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Posts posted by Noth

  1. This man knows what hes talking about.


    Enraged defense is always up since it has such a short CD for a survivability skill. I usually have this and endure pain off cooldown at the same time. Also, im vengence and i have it talented to reduce damage by 15%. And did i mention you can use it while stunned? It surely helps alot, instead of just getting killed. Given we dont have any stuns per se and every other class seems to have them, this is an incredible counter to keep you on the game.


    As far as rage goes i usually have the skill that gives me 6 rage rdy for it. Also a 1m cooldown only.


    It is a very good ability. Such that i wouldnt even mind if it took a nerf to a 1m cooldown.

    Just dont touch my ravage damage. Its essential that it stays like this since the vengence spec is built around it.


    So, if you nerf marauders, nerf ONLY marauders. Dont break juggernauts as a side effect. That really worries me alot.


    So in essence it's only worth it to use with your other cooldowns... That is a poor cooldown. You shouldn't have to pop an additional cooldown to make the heal worth the rage or an additional cooldown to fuel it. It is absolutely horrid design.

  2. I guess in its current state we could call enraged defense an 'oh sht' button. With Unleash healing for 10% and enraged defense activating, I have so far gotten up to 34k healing at the end of a wz... to be fair to the skill I have (sometimes) gone a lot longer without dying (sometimes) (someeeeetimes).


    Basically this skill when you need it most kills your rage store; with an empty rage bank there's not much you can do against the person you are fighting against; so in addition to being healed perhaps back up to 20% health, other than standing there and letting your attacker smash you for another 20% the only real option I've found is to target someone else 10+ meters away, hit them with a saber throw then a leap (hopefully a low DPSer), then a sundering assault and maybe if I get some heals I can keep on fighting...


    The reason I don't see the high rage cost as justified is that tanks do such low DPS anyway and in this situation your next smash is likely not to come with shockwave, considering how things go.


    Chances are both saber throw and leap will be on cooldown. It also won't heal you up at all, unless they are just using basic attacks. It has potential to be a wonderful tool, but the cost is just far far too much. Seriously, what other cooldown has such a high cost that it lowers dps.

  3. What is more confusing ia that they didnt even test the changes properly. You cant expect people to use a ptr without premade or copied chars on it. It all just smells like amature hour...


    Too bad because I was a huge advocate for this game but they managed to pretty much break or lie about ll the new features. Alientated playerbase and not even a response to the community about the whole debacle.


    Actually all these things were brought up on the ptr. Bioware just has selective hearing.

  4. It's really not that hard to get 3 medals in a WZ, even as a pure dps. Seriously. If your getting steamrolled so bad you can't get 3 medals you should reconsider your strategies.


    Because pug listen to strategies. I'm sorry, if you are one person and nobody helps you (like what happens in many pugs) you will not live long enough to get medals

  5. well first of all i think Bioware wanted to give us some love but not some OP love, and that is good now they just have to work a little with it.


    1. For PvP the heal is okey, and the rage is step, but if you have a Vengence/immortal spec, you get 15% damage reduction and that is really a nice skill to have. and the rage is not bad if you skill the talent where you get rage when they CC you. i would say that here the skill is what i want in PvE as Main Tank.


    2. For PvE DPS, the skill aint that bad, yes it cost 4 rage but its faster to use then Intercede and you still have intercede to help others out with Threat dumps, i would suggest they lowered the cost of this skill to 2 rage if you are in an Offensive stance.


    3. For PvE Tanking, well it reduces my threat and i would for love of god not dare to use this on bosses Nightmare mode, if i loose agro ppl will die, and i suggest here that they change it so when you are in Tanking Stance you wont loose threat.




    but if you ask me this skill should be something that would change as we change stances.


    1. so if im tanking i would get the passive 15% damage reduction when i use it and i wont loose agro...

    2. And when im DPSing i dump Threat, and loose rage if i get hit every sec for even more Threat dumping.

    3. and the skill should't cost 4 rage, but should cost Zero rage to activate and 2 rage every sec.


    If Bioware would change it to this! i think most juggernauts would be happy, i just dont know if the other classes would like that :eek:.


    Keep the start up cost and get rid of the rage per second. At that point the skill would be fine. 2 rage per second kills any dps you are going to do(that's 20 rage compared to the current 14 rage). Right now it makes our tight rage use even tighter and even makes us not able to get off moves.

  6. Typical response from an immature player who wont play if he can't be assured a win. These are the kinds of players that ruin the PvP community. Take your losses like a man.


