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Posts posted by Noth

  1. Really?


    You really think they couldn't have capped the amount per server until things got smoothed over? Well you have really low standards then.


    BTW it is too late to even do this now, it should have been done before as a precaution until things got quiet. Now look...everyone is gonna quit because of the ENORMOUS imbalance.


    This isn't a small imbalance here, this is out of control imbalanced.


    That idea would just piss off more people. Capping sides can end up splitting up guilds and groups of players. It is in no way Bioware's fault that people chose Sith over Jedi.

  2. Simple, they have far more utility,c/c and surviability. That makes their margin for error much greater than a marauders since we go down like 2 doller street walkers.


    Does the class take skill to play? Sure. Does it take a lot more effort to get the same results as a marauder? Yes.


    Only as a tank spec do they have more survivability. As DPS juggs have less survivability since heavy armor is pretty much meaningless and they have less cooldowns, and have less escapes, and have no self heals, and have less forms of CC breaks. As far as CC goes, the only thing a dps jugg has over the Marauder is force push.

  3. Or if no one is around, which is happening more and more.


    For all those believing this wont happen, have fun believing that kind of magic. Its already on the table, its just a matter of time and it isn't in BW's favor to keep it on the back burner.


    Bioware already redefined their server populations over the last 24 hours. Krath server, with less than 100 people per faction in off peak hours, is suddenly 'Standard' instead of 'Light' in the middle of the night like it has been for weeks now.


    less than 100 on off peak hours where? On the Stations? On certain planets? /Who doesn't give you the entire population online.


    Hate to tell you this but on Dark reaper one of the most populous server off peak hours you see less than 100 people on the stations. Yet funnily enough I have no problems at all finding groups for everything. You are not seeing the entire population that is online when you login. I suggest you do more research on the populations of servers.

  4. It is common MMO knowledge that attacks from behind do not have to worry about Defense mechanics. I don't know of any MMO that this doesn't hold true.


    I didn't watch the entire video but the first half of it is of you standing behind the tank. Try standing in front of him.


    I understand that blaster bolts get deflected from behind sometimes in this game, but I'm almost positive that your defense is either minimized or completely negated from behind, as it should be.


    Actually it is not minimized or negated if you are attacked from behind. This isn't other games. The reason Ops stay behind the target is to use backstab as much as possible since it is free to the concealment spec.

  5. A shield tech powertech has access to a lot of elemental damage. From what the tooltips have told me, outside of maybe force choke and force push, I think, all of our damage is kinetic and thus gets negated by armor unless we spend time stacking sundering assault. Sure DFA is kinetic, but it's a 1 minute area targeted attack that can do knockback. Even smash which is similar to flame sweep does kinetic damage instead of say, internal. The difference in damage types determines how much is negated.


    push and choke also do kinetic. The only damage that the jugg can do that is not negated by armor is the weak dots and shatter in the vengeance tree.

  6. To the points of Docking; realistically it's not that hard of a job, it just takes time and effort. For the Fleet, as said before that's gone thru many changes already. As for space ports, you could overlay elevators (aka, make one elevator for Operatives and Troopers) since each classes hanger is a separate instance and not connected like with the Fleet.


    As for the VA portion, if a new class were implemented chances are it would only be for expansions (since it would involve so much work).



    Update Log:


    - Added in potential starting zone


    Does not matter if it is an expansion. It's a ton of extra work that just increases work load everytime they want to extend the class stories. Unless they do a hero cls thing and have them start out at a higher level with a much shorter story, which would kinda violate their story focus on the game.

  7. As I mentioned, I've played a prot warrior in WoW for years.


    This class is pretty much identical, so I use Endure Pain in all the same circumstances that I used Last Stand, which worked identically.


    Like for that extra second or two i need to score the huttball, or pass, or make it to someone arming a door in Voidstar.


    There's a reason it was called "last stand" in WoW, and even though it's got a different name in this game, it's the same ability.


    Again you are relying on a healer. That makes it situational, not general. Normally if I need a healer to get me to score in huttball, chance are I'm getting hit hard and fast enough that the extra health from endure pain is gone before a heal even comes off. Saber ward on the other hand prevents a crap ton of damage for 2 seconds and continues to mitigate after those two seconds which means even if I need a healer I may still live without them if I have a good escape route. That is a good general survivability cooldown.


    Last stand in WoW also lasted 20 seconds baseline and TTK times were much much faster. Faster TTK and double the duration means the downside is less likley to be seen. Here TTKs are slower and the skill lasts 10 seconds. Most classes can stall the fight out to negate the effect of endure pain and make it work for them when it ends. Those that can burst extremely well can take 30% out in two GCDs which means you better kill them in 7 seconds or they will kill you.

  8. I figured the idea was for it to work like similar abilities have worked in MMOs for years.


    All of our 'oh ****' abilities are situational.


    Saberward is not situational. It does not rely on a healer to heal us up because we are going to take damage in the end. It last for more than 2 hits in pvp and mitigates far, far more damage. You can pop it at almost any time and get the most out of it pretty much. Endure pain, not so much.

