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Posts posted by Noth

  1. No no no, it doesn’t take as much as you think. It gives free health but when it takes that health away it only subtracts the damage you took while it was up if it puts you over your max health. If you have 100 health and go up to 130 health during endure pain and then get whacked with 25 damage its like that damage never happened. After the effects of endure pain you will still be at full health.

    Say you took 35 damage during its effect, you would still end with 95 health. It only starts hurting when you use it at low health, cuz then it takes away what it gave you- PLUS damage taken. Read Hansuki’s post on page 3, I dunno how to make it more clear.


    Endure pain used at full health = good

    Endure pain used at low halth = bad


    No it takes away all the bonus health even if it was used up. So in your example you'd be down to 75 health and 65 respectively

  2. Your not listening to what ppl are saying. If you throw up endure pain before you attack someone(while your health is at or near full) it becomes an hp shield. Example, I have 10k hp, use endure pain and gain 3k, I then take 4k damage. Because of endure pain I would have 9k hp instead of 6k, add that with sonic barrier, invincable etc and you wld be even better off.


    The thing is, then endure pain ends and you are still down to 6k where as if it was an actual bubble like it was compared to you wouldn't lose that 3k hp when it ends. It is ok as a tanking cooldown since you'll have a healer if you are tanking. As a general survivability cooldown, which bioware tried to pass it off as with the cooldown buff, it is the worst one in the game.


    DPS juggs are the squishiest dps in the game because they get stuck with crap cooldowns compared to the other dps specs that either get similar cooldowns with lower cooldowns and/or heals/selfheals.

  3. The trick with EP is to use it at full or near full health - but if you use it as a reactive skill when at low heath, remember that it becomes a different skill. In no way is endure pain equivalent to a free heal. At full health it behaves like a bubble; at low health, as a last stand.


    So it's worse than a bubble because even after it is used up it hurts you when it ends and it's worse than actual last stand because it lasts shorter in a game with a longer TTK. The skill sucks as a survivability cooldown.

  4. Healer's aren't the only ones who can dispel. The answer isn't to make the content more and more straight forward. It's already *too* easy.


    See here's the deal. People are under the assumption that addons ect make fights easier, macros make fights easier. This is not the case. If anything, it allows you to do more, with more finesse, and with more skill. Switching focus targets, and pulling off focus dispels, or focus interrupts requires timing and skill, as well as the ability to pay attention to several different things. And don't even get me started on mouseover's.


    Yes because having a macro that targets my focus target instead of my target to do an interrupt when ever the addon tells me too is not easier than having to pay attention to the boss and switch targets interrupt and switch back. Yes DBM and macros can make teh game easier.


    It also means bioware can get more creative with the actual encounters, and ask for more from the players.


    I find it strange people want SWOTOR players to be dumbed down, limited in what they can do, and 'boxed' into one role, purely because we don't have the 'tools' to play to our maximum potential.


    Most of WoW's fights wouldn't need DBM if they gave emotes and telltales signs like this game does. I find boss fight more fun in this game than I ever did in WoW because there is no DBM telling me what to do and when to do something.

  5. What if your dispelling? We don't have macros so we can't mouseover dispel.


    all classes but mercs have an interrupt. The healer shouldn't have to interrupt. Unless you bring only mercs for dps. At which point I'd suggest a better group comp. Further I have seen healers still interrupt proper spells when they are healing as well. It's possible and the good players do it easily.

  6. What jedikabuto said is correct, i have to click over the boss to see what ability hes casting and make a decision to see if i want to interrupt that or not.

    That and its soo weird raiding and not having deadly boss mod for the first time, its just weird.


    If you are dps or tank, you should have the boss targeted to know what they are casting and you can tell by the icon next to the cast bar.

  7. I would argue that most games you have significantly more information. In WoW, for instance, you may not be able to see a Mage's talent trees from the character creation menu, but you have a brief description of "mages" and, well, it's a mage, an archetype lodged securely in the world's conscious. Where as "Jedi Sage" is nowhere near as cleanly understood.


    Then ofcourse you have the added aggravation. Say you chose a shaman and decided what you really wanted was a druid. In WoW you go back to the character creation screen, you make a brand new character and, chances are good, you end up picking a different race. Your journey starts anew, in a new location, you do new quests, and you level with new powers. In SW:ToR, if you decided you wanted to try a new advanced class you'd make a new character, do the exact same 10 levels worth of questing using the exact same abilities. You'd get to level 10, choose your new advanced class, play it through the exact same missions you already did when you were falling out of love with your first character, and only then find out if it plays better for you than the first.


    Now, if this game had another year and the budget for an entirely new voice cast, I'd say they should just permanently split the Advanced Classes and give each its own story line, cast of companions, and wholly new experience. Since this game doesn't have that, screw it, give us limited advanced class respecs.


    You apparently didn't pay attention to the descriptions at character creation and AC selection. Both give brief descriptions of the ACs. The creation screen even has a description of the type of abilities of each advanced class uses.

  8. I know you don't think it's overpowered, but I do. It's my opinion that if it were to 'work correctly' like you suggest then they will have to nerf the damage. The damage is excruciatingly high, i've hit other juggs for 5k crits with adrenal up. I would rather it have a difficult execution and more damage, then be easier to use, as it would make it necessary to reduce the damage.


