind of like rare but *special* occurrences that happen in sports.


    The thing that you are talking about is "If things stay as they are, we're gonna lose!" point of "no return". Yes, there is a basic math concept that this is easy to spot. The hard part is making some people realize that "Just cap A & B, ignore C" is a horrible strategy and LEADS to your scenario.

  18. Ok to sum up your rambling...


    1. Please don't auto-kick me (for "inactivity") while I am clicking things in the hangar screen.

    2. Fix the imbalance issue between Pubs and Imps...


    1. Agree! Also feel that way about GTN surfing....

    2. WHAT IMBALANCE ISSUES? (ok I over-reacted a little, but beyond differences in crew skills, there are no imbalance issues!)

  19. 1. Don't stop at VOIP for GSF, use if for ALL group-finder stuff too...

    2. Like it, I like it a lot, kinda like a focus target

    3. I don't pay a monthly fee to test your patches let alone have to GRIND to do so?!?!?

    4. Strikes don't need a total rework, in my humble opinion. I'd actually like to see some more built in damage reduction (or other defensive utility) since they don't get armor choices? And their "stock offense" is pretty boring too (no systems to boost themselves with, just more freedom to pick situational weapons). Point is that they need some tweaking, yes.

    5. Honestly I think the requisition earning rate is about right, though it DOES suck if you get stuck on a crappy team vs a pre-made, maybe (better) bonuses for earning your side's MVPs when you lose?

    6. Ummm I'd rather them focus on more important things... though I would LOVE to have the ability to take some people into a "flight school" style map where the group leader could assign teams and teach my Guildies how to fly... (no reqs earned of course)

    7. See my #6


  20. When I see this usually all I have to do is wait and watch them pile into the satellite, asteroid or wall, since that seems to be what happens 9 times out of 10. It's one reason I've never bought that they were cheating... :p


    Until you see that person flying (semi) casually around a satellite... report those. (Seriously it was impossible to get a cluster missile lock on him even with him in the middle of my screen - 1.29 seconds!)

  21. yes.


    I've gone a double speed upgrade on my Blackbolt for 120% base (speed IS life!). I don't just 'beat' 110% scouts to a node at the start of a game, i FLOG them. it's been a long, long time since anyone's beaten me to a node at the start of a game.


    generally, the nearest opponent is still ~9k away when I get the green flashies to start capping the node.


    Pretty sure it is actually 121% (multiplicative not additive). Oh and I totally /agree.

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