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Posts posted by Noth

  1. Most of he other classes have similar utility and as base skills.


    Indeed. and While we have a lower cooldown on our interrupt, in pvp people are just able to chain cast anyways since the interrupt only locks out that specific ability, thus you have people who end up baiting the interrupt with a similar ability and once interupted start casting the ability they want. Or the fcat that if we want to continually interrupt them we do pretty much no damage to them due to push, leap and choke being relatively low damage abilities.

  2. Will leave some things you guys might consider fixing ..


    1 Item bugs , that keep dissapearing cause you are clicking or moving your bank or inventory . for a MMO that is based on collecting items , this BUG is UNFORGIVABLE !!

    Not to mention if you que up 5 items crafting sometimes they just dissapear into limbo when you are offline .


    I've never ever had this issue


    2 Quest and Rewards ! , it is totally ungratifiying to play trough a awesome quests.

    Then get a crappy green or a token !

    Makes the whole story meaning unworthwhile ! , especially Corellia Republic side .


    The old saying "It's the journey not the destination" comes to mind


    3 Heroic 2 and 4 balancing , some of the heroic 2 and heroic 4 are not even balanced and harder then flashpoints.

    If you looking for future prospect , make this formula .

    Heroic 2 ... 1 Elite 2 strong Max and 1 normal .. this will make it possible for people to solo .

    If there are nobody in there level range .


    They should not be soloable. Hence why they are group quests. You also do not need to do them to reach max level, thus you can skip them.


    4 Crafting , my god who ever tought it was cool to just put everything into 1-3 primary crafting , should be fired !!

    Honestly the system is so full of holes , it is ridiculous , why does armstech and armormech have crap .

    When cybertech , biochem , artifice , have everything ?

    Nerf everything to synthweaving with subskill mandatory order .. or just scrap some .

    Cause it is total crap crafting at this moment that doesn´t make sense .

    Or buff everything to those 3 primary skill set .


    I agree with this, though all crafting sucks outside of biochem. Cybertech is arguable for the grenades.


    5 LFG finder is badly needed should be priority n1 on the list , why you are playing in 2012 .

    And you want big amount of people , imagine PVPERS have to stand around spamming looking for people to PVP !! , they would already rage quit on day 1 .

    So you expect your new bioware social community to do the same ?


    They have a LFG system in the game. People are just too lazy to actually look at it even though they've probably seen it multiple times. I'm not saying it is the best, but it is there.


    6 Companions , rebuff them cause currently they are way too weak in the endgame .

    This is very noticable at 40 -50 range , where most people quit !


    Doesn't really matter. They are strong enough and in most end game content they will never be used. Also gear fixes this. Gear up your companions.


    7 Developers should go out and play there game solo ! especially in green gear on ILUM .

    Put them there for 3 -5 hours and see how much fun they have !

    Wait it is a MMO , forget it is a daily grind place for pve design philosphy outdated .


    You did something wrong because I was in blues and purple of near level 50 when I hit Ilum. Those tokens you complain about form quests, they can give you pretty decent gear.


    Honestly the bucket is really full , bugs yeah crucial bugs no .

    Story Class bugs again NO !


    Bugs exist just like in all games expecting otherwise is just being naive


    Truth is , you guys should have released this game till 30 and then people would be happy.

    The additional 20 levels is totally unbalanced and crap .

    This is the matter of overdevelopment , and listening to the wrong crowd .

    At level 30 finishing your class story was the most gratifiying and rewarding .


    I enjoyed post 30 more than pre 30. Thus your statement is an opnion.


    So stop rushing future contents , start fixing your current content to match the 1-30 .


    They have different teams doing different things. Thus they can do both. Also many times bugs are not solved easily by throwing people and money at it. Throwing people at it can actually slow down the bug solving.

  3. Powertechs do NOT get a knockback. Or a push. Of ANY kind. EVER. You are confusing a Powertech with a Mercenary. And Mercenaries do not get a jump or charge of any kind. Ever. You must have had a Mercenary Powertech, probably with a 31/31/31 build.


    And the reason a PT can hold aggro relatively well with autoshot is because of Cylinder procs, which add extra effects to shots.


