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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Noth

  1. I guess thats why every person I Run into in my battlegrounds generally does their best to avoid me, not kite me, and in doing so 100% guarantees I will kill them (with hybrid and clearly not balanced Sorc Spec being the exception to a quick kill ).



    There is a ton of hyperbolic stuff going around about the Juggernaut class. We really need to keep it to a minimum as it doesn't help anything. Only a few things are actually true.


    1. PVP mitigation is broken for all classes except Sorc Shields.

    2. We might need a very slight DPS buff for the vengeance tree

    3. Our threat modifier for Backhand needs to be reevaluated (In my opinion)



    Speaking about the topic in the way you are only highlights unfortunate ignorance of mechanics that are not intuitive, and broken, about the game in the current PVP state. Personally I make it important to always qualify what I say unless I'm 100% positive of the truth of the statement. Veritas meaning truth - > Verify.


    You are speaking of it the exact same way I am. All we have to go on is experiences. I take down many of all different classes and the reason I'm able to is because they fail to use their tools against me. I run into an Op (in or out of stealth), Sorc, Merc, sniper that understands their tools and how to use them, there is no point to fight them. They have more tools to counter me than I have tools to counter them. It's the reason my friend can kite juggs all day long and not worry about dieing.

  2. I guess the word "juggernaut" didn't scratch you, so let me shine some light.


    You're a survival class with medium damage, if you wanted to see high numbers and put a threat to people, roll a dps class. You won't see pressure from a juggernaut like operative or sorc.


    Fail logic. Bioware says all dps spec are to be within 5% of each other. Add in that in our dps specs we are less survivable than other dps specs no of what your say makes any sense.

  3. Personally I think this is a great cooldown, and a great buff. What do you want, immunity for 30 minutes?


    Something that won't make the vital HP pool vanish after 10 seconds. So many times has this cooldown actually killed me (drops to 1 hp then a stiff wind will kill you). In the same situation saber ward saves me. Endure pain is the absolute worst defensive cooldown in the game. Ho bout a 20% reduced damage for 30 seconds? How about a cleanse, how about having armor actually worth something and not having classes able to ignore it. How about just making it a 30% heal so that it doesn't run the risk of killing us. There are tons of options.

  4. Not for pvp from what i have been reading, been enjoy rage/veng atm honestly...


    If def doesnt apply to most attacks in pvp then ya its a issue...


    Venge/rage are easily handled by competent players. Sorc friends kites them up and down the huttbal court while keeping me up only turning to kill them when they get too annoying. He does this every match so it really isn't an issue of every single one he runs into being bad. He find powertechs 10x more difficult to deal with. I also have a merc friend who does the same thing.


    Also most classes have attacks that ignore large part of armor or even a lot of attacks that bypass armor. Add in the mass of armor reduction debuffs.


    I'll say this again, just because someone can succeed with a class it does not mean the class is good or even fine.

  5. you can spec it to remove snares, or to prevent damage. nothing takes dots off. l2google


    You completely miss the point. Marauder still have more tools to deal with kiters than juggs. Juggs get unstoppable that they have to spec into and that is it.


    Watch that, they state it there, and a class is not a specialization a specialization is what that class excels at.


    Classes are specialization.Classes have different things they are good at thus are different specializations. A SW excells at different things than a IA thus they are specializations. Also look on this site. They state they are just as impportant as you choice at character creation and in game the guild tab lists your class as your AC.

  7. Poor logic, and innacurate


    There are only FOUR classes. Then there are 4 (yes 4 not 6) talent trees for the two sub-classes each major class gets. The last talent tree is the same for both advanced classes, its shared. For example, Jedi Guardian and Sent both have 'Focus' as the last tree.


    The reason they call it an "Advanced" class is to differentiate it from an actual class. Otherwise you would pick it at character creation.


    ALL Advanced classes of each major class all share one talent tree, the far right one. The far right talent tree is the same for Sorcerer/Assasin or Operative/Sniper, etc... So they arent different classes. They are advanced clases, or sub-classes if you will not classes unto themselves, as they share a talent tree with the other advanced class you didnt choose.


    For example, Operative and Sniper share a number of abilities and also a talent tree. Paladin and warrior share zero abilities. Therefore you cant go from Paladin to warrior, but you can go from arms warrior to Protection warrior in wow. Similarly, you should be able to go from sniper to operative.


    Arguing otherwise it absurd. They have, and will lose subscriptions because of this. its absurd. I asked cust supp and they told me to reroll. Are you ****** joking me? I spent 48hours total getting to a certain level. That would be 5 days of 8 hours a day playtime, and you tell me to reroll?!


    Bioware/Ea are making some terrible choices in this game. This is just one example, there are many many more, are pretty critical. The more you play the more obvious it becomes too. Which is Sad, Ive had high hopes for this game for 3 years.


    The shared talent trees are different between most ACs. As for everything else, many games have classes share abilities and even talents. DnD is one of those. Many classes there share gear, resources, abilities, skills. What is and isn't a class has no hard definition that applies to all games. Each game what is and isn't a class is defined by teh game and they are not always called classes.

