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Posts posted by Noth

  1. Yes, it is somewhat strange to see a red wall near my green wall telling me this is for Jedi. But what is most strange why do we hav to have 4 (8) different hangars when the ship appears after you enter? But no, we need HUGE empty spaceports, than a lift a and then another hangar before we get to our ship. SWG had a terminal right after the entrance, you chose your ship and flew.


    They actually are there when you enter. I constantly see them vanish as I move from the elevator and then reappear. That said the entire hanger system is quite dumb and the orbital stations at later planets are the most pointless things in the game.

  2. But see, that makes no sense, because story quest are the one thing in the game that's actually mean't to be solo'd.


    Doesn't matter, people still want to group while leveling. It was a major concern in the early days of the forums. People feared that stories would actually do away with grouping. By having them take place in near the same areas, it keeps the flow both solo and group friendly and also allows a good flow with the side quests.


    People already complain about travel times now. Imagine the complaints if the class stories were spread out from each other for those that want to group.

  3. After getting my Sorc up to 50, I decided to make an Operative because I just love rogue type classes, but I knew going Assassin would net me the same exact story. However, once I got off Hutta, I was very disappointed to see that my class quest were in the SAME EXACT areas as the Inquisitor quests. The only difference was after going through that same long, crowded tunnel, I took a left instead of a right to go into the Imperial Agent Phase. I just feel like Bioware really got lazy in areas where they could have EASILY blown current MMOs out of the water.


    This is done so that grouping during leveling can be done without going very far out of the way. It is a very smart way of doing it.

  4. And what will he see? Oh wait, the same corridor leading to mission objectives and a vast empty space full of static standing mobs between. Yes, what an improvement.


    So just like open world games. direct paths to quest areas and vast empty space every where but the mission areas. I see no issue with this. the fact you say that it is a corridor then say there is vast empty space pretty much says that the planet is not all corridors.

  5. What I'm saying is that it makes sense but what makes sense isn't always what is best. That's what I was trying to get at with my lightsaber analogy. I'd rather have dozens and dozens of alleys, buildings you can cut through, stairs, flying speeders, etc. if you want to keep that "city feel." But just going down one street flanked by tall buildings just makes me feel like a lab rat.


    Then you need to keep realistic expectations. What you describe would take massive amount of time to design and even more time to debug. there seems to be a huge problem of people having unrealistic expectations for games these days.

  6. It's also realistic (at least in the Star Wars universe) for a lightsaber to slice a person apart with a single hit. They didn't go that route because it would be a stupid design choice. There is a disconnect between realism and good gameplay. Sure having a few streets in a city makes a bit of sense, but it is an utterly horrendous design choice and a chore for the player.


    Nice straw man. Game balance and world design are fundamentally different.


    You expect a metropolis to have sprawling fields? Have you ever been to a big city? They are corridors. Heck coruscant looks and feels like all the pictures and video of it in the movies. Nar Shaadaa feels the same way.

  7. I agree. Often times in order for me to get from one area of the map to another, I have to go through one narrow pass(and it may take several minutes of traveling through this narrow pass). It makes the world feel small.


    I mean, did I really defeat all of the Republic forces on the planet in this tiny patch of land?


    You do realize even WoW had these narrow passes. Only with Cata did that change. Further world in real life have natural barriers, bottlenecks, narrowed paths, areas with only a few safe paths. Then there are world like Belsavis that was designed as a prison, it makes sense that you have only limited paths through a prison, yet it is still extremely open.


    Some planets are linear and corridor style. To say all planets are that way is false. Further the planets that feel like corridors fit the feel of the planets. Korriban takes place in the valley of the dark lord, a valley is a natural barrier and path. Nar shaddaa and Coruscant are literally planet cities where the planet can't even be seen under the city. Taris was once a city planet and was essentially totaled. City and rubble falling on to a planet will make barriers and confined paths. Corellia takes place in a single sprawling city thus will feel like a corridor. The planet design makes sense.

  8. Considering how long que timers are Empire side once you get into one you milk it for all its worth.


    My queue times are pretty dang short. Normally no more than 5 minutes. I often get instant queues as well. and I'm on the Imperial side. Granted it is almost always huttball.

  9. i honestly dont have a problem with that.


    I honestly think it might be your gear... people dont live long enough to kite.


    with Intimidating shout and choke, push resetting leap... no caster can cast anything on us. esp healers


    In full champ. Against anything but non geared 50s and lowbies, classes can last against your smash unless you boost it with adrenal stacking which is getting nerfed in 1.1.

  10. what needs to fix is Heavy Armor. It only reduces white dmg attacks (not tech = all operatives attacks, etc). Only melee and Kinetic. Having Heavy Armor doesnt do crap.


    ESPECIALLY when our HP is lower than everyone else with full PVP gear.


    Actually heavy armor does mitigate tech and force attacks that do kinetic damage or energy damage. It only seems like it doesn't mitigate Operatives attacks because they ignore 50% of it thanks to acid blade. What you are thinking of is the shield. Force and tech attacks don't have to roll against a shield roll. That however doesn't really effect a smash build.


    We are too easily kited, lack good defensive cooldowns and defensive measures. Bioware agrees with these issues, but their fix in 1.1 won't help all that much with them.

