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Posts posted by Zharik

  1. This is just not true. It's a shotgun in a world of atlatls.






    BLC isn't a zero skill weapon or anything. It does require flying close when other weapons do not. But the payoff for this mild inconvenience is WILD. Also note that the other things BLC has going for it- such as a very low tracking penalty- mean that EVERY weapon has a pretty narrow window of truly effective ranges. It's not like heavy laser is going to be that rewarding at 800m with nothing but misses if your opponent is anything but straight on center, for instance.



    Saluting people for using the best weapon is silly.


    I am pretty sure he was /saluting those who have the skill to effectively use a BLC. It is a very unforgiving weapon if you can't aim for the milisecond that ALL your offense gets poured into. It takes flying skill to stay on a target and keep it within 500m (the only range that makes the BLC so "OP") without overshooting and putting yourself in the target's sights.


    And I do quite well with my quads, all the way out to 5250m... Oh yeah and I use the targeting telemetry too.... that crit/accuracy/surge boost beats draining my energy faster, in my opinion.

  2. Removing evasion won't make scouts fair game to gunboats, not even close. It's hard enough to land hits on scouts without counting evasion. They are so fast that it's extremely hard to keep a good scout pilot in your threat range. Remember, if you get much closer to scouts than max range and they notice you, they can close the distance in a second and curbstomp you. If you don't one hit them, you won't get a second shot on them.

    Well at least you admit that you can 1shot scouts as the game stands right now... from 15km... and running dampener sensors gives you invisibility until you get within 15km. Oh and how do you know that all your misses are not from evasion, and that is the ONLY thing that is making you miss now?


    But evasion alone isn't my problem. It's that distortion field provides up to 6 seconds of immunity to guns, none of the other shield systems come close to that level of protection.


    I was killed mid barrel roll WHILE distortion field was running, supposedly a 146% evasion total and still got railgunned...

  3. as a general rule, you're right.


    but, if you play smart, you can still walk out of a thumping defeat with north of 1,000 ship req.


    my trick: if my team is getting completely smashed by an obviously well-co-ordinated opposition, i just go Bunker Busting. grab a fast scout with rocket pods & booster recharge and destroy as many turrets as you can. if you can cap a node or two while you're about it, so much the better.


    Totally agree, this also tends to split up the enemy (some notice you and start chasing) to give the rest of your team some breathing room.

  4. Seriously, why on earth would you use the most reviled scoring system in the game for new content? Hasn't there been enough complaints about the Point of No Return system in the past two plus years?


    You want to know why GSF isn't popular, this is reason number one. The Civil War-style scoring system was universally hated when the WZ was first introduced and it has remained hated ever since. Why you would reuse it for not one but two maps for GSF is just mindboggling.


    It is NOT FUN to have a point of no return. It is NOT FUN to make comebacks nigh impossible. It is NOT FUN to have to sit through several minutes of a battle that is already lost, with no hope of turning it around. I thought this was all made clear ages ago, what the hell Bioware?


    So other than the enemy having 950+ and all 3 sats, what exactly is the point of no return? I've been involved in some SERIOUS comebacks that required a triple cap, but still happened...

  5. i've been hit a couple of times by sab probes. survival is 99% assured.


    they don't make me think "omg, must have!", more a sort of "you went through ALL that lockon hassle and that's IT?"


    99%... you can't be serious. I have mastered sab probes on my Sting and it works VERY well, actually I get a kill if it hits about 80% of the time. Part of the "failing to kill 20%" is having too many others on me to fly straight to shoot the poor bastard. Save your offensive CD and HAVE some blaster pool available.


    As for thermites? not better than rocket pods, imho. (too slow)

  6. Yunn is defintly the way to go I have him on all my ships now and wih the speed thusters on the pike you can have about 20-25% eng powr left even if you are going to can a b or c it works very nicely and lets not forget all the people running bypass and crit builds on there comps are about to get changed out because the nerfs to the comp abilities that have that so we will b seeing a lot more of the stuff like the eng drain instant 40% and the sicers loop 6 secs no regen which is awesome when you are tryig to get away from a scout that has infinit boost welp with out there regen buff of 6 secs that they like to pop if you hit them with the slicers loop they are no longer following you beaucse they don't have the power and when they run out of boost the are easy pay for the ion missle as you get range and flip and then lock and fire it with another speed debuff for -40% for 15 secs that pretty much brings rthem to a stand still and if you his them with the concussion that has the other speed debuff with the 25% eng powe drain they die at 6000 m wile you are at full power and full shields


    nothing like watching a boosting scout come to almost a dead stop and then trying to barrel roll with 2 slows on them that stack



    I had some spares and it looks like you need some.

  7. We need evade/miss flytext so we know whether we need to adjust our aim.


    You have GOT to be kidding? You don't see the mouse cursor change when you are lined up properly with the lead indicator? Is there really *any* doubt that you are on it or off it?


