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Posts posted by Zharik

  1. I just thought of a way to bring balance to space pvp that would work out very well for every one.


    Take 1% of the total ship and fleet requisition ever earned by team A and divide it among the players of team B and award it to them for there level of challenge.


    Do this for both teams at the end of every match.


    If you must lower the amount otherwise awarded for completing the objectives and killing the enemy so be it.


    If a master team goes against an all noob team the noob team will get much more fleet and ship requisition in the end for sticking it out and the master team will not get nearly as much because they had no challenge.


    In no time the noobs them self will be masters and balance will be achieved.


    think of it as an incentive for new players to que again.


    1%?? That on my best day is like 18... hardly anything to make a difference. And what about the matches you win 1000-900+. Does the losing team get more than the winning team?


    I kinda like the concept of a shared revenue system (like the NFL for example) but this is not the way to implement one...

  2. The shutdown shouldn't occur 30 seconds after an imbalance is detected, it should occur 30 seconds after the match starts.


    No.. it should shutdown no earlier than the start. In other words, start the 30 second countdown no earlier than 31 seconds before match start.


    Giving 8 players 30 seconds to get ahead by one point and getting a free "win" vs 5 (or less) is a bad idea for those of us who care about our win/loss ratio. And that would encourage the smaller team to bail in the first 30 seconds of a match... Lastly the Imps have a decided disadvantage for C in the Shipyards map (slight disadvantage for A) and that's unfair to begin with, let alone with a 30 second match only...

  3. Perhaps a few people are getting together and making an alt in the opposite faction, queuing up and sitting the match out to help out their buddies? It would be even worse if people started grouping up and group queuing only to AFK.


    Unfortunately there is no way to counter this...

  4. It needs to be an automated "kick" generated by the system - this can't be on the players to police, it needs to be done by the system imo.


    Hell I'd be happy with member of my ignore list never allowed on my team and matchmaker picks people not on ignore lists over people that are. Then the community could just /ignore the afk player/BOTs/lagging-flying-around-the-sats cheaters... and make them sit on fleet never flying after their tactics were known.


    Oh and before you cry that people could mass ignore the aces, this would only work on your faction and when you were flying on that side. And it would work against you on same faction matches, cause the aces would all be on the opposing side...

  5. As an evasion build gunship I can confirm that burst laser can occasionally go through my distortion field:mad:


    Well there are many ways to make a scout (evasion build is 41%, +75% during distortion field = 116%) get hit during distortion field, but a lot of players are too focused on other things to get their accuracy over 116%. There are evasion reducing debuffs that help too.


    So scouts can be hit while distortion is up, though the % is low, it is not immunity.

  6. Well none of the two-ship people on our team did much except ask about how to use missiles and boost. Also even if one of them was a hidden ace, that wouldn't be the fault of the matchmaker would it?


    Well I am sure that total requisitions spent on your ships is at LEAST a sign of experience. I think it is funny when same faction sides get out of whack... shows that it is ALL about when you queue and nothing else.

  7. 1. Increase engine power reserve and regeneration rate for strike fighters, and reduce boosting cost, by a moderate percentage. They shouldnt be able to boost as long or regen engine power as fast as scouts, but they at least need the mobility to get between points without constantly being out of engine power.

    This is the scouts niche and this would be infringing on it. Want to get to a satellite faster in your strike? Use barrel Roll engines like everyone else.

    2. Increase strike fighter turn rate while moving at low speeds. In an open space dogfight, of course a scout should be able to out-fly a strike fighter, but strikers seem to be designed for satellite defense, and when you're flying in close quarters trying to defend a point from attack you need to be able to keep your guns pointed at the enemy. This would also alleviate some of the ridiculous satellite-circling we have going on.

    Maybe an ever-so-slight boost to turning would help, but I'd like to see changes elsewhere first.

    3. Add some extra missile types and gun types to strike fighters to open up some variety. Right now all star guards are running heavy lasers, rapid lasers, and concussion missiles.

    They already have the most variety. I run ion, rapid-laser, and cluster missiles with 10% speed and turning upgrades (engines and thrusters) and she acts a lot like a scout with a shield ripping ion gun. Works well for me. Do I have issues with engine pool? I usually leave high engine regen on, so not unless I get rocked early and need to rebuild shields.


    I'd like to see a slight boost to ion cannon range. 4k is terrible for a weapon that HAS to be used first to be effective. In a similar note, the Pike's ion missile is terrible for the same reason.

  8. imps and pubs have access to the ships with mirror abilities and mirror everything, imps have access to the same stuff we got...


    Not true, the crew members' skills are different combinations.

    Big difference? No.

    Noticeable when I fly Imp side vs Rep side? Yes. (there are only 2 members each side that have Hydrospanner, yet their other abilities are not mirrored)


    But otherwise you are correct.

  9. as a general rule, if I cap a sat at the start of the match (which I usually do in a fast scout) and see multiple bogies inbound, i'll loop out wide and come in on strafing runs rather than try and play hummingbird around the sat.


    hummingbirds are leaving themselves wide open to Ion Railgun love-tap cheese (where the full Ion Railgun debuff applies from a tap, rather than a full charge). there's enough fully upgraded gunships out there that hanging around a sat and playing dogfight with the strikes/scouts is a very bad idea.


    so, I loop out wide and come in from the same direction they approached (dampening sensors is very handy here). Often, I find myself able to attack their gunship support in the rear. :cool:


    Also engaging them before they get to the satellite is a smart idea too. Keep em fighting away from the satellite and if they try to run for the satellite then you can eat their tailpipes alive with a nice long burst.


    Also, if you do the same thing over and over they enemy will figure out a way to counter you. Being a little spontaneous is a good thing.

