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Posts posted by Zharik

  1. We've all seen it... you get a queue pop and one side is half full while the other is completely full right out of the gate. 30 seconds later the smaller side gets not enough people and even though the fight is 30 seconds from starting... all people get a loss and have to get back in line for an actual queue...


    Why the game gives you a minute to join but times out in 30 seconds is beyond me... the 30 second timer should not start until the countdown clock reaches 31... really this is not rocket science...

  2. Problem is the GS is still very useful while under the protection of the Cap Ship. When you break off they can literally shoot you in the front or back from this protective area while they are out of range of your weapons. Also Barrel Roll + Railgun range means they can almost instantly pop back into range from the Cap ship. This is why I think there should be a "time out" penalty for everyone using Cap ships for cover.


    How about the capitol ship opens fire on the coward for fleeing a fight? (desertion) You get killed for fleeing out of bounds otherwise. Why is this any different?

  3. you can fire off a torp and then immediatly switch to concussion missiles and fire one off. it's not perfect but for a mid ranged fighter it can work nicely


    You're backwards. Lead with the concussion missile... either they use their missile lock break engine ability on the concussion missile or they get a massive reduction to their engines for 15 seconds. If they avoid the concussion, then torp em.


    Couple this with a copilot that kills their engine reserves for a nasty surprise.



  4. I think the OP is using the word evasion in place of what most people consider "breaking a lock" (barrel roll, etc).


    To answer the OP, flight time is a factor that the dev's wanted you to consider. That's why there is an upgrade for the slow traveling torpedoes to increase their flight speed 100%. Sounds like you'll be taking that option at tier 4.

  5. I've posted this elsewhere but it is worth repeating. It is so difficult to imagine a system that spoofs your targeting system into thinking that they are 50m to the left? And it take a few seconds for your targeting system to recognize the error and correct?


    Evasion is fine and there are plenty of counters. (Think debuffs, people.)

  6. Nice ideas, I hope they at least get noticed.


    I'd like to see some more "3D" maps. Face it, the current 2 maps are flat. All 3 control points are in a straight line (slightly curved to the pubs in the shipyards?) but they are all on the same plane. We're fighting in space!


    Now imagine a map with the same basic mechanic (3 control points) but in 3D!


    A triangle of nodes, basically equidistant from each other with some obstructions (asteroids, blasted ship parts, etc), the spawn points that the Imps/Pubs start at are "looking at each other through the triangle". (This is hard to explain verbally, heh) They could be about 2.5 times one leg of said triangle from the center of the triangle and if you own a point of the triangle you get a new spawn about 1 leg length from it. I'd think that the distance from each node would have to be at about 25-30k to keep things about right so speedy scouts could do their job without being too fast, etc.

  7. 1. Agree. Not sure if that is the "reason pubs win more"... but agree.

    2. Also agree. Hate having to try to pry it from decent pilots' hands when I fly Imp side. Also, possibly make A closer to Imp starting area instead? There are asteroids in the Imp's path but nothing in the Pub's path.

    3. A 5% boost isn't much, really... 10% starts to make the Strike Fighter sound like a viable mid-range option.

    4-8 No... bad idea. Though I would like the option for "fire automatically if you achieve lock" to help prevent lag from making you miss your window.

    9. Who uses ion cannons? Perhaps better than a 5% slow, a small (like 2-3 points per hit) engine/weapon energy drain would make them a bit more appealing.

    10. Shield piercing needs more than just a minor tweaking. In the same regard, armor piercing is a bit too prevalent as well.

    11. No debuff unless fully charged. A fully upgraded ion canon is the "I win" button vs pretty much everything 1 v 1. (disruption fields could counter this long enough but during a match most gunships get to pick and chose their targets while they're busy fighting others)

    12. Turrets are fine.

    13. The only thing that matters is how many ship requisitions you earn, not objective points. If that's what you meant, then contesting a satellite should count as offensive points, yes. (maybe instead of a green aura, you get a yellow one when an enemy ship is also near the satellite. With more for actually damaging said enemy ship when it has an aura around it)

    14. Medals mean jack... killing turrets actually nets a lot of requisitions.

    15. You forgot this one. Running back to your own capitol ship while being hunted is such a ***** move that I'd love to see it punished (somehow). ESPECIALLY if you are a gunship and you're being hunted by a scout/fighter. You should NOT be able to shoot at someone while "safely in the capitol ship's turrets' defense area." Maybe the turrets mark you as a traitor for fleeing the fight and open fire... (this is really no different than flying too far out of bounds)

  8. Sad fact was 3 of those people had a 25% or better hit chance. It just means they did not fire enough shots to even try. The guy with 54% and then person with 40% did not try hard enough if they only did 6k damage and hit that often.