    The only thing that "evasion text" might positively do for you the attacker is to let you know, "Hrmmm, he evaded the last 3-6 seconds of fire, maybe he just used distortion field?" While nice to have when shooting at evasion based scouts, I would hardly call this something we REALLY REALLY need...

  8. The three second reduction in delay will actually mean you regenerate your arc faster than having a longer delay but faster regeneration. There is no way the regeneration boost is beneficial over the 3 second delay.


    Simple math is simple... and true.


    3 second delay reduction = 30 seconds worth of +10% regen. Does it EVER take you 30 seconds to regen your shields? (from one damage burst)

  9. The ships on both sides are identical, upgrades aside, so this is obviously not a game mechanics balance issue. The fault lies in the players... I just cant understand how players on one faction can be so good compared to players on the opposing faction -all the time-.


    Crew members are NOT identical. Slight in variation, but it makes a difference in build strategies.


    Way to endear yourself to your player-community. Ever think of playing on the other side, maybe help them out?

  10. The key, as far as I can tell, is that you need to take the engine speed thruster upgrade. This is counter intuitive, because you'd think the right choice would be engine pool regen or engine pool size. However, those are small boosts to overall range. The reason speed works so well is that boost multiplies speed by 320%, and while the baseline speed increase is about the same magnitude as the other speed/range thruster upgrades, it gets that multiplier every time you boost. It makes a huge difference.


    I agree with your premise but with the difficulty of keeping the slower missile locks on target with a narrow cone, I prefer the turning thrusters. Honestly with an upgraded (tier 2) barrel roll engine, I get to the satellite nearly as fast as any scout with a roll-boost-roll combo. The 10% speed boost doesn't allow them to cap it before I arrive. Granted when I get the 3rd tier of engines I might take the speed boost and get some of both worlds, but with that at least I can change it to turning if I like it better.

  11. What was said about power management is spot on as well. I talk to a lot of other players that do poorly, and 90% of them say they never change their power settings - they either leave it all to one system or split evenly between them. When GSF first went live I played several matches and didnt even know about the power system (didnt run the tutorial until after several games), but once I did the tutorial and found out I could change my power settings I started doing twice as good in those matchups.


    I switch my power allocation constantly - engine power whenever I'm boosting or going between points, shield power when I start taking hits or know I need to survive at a heavily contested point, and weapon power at all other times. Your weapons do a great deal more damage when you have power directed to them, something like a 30% increase, so it's vital that if you're going to be shooting anything other than missiles or torpedoes you put power to the weapons when firing, it isnt just about regenerating the yellow bar.


    Energy management is a powerful tool, but don't get sucked into "I NEEDZ MOHR GUNZ!" all the time... you sacrifice a pretty big chunk of shields when on higher engines or weapons. I actually find that running even levels works well for me in tight-twisting dogfights, where I need weapons, engine boosting and shield regeneration.


    Moral of the story: experiment and learn how you do with it at various levels and use what works best for you.

  12. this. you will be branded coward and traitor by the good pilots of both sides.


    besides, having played around a bit with a gunship lately (i feel dirty!), i can honestly say staying within roll-boost-roll distance of the cap ship is a stupid strat. you massively gimp the area of the battlefield you can dominate for the certainty of 'safety'. by spending so much time running away, you're seriously lowering your contribution to your team and you wind up with almost zero requisition.


    it's just a losing strategy from the start.


    getting nailed? head for your TEAMMATES, not the cap ship. continually getting nailed before even getting a shot off in a gunny, switch ships.


    But Roll, Boost, Roll distance is the center Satellite?!?

  13. ^^this


    The biggest problem I have with my strike is I have just enough engine power to get somewhere but once I am there I don't have enough power to do anything. Strikes should have significantly larger base engine pools than they do.


    This is a piloting error (arriving to the fight with zero engine reserves) that you need to adjust your flying to, not "The ship needs to adjust to my flying mentality"...


    Scouts are *supposed* to be able to outrun all others, in the short term and the long term. If you want better linear speed (in racing to satellites in the initial phase, for example), take barrel roll engines.


    Now having 2 sets of blasters is nice, and allows for situational uses that maximize a particular weapon's strengths, I'd love to see a "linked fire mode" that drains weapon energy very quickly but fires all guns. Maybe each gun's damage would be reduced by ~35%, but adding the remaining 65% to each other would yield an effective DPS of about 130% normal... (but you'd chew through energy like crazy)

  14. Simple point really, for which there is little credible counter-argument. Makes no sense that my stock scout which I've never touched gets all the requisition that my main ships do, but if I buy a ship off the CM for that same character, it doesn't. And no, I'm not asking for legacy requisition (actually against it). So that's it. I learned this by buying the "mastered gunship." Won't buy any more ships for any more alts off CM until that's fixed.