    Other classes can hit that hard too... from range.

  9. I didn't roll an assassin for several reasons. I don't like lightning, I don't like the mythology, and my guild is republic. Not to mention that I would like to play other warzones apart from hutball.


    What is the issue with people being so steadfast about this. Yes it's a big choice but aren't you allowed to change your mind. This is a computer game not a will.


    You may get a wrong impression of what a class plays like and realise it doesn't suit you. Why do rules in a game that is supposed have to be so rigid. Why does it bother anyone else if you can change your AC?


    I welcome this feature. There is nothing wrong with making a fun game player friendly.


    rules are rigid because rules are what define games and set them apart.

  10. Yes, and like I said, most change that at some point. The only change that I see most games sticking with is your initial choice of class.


    As far as seeing the talent trees, that's pretty close to useless. At level 10, you don't even have many of the abilities those talents modify, nor can you understand the 'feel' of how those talent trees affect your game.


    Actually most games that use this tiered class system don't change it. The ones that do just make you choose your final class at creation instead of at a later level.

  11. The game locks you into a choice at level 10 that you don't have enough information to make intelligently. In every MMO I've played that changes eventually. I'm not sure that it needs to, but I suspect it will at some point.


    Most games lock you into a choice with no information on it. At least here you have some information and get to see the talent trees before you choose.

  12. Right now in PVP easily the biggest turn off to the game is that on the Empire side which is supposed to mirror the Republic side, they can push pull or jump to enemies. On the Republic side the "mirror image" i lucky to have one of those abilities and when they do the cool down is absurdly long. Jedi Sentinel on the COMBAT tree have 1 jump to move with a long cool down. You would think that a close combat fighter could easily toss another character away from them...force push maybe they are jedi. To top it off in most of the pvp levels you can be push or pulled into fire, off the level or into poison but mostly if you are republic side. The developers have blatant favoritism towards the Empire and it needs to be rectified.


    The mirrors are the same. The mirror of the sentinel on the Empire side (marauder) has the same issue. No bias in the area you are talking about.

  13. By 'main attacks', do you mean the most used in an efficient rotation?


    Also, how is scoundrel compared to operative in relation to hand to hand (via vibroknives or brawling)?


    I mean most your most pwerful attacks are vibro knife attacks. Your gun is used in your basic free attacks and in a filler attack for the main rotation.


    Scoundrel and Operative are the same as far as effects go. Scoundrel just punches and uses a shotgun at close range, while the operative just uses a vibroknife at close range.

  14. Agreed. I think the Guardians need to be given non-tanking survivability boosts because they're forced to get up close and personal and therefore will and do take more damage. On my Vanguard I'm leveling as an Assault Spec; I'm squishy as heck with Plasma Cell on but it doesn't matter because I hardly ever get hit. Ranged snares + high damage and the ability to kite = no damage taken. So, in that case, it doesn't really matter that I'm squishy and if the enemy gets in close I kind of deserve to take a lot of damage. The Guardian on the other hand leaps in and has to face tank damage whether or not they can take it. (In a lot of ways I feel like Sentinels are in this same boat.)


    Sentinels are in a similar boat, they just get better cooldowns to help them survive better than dps juggs.

  15. You never cleared any hardmode content in WoW while it was relevant without DBM. The complexity of fights like PP, LK, Rag, Al'akir, Twin Dragons, Cho'gal, Spine, you couldn't just walk into these fights pre-nerf on hardmode and down the content without DBM. Please save us the, "No, bro we really killed Rag on hardmode prior to nerf without addons."


    That's just because Blizzard got lazy and didn't have the bosses emote or show the clear working of the boss throughout the fight. Have the bosses emote and give telltale signs of what is coming next and you would not need DBM.

  16. I think the problem isn't that the Guardian loses DPS in tank stance, but rather how pathetically squishy the class is if it's not in tank stance. I'm fine with my Guardian's damage while in Soresu, but I'm not okay with how squishy I feel when running in Shii-Cho or Shien. They need to buff the class's overall survivability.


    That comes from the fact that we can't kite at all, have no real CC thus get beat on all the time, and we get 2 defensive cooldowns, one being great but on a 3 minute cooldown, the other being probably the worst cooldown in the game. Oh and the fact that heavy armor pretty much means nothing.

  17. And that just reiterates the initial point: Given the ability's obvious and tremendous potential for 'stupid' misuse, why invite it?


    It's pretty much impossible to a design a good game without something that can be abuse. So again, get a new group to play with that do not grief you with it. You can't design a game to cater to everyone.

  18. You know what, i have clearly and concisely laid out my arguments without resorting to insulting or berating anyone. If that's all you have then, good riddance dude ... really.


    Your entire argument is based on people being stupid with it. Go find better people to play with. I have never ever been griefed by this ability. Here's a hint, if they are using it for the threat drop they are using it wrong.


    That's not the case. I dont have a stalker or anything, I'm just presenting my ideas on the topic. And once again, I'm not going to deprive myself of any grouping opportunities just because of a single ill-conceived Sorcerer ability.


    It's not ill-conceived. It works wonderfully and has great utility and life saving capabilities.

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