    It's nothing to do with taking losses. It has everything to do with the loss not being worth the time invested. A loss shouldn't give as much as a win, but it should give enough to be worth you time. 20 comms, 1000 valor, 1000 credits is not worth the 15 minutes for a loss.

  7. please no ? . Get better and try to win . I wish they didnt get any comms whatsoever for losing ... Whats the point in winning or losing if theres no difference in the reward? U make no sense :<


    You can be the best player in the world, yet you can't carry your pug against a premade. The resulting comms are just an insult. If you want people to stay in wazones and not quit, you have to give incentive. The incentive currently is simply not worth the time and effort for a loss.

  8. The system now allows for more even gear progression. If you were not geared before you can go straight to BM. Which is fine. In fact it's a good idea. If you were geared before and had saved max coms for patch like me, you still can't buy war hero gear besides 1 or 2 of the cheap pieces because they are ridiculously expensive. Which is also fine. The point is, the "elitists" are not getting better gear while everyone else is. Again which is good so the playing field gets leveled. Complaining about gear now is nonsense. They can't make it any easier short of just giving it to you. This patch effectively closes the gear gap.


    And the new patch is great. Yep I die more. Yep I do better when I roll with a premade. What's new with that? The game is not a 1v1 game. It requires teamwork, even from pugs.


    except t doesn't allow more progression due to the stupidity of the participation detection and absolutely crap rewards for losing. If anything it has slowed down progression for many people.

  9. Here's what I'm seeing. The rewards for losing are so bad, that more people are leaving warzones when they start to lose as it's simply not worth the time invested to receive the measly rewards. This leads to more people joining already running warzones which often doesn't give time for them to earn enough medals to get any rewards.


    I personally out of about 10 warzones have only been in one from the start. All others I was dumped in at near the end when it was impossible to get the 3 medal minimum for rewards. 10 warzones, all I worked my butt off going for objectives and I got 30 wz comms, and 500 valor and 1000 credits. Absolutely pathetic.


    --The heal presents almost NO problem for single target threat. This surprised me. With any single target, even rakata geared marauders couldn't rip aggro from me if I used the single target taunt at the same time and kept up what dps I could manage. I'm not srue how much it reduces threat, but between taunt and crushing blow I really didn't have any issues. This was a very pleasant surprise.



    The reason the marauder doesn't rip aggro from you is that you've built up enough and then also used your taunt which forces the mob to attack you for 6 seconds.


    I seriously have not found a good use for this outside of ball carrying in huttball. It constantly leaves you short on rage so you have to resort to free attacks or builders with an occasional damaging attack. A defensive cooldown should not cost this much.

  11. I absolutely hate the new defensive cooldown. Useless for tanking because of the threat drop, crap for dps so to the loss of dps. Even as vengeance, unless you get a stream of procs, you will find yourself constantly short for you attacks.
  12. no mate, they are just weird to use.


    the good news is after some space mission practice you will be able to actually use them. So just keep trying to fire them.


    The trick is:


    They only work on Shielded Targets(ex. on those big ships, you can use them on the 4 shield generators and on the Bridge.), and while you have Proton Torpedos you cannot fire the missiles at those targets :)


    good luck


    I fire missiles at those targets even though I have proton torpedoes.

  13. See we're talking about completely different worlds. I wasn't even considering PvE as I really don't consider it worth while in this game. Maybe in the next progression of content I will. Atm it's a joke, and not worth my time. ( I just want to clarify I mean end game PvE not PvE as a whole, as the leveling experience was awesome. Operations atm though are pretty pathetic.. but it's their first run at them so I guess I can forgive them.)


    Even in pvp, if you are really fighting like you should, you should not have the rage to fuel the cd since as vengeance you need to be doing constant damage.

  14. We get a move that is similar to Saber throw in animation. The Warrior throws a lightsaber in a spinning arc where it strikes an enemy and returns to the said Warrior's waiting palm.


    I know, but you don't get the skill called saber throw which function much differently than deadly and vicious throw

  15. See, the DPS loss isn't going to be that significant if you build your spec right. Also I can tell by what you just posted you've never played Vengeance before or at least not effectively. Trust me this new CD will be a good thing, you're really not realistically theory crafting this and only looking for a pure dps gain CD. I have a feeling even if I did the math for you, you pretty much have your mind made up about this ability. I'm not in the mood for a back and forth so I'll just end it here.


    All I play as vengeance, regularly pull off tanks and finish first on the my target in EV. You are not swimming in Rage if you are playing vengeance right. a 30% heal for 14 (12) rage is not worth it. It will cut into your dps and it is just bad design if you have to pop a second cooldown to power it. Instead of giving us a cooldown with no downside, (like all other classes), they give us one with a large downside. Devs are so paranoid about making us too tanky with heavy armor when heavy armor means squat as far as mitigation goes.

