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Posts posted by Zharik

  1. A big part of the fun for me is being able to change ships before re-spawning. It adds a bit of strategic depth to the game, as I am able to change what ship I'm using (and thus what role I'm performing) based on what is happening at the sats.


    I have to disagree with this suggestion.


    Yeah, this is why you get 5 choices. They want you to react to the situation and be able to perform in a variety of roles.

  2. Took me a couple days to figure out that when the target is gray and 20k m, the blasters on a gunship are going to be less than useless lol. Gotta stick with it and figure it out... And when you go 0-5+ for a couple games, take a break and come back. You'll get the hang of it. /cjoin Gsf is pretty clutch too - talk to other GSFers and get their insight if you're having an issue with something


    Most people on The Ebon Hawk use the PvP channel (/2). But that's cool that your community uses a player-made channel.

  3. Hey everyone!


    I just thought I would hop in here and let you know that in Game Update 2.6, a new non-contributor system has been added, which will be replacing our previous AFK system. You will be able to initiate a kick against non-contributing players via the Map screen.




    Awesome. We appreciate you giving us the info as well. Most people here really want this to work!

  4. What gun ships r shooting you with one shot, i mean hook me up with it. I use Gun Ships and i have hit people with 3 4 and 5 hits i see how much HP i'm taking from them with each hit and im thinking, "what will it take to destroy them" Just for another team mate to come along and take my kill.




    Stay off Death Stix, OBIWAN Says so................


    1. A crew member with the "Bypass" ability as your copilot.

    2. Upgrade the slug railgun

    3. Fully charge, press 4, release charged weapon on scout

    3.1 BOOM

  5. If there are bots, I'm sure Bioware has ways to auto-detect and auto-ban them and if you see the same people "botting" after reporting them, then they probably aren't bots.


    So you've never seen the boys spamming the credit buy sites on fleet, the noob planets, etc?!? And they last for quite a long time after I report them... oh yeah and they are totally botting, so your theory about Bioware being able to detect bots doesn't really hold H2O.


    And I am pretty sure that accepting a role in a warzone and AFKing in the start area is a violation of some player rule. If it isn't why are they allowed to ruin a dozen or so other players' match? Imagine in an 8 v 8 if 2 or 3 were AFKing on your side... think that is fun? On the other side... think that is fun? Most of us don't.

  6. The only disadvantage with interdiction is its long cooldown time. Everything else is fine with it. You have to be within 3000m to hit your target with it, when it is upgraded they will slow to a crawl while you can tranverse half the map near-instantly until you are out of their sensor range. It's the fastest way for a gunship to travel.


    The first time I was hit with this debuff, I really wondered what the hell just happened? I could barely move! Then I figured it out and had to chase that stupid gunship across the map. When I got there I got him but yeah, it's not a bad component, especially if you attack a gunship head-on.

  7. So what if there are about 8 people Rep and Imp (each) side that are queuing? If the experience levels are vastly different, no group-finder logarithm will work.


    The only option is cross server queues to increase the pool of players to choose from. This might be a nightmare to code if they "painted themselves into a corner" with the original code. But since all Space PvP is equal regardless of server type, cross server doesn't yield any benefit/penalty.

  8. If they give fleet commendations and add fighter clothes, ships,colors, and things to the ship shop in fleet would be great and it would be a simple patch. Everything is already in game they just link and update lists.


    Problem is they already GAVE away suits of Imperial & Republic flight suits...

  9. they killed you in two shots and slowed you down at the same time cuz they used their ion cannon first. it does massive damage to your shields. then they finished you off with the slug rail gun. the best defensive against that is a good offence. seek out gunships at the start of the match. pro tip: hit them from behind. it works every time. they LITERALLY have tunnel vision when they're firing the rail guns.


    Way to raise this post from the dead...

  10. good luck killing any flashfire with 2 inches of a brain spamming missiles and burst cannons with herpa derpa super evasion, seems totally well thought out by failware .


