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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Kabaal

  1. thanks for the help guys. I keep waiting for mods to drop from kills, guess I will look in the vendors


    Please do, it's the easiest and cheapest way to upgrade your gear all the way to 50. For your saber the comms from your quests will provide all your hilt, mod and enhancement needs, you will need to buy/make/quest reward crystals though. Same goes for your armour, you can get all your Armouring, mods and enhancements for them all the way.


    You'll get a bunch of orange gear you can buy through comms too, my advice is if you get a piece you like the look of them just keep it all the way to 50 as it's cheaper to upgrade it via comms than to buy a new piece with them. 2 armouring upgrades/2 pieces of gear upgraded for the price of buying one.


    Every planet will have the comm vendors near where you first land on them.

  2. Consular or Inquisitor - Consular, Inquisitor endgame gear looks ridiculous whereas the Consular only has to put up with a silly hat. I can't compare the story for both as i only have 1 at 50 but i found the Inquisitor sarcastic responses grew very tiresome.


    Sage or Shadow - Again, i only have one of those mirror classes at 50 but if i was starting one right now it would be Shadow/Assasin as as the Sorc/Sage is much more likely for a nerf in 1.2 due to people moaning about them since day one of the game. Both are very effective AC's though.


    I'd love to tell you to choose something underpowered instead of any of your choices but there really isn't anything that stands out as being UP right now. Heck at launch everyone said the Juggernaut was gimp so i made one on day one and it turned out to be awesome, just as every class i've played has and i've played em all.

  3. I had been waiting or it to hit in march to decide whether i'd resub this month or not but i dont mind waiting till next, i still have some fun with the game despite it's faults... and there's nowt else out there worth playing anyway.


    If April rolls around and it gets delayed then i don't know whether i'll resub again, it entirely depends on Guild Wars 2 release date and whether i decide i like TERA in one of the upcoming beta weekends.

  4. Each time the funny sounding fella stopped talking and Gabe got back on the mic :p


    In all seriousness my favourite moment is boring but it was unexpected, when it became apparent how much of the legacy system relies on having reached 50 with the classes and more specifically the unlocking of other classes group buffs each time for all your characters. Weird considering i went into the live stream looking forward to learning more about PvP changes.

  5. I completely agree that this is the nature of all MMO's. I get that. My problem however, is making changes so dramatically (that they require everyone to respec) and so frequently (60-90 day intervals) that players give up trying to enjoy the game.


    So yes, this happens in every MMO however players are much MUCH less tolerant as a result.


    You're assuming that the changes are all severe, some of them could just be very minor but they've decided to give the free point refund anyway. I say that with a pinch of salt.

  6. Is the distance between the "pilot seat" and the "exit" closer for the guardian as compared to the juggernaut ?


    Usually the hologram comes up if you wait for a while after clicking to travel to the desination planet. Unless you are so fast that u select the planet to travel, then rush to the ship exit and exit your ship.


    It is indeed, straight out of the map room and drop down directly in front of the exit on the Jedi Knight ship. No running up or down stairs and through other rooms etc.

  7. Go look at the reviews for ME3, not the paid for ones that were around before release but the avalanche of horrid ones since it was released yesterday. I've played it through once already, yes its that short, and uninstalled it. Compared to the other two it's a shoddy piece of crap. I wouldn't want those devs working on TOR.
  8. I'd say just go back to Watchman and see how you fare. Mine's Watchman specced and only 32, since around the early/mid 20's it been top of the board pretty much every match and very rarely ever loses a 1 v 1 or even 1 v 2.
  9. i play a 50 sorc and a 50 jugg


    wehn my jugg hit 50 and had no expertise he was dominating sorcs



    sorcs are so easily counterable and die so easy i dont see how anyone ever complains about them




    saying a sorc is op only points out that you dont have a grasp on high end pvp balance


    You're obviously much better on your jugg than you are on your sorc. Juggs are awesome and we do eat sorcs, but to go from that class, be good on it and basically say sorcs are crap is just plain wrong. In a group setting we can be just as effective on a sorc while sitting back watching television as we are on a Jugg while concentrating. I literally detest my sorc for how easy and boring it is.


