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Posts posted by Zharik

  1. On 'support' bombers

    These things will -never- work with the current balance of GSF. Scouts, strike fighters, bombers, and gunships alike can all kill an enemy player in a matter of seconds and a handful of shots. Healing 130 hull damage every 3-6 seconds, on ships that have 2000+ hull, is absolutely pathetic.

    The burst damage to survivability ratio simply does not allow for 'healing-oriented' bombers to be effective at all.


    I'm pretty sure you are missing the point of a repair drone...


    Win a fight but get pretty beat up in the process... heal at one of these for like 15 seconds, then get back in there.

  2. Well on my server teams are just running bombers getting 2 satellites, spreading all kinds of drones and **** around it and then just sitting under it.


    Instant win.


    1. Not instant, takes effort on their part

    2. Stop them from doing that? (whatever they are doing, YOU can also try...)

  3. I'm a bit more concerned about where the interdiction drive nerf came from. One of my bomber builds had that in its setup due to the potential 9 sec 60% speed boots to get some distance in those scenarios when escape was necessary.


    It was pretty devastating if the GS flew into the melee of dogfighting ships then popped it... basically every on the other team lost within 6 seconds.

  4. Correct on both accounts! This is indeed a bug, and we'll be fixing it in a future update.




    There is an issue that hasn't been raised as far as I know involving gunships that most people probably use to their advantage, though I think it is also an unintended consequence:


    Zooming out (mousewheeling back) while scoping brings you to 0% zoom, you turn at normal rate and can see a LOT more than when zoomed in farther. This in itself is not a problem. But the HITBOX for your target GROWS. It actually shrinks when you zoom in to the target, making the scoped in targeting WORSE than the scoped out targeting. This is probably NOT what you intended...

  5. I think a lot of these points will form around good sniping spots for Gunships where they can just barely get LoS on people to hit them.


    I can see now why shield piercing was nerfed a little....whereas in domination if you injred someone and they were dead set on running away you could let them and it was a win now it will be a priority to finish them.........or else they will come back again fully healed at some point. I think they wanted to enhance this aspect with the reduction to shield piercing.


    Ironically I think this is the exact reason they didn't need to nerf shield piercing. Think about the current game, the only way to fix your hull is a once a minute repair for like 245 hull (iirc). That made shield piercing even more valuable because when you respawned, you knew the guy who killed you was almost dead. Pick your heavy laser fighter and go get an easy kill. With repair points determined by another player, you can't get that easy kill as easily...


    And yet they nerfed shield piercing anyway, hrmm.

  6. I've fired plenty at long range and watched only one of the yellow numbers pop up. Normally 441 pops up twice. If they break the lock after I launch, it pops up once. If they break the lock before I launch, I re-lock. Very rarely an inexperienced pilot will use both distortion field and their engine ability (usually out of panic, I think) and evade both missiles after launch. It's broken and they can't do anything about it in a practical situation.


    Do you think it is possible that they just popped up at the same time so they "looked" like 1 number? I guess the only way to tell would be to watch the target's shields/hull (video could do it) and watch the shield/hull %s on the target.

  7. Here's some advice for new players:

    1. Ctrl P

    2. Click "Starfighter" on the left side menu

    3. Check the box that says "Show Detailed Star Fighter Weapon Tooltips", then Apply/Ok

    4. While in the hangar, mouse over the various weapons/components and READ the details, such as range, accuracy at range (Look beyond 500m!!!), DPS (again check all 3 range categories!!), power draw, firing arc (how big your circle is on your screen, you can fire within this circle), and tracking penalty (firing away from the center of your screen reduces your accuracy!)

