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Posts posted by Zharik

  1. I've never had a gunship one shot me. I think it's a myth. If you got "one shotted" you probably got hit by an ion or something nearly simultaneously.


    On the other hand, I had a flashfire pilot two shot me several times just in one game. Literally under 1 second every time.


    I've oneshot a GUNSHIP with a crit/bypassed lucky roll. He was alone and guarding a sat, but did not see my approach vector (dampeners!).

  2. ^ This. I've never 1-shot anyone in the game and I have maxed Ion and that's on a full charge with max power to my offense.


    Most of you who think you're getting 1-shot are getting hit with two people simultaneously, which can kill most of the loadouts IF THEY'RE HIT. There are so many counters to this it isn't even worth mentioning.


    I was playing with a guy last night and we were 2-shotting people on complete accident. I didn't even know he was there. We were just in relative distances away and we both charge, hold it, and hit them the sec they're at 14,000.


    I have 40+ Gunship GSF matches on my youtube channel, so I'm not going to stick around to listen to whatever replies. I just wanted to pop in to make sure this was what I thought it was about.


    Take care, and learn the mechanics. GSF is amazing and it can only get better. If you think GSF is bad, go back to PVP so you can get told how to play there instead. :p Which is where I'm going, to get abused by them some more, wee!


    Well I used bypass for the 1st time today and I 1 shot a gunship... (crit) I was the only one there as he did not see me coming he sat there.

  3. Theoretically, if you knew who else was queueing, you might be able to change your components to counter them.


    Realistically, it's probably a technical limitation.


    I think it is mostly a copy & paste issue from ground PvP in the code more than by intent. Also I thought I read somewhere that some of those limitations were going away in 2.6.

  4. Nothing will come close to distortion field as massive evasion has no real counter. The is armor piercing everywhere and a fair bit of shield piercing too, but there is nothing that will completely ignore evasion the same way that many components ignore armor and shields. You could have a clicky that gives 200k shields and 99% armor resists and still die in seconds, but if you click a 6 second distortion field you are going to live for 6 seconds.


    You are not immortal while distortion field is active. I've died to a gunship mid barrel roll with distortion field up. (slug I think, though AOE damage from ion is possible, I was very damaged)

  5. With zero feedback from evades, I have no idea whether I'm doing things properly when I miss. I was actually in a giant vent conversation a while ago about this: apparently gunships are supposed to aim slightly above the center of the dot, or sometimes they pull to the left, or... There's just a thousand psychological problems that come from not having feedback from a miss, as opposed to knowing that you hit for piddly damage compared to their hull/shields.




    "It is crucial that all punishment in a game is for things that the player is able to understand and prevent. When punishment feels random and unstoppable, it makes the player feel a complete lack of control, which is a very bad feeling, and the player will quickly label the game 'unfair'. Once this happens, a player is seldom willing to engage the game further." --Jesse Schell, The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses


    Missing is my punishment for what would otherwise be a perfect shot.




    Again, how does this justify poor design?




    Yep! Well, in a sense. People whose brains work differently from "the norm" (and we won't try to define that, because that's touchy territory) respond to stimuli differently. They find things fun that I would not, and vice versa. It extends to a lot of things, actually. Source: I've lived with some of them.


    I'm so sorry that you have been traumatized by this horrible, horrible system.

    /sarcasm off

  6. Try that. You know, just in case there wasn't heavy enough sarcasm when I posted it to give you an idea of my opinion on the subject. Or in my response. Or in the other thread I posted on the subject.


    Ya know sarcasm is kinda hard to detect by mere words typed on in chat, on a post, etc... You're gonna get reactions such as mine if you are not more clear.


    I suggest using /sarcasm off at the end of such a post.

  7. Bottom line: Scouts have a 1k shield arc that can be one-shotted by pretty much every weapon ingame. Seriously, people Dfield has a ton of issues, namely inability to recharge the shield arc in a timely manner, and on top of that not having much of a shield arc to begin with, hence I don't use dfield.


    Stop pretending that passive evasion is a godmode. RNG defenses are well RNG. Too many people jump on evasion as a scapegoat for so many things.


    Yeah, cause all the people that jump on evasion as a bad game mechanic are rocking about a 59% accuracy in EVERY match they play in I am sure...


    Gear is more important than skill? Let a noob fly your mastered flashfire vs me in a baseline Blackbolt. Bet I win 9+ of 10 times...


    Gear is not more important than skill. It only decides the outcome when skill is close.


    The problem you are citing is when gear + skill vs noobs = stomped...

  9. May I ask how the opposing team managed a whopping 3 kills total and yet put the match to 970 points? They didn't even have that much objective points.


