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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Noth

  1. I am one of those people that do not use focus because I didn't think it was fun or practical. I found Vigilance to be my match. I may not crit 7ks all the time but I do get 4-5k crits VERY often.


    I loved vigilance/vengeance because it snuck up on people. Though I have switched to focus/rage for the shock factor that has won fight on its own.

  2. The problem with buffing classes is the impact on PvP. As it is right now, force users have all the advantages in Hutt Ball. They can leap over chasms or out of the pit up to you. They have superspeed, AoE knockback, and a ton of CCs.


    On the other hand, let's look at Smugglers/IAs. Their CC is limited, one requires coming out of stealth. If you are running the ball with either of these classes, you have two limited abilities to stop someone else, and no way to gain "yardage". You can't increase your speed or leap or anything to get to your destination faster. You can't blow everyone off the platform around you. You are easy pickings.


    As a PvPer, I'd rather see Jedi and Sith nerfed in areas rather than buffed.


    Jugg does not have an AoE knock back, superspeed. They only have a ton of CC as a tank. The game should not be balanced around huttball either.

  3. Quoted For Great Truth.


    I don't want them to make us easier to play.


    I would like to see them recognize that if we are the "glass cannon", then we should far out-dps other classes that are NOT "glass cannons."


    Or in the remote alternative, give us more survivability to keep us on par with otehr classes.


    I can't help but feel that we are an afterthought class. no gear on the darkside vendor, in fact, most vendors have our gear at the very bottom of the list, as if it was a throw in. Why is there only 1 might armoring per vendor, whereas every other type has 2 ?


    glass cannon yet you have more personal survivability than a dps jugg using their tree's desired dps stance.

  4. So lets see....




    Other classes? Try comparing them to a marauder and let me know how they compare to our ability to stay within melee range. The first AC's that need a good hard look at in this department are the marauders/sentinels, not jugs/guards. My sole purpose is to DPS and I cant do that when every friggin class has so many CC abilities (and some of which have multiple effects on ONE button) I can't do what I'm designed to do. You want a disadvantage? Try that on a medium armor melee character... that's your disadvantage.


    Juggs have less tools than maruders to get close and stay close. Juggs get leap and unstoppbale is specc'd for it. As a marauder you get predation, force camo baseline. you cna then spec ofr passive movement speed increase, range root, rooting someone in ravage, spec your force camo to remove movement impariring effects or you can spec for decreased cooldown and minimum range removal on force leap. You can also spec for an additional speed boost with predation.


    Not saying youa re in a good place, just simply that juggs are in a worse place when it comes to pursuit and keeping people close.

  5. Ideally (not all these would be necessary or even advised and definitely all of them in one class with high damage output would be overpowered), I would like to see Sentinels get a Force Pull/push, a cloak of shadows (4 sec duration) like ability, a "sprint" (like force speed or blink) ability, and/or a target reticle jump (for the WoW players out there Heroic Leap).


    You want cloak of shadows and a sprint, play a Shadow. They get both of those.

  6. Camouflage only lasts 4 seconds, and it says it has a 30% speed boost, but it feels like you're actually gettting slowed down when you use it. I believe I have a FRAPS video which actually shows this effect on my desktop at home (I'm currently on the move on my laptop), but I'd be more than happy to get a good clean video of this ability in use outside of combat or pvp warzones if you really need to see how weak and almost useless it really is. Don't get me wrong, it has its uses, but I don't believe it is as intended.


    I have marauders use it all the time on me. It typically buys them enough time to either ensure and escape, or pop a health pack to change the tide of the fight. The speed boost is noticable. I barely notice the speed boost on Oblit, but I know it is there. It a great ability, and I see good marauders make great use for it and I crush marauders who use it stupidly.

  7. are you sure? in the talent trees we have both "attacks" and "force attacks" (dark resonance), that's why i thought that Shii-Cho Mastery only applies to "white hits"


    Well all of our force attacks are effected by armor, thus all of our attacks are effected by armor. The armor pen applies to all attacks that are mitigated by armor. All force attack means is that it also gets a bonus from willpower along with your strength.

  8. ^^ THIS ^^

    juggernaut has already way more control than us, less micromanagement, better armor,

    all other dps classes do way better dps than us.I, as a DPS ONLY CLASS, want at the very least, the SAME dps as a PURE DPS class; and i want anti CC for their LOADS of CC. That would be balance.Im not even asking for an armor buff, which other classes that can go full DPS DO HAVE.