  11. I know very well what a smash build can. I also know that my friends on other classes don't really care when a smash build gets on them because they can avoid it long enough for help and without smash they hit like a wet noodle. We lack tools and damage compared to other classes.


    BTW, 4.5k can be done much faster by snipers and even Ops. They also have more tools to do their job thanks to knockbacks with roots, more roots, snare, knockdowns, etc.


    Also farming inflates numbers rather than give a real picture.

  12. No matter which you choose your class remains the same. Example, if you are a jedi night and you choose to be a guardian, you are still considered a Jedi Knight and still gain skills within that class. You still follow the Jedi Knight story line, not the Guardian.


    Advanced Class is more like a skin to make the game seem like it has more classes and choices. Realistically, the Class determines the story not the Advanced Class, it should be something that is changeable, if just for play value and customer value.


    So the game still refers to you as a Jedi Knight outside of story? No it does not, it refers to you as your advanced class. Just look in the social, who and guild pages in game. Once you get your AC they say your Ac under the class tab and no longer mention the base classes.

  13. Weren't you advocating that marauders are fine and that we all just need to l2p just a while ago?


    Yes he was. He is also incorrect about marauders having far less armor. They have about 5% less armor than PT and Juggs, equal to Ops, and more than Assassins.

  14. Datacrons was one of the deciding factors for not re-subbing, what is required to do them would amount to exploiting in any other game. Presicion jumping wall walking , terrain exploits. Much of it is visualy absurd as you can make jumps you shouldn't be able to.


    Never had any of these issues you speak of. All jumps were jumps I could normally make, never had to wall walk (there was always a platform underneath me. Never had to exploit any terrain and since when was precision jumping considered an exploit. Oh and my body type made it impossible to get 2 of the datacrons the normal way yet even the way I did them would not equate to exploiting in other games.

  15. Hmm, I might make a fool of myself here but have you considered the shield chance added by Soresu Form and the shield chance given by the Off-hand? Also, Force Scream grants an additional form of mitigation which is basically on demand, on a pretty low CD, for a very low cost. There is also a talent which grants additional defense whenever Retaliation is used, which should be a main part of any tanking rotation. Between all the above, I think the Powertech/Juggernaut comparison looks much better for us Juggernauts.


    Again, I haven't done the math and I'm just responding quickly, so I could be wrong! :)


    Powertechs get the same shield shance from off hand shields and their tank stance. Screams sonic barrier lasts at best 1 hit on hardmode content and is not on demand thanks to a 12 second cooldown. Pretty much everything is touched upon in the OP's post as well.

  16. This opens up a couple other discussions. One being Bioware's original handling of the four classes. First, I agree that Bioware handled the Jedi/Sith classes poorly. You really should have just started as either (no distinction initially) and had potentially 3 paths to choose, each with completely branching and unique storylines/companions. Which leads me to the second point that picking an AC is virtually no different then picking a tree. At most it changes your armor/weapon tier but really all it is, is play style. The overall experience remains the same, the story remains the same, and so long as that is the case, an AC is not a unique class in itself. Anyway, that's a discussion for another thread.


    The experience does not remain the same. My Powertech experience is vastly different than my merc. My assassin experience is vastly different than my sorc experience, and my sniper experience is vastly different than my Operative. They all play so vastly different it is like they are different classes in other games. Don't bring up the druid from WoW as that is the exception rather than the rule. Also never heard of talent trees have 3 separate trees in them. By that logic I could say that selecting a class in other games is not different than selecting a talent tree. I mean often different classes share abilities, gear and so forth.

  17. It's alright man.


    Alright, now I just tried one of the lvl 45 elite twisted crysfang packleader. I refused to use a medpack this time, but did blow my cooldowns, while switching to soresu form and not using quinn. I managed to kill it, but I still died because of the loss of health from endure pain while taking bleed damage.


    I think endure pain has killed me more than saved me because of the exact thing that you describe. I've been really tempted to remove it from my bar

  18. No, because unlike other games Bioware has two tiers of specialization instead of one. This game gives you 4 classes per side, each with 2 subclasses to specialize in, each with 3 trees to further specialize in. It's like comparing apples to oranges. And debating the wording of what is an "advanced class" is silly and dumb. We all know it's a specialization of the primary, overall class.


    Furthermore being against this idea for nothing more then an apparent principal is just plain ignorant. How does it hurt anyone to allow players to have more freedom? Should Bioware not allow us to change appearance for our companions? Should they not allow tree respecs at all? This idea that if you go down one path, however narrow or short it is, you can never go back without starting from scratch is beyond me and I truly hope Bioware is above that kind of mentality.


    A class is a specialization in the first place. I could call the Jedi knight and Jedi consular a specialization of Jedi. AoC Was going to have this exact system as well. They scrapped it because of people getting confused about what was and wasn't considered a class. They kept the archetypes and just made you pick your class at the start. EQ2 did the same thing. Aion has two levels of specialization as well yet to can't change your subclass. You can only change the last layer of specialization.


    As for your second paragraph you haven't listened to any of the arguments pre-release did you. In a social gaming environment seemingly harmless changes can have massive effects. FotM is already bad, why encourage it to make it worse for example.


    Further the fact that they have waffled on this decision so much instead of actually putting it in the game shows that they do think of ACs as more than just talent specs.

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