    I'm also confused as to how immortalleoman, tentou, and Drackly are all posting SS for Shock, yet all the SS where clearly taken by Shock himself.




    That's how.

  10. Ah you are correct! Thank you! I was not including Lightweight as the default for the Nova Dive and Distortion as the default for the Flashfire.


    So Dulfy is wrong, it should say 31% as the default base for the Flashfire and 20% as the default base for the NovaDive.


    The "base" for a scout is 10%, if you decided to change the armor/shields/crew to something other than lightweight/distortion field/evasion crew member, you could see its 10% base.

  11. How are you arriving at 10% base when both Dulfy and the hangar are higher?


    Note: "Quads at Minimum range" should be "Quads at mid range".


    The hangar adds it all up for you... when you are all done, it will say 41% evasion in the ship stats. You already noted that the 20% included your crew member, why don't you think that it is adding your armor/distortion field?


    Oh and Dulfy is kinda like a SWTOR for Dummies book. Most of their information is accurate, but a lot of things only hit the basics.

  12. Op and to all the people who think this is true let me put something into perspective. In swg we had a full sim, cockpit view, and joystick. The game lacked purpose in space, by purpose I mean being able to attack, or defend the death star. This being said JTL offered players enough content that many of us spent a great deal of our time in space.


    What we got with gsf was zip nothing but a tiny mini game. To make matters worse it offers no purpose whatsoever. Say you kill people and you get a ship with top gear. Then what? Then what is nothing. GSF is far under the bare of expectations its not even funny. You can scream, and yell oh here is another swg player. Frankly there is no point to gsf. If there is no point then why should I bother? Its not like there combat set up even came close to JTL. This is where I am at. Not going to bother with it at all. Instead of assuming something, perhaps you might have remembered the many posts by people asking for a space sim with purpose. Keep in mind allot of us were not even asking for everything just something close or in the ball park. These posts posted sense launch. So instead of perpetuating the idea that its balance is why people dont play gsf. It actually has to do with other important aspects, or the lack there of.


    I played SWG and JTL a lot when it was out, loved the fact that there were things to do in space that affected the ground game (harvesting comes to mind). Loved the design system that you could use to build your ships with what you liked best.


    But I have to ask, with the craptastic rail system Space PvE system we had for 2 years, what did you expect? It is a mini-game... gives you experience and credits, and let's you shoot down dirty Imps (or Pubs). Did you expect to earn new armor for the ground game? New saber/blaster?

  13. How are you guys arriving at 41% max? I noticed that Lightweight armor gives 4% base (opposed to 10% base) and 6% via upgrades (Providing a total 10% with upgrades) but in that case the numbers add up to 39% min.


    As per Dulfy the passive evasion for a base NovaDive is 14%. The unmodified NovaDive in my hangar has 20% (this includes 6% from crew, 20 - 6 =14).


    Likewise as per Dulfy base passive evasion is 25% for a Flashfire, the unmodified Flashfire in my hangar has 31% (this also includes 6% from crew, 25 + 6 = 31)


    So if you add just the base stack-able passive evasion from Distortion (15%) and Lightweight Armor (4%), you end up with minimum of 39% for the NovaDive and a minimum of 50% for the Flashfire.


    Lightweight armor provides an additional passive 6% via Tier 1-3 upgrades (you are correct on the tier 1 upgrade for distortion), so you end up with a minimum 45% Passive Evasion for the NovaDive and a minimum 56% for the Flashfire.


    So using Quads at minimum range against a stacked out NovaDive would give me a 50% chance hit/miss. Against a Flashfire it would give me 39% chance of landing a hit (this does not include other penalties).


    I noticed that if you mouse over the ship stats under components on the left of your hangar it provides detail not included in the description section of components on the right.


    Again, please correct me if I'm wrong!


    Scout base is 10%, Fully upgraded light armor is 10%, distortion field is 15%, crew member is 6%.

  14. Multiple, coordinated gunships is one of the hardest, most frustrating elements of the game. One counter I find works well is to bring in a flashfire and come in from the side (spawning from A or C if possible) and flank the gunship line. You'll likely blindside them and the angle hampers their ability to cover each other.


    Well if 2-4 of them are working as a unit... maybe 2-4 of you should work together to take them out?

  15. No. If you look over all the possible situations, hydro spanner comes up short in the great majority of them. You pretty much have to invent a scenario where this move has any utility at all, and if you are doing that, you are probably using it because you can't deal with going out without a heal.



    The satellites heal you to full AND reload you. Just make sure when you dock for reloading you have some solid velocity.


    I hope you're never on my side... giving the enemy a free point for every "heal and a reload".

    You are sill confusing fact and opinion. You have a strong opinion.

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