  10. It's this way because people are willing to settle for it. I'm not much of one for settling for something that I find atrocious. It would have to be, at the very least, average. It falls way short of average for me. Average would be something that had the basic controls of the original X-Wing game, and the swtor devs couldn't even do something better than that easy to play game. A game that the majority of space fans would have rather had added to swtor over this horrible mode.


    The sooner this current model dies, the sooner they give us what we want, or watch it become as unused as their former excuse for space combat.


    They could have had a much more popular mini game, and pleased a lot more people than are currently playing it. They made bad design choices, and they'll need to redo much of it to draw in most of the former players who really wanted something more familiar. Something that doesn't have ridiculous mmo powers that fly your ship for you, or make blaster fire miss you even if they're dead on accurate.


    Easy to play does little to separate those with flying skill from those without.


    Oh and if you don't like it, I am kinda curious why you are here on its forums? Do you really think they are gonna scrap it and make a new one?


    Oh and it is WAY better than a rail PvE dumb POS mini-game.

  11. It can be done if the other side is undisciplined. I've seen one side score several hundred points and ending up with almost zero kills.


    That just means that the side with actual skilled pilots (the ones who can GET kills) ignored a satellite from the beginning. I see it way too often, random pilot I have never seen before,"Top 4 hit A, bottom 4 hit B ignore C." Which is the stupidest plan ever. It allows teams with zero piloting/gunnery skill to score a few hundred points without firing a shot.


    Even if you send 1 speedy scout to C (In my example) you may slow them down significantly or get a freebie if the enemy is dumb and left it uncovered.

  12. But on the other hand the capital ships are badly needed after what i saw last night,


    we had a game and we completely steamrolled the rep team to point moment they got in ranges of any nodes our scouts and gunships were all over them and couldnt even make it to any node, some on my team felt pushing them that far back while we had 3 bases was not enough and wanted to keep hammering them, this kind of victory i hate and never think hammering same couple of people over and over at a res point is nothing close to skill so i dont think capital ships should be removed or turrets down powered or moved away and if someone follows them back to res point there problem i prefer to focus the objectives and my team.


    I don't disagree with this at all... spawn camping is total BS and should have mechanics to make it impossible... just like the ground game you cannot even get to the enemies spawn point to do it. But unlike the ground game, you can fly back to your spawn point for that free cover (being chicken/deserting the fight). I just would like some really solid motivation for you to not want to run back to your capitol ship, like they shoot at you too for fleeing the battlefield.


    And to those that want all players to stay within cap range of a satellite to defend it, how about giant magnets that pull you in automatically? This way you get other people to fly the way *you* think is best!

  13. Assuming you're talking about Shipyards, once the enemy goes past the asteroid with a hole in it, they can't hit anyone on B, don't follow them. As for Kuat, a gunship already has trouble hitting anything on B there, and once they go over the huge wall, they should also not be followed, unless they're going to A or C.




    Ok... yes the asteroid with a big hole in it... is the 14km mark (ish). But if I am in a Strike Fighter or Scout, I HAVE to boost toward him to engage... Meaning if he runs, I'm at least AT that asteroid. If I turn around he can do the same, and shoot me from behind. The run-and-gun tactic is *fine* in my opinion, I just want him to not have a capitol ship to run to for invincible cover once he's entered the battlefield.

  14. Even when that happens, I do not fly out of satellite's capture range. I try to stay out of LOS of gunship as much as possible (stay one side of satellite) and make tiny circle running from fighter/scout as long as possible and pray my teammate realize my satellite needs help.


    If I fly out, I forfeit my satellite immediately.


    Obviously you've never fought a gunship with a tier 4 ion railgun... AOE hits you 100% of the time if you are in cap range of the sat and he hits a turret. And praying for help from your team is not a great idea imho.


    Granted your actual response my vary depending on what you are flying and its loadout.

  15. No, it's not. It's a 20% swing for dogfighters and a 0% swing for gunships. Gunships are so prevalent and tactically important that this is a major difference. In fact, it's a large part of why I fly the Flashfire over the Novadive.


    Sensor beacons can only be taken by scouts, not sure why you think that matters for your gunship...


    Oh and there is nothing that says you can't drop a beacon as you start firing on the gunship.

  16. Aside from shields, do ion missiles drain a lot of blaster/engine power from target ship?


    You know it's funny how they put out accurate statistics on most everything... but when they miss some important stuff like this (sensor beacon base range comes to mind) we're left to guess its actual usefulness.


    funny could be changed with sad

  17. boosting, barrel rolling, boosting again, and barrel rolling again pretty much exhausts your engines. You can't even hope to run from a scout while not boosting or barrel rolling. If you're NOT boosting, they're under 5km and blasting you.


    You are pretty much right on the money on the engine power consumption, a tier 2 barrel roll can boost every 10 seconds. But when you start say 14km from B (on your cap ship side) you can get back to your cap ship turret "safe" area well within that 10 seconds.

  18. With maxing the damping sensors tree, I can slink around a little. Hugging cover. The fortress shield can take a frontal hit on the first pass by one strike or scout, not both at the same time. It's an okay ship, but currently cannot survive anything in a dogfight. Protons are nice when you have to wait for the rail gun to charge back up. The power distribution for the guns sucks. I agree with it being a hybrid fighter/gunship. I did defend a satellite by myself one match again a few stock scouts/strikes. I eventually got teamed up and wiped by a pike and scout on a first pass.


    Dampeners are borked. You will always be seen within 15km, making maxing them pretty useless.

  19. The animation of the blasters/missiles etc hitting your target are merely animations. Pay them no mind, target the lead indicator, and fire. If you see numbers leaking from the target, you're doing it right.


    This is obvious when you shoot once, see the damage number and the target zigs away.. and never gets "hit" by the slightly slower animation. The damage is still there.

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