  8. what other profession are worth leveling to 50 for the bop? aside cybertech that was fixed too.


    i cant see anyone in their right mind leveling to 400 for a piece of gear that is easily attainable in an other way, just to quit after and level biochem.


    My point is that it is an issue. Professions need to be treated equally. It's bad desing to just create special rules here and there all the time. There have been ample ideas to help stem the need to spec biochem without the changes they are proposing.

  9. TL;DR


    I leveled biochem to 400 and now that i have all the reusable BOP i though i could just get an other profession and still get the advantage a biochem would have. But bioware fixed it :(


    Totally missed the issue. With this change, any other profession could be leveled to where you can get the 400 level BoP items. you can then level biochem and have the best of both worlds. If you leveled biochem first you cannot do that.

  10. Pretty much, seeing as Bioware stated it is your class SPECIALIZATION.


    Yet they call it and advanced class. And even state that the decision of your AC is just as important as your choice at character creation. They have even said each AC is like a full fledged class. I have never seen them state that they are just specializations. Oh and BTW a class itself is a specialization.

  11. Did you watch it? They said they understand that it is a tough choice. So how could they feel it was unnecessary if they said that. Leave.


    And if you payed attention to later interviews like the ones that took place over in Europe, they said they changed their minds and there would be no AC respec. It didn't even make it into the beta when they were Ok with having it btw.

  12. If they must keep it 10 meters and below 20% give it some advantage compsred to the 30meter 30% of teh sniper and 30% of the assassin. They all do similar damage. Maybe give it increase chance to crit or increased crit damage for every percent the target is under 20% health? Maybe add a snare? A root? Allow it to be spammable?
  13. Right. :rolleyes:



    Just looking at the dps specs and cutting out the shared tree since it's advantages belong to both sides.


    Sentinel gets baseline


    Force cloak (can be used both defensively and offensively)

    Force charge

    Spammable 12 second single target slow that does damage


    In Carnage they can get:

    Range root

    Increase passive runspeed

    Masterstrike roots the target


    In annihilation they can get

    Decreased cooldown on charge

    No minimum range on Charge

    Further increased run speed on predation

    Good DoTs for when the enemy is away from them


    Compared to Gaurd baseline:

    Force Charge

    Spammable aoe slow that last 9 seconds and does no damage.


    In Vigilance they get


    One good dot (the other 2 are very very weak and tick for if you are lucky 60 a tick)


    So I say again yes, Sentinels have more tools for staying with someone. I'm not saying they are perfect just that sentinel are in better shape when it comes to staying with a target than juggs.

  14. Really? Guardian? Really?




    Sentinel needs the mobility buffs. Guardian already has force push. By the way, I want my force pull back from Shadow tanks, thanks.


    Sentinel has more mobility than the guardian. heck sentinel has more defensive tools than the guardian. Sentinel can do decent damage and burst without having to resort to a 1-trick pony build.

  15. The devs have already said that JKs (guardian/juggs especially) are lacking in the survivability and anti-kiting departments. When they step up and say that, you KNOW it's pretty bad.


    They also mentioned that our DPS, especially our burst DPS (meaning our 1-trick pony, Focus Tree-->Force Sweep) is ok. I personally think Vigilance could use a little damage increase but we'll see.


    JKs were under-tuned at the start. Anyone saying anything different is wrong, according to the devs. Balance is an ongoing process. I'm just happy to see that Bioware is aware of the situation and are going to take steps to even JKs out.


    I'm glad they are finally recognizing the problem. People were so upset because these were issues brought up in beta as far back as the build that they removed pull form the JK/SW and were given a bit of a make over. They just said they were fine. Would had saved a lot of player disappointment and frustration if they just listened to us back then.

  16. So, BW are buffing Jugg's utility which is even now vastly overshadows Marauder's?

    • We (Marauders/Sentinels) have no stun
    • We have no pushback/pull
    • We deal rougly the same damage in PvP
    • We have no tank-spec, therefore can't grind def medals
    • We have much worse PASSIVE mitigation


    And now you are telling that you even more buff their mobility (which is roughly the same), utility and survivability?


    Question to Devs: Do you really assume that interface lags and delays are the only our (Mara/Sent) real issue?



    I'm grealy sorry for my complains/whine/qq, but there is no fun being the only melee class with mediocre damage (full Champ Carnage spec), low passive def (24,5% kinetic/energy absorption and no elemental/tech def) and the lowest survivability while some of our def cds are down. No fun dying from 4.5-3-3-4.5k dmg combos of Opers or snipers.


    You do not have much worse passive mitigation. Heavy armor is only 5% more mitigation. Full champ I'm at 30% mitigation in heavy armor and that is with shii-cho. I get 4 shotted by scoundrle/ops and snipers. You are not any worse off than dps juggs in passive survivability and are leagues ahead of dps Juggs in actual survivability thanks to cloak of pain, force camo, obfuscate, undying rage, saber ward compared to the juggs saber ward and endure pain. That is only the baseline stuff. Tank is different since the goal of a tank is to mitigate and live and tank spec gives up a lot of damage.


    On top of that, Marauders have more tools for actually staying on top of a target. Each spec has tools that many juggs would love to have to do so.

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