  9. 1 of 1.5 million players, yeah im totally wrong here


    if you're using endure pain correctly, its in a situation where you'd be dead otherwise, so it actually is a survivability increase, pretty much common sense there


    No it's not a general survivability increase. Saber ward can literally save my life. Evasion can literally save my life, undying rage can literally save my life, a shield can literally save my life. Endure pain in end game pvp and even pve with multiple mobs and no healer doesn't mitigate near as much damage as those other cooldowns and then to top it off does damage to you at the end of the duration. With the amount of dots in both pvp and pve that damage can and often does kill me. If you still die in a fight after popping endure pain when your other cooldowns would save you, that makes endure pain a worse cooldown and a piss poor general survivability cooldown.


    It good in raids where things are controlled and you have a healer who isn't also being CCd/interupted. In pvp it's bad and solo pve it's also probably the worst cooldown in the game.

  10. IMO once a melee is...in melee a ranged should have very low chances of survival (unless it can disengage).


    If a consular is just standing still, shielding, healing himself and attacking me from time to time and winning this way against way better geared jugg who IS interrupting, stunning, etc...then something IS wrong.


    Same with commando's.


    My sorc friend does that all the time. Funny when I see 3 level 50 SW (both ACs) on him and he's able to kite them up and down the huttball arena while keeping himself healed and myself healed. He cannot do that to one any other class due to the fact that other classes typically bring more burst damage, more CC, and have multiple ranged attacks. That alone shows the issue.

  11. This CD is pretty universal in most MMOs, and it always removes the health it granted after a certain amount of time. It primarily shines in a raid setting, where, by the time the health falls off, your healers would've had time to get you topped back off. I literally can't tell you how many times Last Stand, the WoW equivalent (except it grants 40% instead of 30%), saved my *** in raids.


    If people have a problem with the health falling off...I'd say, get over it. It's a universal talent with a universal effect.


    And that is the problem. It was meant to be a general survivability buff its main use is in raiding, not general survivability. The fact the fact that without a healer it doesn't actually make you survive (since it takes away from the pool it gave you). In PvP 1-2 attack can remove the amount it gives you. While something like saber ward, evasion, cloak of pain, any of the shields that are on less than a 3 minute cooldown can mitigate tons of attacks for their entire duration. Yes endure pain is bad compared to those in general survivability.


    it wouldnt surprise me that a lot of the people that are like ZOMG ENDURE PAIN IS BAD are new to the MMO-genre, gotta remember, theres a ton of SW fans that just jumped into this game cause they saw SW in front of the TOR


    You'd be wrong. Been an MMOer since Dark Age.

  12. Here's a guy who thinks Guardians/Juggs are fine, and can back up his words with experience, evidence and understanding:




    Players can make the class work, that does not mean the class is OK. He often runs with premades in pvp (in which any class can do well), and has a good group for pve. It is honestly hilarious how much easier it to is keep aggro on my powertech than it is on my Jugg while also dishing out more damage than my jugg. There are issues with the class when you look outside of the class. To say otherwise only expresses your ignorance.

  13. Honestly, I have NEVER been a sitting duck. Ever. For any reason.


    As a melee class, it requires planning and strategy to corner someone, or clever use of line of sight as to not get owned by a ranged class before you can get to them. Just running straight at a ranged class in an open field is dumb.


    All our class needs to be effective is a damage buff and for mitigation to be fixed.


    Which makes us sitting ducks. I'm sorry getting blasted to death while seeking to LoS in hopes that they chase us is being a sitting duck. If they don't chase chances are you will get to leap to them and be either stunned, knocked back, etc. We are sitting ducks against good ranged players. I've brought down level 40+ juggs and marauders in warzones on a level 11-12 sniper by playing cat and mouse with them (basically what you say melees need to do).

  14. That's what I'm talking about. The weakness of melee is that you can only hit things up close, and are thus easily kiteable. If you do away with that weakness, it makes you overpowered versus ranged classes, and thus are forced into a lower damage output as a result.


    We already hit for less than ranged classes (per hit outside of the smash build, seriously, I've had my level 11 sniper do over 5k in 1 gcd.). Another gap closer would not make us unkitable either. It would only even the playing field so we are sitting ducks as often.

  15. Well I mean what do you want it to do? It's a clutch survival ability. It's gotten me several Huttball scores in the final seconds of walking by using it near death. Saved me in some fights too. Works like its intended to do, a mini second wind to try and snatch a victory from defeat. It's not like you die when it wears off either, you'll get dropped to 1 HP. Granted if you have a DoT on you or something you're toast but at least you took someone down with you/scored haha.


    It has neve gotten me a score in huttbal i would not had gotten without it. It buys at most 2 hits from othe level 50s in pvp gear. I have also yet to be in a pvp match where i wasn't consitantly covered in dots. It is situational at best not an adequate general purpose defensive cooldown. I have had several ideas for what would make it better. Make it only drop 15% of the 30% health from you health pool while also cleansing hostile effects. That would actually make it a worthy survivability cooldown.

  16. I vote for AC change and I give it a 90% chance that it will be implemented in the next 6 months.


    All arguments to the contrary, that Ive read, are the same weak repetitive pedanitc QQ that started on page one. No good argument against that Ive seen.


    History points to companies actually instead making you choose your AC at creation, removing any thought of it not being a class (see EQ and AoC), or not doing anything at all (see all the rest that use a tiered class system).

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