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Posts posted by Zharik

  1. I did some testing:

    On the tutorial (ran through all the things that break movement and just did not cap the sat) then I hit x, F3 for greater engine regen (more importantly slower weapon regen to ease counting):

    after draining all power reserves, it took about 30 seconds to get 17 shots off when holding the button down, easy as heck to count.

    Then I started a timer when the power was fully drained and released the button... took like 12 seconds to fill most of the way up but when I fired I counted the "ticks of energy drain on the power bar", I got to 17 at about 20 seconds. and BEFORE the bar was completely drained (though almost there)


    Yes I think it would be a lot easier to count the attacks with a BLC, but I am unwilling to hurt my team's chances of victory to get a more accurate count.


    Analysis; "recently drained" does have a significant effect on weapon fire rate. Also, I think my supposition of 60% normal during recently consumed regen is about right.

  2. I literally do not understand where the "gunship OP baaaw" people are coming from... I fly a Nova almost exclusively, and I tend to kill more gunships than any other ship type, simply because hunting them down is so *easy* >:D


    I can only assume the ones crying about them are the types who attempt to charge them head-on across 20km of open space, and are (deservedly) immediately exploded.


    Proper tactics are essential, but step one is identify that there is a GS within 15km... Being that most if not all are running dampening sensors and will not show up until 15km... that is an issue.


    Step two, get within your weapon range ASAP, preferably from cover/using distortion field.


    Step three, do not allow the GS to face you... ever.



    Ok now to address the GS is OP topic... GSs are not OP per se, but the AOE ion with massive power drain that can hit things behind objects (with the AOE effect) is redonkulous... There have been MANY posts about this and if you don't recognize that there is a legitimate issue with that, than ask how many GS players (of those who have ion to tier 4) don't use the right side tier 4 upgrade for the ion railgun. In other words, if a specific tier choice is used by 99% of the player population, something is driving that preference. Might want to look into that...

    Personally, I would like to make that tier either AOE or massive energy drain... not both. (just get rid of crit... who cares about crit on a weapon that destroys shields with one shot anyway and does crap vs hull...)

  3. But in addition to double volley doing more damage and most targets dying before the five seconds end, the really important thing is that double volley is prettier.


    Hard to argue the "prettier" part, but I run out of missiles with the plasma type (30 iirc) so the double volley would be worse for me. I was just offering a different perspective, that's all.

  4. Well, we know the "recently fired" time is 1.5 seconds, we get that stat.


    I don't think it's as low as 60%.


    1.5 seconds is when it starts to regen... Just like shields don't regen (without tier 3 quick charge shields) for up to 6 seconds (depending on loadout) after you stop taking damage.


    You can think what the actual % is all you want... if you wanted to test it you could... (use whatever power setting you want though I bet it would be easiest to see on max engines or max shields since that would exaggerate the reduction in weapon regen) drain all your energy and see how many attacks you can get off in 60 seconds by holding down the left mouse button. Then repeat the same test while allows the weapon power bar to nearly fill before draining it, and repeating for 60 seconds (timer starts as soon as the weapon power is drained).


    So if you get say 15 shots off when holding the mouse button down and can get off 20 by letting the power regen between bursts there is a definite, and noticeable reduction for power recently consumed.

  5. Just to clarify I'm basing the question on my experience in the flash fire using tier 4 versions of quads and burst laser. The difference is chalk and cheese. Try it, a sustained burst with quads seems inconsequential compared to a sustained burst of the BLC.


    But there are so many factors to consider:

    range to target

    evasion of target

    armor of target (vs armor "pen" of gun)

    tracking penalty/accuracy of gun

    CDs used (both offensive AND defensive)

    crit chance (extra surge from TT?)


    If you are merely talking about the numbers that fly over the enemy when you score a hit the biggest factor is range for those 2 weapons. Lack of a testing environment is frustrating!


    I actually wonder if the DPS numbers take accuracy into account for the changes to range.


    I'd like to see something a little more basic in game terms instead. Like rate of fire listing the time delay between "attacks" and damage output listing the damage for a hit at that range. Sort of like Quads delay = .333 and damage at 3000m = 320, then I could say that at the most I could get 960 in 1 second, where as the burst is delay = 1.5 and damage = 1230 so the DPS is 820 but it is FRONT LOADED. (please note those numbers were totally made up for illustration only)

  6. Thank you.


    I suppose "read my forum sig" does sound a touch off.

    And you are completely right about the topic.


    I was merely outlining a difference though, not implying a certain ratio of premades were elites and that this angers me, as was apparently the assumption, just that crying "premade" and ragequitting a match for example, is usually for no good reason at all, unless of course, you are indeed up against those crazy elite players.

    In GSF oh yeah that is rare, in ground PvP not so much though.


    I suppose I can sound like a dick, and not that I want to be accepted by forum regulars or anything, I just want people to know that I'm not talking out of my *** as I am being accused of.