    Tank Jugg has way more control than you. Dps Jugg, not so much (they get push which is not way more control). Heavy armor is only about 5% increase in mitigation of energy and kinetic damage. Cloak of pain is there to offset this and in my opinion more than makes up for it. You have more anti CC than a jugg as well. You have more pursuit methods than juggs as well.

  9. only spec into rage when you can get shockwave. before then i'd actually recommend lvling and pvping as tank (didnt try vengeance though).



    improved sundering assault is debatable, but since i generally go saber throw=>charge=> force crush => smash => sundering, it suits my playstyle better.

    gravity=slowing scream only i think(forgot the name atm)

    armor penetration effects all attacks whose dmg is displayed in white numbers above the enemie's heads, rest is force attacks iirc.


    You could throw in the sundering directly after force crush as it does take a second or two for the stacks to build for smash.

  10. Do you even PvP at 50 with real gear yet? Did you read my post a bit ago?


    My Scream bleed was ticking for 13 damage(on a tank with 17k hp). My Impales tick for 30-60 tops.


    Those bleeds can crit all they want, no one's going to care. 13 dmg crit is waht...20? 21? Wooooo...


    The ONLY good thing about having 3 bleeds is theres a decent chance one will be on when fighting a stealther. Although there are times when they just don't get popped out of stealth but I admit to not knowing exactly what happens when they use their vanishes(IE all debuffs/dots are purged etc.)


    they don't get popped out because not only do the stealthers have an in combat stealth they get an ability that removes all removable hostile effects, that means dots.

  11. That's your opinion. Luckily it's not one shared by the other half of people who want this or might potentially be in the same situation I am, after having really tried things out. That's what forums are for, to discuss it, certainly!


    Starting out? I did see and read about things and I usually go for dps type characters, but for some people such as myself, the proof is in the pudding. And in this case, the pudding didn't hold up after actual play progressed, resetting skill trees happened twice, and time was involved. :)


    How do you play other games? Other game you don't get the feel of a class till level 20+. this is no different. You simply reroll.

  12. You're combining 3 different classes. The last time I checked we don't get 100 skill points. Also, doesn't it make sense for the OFFENSIVE DPS class to have pursuit abilities? Yes, yes it does. Now tell me why it makes sense that the DEFENSIVE TANKING class can do the same damage while specc'ed as a tank as well as have armor debuffs and better range on their offensive saber throw?


    You have pursuit abilities. Force como can be a pursuit ability, you get a runspeed buff with zen/fury. in the Ataru spec you get passive run speed and a range root. in the Juyo spec you get a a decreased cooldown and no minimum range on force leap. You also can spec for an even bigger runspeed boost. You get pursuit abilities.


    Jugg so far has unstoppable. We get no extra runspeed, no range roots, no speed boosts, no cloaks, no mortal strike no matter what spec we go. Jugg needs pursuit abilities as well.


    You are playing your sent/marauder wrong is a tank spec jugg is doing teh same damage as you. You are playing it very wrong. Tank spec juggs/guards have the lowest perceived dps in the game.

  13. Those are all in different trees. We can't have them all at once.


    You are not getting the point. You have more tools than juggs do.that is the point. Juggs don't get a ranged root. We don't get a speed boost, we don't get extra snare breaks reguardless of spec. You specs have extra tools. Pretty much the only extra tool we have is unstappable which allows us to get in one, maybe two attacks before being CC'd/knocked away to where we are easily kited again. Sent/Marauders have more tools. Several of the things I mention are baseline.

  14. You have no clue about the class you are describing. What you are describing are several different individual specs and abilities that cannot be had with the same spec. Currently the best PvP spec is Focus which is the exact same tree that guardians get and good pvp guardians also use which has the same cooldown on leap.


    Sentinels get no range root, we get a range snare, we do not get a cloak with runspeed boost. No melee class currently has it easy staying on a target due to other classes having an endless amount of CC and there not being any diminishing returns DESPITE what the resolve system is intended.


    *Stares at the displacement talent* No ranged root huh? *Stares at force camouflage with a 30% movement speed boost* No cloak with speed boost huh?


    No where do I say you are fine. No where do I say that those things are baseline. I simply say you have more tools to stay close and get close than a Jugg/Guard does. Try being less defensive.

  15. I have one thing to add to this thread in reply to those whining about getting kb after 4sec immunity is gone and then having to wait for force charge cd to get back into range...