  16. I think you're still looking at it as if you're just standing there not gaining any rage man. Will it cut into a little of your dps for sure, but it's a cool down you can pop even when you're stunned or CCed. THAT'S HUGE. If you find yourself lacking rage after poping it we do have this ability called enrage that can buffer your rage.


    either you're just so focused on the cost you're not really doing the math at how it's really not that bad, and can be worked through easily or maybe you're only looking at it from a PvE perspective, as a PvP CD it's pretty BA yes it's costly but eh it can be popped while CCed and we have plenty of ways to build rage up to continue fighting while it's up.


    Bad use for enrage. A cooldown that requires another cooldown for use is a poor cooldown. You gain rage, but you will be using your builder far more often which cuts into your dps which will nullify the fact that you are surviving for longer. Even as vengeance you shouldn't be sitting around with a crap ton of rage when actively attacking in pvp. All this does is prolong your death rather than save you due to the dps loss

  17. For a Veng Jugg it's a great CD we generate so much rage it's stupid. You're scenario is if the Jugg is just standing there doing nothing, the ability doesn't root you or stop you from generating rage.


    I mean even a Rage Jugg who doesn't generate as much rage, can use this effectively, they will however have to use Assault and Sundering Assault a lot more while this is up to maintain resources. But simply consuming 1 rage every second isn't a huge deal if you're you know generating rage via your rage builders.


    Actually it's huge, it essentially cuts your rage gen in half, which will cut into your dps. Vengeance can possibly make use of it but it is still going to cut into dps. It is way too costly to be a good cooldown. No other cooldown has such a huge cost and stipulation tied to it.

  18. Is it different than with a Marauder? Cause I just trained it at 18, may have gotten before, dunno I only train every 3-4 levels. It's pretty useless anyway though. by the time I'm that close, shout is so much better. I only use throw if I"m in pvp and someone is running from me, and shout is on CD. Really disappointed in s-throw.


    Marauders don't get saber throw. Saber throw is a 30 meter range move

  19. Is the 4 rage taking into account the Rage spec talent that reduces activation cost?


    So it heals you for 450, that doesn't seem too bad. Since I'm rage spec I often check Highest Hits to see how I stacked up and many guys never even get the 2.5k medal, so to my eyes thats a pretty good % of damage reduced coming in. Maybe I'll even get heal medals with it over the course of a match.


    How long is the Cooldown on it?

    Is the buff removed if you reach 0 rage and it tries to heal you? Or does it stay on full 10 seconds regardless and you just don't get any health if you have 0 rage?


    Can you right click the buff to remove it if you want?




    In all honesty I am unconcerned with PVE so I may be biased against maximizing damage per second. To me adding 3 seconds on to my smash/scream combo is pretty minor, I'll probably start using Viscous slash in there now. I can now use my smash/scream combo far more often because of the buff to Enrage.



    The 10% reduction to Decimate is pretty gay. Maybe will be harder to get the 5k medal now.


    No it is not taking into account the talent. With the talent it is still 12 rage. Buff stays if you are out of rage, but you get now health. The rage drain in a duel will effectively negate the heals as you will typically have to start spamming more low damage builders, unless you built up full rage in preparation for its use, which defeats the purpose of a defensive cooldown.

  20. I think the removal of Force Alacrity is pretty sad but the buff to Enrage and the new self heal I think are great



    Lets wait and see how the self heal works?


    We know exactly how the self heal works. You spend 4 rage just to activate it. It dumps threat. For the next 10 seconds every time you are hit you get healed for 3% your max health with a 1 second internal cooldown. However, it also takes a rage each time you are healed. this makes it cost a total of 14 rage to get the full effect, and effect that simply mitigates some damage and consumes so much resource, chances you will still die because you can't kill what is killing you do to having very limited resources.

  21. the 30% smash bonus damage talent from vengeance went to the rage tree. It's not as much of a nerf since you can still get it, but it gives marauders an advantage.


    Also force alacrity is gone, which means a longer cooldown on smash. I think that's pretty much it


    that 30% talent is reduced to 20% as well.

  22. You live longer because most people ignore venge juggs. they are more concerned about that marauder that can kill them much faster.


    BTW, marauders can throws their dots on someone and then attack someone else. Their dots will also do more damage and heal them, along with snaring them. They do it better. 1.2 they will also smash bomb better.

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