    If I haven't done it myself, I wont say it to you as if it's some gospel.


    Oh I am sure that I come across as an *** at times too. I won't back down from the things that I feel strongly about either, so no worries there.


    Though a measure of civility on the forums could be used by all. (yes including me)


    Now can we just let this post die or at least only reference the OP's Topic? :rak_03:

  7. With a bit of testing, I believe that the recently consumed regeneration rate is similar to the regular regeneration rate (10/s baseline). This doesn't discount it being different, but I don't think it can be SUPER different.


    Granted this is only a guesstimate, but I think it is in the vicinity of 60% normal. Engine regen is similar when recently consumed (boosted). Watch your engine after you rush the initial satellite after you stop boosting, the bar increases at a certain rate, then a few seconds later the drained portion changes from a reddish color to a more purple/dark blue (I think this is the regular regen rate) and it regens a LOT faster. Tap boost for just a second and see is slow down again.


    Weapons appear to work the same way, though this is easier to test:

    Fire your guns until your power reserves are depleted... notice that you can fire once you get enough energy in the reserves to power "1 shot". This is your recently consumed regen rate. If you hold down the trigger, you'll fire like once every 4 seconds or so (different loadouts will yield different results!) Now let the weapons recharge for a little while without holding down the trigger, and you will regen at a much faster rate.

  8. my $0.02.....


    Bursts and rocket pods are the two weapons in GSF that give the most rewards for skill.


    if you're a 'spray and pray' type player, Bursts aren't for you. If you're a bit better at lining up your shots, then Bursts > all.


    One thing worth mentioning, the damage on Bursts drops off rapidly once you get beyond point blank range.


    And ironically, I find that using rapid-fire lasers are the ones that require more "skill", but to each his own!

  9. Armonddd, chill. You open up retorts with personal attacks for no real reason. Your credibility drops to near zero for a lot of folks when they see that.


    DEATHICIDE, also chill. I admit after I saw this exchange I scrolled down to read your "signature" and promptly wondered what the heck you were talking about. Then I saw the second post where you explained that your signature meant that [you have played both sides, all basic classes to 55 since launch]. Hell, I understand you getting defensive after typing out a long post to the OP which explained your viewpoint on the topic that he was asking the general GSF population and getting attacked. But "Read my forum sig before you address me." is just as childish as Armonddd's "No, seriously, did you forget your meds?".


    To the TOPIC:

    Premades win from coordination, better players, better gear and better strategies. Usually not all of these unless they are VERY elitist and do what DEATHICIDE described. On The Ebon Hawk, it is not nearly that bad but it is noticeable when you queue against the same four (or eight) players in a group over and over. Flying against 8 players that are all 500+ matches with mastered ships all the time with 2-3 new pilots on your side is frustrating to say the least.

  10. And I'd like railguns to follow the same mechanics and balancing mechanisms of literally every other weapon in the game.


    Also, you could argue that running interference, wingman, and hydro spanner are all potentially useful on a gunship. (We're not going to talk about nullify, concentrated fire, or lingering effect, and I think all the others have a 5 km max range.)


    Gee I dunno, lockdown could be a great way to ensure escape. Running Interference or Wingman could run effectively 100% of the time if three players used it on CD in a rotation... Could you imagine the cries of "HACKS!!" if they did?

  11. I just want to ask, how much is "minimum"? is it 5 percent, 20 percent, 50 percent? just want to know, the pts almost has no one on so I can not test this myself so anyone know, the patch notes are not very specific.


    Nobody knows... even if someone did some testing on the PTS they have been known to change things before final release.

  12. Because you'd have to switch to mouse mode, which means either you're moving predictably or you're crashing.


    I'd rather have an in-game voice chat.


    You know, failing this maybe some keybinds that would just tell your team, "Enemy incoming to A" or other generic broadcasts. That way you could bind your communications to easy keys and not miss much while flying.

  13. That's true!


    I wonder if I might have misremembered. I wonder if the match shut down after we launched.


    If so, there's an interesting implication. We've heard reports that people have joined a match with their team at 990 points, launched, and gotten 300 req for idling in space for a few seconds. That implies that you earn 300 requisition for a win, regardless of other contributions.


    Assuming my match shut down after we launched, the game would treat it similarly: launch, complete nothing besides movement, defeat, award 150 requisition. (I'm talking myself into believing this is what happened.)


    So I wonder if you get a base 150 requisition for a lose and 300 for a win... or if you get 150 for playing the match and double your total requisition if you win.


    I'd say it merits investigation (and we could figure out if you get double all requisition for winning, or double objectives requisition for winning, or what have you), but the breakdowns will be available Tuesday.


    Honestly I think it would be rare to join the winning side in your stated scenario. I have backfilled people that left when losing, but not winning. I guess someone could have DC'd long enough to get kicked...


