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Posts posted by Zharik

  1. Also try to limit yourself to 3 shots if you can... rarely (gunships trying to get that last shot off before running) does a target eat your blasters and rocket pods for long before panicking and doing something erratic. Limiting yourself to 3 as a general rule means you'll get very good results from your limit ammo supply.
  2. It's intended that you not be able to camp spawn.


    It's intended that you can run back there, especially on a ship that 1000% cannot win in a dogfight.

    You have any proof that this was intended?? Or are you a mind reader? And if it was intended that way, why can you not get a heal/reload back there?

    Tales of "gunship chains" running from a cap ship out to a node are likely apocryphal but in the event that they are true, certainly aren't even that smart of a strategy.

    Never saw this. Totally not a winning strat, /agree

    If you kill the guy guess what?


    He gets a full heal.

    He gets his ammo back.

    He starts at his cap ship.


    If you chased him back to his cap ship, that's in many ways WORSE for him. But it's your precious ego that is damaged, because you didn't get to scoot behind his yacht and have your way with his engines.


    Stop being bad and play the actual game, not the one in your head.


    You missed 2 points... your team gets a point and his respawn timer is longer than zero. Sometimes removing threats (especially in rapid succession) is the best strategy. There are some very talented gunship pilots out there. And really, calling someone a "bad" with only words on the forums as your guide... is jumping the gun(ship). Can't we simply disagree on this without falling to schoolyard name-calling?

  3. Here's what I posted yesterday:


    We've all seen it... you get a queue pop and one side is half full while the other is completely full right out of the gate. 30 seconds later the smaller side doesn't get enough people and even though the fight is 30 seconds from starting... all people get a loss and have to get back in line for an actual queue...


    Why the game gives you a minute to join but times out in 30 seconds is beyond me... the 30 second timer should not start until the countdown clock reaches 31... really this is not rocket science...

  4. my choise:


    2.Ion Canon

    3.Concussion Missiles

    4.Quiсk-Сharge Shild

    5.Koiogran Turn

    6.Dmg capacitor

    7.Regeneraion extender

    8.Large reactor

    9. Power thrusters

    10. Wingman copilot ab.


    Really like fast kill with ion canon - missile=)


    Ok so you open up with the ion and missile... so why are you running Heavy lasers? Their tracking penalty is the worst at 2% per degree iirc...

  5. Premades do seem to make it more likely for an abort to occur. It's not the premade's fault, it's just an oddity of the matchmaking system.


    It seem like when a premade joins a match and makes the teams lopsided, sometimes the game isn't able to fill in the four spots on the opposite side quickly enough, and it aborts the match.


    I'm pretty sure that the teams are picked.. but you aren't considered "filled" until you click "ready". If 3 people on one side are slow by 30 seconds (I honestly think a lot of them are leveling/dailies in between matches) boing! The rest get ejected.

  6. wow, now we're blaming Organized Groups for the cancellation of a match?... better grab the tin foil hats cause, "it's a conspiracy!"... unbelievable the level of demonization... no, some people just walk away, go to the bathroom, get a soda, a sandwich or something and miss their pop messing it up for everyone cause they couldn't que and sit still for a minute... usually the fault of 2 or more people... and sometimes some people are in the middle of a Storyline or FMV and can't or don't want to cancel out of it just yet... there are many legitimate reasons, but the first you jumped on was the "Premade" boogieman... :rolleyes:


    Ummm seems to me you jumped the gun a little yourself. The OP was just asking a question as to how this happens. (tin looks good on you btw) ;)

  7. I've gotten similar k/a/d ratio on my strike fighter. The fact that your match's final score was 1000-996 means that things are fairly well balanced.


    ... and lasted a long time... so plenty of time to do some damage to shields... have those pesky shields recharge and do some more?

  8. The ONLY thing about a gunship that needs to change is Ion railgun. it needs to scale with the charge. NOTHING else needs to change at all. Anyone who tries to say otherwise has not got a single clue what they are talking about.


    I would argue that the tier 4 ion upgrade is something that needs adjusted (I totally agree with full charge = full debuff, 50% charge = 50% debuff, etc). AOE AND massive energy drain... vs crit (on a shield breaker weapon?) Cause yeah... there might be one guy that clicked crit by accident.


    Split the AOE and energy drain into separate choices so you get either AOE shield breaking... OR single target screw you buddy...

  9. If you like the in close dogfighting similar to a flashfire/Sting, try ions with rapid fire lasers and cluster missiles. It takes a bit to get used to the ion for 1 - 1.5 seconds (while missile locking) then switch to your rapid fire lasers upon seeing 3 hits, but... yeah they melt. The down side is you are 4km range on both primary weapons.


    The other thought is heavy lasers and rapid fire for up close with clusters, though spec your heavies to eat shields faster, not to pierce shields, as they should be hitting shields just long enough to drop them, them missile away and rapid fire lasers for the closer work.

  10. Trying to camp spawn?


    THere is no way a gunship can make it back to its capital ship if a competent scout is pursuing from the nodes.


    If I spawn and I have 2 scouts on my arse 2 second after before I appeared while I'm still at 40km from the nodes, heck yes I'll bring them to the turrets.


    What, suddenly spawn campers are the good guys?




