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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Kabaal

  1. lol @ mini-pets.


    Did they do something about the boring, linear gameplay? Nope, didn't think so :(


    It's just a trailer, i'd wait until the guild summit info starts coming out in a few hours or until you see the 1.2 patch notes on the test server of the forum before making that assumption. "Oh look, a cuddly pet... they must have done nothing else!".

  2. You have to remember that besides us all thinking 60 means nothing, it probably doesn't in the devs eyes either due to what they'll have in store for us. We're getting new tiers of gear etc and 60 is going to seem really low soon enough i imagine.
  3. Valor goes quick until you get to around 50. But with the revamps coming even that may not be too bad.


    Yep, should be at least 30% faster. 2k valor from the 4 medals and then whatever else they change it to for winning or losing instead of roughly 1.5k per match as it is now. The next tier of gear is probably 70 or 80 so i imagine it's just to ease the grind getting to those levels.

  4. Looked more like you were against a crappy group than Sentinal domination tbh, most of it was multiples of your side on 1 or 2 of theirs. The video was decently edited although you might want to use the zoom effect on interesting things rather than 700 damage hits :p
  5. This. And from around lvl 30'ish you level faster in valor than in player level from warzones.

    I'm almost exclusively doing WZ's and class quests to level on my 3d character and often have to go do some PvE in order to be able to ding valor rank again (eg. that char is currently lvl 36 with rank 36 valor allready maxed it but it can't change to rank 37 until I ding 37).


    Happens each level with my alts too, i don't know what they were thinking with keeping the amount needed per valor level so low until after 50. Bit late now but the requirement could have been double and we'd still be capping out easily.

  6. Don't count on being able to buy BM comms before valor 60.

    Most likely similar limitation on champs.


    I think it'll probably be that way too as we'd all be full BM geared with our alts when we hit 60 otherwise. Same goes with hitting 50 and straight into full champ.

  7. It's not really that slow, took me about a day for each level in that range, perhaps a day and a bit for 59-60. That was way before the Ilum changes and only through Warzones.


    Wouldn't like to do it on an underpopulated server with slow queues though.

  8. meh, titles are pointless imo. I hit BM before the change and thats all i need to know


    The only thing titles are good for is confusing the enemy in the thick of things when they try to make out your name in the middle of a huge title and legacy name to call out on vent.

  9. It is a fail because....


    Cannot que up to warzones with more then 4 people.


    There are still guilds with more than 4 people playing? I kid, i kid.


    A few weeks makes no difference to me, i'm still finding some fun with alts atm. Anyone who isn't enjoying the game anymore should have unsubbed already anyway. No point in paying for something you don't enjoy in the hopes a future patch will change things, better just resubbing when it comes around.

  10. 300k isn't particular noteworthy for a sorc leveling up, mine was consistently around that with the odd matches dotted here and there with 400-500k by the end. All of it was done effortlessly with how easy the class is to play and the fact it's constantly dishing it out non stop all match. I hated that toon by the time it hit 50 and shelved it as soon as it did.
  11. The problem is the rest of your system, it's really really old. 2GB RAM is barely enough for even the game never mind whatever your Operating System and any other apps are using meaning you're probably into page file. A 4400+ CPU is also really old and by todays standards pretty crap.


    The game is pretty CPU dependant, i went from a chip more powerful than yours, a heavily overclocked Core 2 Duo to a new 2500k also overclocked and my FPS pretty much doubled.


    With a system that old you're not going to be able to get any meaningful upgrade without replacing the whole thing.

  12. no burst as PT pyro?


    they are one of the most bursty classes.


    if you're not seeing enough burst in pt, then i'm pretty sure you won't find it anywhere they way you judge it. keeping in mind that i'm guessing you're outgeared by many/most players and as such you're gonna be hitting them for a lot less than if you were on an even gear footing.


    ofc, if you are full champ or full bm and you're still not seeing the numbers you want (out of your GS or the PT) then i'd say you need to learn the class better. i've seen both classes do amazing damage.


    Bear in mind that they seem to be talking about low level PT's where they don't really have enough points for the talents.

  13. Marauder/Sentinal, there's really not much that can stand up against a well played one. Even if a second player comes up on you while in the middle of a 1 v 1 there's a good chance you'll kill both of them. If you're not a very good player they will seem pretty crap though.


    Don't expect it to be good right out of the box, in the <50 tier they dont start dishing out decent damage until mid twenties then you get two of your most useful skills at 30 then 38, by 40 they're are pretty much gods in that tier. The 50 tier you are going to feel weak again until you get geared up if you're a solo player.

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