    And I wonder if the game rewards you on a "prorated" system if you back fill. Meaning if the game ends 45 seconds after you launch, bu tyou manage to kill a pair of turrets and a fighter, you get significantly more than someone who ended up with the same results but was there the whole match. That is just a random thought for tonight...

  14. Damage capacitors: if you're good at flying and good at shooting.

    Frequency capacitors: if you're terrible at flying, terrible at shooting, or terrible at both, and remember to pair with a weapon with a high rate of fire.

    Range capacitors: Possibly interesting with heavy lasers, otherwise mostly only good if you find that you would have had a shot or a higher damage shot with just a little bit more range. Or special uses like outranging a turret.


    Range is easily the worst of the three choices as it takes next to nothing in time to close the difference.

    Damage vs frequency is a little dependent on taste. Though I would argue that a more fair comparison is crit vs power (respectively). With power, people expect better minimum damage output, but with crit they expect better burst possibility. I would say that with frequency increases your chances of hitting, though they will individually be for a lower amount. Where as damage caps add to any hits but you get reduced chances to hit.


    Oh and I think that freq cap with a rapid fire laser takes MORE skill than one that stacks all the damage in one shot (aka burst laser with a damage cap). You have to constantly realign your guns to the lead target marker, but if you are really skilled at it, your DPS output is better than the "bursty" combos.

  15. As for those who are worried about their overall win/loss record--the amount of aborted matches will be statistically insignificant after a while.


    It is about 10% or so (I haven't been keeping an exact tally) of my loss total.


    I think the most frustrating thing is that a match will abort at 30 seconds left before launch if the teams are unbalanced, yet the players who haven't joined yet have 30 more seconds to join according to their queue pop message.


    Fix = don't start the autoquit countdown until 31 seconds remain in the start timer.

  16. Here is the scenario. You log into GSF and your team has 4+ more than the other team starting the 30 sec shutdown. Shutdown goes off and your team LOSES. How is the possible. Every time I have been in the situation where it has been reverse, other team has 4+ people than us and the shutdown goes off, we still LOSE. Do both teams lose? Or is this a glitch?


    We've posted on this subject numerous times...

  17. If they need a minimum charge to fire thats anything more than 5%, then congrats bioware. Youve just destroyed Gunships.


    Hardly... I'm hoping it is around 50% myself.


    I've seen all ship types except Pike/Quell lead the boards. Do Flashfires/Stings lead a bit more often than others? Yes. Do Gunships lead their fair share? Yes. Do Rycers/Star Guards lead? Yes, but their unpopularity makes them lead less frequently.


    Oh and I am talking about Kills/Assists/Damage leaders, not just kills.

  18. Great advice. I had two weeks of total frustration trying to get a handle on how to play and was ready to quit everyday. I'm glad I didn't because I have a ton of fun playing now. It is worth going through that rough break in period and you'll soon find it really is about skill and not components. The skill will come.


    Here's some advice for new players:

    1. Ctrl P

    2. Click "Starfighter" on the left side menu

    3. Check the box that says "Show Detailed Star Fighter Weapon Tooltips", then Apply/Ok

    4. While in the hangar, mouse over the various weapons/components and READ the details, such as range, accuracy at range (Look beyond 500m!!!), DPS (again check all 3 range categories!!), power draw, firing arc (how big your circle is on your screen, you can fire within this circle), and tracking penalty (firing away from the center of your screen reduces your accuracy!)

    4.1 Don't ignore reading about the components!

    5. Read about upgrades for the various components

    5.1 Upgrades that have a "split" are either/or not both at the same time

    5.2 AND you can switch them (once you unlock tier 3 engines, you can select either a +10% speed or turning rate increase. You can change that between matches, but only if not in the queue)

    6. Check out the "crew" tab and check out all the crew members' abilities

    7. You can fly the tutorial "? top right of hangar" multiple times... Fly like a batouttahell hugging asteriods for several minutes. Learn Boost (spacebar) and regen the engines faster with F3. Shoot your guns till you run out... then watch regen... then do it again and watch regen with F1 (more weapon regen) (F2 is max shields F4 is rebalance the 3)

    8. NOW try a match, maybe link up with a friend who plays! Ask questions and most importantly stay active!

  19. "•Railgun weapons now require a minimum charge before firing."


    That doesn't say anything about when debuffs are or are not applied, or to what extent. Thus I'm going to assume that if the gun has enough charge (whatever amount that is) to fire, then the debuff / drain applied on hit is full.


    A minimum charge to fire is actually more stringent than I originally posted... not less.

  20. I think you may be on to something as I've been paying closer attention to trying to line dead center on the lead indicator and it does seem to help (firing at point blank is still pretty screwy but I gather that I haven't been unique in experiencing whacky mechanics there).


    This just means that you (the player) is aiming better. Your targeting computer misses more often at the edges than in the middle of your firing arc. Think of it this way, the longer the line is from the lead circle to the circle in the center of your firing arc = more miss chance.

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