    Don't mistake that for wanting them nerfed btw, i might find them the yellow bus class but i agree that they're not OP.

  10. When i played mine i saw multiples in every match. When i moved on to even more classes i saw less and less of them, perhaps they realised as i did that it's boring as hell to play or people are just exploring more now that they've done the faceroll class? That or it's just luck of the draw with your matches.
  11. I've only seen a few posts on here with a mil and only seen it once on my side ingame so i imagine it's not a regular thing. Shame on the other side for not focusing ;)

    Definitely looks like there should be a crafted starter set of gear, you know? Gimme some blues that mean I'm not fighting at a 15% disadvantage in damage dealt and received. :)


    Others have given you advice on what to do now but there is a new starter PvP set being introduced in the next couple of patches. Not sure if its the 1.2 patch in early April or one before though.


    Stick with it, hitting the 50 tier can seem frustrating at first but even simple things like wearing centurian gear which is REALLY easy to get can make a big difference. You'll be less of a target for the less knowledgable on the other side meaning you won't get focused so much and even full centurian has a decent amount of expertise.

  13. In a Cantina (bar fight!)


    With a blurred and swaying Camera. I'd really want to be able to make a Wookie race for that.


    It be wouldn't hard for them to add an elevator to a dueling area for those that want it. It wouldn't even have to be anything fancy, a small pit/ring/cage would do.

  14. Class adjustments were always going to happen, it's just the nature of MMO's. I've a lot of toons and not a fan of the easy ones anyway so i say bring it on.


    One thing that stood out in the article was Bioware's complete lack of insight as to what we really want from open world PvP. Changing Ilum to simply a PvP enabled zone will do nothing. Players want objectives and reasons to fight, with no objectives that leaves politics and sadly this game is completely lacking of anything even resembling rivalry between sides, guilds, groups or individuals. There is no PvP to speak of before level 50 outside of Warzones meaning that there is no enemies or alliances formed, that won't change by removing the PvP rewards from Ilum.


    Over the next months it seems as though the focus of player versus player combat is going to be adjusted quite a bit, as BioWare is on the verge of changing the reward structure. Soon there will no longer be any daily or weekly quests to visit Ilum, the end-game open PvP area. Ilum will still exist as a destination for those interested in open PvP, but it won't be a place to earn commendations for end game PvP armor. "We're keeping Ilum as-is. But I think almost all of our problems that occur in open world PvP are because of the fact that the rewards there, the behavior was less about having fun in that area and more about exploiting to get the rewards faster. We know there is a big contingent of players who are fans of open world PvP and we have a lot of experience, especially on the Mythic team, of working on it. We're going to have more announcements on what we're following up with to give those fans what they're looking for." After 1.2, all end game rewards will be handed out through Warzone participation, which includes Huttball, Void Star, Alderaan Civil War and, after update 1.2, Novare Coast.
  15. It's not just the expertise. BM gear for example has higher base stats and armour value when all mods are removed except the unremovable armouring compared to say orange gear with the best purple armouring slotted you can get. ALL of the stats will be higher than yours on their character screen, so a BM doesn't just do 13% more damage and recieve 13% less damage than you do. They are a few % better off than you due to the base stats and THEN 13% more on top of that.


    Personally i don't mind it, the only time i did was when i decided to go into a 50 match on a brand new 50 alt without at least buying a centurian helm and chest so i didn't stand out so much. Going in looking like a brand new 50 in <50 armour designs just makes you a flashing target to the other side. A couple of well placed centurian pieces later and you don't die so much as you don't stick out like a sore thumb except to those that are aware of the colour differences in the gear on the opposite side.


    One thing i will say, comparing any fresh 50 alt regardless of gear to a BM Juggernaut is just silly. Jugg was my first BM too and i'd say it's one of the strongest classes in a group scenario the way the game is now with so many heals around, at least on my server.

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