    I don't think that you are understanding what is happening. I mostly see this in the space map with a GS attacking B (from about 14.5km). When you boost to engage (from B), they spin as quickly as they can then barrel roll back toward their capitol ship. If you break off, they'll just spin around and fire (ion engine disabling BS) if you press forward, they'll have cover of the capitol ship AND you will be in their range.

  11. I strongly believe that is wording you are seeing of its description is the mistake. Similarly, the Strike Fighter's ion cannon says it is "inaccurate at long range", but it is only less accurate than gunship secondary weapons beyond medium...


    Is the ion missile useful/balanced? Highly unlikely. Same as charged plating for shields... talk about useless... Makes me wonder how closely they examined their own choices... as in "Who would want to use this component and why?"

  12. Yeah Gunships get old quick. They have no place in what's meant to be high octane starfighter combat. That said what can you do about it? They aren't going to take out a whole GSF class. Get use to to trying to chase down a GS that boosts to his fleet flagship the moment you get in attack position. fun


    I hate that tactic with a passion. I feel that it is quite unfair that they can run from the fight in a way that you cannot follow. I would like to see them shot by their own capitol ship's cannons for desertion at that point (you get insta-killed for flying out of bounds any other direction...).

  13. Ok I just checked how it sorts ties... there appears to be no rhyme or reason to it... I even checked alphabetically... not that either.


    The only thing that may be a factor is if two people each get 6 kills, that the 1st one to get his 6th gets listed higher...

    (checked assists, deaths, total damage, DPS, hit %, objectives, medals, alphabetical order) All were disproved on one scoreboard (had ties at several numbers which made it easier)

  14. [*]A gunship snipes a point, weakening three targets with ion before killing two of them. His ally, a scout, gets the final kill, stays on the point, and flips the node for his team while the gunship watches for incoming threats. The gunship has earned zero requisition, while the scout has earned something like 225.

    [*]A strike fighter makes his way to C. Because his engines are a joke, he doesn't make it in time to flip the point. He spends the rest of the match taking up the necessary but boring job of waiting on the node and calling out incoming threats. No enemies approach the node all game, since they're holding A and trading B - they (mistakenly) feel they can't afford to stray too far from their forces at A. The strike fighter does an invaluable duty, but earns zero requisition. Command issues him some pretty medals and achievements and bullies him into keeping his mouth shut.

    [*]A Flashfire ace takes to the field. He's highly trained and pulled a number of strings for more aftermarket upgrades than some pilots knew existed. He shoots down two dozen foes in battle without suffering more than minor damage to his own ship, buying his squadron plenty of time to secure the objectives. Unfortunately, the bureaucrat in charge of overseeing the affairs is his ex, who denies him significant awards because his orders were to secure the satellites, not chase after Imperials. On the upside, she can't stop the admiral from pinning a fancy medal in his jacket, nor his crew from decorating the ship with the fighters he's destroyed.


    In all 3 of your examples, your "zero" requisition" ships earned a lot more than zero. Post a screenshot of the "zero" requisition defense strikefighter score screen with your mouse over the objectives portion to prove all defense points and I'll eat my words, gladly. (but you can't)


    Kills and assists are the same req given. Offensive things seem to give more than defensive (like killing turrets and capturing satellites) but if you do only one type of thing the whole match you'll get less than if you do a few of each. Medals sort of indicates this. Get 15 medals, trust me you are getting more than 1k reqs. Get 4 defense medals only, yeah you get less than 1k, sorry.


    Oh yeah, your gunship can cover the capture better from the satellite than from 13k away... Granted a lot of things are situationally dependent.


    Now to address the things that I think you meant to address (even though you massively exaggerated it) - the disparity of reward for one's actions. Yeah it would be nice to know exactly what gives the most reward so that could be balanced fairly among various play styles, but please don't advocate for defense to = offense. I do not want to see most of my team "defending our sole satellite" while the other half is trying to get another so we can actually win. Unless defense = offense in case of a win only.

  15. Oh and for the record, objectives count is basically number of seconds within defense range of your satellite. (you get 1 offensive point for a complete capture, no matter how long it takes)


    I'd personally call that important (guarding your "point getter") but not the be-all-end-all argument for what mattered the most for a team's win (or loss).


    We all have roles to play to get a win. Killing the enemy is a way to prevent them from performing their strategy to win.

  16. Right when a match is finished, the default order on the scoreboard is your overall combined if you don't click on any modifier buttons.


    Ummm it defaults to kills... nothing else (though I admit I do not know what takes precedence over a tie in kills)

    I've been 2nd in kills by a few and first in everything else and yeah... it is not some weird combining thing like you "know" it to be.

  17. To me the biggest SMH about ion cannons is the tier 4 upgrade.... Why would anyone ever use the Crit increase? A full charge kills anyone's shield (ok except maybe a fortress shield in use) and does crap damage vs hulls. The other side is AOE (which is HUGE to start with) AND drains a LOT of power. Talk about overpowered?


    Split those 2 powerful abilities into the two choices for tier 4 and that is a great start to fix the ion cannon power.

    Choose between shield smashing AOE, or energy draining vs 1 target. Get rid of crit, it is pointless for ion.

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