    Another reason PT has an easier time tanking is because their tanking stance has NO downside, whatsoever. Jugg downside is you generate less rage in Soresu. Sin downside is they do 5% less damage while in Dark Charge stance. But PT Ion Cylinder has zero downside to it. Which I find pretty unfair.


    Don't forget all the AoE they have that makes it much easier to tank.

  4. This, in essence. Every spec (save for tracer missle/grav round spam >_>) has setup to deal damage. My personal contention is that players that recognize a rage specked jug will know how to handle the setup (especially since the buff is so apparent visually). Rage's setup can take up to 8 seconds (lower if you're using choke in conjunction) vengeance's setup is effectively being on the target (and arguably a sunder armor for grab round)


    You play rage poorly if it takes you 8 seconds to get 4 stacks. It takes about 3 seconds to get max stacks at which point you should either already have the buff from leap/oblit, or be ready with it. You control your setup rather than rely on other people to build stacks on you with a buggy buff that sometimes stacks sometimes doesn't.

  5. No cross server, I prefer to know who I'm fighting against and be able to build a rep on the server.


    It used to be whoever had the most 50s won. Now it is whoever has the most battle masters. The only fix is to lower the diference in expertise between battlemaster and champion.

  6. Sadly, i'm not in full battlemaster (weapon/implant/earpieces/bracer only atm). You didn't watch the full video did you? There were several battlemasters in there and they were in champ gear and I had consistent 3k screams/impales against them as well.


    Adrenals make a difference, sure, but everyone has access to them so it's no tall order to use them effectively


    I can impale for 3k as well. The claim you made was the impale for 4k+ you made it sound like it was a common occurrence with no setup, when in fact it did have setup to it. Vengeance is good in pvp if you pick the right targets (squishies). As soon as you run into anything tank like you start hitting for a lot less.

  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_PAlEnoA1hk


    This video was taken on the same day as the SS. At around 4:35, I end up having a 4.2k crit with an adrenal up with impale (and 3 stack). For those of you that *think* that the 4.8k crit I have is not impale, Vicious throw does NOT (for some odd reason) ever show up on the logs for PvP unless you have the PvP adrenal up (and I do not use the PvP adrenal as the power scales better).


    For those that are trying to "discredit" me, your attempts are coming off as petty and honestly, they don't have any basis in fact and are pretty ad hominem.


    So you are saying to get those numbers you have to do as someone said, be decked out in battlemaster, pop adrenals and stack pooled hatred on a medium armor class who is not in bettalemaster gear. Gear makes a huge difference. In champ gear I'll smash for 4k+ easily against people without champ gear with no adrenals, but against battlemaster gear, I'm lucky to hit 3k with adrenals. Against champ gear it tends to be a constant 3k-4k.

  8. i'd say both would be fairly weak in pvp.. i think a pure dps veng spec would probably do better.. vengeance is all about the damage and if you sacrifice key talents for survival and uhm mobility? you'll probably end up just running around like a headless chicken til someone finishes you off with ease


    You'd be surprised at how well the hybrid venge/rage spec does in pvp. PvP being about burst, shatter barely ever gets to run it's course and you shouldn't be using ravage enough for rampage to even matter. Instead you get another move to use when they are out of melee range that also closes the gap and makes your next scream free. In essence this build gives you more time on target. I personally prefer a build that picks up intimidation though, as the free aoe slow is too nice.

  9. question to the last 2 posts.. what is the purpose of these two speccs?


    Both are more pvp oreiented. One is setup to be more tanky in pvp with always running in soresu, and an extra defensive cooldown. the other is setup to be more offensive with another gap closer that also activate battle cry for free screams.

  10. I've never had any problems with one to two elites/strong (or a single champion for that matter) mobs if I'm using healing companion though I have to admit that I have not even tried anything else then 31 immortal specs and I'm guessing you're heavy into the DPS trees.


    Since I'm using both Backhand and I don't have to channel Force Choke, both of which gives a short but noticeable CC that has made it possible for me to solo most two man HC quests.


    Guess what I'm trying to say is that if it's CC you need, then try out immortal and then you might understand what I mean by saying that I'd rather have a "X seconds after killing mob that yields xp, use this to restore 10% of hp over y seconds"-skill rather then another CC.