    So you are saying that you should get retroactive dailies for any new ships? That would counter the reason to fly those ships! (it's like saying I have leveled a sage already, I should be able to buy a new level 55 sage now)

  15. Gunships are not ruining gsf. Ion cannon aoe love taps are. One ship should not be able to shut down 5, pure and simple. Keep the love tap and remove the aoe or remove the love tap (meaning requiring a 75% charge to apply the debuff) and keep the aoe. Otherwise gunships are fine yes it sucks to get hit by one however its a two shot kill. The first hit should be a hint to do something different or at least start looking for a gs.


    ^ Quoted for emphasis.


    Tier 4 ion railgun pick one: (get rid of crit, it's a terrible idea on a shield wrecker anyway)

    AOE shield wrecking

    Energy Drain single target (level of energy drain should scale with charge)

  16. So I just ran a half hour parse, that utilized only hammershot and fullauto. The results are well weird.


    So according to torparse the total miss rate of Full Auto (torparse lumps both genuine misses and dodges together) was 3.3%


    The total miss rate of Hammer shot was 14%.


    Which tell me there is something screwed up with one of the two. Or both idk what is causing the high discrepancy between FA and HS. Another side note is FA never got any misses that I saw only dodges.


    Going to try another tomorrow with my mando at 95% accuracy which will be the real test. Going to use gunnery spec and use HS after every FA so that they both have equal test amounts.


    also WTB GSF combat logs, and a dev post would be nice too.


    There appeared to be a .7% variation in your numbers... AKA RNG...


    hammershot is a "ranged" attack while full auto is a "tech" attack... tech has a base 100% accuracy while ranged has a base 90% accuracy.


    Oh yeah, What the Bleep does this have to do with space combat?!?

  17. VoIP isn't a prerequisite, sticking to the plan made at the beginning few seconds of the match is what matters most... example: if people agree to take and hold A & B, why in the name of whatever deity would i be seeing someone call for help at C in the first 2 minutes, they deviated from the plan... if that happens, we've already lost, that's just how it is, stick to the plan and win, or be a Cowboy and cost your team the victory by spreading the team too thin so you can get to the top of the Kill Count board in a Domination Match...


    If you get stuck into the rut of "just hold these two to win" strategies", you'll start losing a lot. You are giving the enemy a freebie, which can be capped with one ship.


    What if you lose at either A or B? According to your strategy, you lose the game. This is not ground PvP. It is too easy to speed boost from A/C to B (or vice versa) in a very short amount of time to make a difference.


    I see the same effect from defenders that refuse to peel off the one sat and help capture a second one. Note to the general population: if you fall behind early in points, you need to capture a second one before the enemy gets to 500. If you cannot capture a second by 500, you need to capture all 3 before the end of the match. You sitting there makes the rest of your team fight in a numerical disadvantage while attacking. This never bodes well. Now don't get me wrong, there is a place for defending, especially early. But if you have had nobody attack your satellite and you have the 2 minute medal for defense... might be time to switch to attack if you have only one satellite. Be prepared to use your speed to boost back to your defensive position if you see it lose a turret!

  18. Hence objective gameplay, the one crazy sod who is playing the evasion game near the satellite can't hope to actually shoot anyone of the 2 - 4 players who want him dead and yet he's probably tied up, up to 4 players for his one ship.


    2 attackers and 1 defender (if that guys is just flying circles around the satellite) is an easy capture for the attackers, but you need to work together! This is a crazy concept I know but it doesn't take much. 1 attacker parks above the satellite looking down, the other parks below it looking up, both can cover 100% of the area within the defend zone of said satellite and one is firing all the time. The defender will die soon enough or at least be forced to peel off and fly away.


    Note this only works with the above conditions, if the defender shoots back... doesn't work so well, add a 2nd defender... doesn't work so well. But the moral is, find the tactic that works other than "chase him till I get some lucky burst damage"! Because, all you are accomplishing with that tactic is playing into the defender's lone strength!

  19. One of the problems is that, unlike PvE, the hit box for starfighters is the size of the ship and not the bubble around it, meaning you can aim for the bubble like you're supposed to and still miss. I personally can't hit crap on the little ones and am going to be sniping until I get the req for the Sting.


    Absolutely untrue. The "hitbox" for each ship is the lead target marker (circle with a line that leads your target). They are the same size for all ships. Laser animations (missiles too) that hit or miss mean nothing... the numbers bleeding off their shields/hulls are what indicates a hit vs a miss, and that happens before the animations of the hit or miss.


    There is an exception to this, and I honestly hesitate to name it on the forums. Does anyone know of a venue to report a serious flaw in the mechanic to the devs without the rest of the population seeing (and start using it) before it can be fixed?

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