    Circumstances dictate your hit % more than anything... you can't just say to "shoot more" and that'll end up equaling more damage output... It is entirely possible that they were destroyed by the target's wingman or the target was just a superior pilot and kept out of the player's sights.


    Making a blanket statement like you did is nothing more than conjecture or a troll attempt.

  9. A couple of observations:


    1. There is a small, but noticeable lag which can cause you to miss a window. The best way I have found to counter this is to imagine you need 1 more second to complete the firing action. (I'm pretty sure that this is merely internet lag + human reaction speed = missed window)


    2. Some pilots (I am among them) have an internal clock and "know" the lock-on times. They also know what you are capable of carrying cause they see your ship in the target window. Example a Flashfire/Sting with more than a 1.5 lock-on = Sabotage probe (locks you into a straight line for a bit). These pilots will evade to avoid this lock and you lose the lock (also as they fly some weird direction or straight ahead in a barrel roll), so it looks like you missed your window inexplicably when they in fact, defended against your lock-on.


    To the original poster, the torpedoes work well enough in my opinion. Best strategy seems to be fire your other (concussion missile, whatever) to make them use their engine ability, then lock on with a torpedo ASAP. Oh yeah and they are awesome against turrets.

  10. I would do this if I can pull two or more guys with me, but if it's a 1v1, then once I kill the guy, I'm at the disadvantage of not capping the satellite. In open space, my victory gains nothing. At a satellite, my victory has a tangible benefit.


    The guy you killed didn't "cap a satellite" either... Like I said, at the worst it is a wash. And if you can't get back into the fight faster than a guy who has to respawn... I can't help you.


    - Gerrik

  11. Usually, at the beginning of the game (let's say Kuat Mesas), I barrel roll, boost, turn my way to A around the mesas, when barrel roll CD finishes I barrel roll again, and I'm at A with a little less than 50% of my engine power.

    However after I abandoned Quick-charge shield, I arrived at A with barely 20% engine power left. Some regen delay reduction would not cause that.


    Maybe the stat somehow increases the regen while boosting?


    Try your routine with engine power at full (F3) and again at full weapons or shields (F1 or F2) and see how much difference it makes... that is the regen while boosting difference.

  12. The DOT ticks for me as 20 4x, and 17 for the last (5th) tick. I've killed people with the DOT as a blaster burst and a missile lock fly-by takes them to near dead and the DOT finishes them before I can spin around to line them up again. That being said an extra 30% immediately would have the same effect sooner but I feel that there is an added benefit to a DOT - longer wait for shield regen to start. Think of it as an additional 5 seconds delay to their shield regen. That's huge!


    Oh yeah, and I have run out of missiles in my flashfire. That's 30 shots.



  13. Dampening would be even more useful if they worked beyond 15km like they did on PTS.


    Good guide. This is basically what I run except for Turbo reactor (I prefer Regen).


    Regen reactors are vastly inferior to turbo.


    Regen reactor = +20% regen rate

    Turbo = -3.6 seconds delay after getting hit


    For regen to = turbo, you have to regen for 18 seconds for the +20% to make up for the extra 3.6 seconds of regen from starting earlier. This is assuming that you are not getting hit again within 18 seconds...

  14. Ok, there is a delay between starting using engine power and regen start... I also believe that there is reduced regen while using boost. So the stat you are asking about is the delay between stop using the boost to returning to full regen rate. The engine power bar (spent portion) glows a reddish color while in reduced regen state.


    Mind you, this is merely speculation based on my (pretty extensive) GSF time/experience.



  15. A "practice map" where you could take up to a group of 4 into. Call it, "Flight School" and have it be the same 2 maps that are available currently. No points, but the ability to name a player "red", "blue", or some such side determination.


    I'd love the opportunity to teach some Guildies tactics while not in an actual fight.


    Think about it, you can duel most places for ground PvP practice...



  16. Does anyone have specific data on the base numbers for a sensor beacon? The sensor/communication ranges are not spelled out anywhere, and the debuff they apply to evasion is 5km. Tier 2 upgrade increases the sensor and communication ranges by 5km.... but what is the total? If it is 10km, that's pretty useless unless you're there anyway.
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