    We mitigate damage just fine assuming we're specced for it.


    And the issue lies with the dps spec when it comes to survivability. Marauders have more survivability than dps spec juggs. Marauders get over double the number of defenisve cooldowns, while dps juggs get saber ward and endure pain which as a dps can basically kill you at the end of it. Heavy armor in dps stance is about 5% more mitigation against two types of damage than marauders.


    If a dps jugg cannot have a true CC or stun they need something to help heal them or better ways to mitigate more damage. I would prefer a true type of CC that doesn't throw the target away from us (yes it does refresh our leap, but by the end of the leap the CC has worn off).

  11. 6- Probably. Idk the exact numbers people are seeing at 50, but these do not look exceedingly impressive on torhead


    Level 50 in champ gear, eviscerate hits for around 400 over 6 seconds and draining scream hits for around 250 over 6 seconds. They are very very weak and provide no synergy other than to be trash dots protecting your shatter which does about 2200 non crit total over 12 seconds (my impale often hits harder).


    Vengeance is trying to be a sustained tree with dots but fails at dot strength and dot synergy. They should just make it the single target burst tree and keep rage as a multi target burst tree.


    #3 was not well thought out. It hurts tank specs pretty bad. Unleashed should be swapped with Intimidation rather than Lash Out.


    And #10 I only suggested so that Vengeance spec'd PvE Juggernauts can take better advantage of the 4-piece PvE set bonus.


    I can tell from the responses that none of you are too familiar with Juggernauts. I've played one since first wave of early access. I've played all specs in PvP and a tank in PvE - and if you think any of these changes are game breaking (other than #3 which I admit I did not think out), then you must be playing a different game than I am.


    2 would be absolutely game breaking. I'm never having rage problems at 50 no matter the spec or form i'm in. It would give us so much rage that rage wouldn't even need to be managed.

  12. This is a very helpful thread.


    I'm in the same exact boat as the OP; I even use the sidewinder currently.


    Looks like the Naga is getting the most votes. I'm worried about it's size. My hands are fairly big. Not giant, but I don't want to end up playing with my hand in the claw position. Is the Naga fairly comfortable for people like me with big mitts?


    Naga won't work for you if you have big hands with a palms grip. Big hands pretty much need to use a claw or fingertip grip to be comfortable.

  13. GTN isn't nearly as much of a solution as you might think. The majority of the time I see 3-7 orange pieces (never more than a full page) as opposed to 30+ pages of greens. Orange item acquisition is tremendously hard right now if you're going for a specific kind of look. :/


    They wouldn't even need to reintroduce colour matching if they just implemented an appearance tab. Restrict it to armour class, fine, I can live with that, but at least let me dictate how my character looks.


    color matching would be much simpler to implement as they already had it in and it was not removed because of technical reason. (there reason was basically that they wanted us to look like clowns)

  14. Because decent looking orange gear is extremely laborous to find in order to make a matching set, my current armour colour scheme as a Smuggler is:

    Vomit green

    Pastel blue

    Faded grey




    So much of the Republic side gear is very unappealing in colour. I haven't even had the time to level to 50 yet, and I'd rather not sacrifice what little playtime I have to just search for a look that isn't awful, let alone something that can be coordinated with other pieces. The orange gear system is unsatisfactory. Pieces are hard to come across and laborous to keep up-to-date through leveling.


    Having an appearance tab and more appealing armour colours would solve pretty much all of my issues AND make my character a lot more pleasant to play. Wanting to at least look decent shouldn't be penalized in playtime or sacrificed in exchange for gear stats lagging many levels behind.


    That is fixed by having them re-enable the color matching option they had in beta. It should take effort to get the exact look you want btw.

  15. No, it's just giving us what we already have. Being able to remove mods from 'end game" gear into the few moddable "choices" ( as so many items/armor in this game are just re-names of each other and re-skinned with a red stripe instead of a blue stripe ) we have already isn't improving anything.


    The OP flat out asks for removable armoring from end game items and that is what he is getting. That essentially makes all end game gear orange items. I still have a complete orange set that I will transfer all the end game mods into. This will give me the look I want. It's exactly what the OP is talking about.

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