    4.1 Don't ignore reading about the components!

    5. Read about upgrades for the various components

    5.1 Upgrades that have a "split" are either/or not both at the same time

    5.2 AND you can switch them (once you unlock tier 3 engines, you can select either a +10% speed or turning rate increase. You can change that between matches, but only if not in the queue)

    6. Check out the "crew" tab and check out all the crew members' abilities

    7. You can fly the tutorial "? top right of hangar" multiple times... Fly like a batouttahell hugging asteriods for several minutes. Learn Boost (spacebar) and regen the engines faster with F3. Shoot your guns till you run out... then watch regen... then do it again and watch regen with F1 (more weapon regen) (F2 is max shields F4 is rebalance the 3)

    8. NOW try a match, maybe link up with a friend who plays! Ask questions and most importantly stay active!

  8. It's odd, but they put the missile refill station in the enemy capital ship hangar. Just head on over, and you'll get your fresh batch of missiles!


    While your humor is not lost on me, I refuse to suicide to get a reload. I'd rather have a drop off on my kill rate and survive the whole match.


    Oh and I have been in a 1000-999 come back game... would not have if I used your reload strategy.


    Come to think of it... anyone know why there is a variable in the respawn timer after you die? I'd like to see it be longer overall, like a minimum 15 seconds. (even a constant 15 seconds would be better than the random time you hva e to wait now)

  9. If the delta was large- say, 50%- I would have seen that. I spent a lot more time in my test 3 in that phase than in my phase 1, and I saw no difference. If there is a delta, but it doesn't show up in a 35 second test, I'd say it is meaningless in practice.


    This is kind of why I started my test out at zero power reserves, because that is where the effect is seen. I mean really, the sprint from full power to zero is the same for both tests, so that data is identical. So you conducted your test VASTLY different than I did mine.


    Here's what I suggest. Using the same power regen setting, no CDs that affect any rate of fire/regen (I'm looking at you, Blaster Overcharge), once you run OUT of power, race to 30 shots... the first way just holding down the button, the other waiting for nearly full power reserves before holding until they are out, then release again and repeat (for this to be fair, if you get to 29 and start regening to full, that's not the way it should work. I think you understand what I mean.)

  10. In 35 seconds, I went through the thing three times. Each time had enough energy for exactly 10.

    So if I am reading this right, you fired 30 times in 35 seconds using the "full weapon power till drained, then no firing until they were fully (or nearly) charged again"?

    Then I tried holding it down. It took substantially less time to complete,

    Less time to complete 30 shots? How much time?


    Were both tests conducted in the same manner? (F1 for example)


    To be honest I hate trying to test this via the forums, as it almost requires some serious testing to evaluate what that regen rate might be (hell we could probably figure out what the F1-F3 power redistributions actually do in terms of %). But again, if you want to hold down the button once you run out of energy, go ahead...

  11. We'll need F1 to get a good value. However, I go through way more than 17 before I'm even halfway through the bar. Is your tutorial not light laser or something? It is over 30 shots for damned sure, it's absurd.


    You are confusing "animations" with "a single attack".


    In the tutorial if you run out of weapon power, you fire 3 pairs of shots (6 total blaster bolts) when you get enough energy to fire. That's 1 attack. That's like full auto/unload in the ground game... it ticks damage 4 times (iirc) for the whole sequence, but the game animations are a "whole bunch" of blaster shots. I hope you are not counting all those.


    Would this be easier to test with a combat dummy in space? Hell yeah!

  12. No. It is not like shields- energy comes back the whole time. You can hold left click and see this fact- unlike shield taking damage, you always get energy.


    1.5 seconds is how long you have to not fired for it to swap from "Weapon Power Recently Consumed Regeneration Rate" to "Weapon Regeneration Rate", which we know (it's on the paper doll).

    Ok, you are correct about this (I just checked on the tutorial) but this does not really change my initial hypothesis of "holding down the button" regens slower than "not".

    I'm saying that whatever heck the "Weapon Power Recently Consumed Regeneration Rate" is, it is:


    1- Much greater than 0.

    2- Apparently very close to the normal regen rate, if not identical.

    Identical... you actually believe that?!? Then WHY would they add a slow regen rate (and show you how long you have to wait before you get the faster regen rate on the paperdoll)? This makes no sense. The actual number matters, and if it is indeed near 60%, holding down the fire button is a severe drop in "DPS" once your power pool runs out.

    I have done this by firing the weapon until I go OOE and then comparing the results. It seems ROUGHLY similar to the weapon power regen rate by doing this, but my precision is limited.