    Basicaly strike fighters are ALWAYS at a disavantage (novadive/blackbolt are fine as they are they do have a role, flashfire/sting are simply retarded, to much firepower for a supposedly "scout" class... in the end it has HIGHER SUVIRVABILITY, HIGHER DAMAGE OUTPUT AND SPAMMABLE MISSILES then any strike fighter, i fail to see how is this remotly balanced and makes the strike fighter role useless 99% of the time)... apart from armour, but then again evasion is king right now on GSF (another fail, i find it hilarious when someone that is standing still magicaly evades).


    + Its super hard to hit a flashfire with a gunship railgun.


    Looks like a troll, sounds like a troll... etc

  11. I'm hoping the next wave of ships includes a targeting computer component, this could address the evasion issue. seems to me that if we have weapons that ignore sheilds and DR why we shouldn't have the ability to massibly hurt evasion seems like a fair question.


    here's my proposed tier 3 strike fighter.



    1 primary weapon

    1 secondary weapon

    1 "Targeting systems" slot. (various devices that can buff accuracy, crit what have you, cause I notice it's also REALLY hard to get much in the way of crit buffing right now)










    basicly a starguard with an accuracy buffer as opposed to a second weapon


    Targeting Telemetry basically does this, but Strike Fighters don't get access to it. Salt in the wound? scouts do...

  12. Uhhhhh what?


    Try 2400. And a slug crit at 2400 with bypass up with one shot plenty of things.



    You, I think, looked up plasma, which claims to have an 1800 damage. This is a lie. It's a lie for two reasons-


    1- No one uses plasma bro.

    2- Plasma deals half the damage (that's 900, or 1350 on a crit) initially. This damage is reduced by damage reduction, and it absolutely does not have any baseline shield pierce. The dot deals the remaining damage, but it is totally reasonable to respond to this damage with many copilot abilities or shield actives.

    I corrected myself like 45 minutes or so before YOU did... but thanks.

    Lets get real here:


    Bypass Slug, full charge, crit talent not crit: This one shots many scouts, but not all. I don't know why it doesn't one shot the ones with large shield, but it doesn't seem to. WILL NOT one shot a gunship or a strike.

    Bypass Slug, full charge, crit talent DOES crit: One shots any scout or gunship. I am pretty sure a strike can survive.

    Bypass Slug, full charge, damage talent: I swear I saw a scout survive this once. It does not one shot a gunship, but instead leaves it with an annoying drop of health (it would be more if the gunship had health armor). It definitely does not one shot a strike, instead stripping the shield and hitting to about 65%.



    I think a lot of the math doesn't work the way people naively assume it does. I routinely one shot scouts, but I also see them survive- only the mastered ones, and I am just about certain they are running lightweight armor (I have to shoot them a zillion times before one shot gets through, which makes me not very sympathetic to their one shot QQ, if one shotting them takes 12 seconds and 4 shots). A scout with health armor shouldn't be one shottable without a crit.

    If you don't think 1344 straight to the hull kills you, fine. I can only lead a horse to water, not force it to drink.

  13. It's enough for government work. When you blow your cooldown and are rocking 130% plus evasion, you have nothing to fear from lasers. Missiles would seem to be the counter, but good luck sticking to a scout long enough to get a lock


    Unless they are in the middle of a "missile evading maneuver, it *should* cap at 116%, there are things that can change this though. Copilot is the biggie, with sensor beacons being the other thing I can think of off the top of my head.


    As for missile locks, that's where teamwork comes in... let the guy trying for a missile lock hang back a ways while his buddy occupies him with the proverbial dogfight. Or use cluster missiles - 1.29 sec missile lock when upgraded. That's pretty fast.

  14. Could be a touch of latency. I've shot people on the other side of solid objects a few times when some server lag set in.


    Still, one exception does not disprove the general rule.


    It is not Godmode, immortality, etc. It is a massive boost to your direct-fire weapon defenses. Even vs those it is not immunity.

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