    If you start most of your pvp fights with force charge.. You don't know how to pvp. L2p.


    Or you are playing against people who know that you can't get close without charge and thus kite you. Without charge you will never get close to some classes played by people who know what they are doing.

  16. Thanks for you input but unfortunatelly it only adresses the Jedi Knight it doesnt talk about Sentinels and Sentinels dont have Force Push so we wont be able to Force Leap back into the melee range


    Any changes in the pipeline for the Sentinels? ty in advance


    You as a sentinel can have a lower cooldown on leap with no minimum range. Passive runspeed increase. Ranged root, a runspeed increase. A cloak with speed boost. You already have a much easier time closing and staying on the target.

  17. did you see the price of a VIP wristband?


    If they do put in AC swap, you won't be getting it for 100k credits. Try millions.


    Heck at 50, skill tree respecs cost nearly 100k (99800) when maxed.


    Also the idea that was being thrown around was an AC respec that would be out of reach by level 20 as far as costs go. Then I think I heard an interview where they just decided against it all together.

  18. But it gives you time to react at least. Otherwise it would be pretty lame, don't you think ? From my part, I have zero issues with mobility in pvp, but I'm the proud user of zealous leap as well. 3 leaps on combat means a lot of mobility.


    3 leaps is a lot, which is why as far back as july in beta I have pushed for each tree to have it's own second closer in places where it would be impossible to have more than two. Immortal would get pull (backhand would get a reduction in damage and hate and made baseline), Rage would get Oblit place higher in the tree made a 20 meter range and the speed burst built in (maybe make it a targetted AoE effect where you leap to the targetted area). Vengeance would get a talent that makes saber throw refresh the cooldown on force charge. Thta fixes the mobility issue and the complaint of the Jugg/Guard not having the basic 4 second stun that all other classes get.

  19. Well, unremitting solves that part. Maybe switch places with unremitting with swelling winds as well :p a bit nerf to sweep bomber never hurts ;) its dull anyway.


    Actually it doesn't that works against people who blow their stuff as soon as you jump at them. A good player waits a bit then blows it leaving you stuck at range again (could also be done to negate the speed boost too).

  20. I do not think that the push -> leap mechanic would change anything.


    I would just move agility training from focus tree down to first or second tier, and let it proc on all leaps. That should give the opportunity for all guardians to enhance their mobility after leap to stick to their target.


    That doesn't solve the biggest issue of being knocked back after the leap and CC'd. being able to push and refresh leap does fix that.

  21. So it's just like all the high crit operative videos then?


    Edit: Yeah, except the part in THE FIRST 30 SEONDS on Illum where he AOE's all 50's.


    Edit 2: And the part at about 5:30 where he takes down a 50 BH with 16k health while a 43 and 19 beat on him, then kills them too without grabbing the heal powerup.


    Edit 3: And the part at 6:05 where he shreds a 31 while a 50 Op beats on him the entire time then kills him too.


    Edit 4: And the appropriate finale where he takes on three 50's at once followed by a fourth and wipes the floor with them. Yeah, I would love to see an Operative do that. I know for a fact I couldn't even with adrenals if they had half a brain between them.


    So yeah, NERF GUARDIANS/JUGGS!!! DO IT!!! WE HAVE UNDENIABLE PROOF NOW!!! rabble rabble rabble ect. ect.


    I've seen operative do that without having all the damage buffs. Also I said nearly all the video, and yes nearly all the vdeo is him beating up on lowbies. Every fight there he is using all the damage buffs available to him. Without those under normal circumstances you will only be hitting for 4k like I said. The last fight is only against 3 players that he vastly out gears because it is impossible to get that high of a crit on a equally geared player without the expertise pickup.


    If this is proof of anything it is proof that biochem is and consumable are OP.


    i am 45 and i crit 3.8k to 4k on 50s. but nice try to troll him though :)


    Not saying he is bad, he is quite good, just saying that the whole story is not there. BTW, 50 in near full champ hardest hit I can get on someone of equal gear without stims adrenals and expertise pickup is about 5k averaging 4k and dropping to just below 3k on tanky targets.


    The spec is not hard to play. You just wait for the stacks of shockwave/jedi equivalent then if your auto crit is not up, oblit or leap to the target and hit smash/force sweep. It particularly funny when you get them all packed together and hit 5 targets with it. Agianst decent players this is rare.

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