    Knowing how you compared things would help evaluate them.

    You should use max blasters when testing this, as you will almost always have that, and it is not known exactly what effect max blasters has- percent base increase, flat increase, whatever. Then we'd have to figure that out. You almost always need F1 active when blasting anyway.

    F1 increases your weapon power regen rate (as well as adds blaster damage). This is most likely a constant. In the event that it is not a percentage increase to your regen (Say +30% of whatever your normal rate is) and is a flat increase +3/second regardless of your normal regen rate then this would make my supposition even more dicey. Basically my point is I wanted to eliminate power setting from the equation, since we're not comparing F1-F4 power regen rates. We're comparing "Weapon Power Recently Consumed Regeneration Rate" vs the "Weapon Power NOT Recently Consumed Regeneration Rate".


    But for a moment, may we please assume that F1 = +30% weapon regen rate -30% shield/engine regen rate? And vica-versa for F2/F3? If that is true, then your "Weapon Power Recently Consumed Regeneration Rate" vs the "Weapon Power NOT Recently Consumed Regeneration Rate" will be proportional? Or at least, use the F4 power setting since the "paperdoll" lists the normal regen rate at 10.0/sec?

    I didn't do this because I didn't want to queue and waste a minute.


    You "wasted" more than 1 minute typing this out...

  13. Well, yeah, but when they're rocking 116% evasion and the best you can get is 158% accuracy... I mean, if it works for you, more power to you. I personally prefer to ditch that. It's just not my style.


    Yeah but in the grand scheme of things, if they are rocking 121% accuracy (BBB @ 500m), they hit 5% of their hits vs me with DField up (116% evasion). Where as I can TT the difference to my favor nicely. Quads + TT is 126% accuracy vs their 111% Evasion, which makes me 3 times as likely to hit than they will without my copilot... If I run "In Your Sights", that jumps to 35% (over 1/3 of the time) vs 5% 1/20th of the time. Massive difference. and when the other pilot is figuring this is a losing operation, I usually just hit with a cluster missile too and got a decided advantage in the rest if he takes off before I can finish him.


    Again it is a "build your fighter to YOUR play-style" thing. Just don't let someone stuff you into the same "box" as everyone else.

  14. You are correct! I am herp.


    In my defense, even newer scouts should never, ever get hit by a protorp.


    Ironically when I see that the competition is a lot of 2 ship players I run my Pike/Quell and teach them how to evade missiles...


    Hell someday those might be my wingmen!

  15. Just want to point out that slug railgun is the only weapon in the game that can one-shot something on a crit. I'll leave it up to you guys to decide whether the drawbacks of slug justify this strength.


    Proton torp crit = more damage than a scout can take... in fact, at 1308 damage that is a lot of 100% "shield/armor piercing" goodness.


    Granted if you are a scout that got hit let alone crit by a proton torp you deserve what you get... but please stop stating things that are supposed "facts" when they are not. You're likely to confuse a newer player that is reading these posts.

  16. Only if you're really close to them, and then only if you're lucky and it actually makes a difference.


    1. Really close = 5km! (you did read the TT description/upgrades, right?)

    2. Your weapon range is ... 5775m AT MOST for a range capacitor (really who uses those?) with max'd quads. 5250m for max'd quads with either damage/freq caps. Everything else it is in range 100% of the time for a scout (which is the only ship to get a TT anyway). Unless you are "sniping" at 6600m with rocket pods, and if you're doing that reading my advice won't help you...


    Effectively that 5% reduction in evasion will not help when shooting only a striker/gunship that is running zero evasion. Most GS pilots I know run decent evasion, so that really narrows it down to strike fighters...


    To everyone that thinks that there is only "One viable build", which is BLC and BOC with Bypass for a copilot:

    Maybe for you that's true, but other people may find other builds better for their piloting style/abilities.


    I can tell you that in a "face-off" with both ships popping a 6 sec distortion field, a BLC/BOC/Bypass build *can* win, with a lucky hit/crit... but the vast majority are won by a Quad(or BLC)/TT/Def CD copilot.

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